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Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration honoring the end of slavery in the United States. On June 19, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger led thousands of federal troops to Galveston, Texas to announce that the Civil War had ended, and slaves had been freed.
Juneteenth is a holiday celebrating the liberation of those who had been held as slaves in the United States. Originating in Texas, it is now celebrated annually on the 19th of June throughout the United States, with varying official recognition.
Date: Friday, June 19, 2020
Significance: Emancipation of the last remaining enslaved African Americans in the Confederacy
Observances: Exploration and celebration of African American history and heritage
16:49 Jun 16 2020 Times Read: 886
Her Job was to enter my mind.
So like the (Shoutout To: Netflix 'Locke and Key' movie series),
I invited her into the Cinema which is my version of my mind.
I set her down.
The movie starts.
At the end, I sensed a level of fear as well as a sense of judgement being passed on me coming from her.
I felt offended.
Her Job was to enter my mind.
The movie starts.
At the end, I noticed her crying.
I felt sad for her.
His Job was to enter my mind.
The movie starts.
At the end, I noticed that he seemed in shock and was concerned.
I felt.....nothing.
His Job was to enter my mind.
The movie starts.
During, I felt a sense of laughter wanting to escape from him.
At the end, I wondered why would I choose to be offended?
I rather there be laughter instead of crying or any other Negative Vibe...
I chose to like this one. 'The Other'.....
(Shout Out To: Nancy A. Collins's Sonja Blue Character)
It was determined, I have my Monsters On A Leash
(Shout out to MistressPayne having played the song, 'Hozier - Arsonist's Lullabye)
That as I said, I just need to get my story out sense the toll on my Body is being documented before I transitioned to The After Life (Shout Out To: XYLØ - Afterlife), why not document the 'complete' toll.
He's back.
He wants to know if I have experienced anything strange.
I told him I talked to inanimate objects now.
I told him everything is made up of energy just vibrating at different frequences.
That for example, when I stub my toe on a chair, I'll look at it and say, "The Disrespect!!"
I save every link I come across about this Mysterious Lung Disese I returned with from Iraq.
I was surprised when the link to the below video had been removed.
So I wrote someone and they happily pointed me to YouTube where this 2010 video was at. Trust, I've searched YouTube for this vieo many times and I'm thinking someone simply made it 'public'.
I think soldiers tend to suffer the worst really, you go out there and do your duty, get injured maybe and then you are forgotten for most of the time. Soldiers need more respect and better healthcare since unlike civilians, they are actually putting their life on the line, such dedication needs to be answered with better healthcare.
Well, there are civilians who too place their lives on the line and should be honored, the military just places their lives on the line for the entire country or countries (larger scale) instead of only private property/body guard, city, county, or state level Law Enforcement, Medical Field, and all First Responders.
I do agree will all else stated.
14:16 Jun 13 2020 Times Read: 933
When others can explain something more....eloquently.
Have you ever been to a Sports Arena like Baseball, Ice Hockey, etc., etc. and you're thirsty and hungry and you see the vendors, but your one voice is competing against hundreds, maybe thousands and maybe, just maybe, those vendors pick and choose who they are going to recognize.
I say that to say this, when an Ethnic Group that makesup only 12% of the population within a Society are SIMPLY asking:
1. To NOT be legally/illegally murdered by Law Enforcement specifically.
2. For the System that is known to make life more difficult for them specifically to be Changed
One might ask WHY the Negative Energy coming from some?
Allow me to shed light on one possibility.
These are individuals who have been taught ALL THEIR LIVES that
A Possitive for anyone that doesn't look like them is SOMEHOW a Negative for them.
Sadly, this is their Reality and is only changed through Education, and Communication with and Compassion for others that are not part of their Ethnic Group.
Star-Souls who aren't trapped in the meat-suit(s) that this injustice has been disproportionately victimizing for generation after have anything to say other than....."We Support You" mind-boggling.
And it's sad that they are part of the problem and definitely not part of the solution that has infected societies for generation after generation and they will go on to teach the next generation the same thing and so on and so on.
I worked 2 seasons for a vendor in and around Atlanta, Ga. Sporting events baseball, football, basketball etc: also music events. We were trained to just sell the product not sell by what color of the skin someone was. It was all about the money. We had a certain amount of product to get out if we didn't we were let go.
We recognized everyone and it sure wasn't because of color. We put up with ass holes screaming cursing us people throwing crap at us and even then we still could not show any kind of anger towards anyone ( This was from all races, seemed being a certain race didnt stop them from dogging us). If you had the money you were noticed/ recognized. The vendors I worked for TRAINED us to be fair and treat EVERYONE fairly.
Maybe in other cities other vendor showed unfair treatment selective justice but not the ones I worked for.
I am not trying to be difficult. I do not judge anyone and I sure wont work for anyone that tells me to treat someone unfairly.
Ok, the entire story was a "parable" about the negative impact specifically to a smaller Ethnic Group.
For example, losing $1, although tragic, is barely noticed when you have $74 more and the cost of living (for example is) $15 per year on average.
However, losing $1 is felt a lot more when you only have $12 more and the cost of living (for example) is $15 per year on average.
Overall meaning, it's felt A LOT more when it's happening to A LOT less.
It's NOT that ALL Lives DON'T matter, the issue at hand is see that really small group over there, yeah, they're being killed off by Law Enforcement and the System they live under is designed to make not only that OK, but also to make life harder EVEN MORE SO for them.
Therefore, the drowing out of a single voice is the uphill battle that many Minorities feel they have to fight just to have that equal treatment under the law where the color of one's skin ISN'T a reason for systemic injustice and discrimination practice.
The Vendor portion is an analogy of Laws passed and Unfair Treatment that disporportanely NEGATIVELY effect a Minority Ethnic Group.
For example, everyone has the right to fresh water in their community, however, when certain communities are found to have been screwed over and oh, by the way, the majority of them belong to a specific Ethnic Group, well, the "Perception" is communities where the larger population is of a specific Ethnic Group aren't as well cared for as another Ethnic Group and everyone looks the other way until light is shined on the issue.
I understand you are taking the Sports/Vendor story "literally", but that is NOT how it should have been taken. It was written to have a deeper meaning.
Agreed. Just unleash your primal self and go naked in your house, just don't stand next to a window if you get a major chubby, because you will either have an accident involving the window slamming shut or someone outside will scream hehe
As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.
Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days forfeits their winnings.
Serenity & Happiness To You
~ LM
The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministry continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.
The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".
Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.
The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".
PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.
A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.
The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.
Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month after the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.
The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.
DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.
Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.
The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.