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I don't watch American Football unless it's Ladies Football.
I found it odd that while renewing my MMJ Card there was an ad offering free CBD and Delta-8 products if I could predict which team was going to win the Super Bowl and 4 teams were given prior to the playoffs I suppose.
Well, I had no idea, nor do I really care, nor am I into CBD products like that nor did I have a desire to try Delta-8 products, but hey....YOLO................SO since LA is in CA, I chose The Los Angeles Rams.
I'll probably read on CNN that they won whenever the game is scheduled to be played.
- "He became irate, yelling at the employees using a number of expletives," police said in a statement. "He then threw a drink at an employee, which hit their right shoulder. The employee reported that they had no complaints of pain or injury."
- "Employees reported telling Iannazzo to leave, but he refused, at one point allegedly trying to open a locked "Employees Only" door leading behind the counter."
- "And can be heard using expletives and telling one employee they were an "immigrant loser."
- "But he "wholeheartedly regrets the incident."
- "He acted out of anger and fear. He is not a racist individual and deeply regrets his statements and actions during a moment of extreme emotional stress."
- "According to police, Iannazzo left the scene before they arrived, but later turned himself into police without incident."
- "Iannazzo was charged with Intimidation Based on Bigotry or Bias in the Second Degree, Breach of Peace in the Second Degree and Criminal Trespass in the First Degree, police said. He was issued a court appearance date of February 7 at Bridgeport Superior Court."
- "A spokesperson for Bank of America, where Iannazzo worked as a Merrill Lynch financial advisor said he was no longer employed there."
- "The company and its franchisees have a zero-tolerance policy for this type of behavior, and we are thankful that the franchisee's team members were not physically hurt,".
- "Our company does not tolerate behavior of this kind. We immediately investigated and have taken action. This individual is no longer employed at our firm," Bank of America/Merrill spokesperson Bill Halldin said."
"Coven" usually refers to a group or gathering of witches. The word "coven" remained largely unused in English until 1921 when Margaret Murray promoted the idea that all witches across Europe met in groups of thirteen which they called "covens". ~ Wikipedia
Also defined as 'a secret or close-knit group of associates.' ~ Google
When I was allowed to establish an online VR Coven, I took what I had learned from many CMs and created something all my own.
Wow, my New Years Day and into the night was Awesome!
This was the first time my Niece and I spent New Years together so I treated her out to Chilli's, went driving through Mud, Seshed and just had fun all day in general.
Then she tells me she's seen an ad to earn a Fork Lift License for only $30 and it's something she's never done before and wanted to just in case she wants to go into the Logistics Warehousing Field.
So she is now a Certified Forklift Operator. It only took 1.5 hours of an Open Book Written Test and Practical Application on the Forklift.
So proud of every accomplishment she or any family or friend achieve.
I've ordered my NEW Meds for January and will be recording WeedTube content with it later as well as YouTube content after that at some point.
I'm also going to start again on my Arts & Crafts with the Desert and Misc. Figures glued onto Jar Lids and transforming the jars into Medicating Devices.
2022 is off to a Positive and Endorphins generating start......
Thursday drink specials will be Frankenstein Margarita & Spiked Tropical Green Juice cocktails Now playing, Dylan's choice Ligature Marks by: Meshuggah...