LordFangor's Journal

LordFangor's Journal


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56 entries this month

Oath Keeper Pleads To Seditious Conspiracy

01:39 Apr 30 2022
Times Read: 433

Brian Ulrich, one of the 11 members of the Oath Keepers facing sedition-related charges, pleaded guilty to "obstruction of an official proceeding" and seditious conspiracy in federal court on Friday, becoming the second person to plead guilty to the gravest charges to emerge from the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack.

According to the plea agreement, Ulrich, 44, will cooperate with the Justice Department in its historic prosecution against the far-right extremist organization. He could face more than six years in prison, according to the deal read aloud during Wednesday's hearing, but prosecutors may ask for a lower sentence depending on Ulrich's level of cooperation.
The guilty plea is another major step in the criminal case against the Oath Keepers, as prosecutors work to show how they believe the group of men plotted to stash weapons across the Potomac River, go to the Capitol and stop Congress' certification of the Electoral College vote. The case has grown dramatically over the past year, relying in part on explosive private messages between Oath Keepers leaders, video of the group from the week they were in DC, and the cooperation of at least six other Capitol riot defendants with ties to the Oath Keepers organization.
The plea comes nearly two months after fellow Oath Keeper Joshua James, who served as private security for right-wing figures around January 6, pleaded guilty to sedition-related charges.

"Did you do that, agree with [Oath Keepers leader Stewart] Rhodes and develop a plan to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power, by force, on January 6, 2021" US District Judge Amit Mehta asked during the hearing on Friday.
"Yes, your honor" Ulrich said.

Rhodes, who is also charged with seditious conspiracy, has pleaded not guilty.
Ulrich, who at times appeared to be crying during the hearing, also agreed that he "intended to influence and affect conduct of the United States government and to retaliate against the United States government."
At one point, Mehta asked whether Ulrich needed time to gather himself. Ulrich initially declined, saying that "it's not going to get any easier," but later accepted -- taking a moment to audibly weep and gasp for air.
Ulrich, who is from Georgia, was part of an Oath Keepers leadership Signal chat where he, Rhodes and others planned for January 6. The messages, which are quoted in court documents, show how Ulrich repeatedly asked about bringing guns to DC as part of a quick reaction force.
"Someone can tell me if I'm crazy but I'm planning on having a backpack for regular use and then a separate backpack with my ammo" Ulrich messaged the leadership chat in late December, adding that "I will be the guy running around with the 'budget AR.'" In another message days later, Ulrich asked Joshua James about firearms and a potential plan to "stage them in VA."
Other messages that Ulrich sent to members of the Georgia Oath Keepers said that "civil war" might be necessary if then President-elect Biden was inaugurated.
"We must win. We must defeat these radicals," Ulrich wrote in one message, "there's treason at work here. When someone committed treason it used to mean something. you used to pay with your life!" In another message, Ulrich referenced a "Ruby ridge scenario that we can rally behind."
Ulrich, James, and Oath Keeper Mark Grods traveled together to DC on January 4. In his own plea agreement, James admitted to bringing a semi-automatic handgun on the trip, and said Grods and others brought firearms, including a rifle, a shotgun, a semi-automatic handgun, and ammunition to a Virginia hotel. Grods has also pleaded guilty and is cooperating with the investigation.
On January 6, Ulrich, James, Grods and others rushed to the Capitol in golf carts during the siege, swerving around law enforcement. When they arrived, the group maneuvered through the mob with their hands on each other's shoulders and eventually breached the building.


So the noose tightens..... This guy will flip on that one eyed insurrectionist piece of shit Rhodes....... You know the guy who would be a new founding father.

lol... get them all. NEXT




GOPQ State Senator Says Rape Can Be Good

10:31 Apr 29 2022
Times Read: 445

Rape is bad, but not bad enough to warrant an abortion, according to one Republican lawmaker from Ohio.

State Rep. Jean Schmidt (R) introduced her anti-abortion measure in front of the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee on Wednesday. The bill, H.B. 598, is a trigger ban that would outlaw all abortions in the state if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision that expanded access to abortion nationwide. Similar to other GOP anti-abortion measures flooding red states right now, Schmidt’s trigger ban does not include exceptions for rape or incest.

Schmidt, a former U.S. congresswoman who once infamously discussed abortion with a class of elementary school students, defended her decision to not include these exceptions during committee debate. She argued that a pregnancy from rape is actually a chance for a woman to raise a child, send them to live with a family member or put them up for adoption. That hypothetical child, she argued, could someday cure cancer.

“Rape is a difficult issue and it emotionally scars the individual, all or in part, for the rest of their life ― just as child abuse does. But if a baby is created, it is a human life and whether that mother ends that pregnancy or not the scars will not go away, period,” said Schmidt.

“It is a shame that it happens, but there’s an opportunity for that woman – no matter how young or old she is ― to make a determination about what she’s going to do to help that life be a productive human being. … That child can grow up and be something magnificent, a wonderful family person, cure cancer, etc.,” she continued. “This is not about keeping abortion alive, this is about keeping the mother alive, and just because you have emotional scars doesn’t give you the right to take a life.”

Rep. Richard D. Brown (D) responded to Schmidt’s lack of exceptions with his own hypothetical: a 13-year-old girl who becomes pregnant after being raped by a family member.

“You know earlier you said every life is important. The life of the 13-year-old girl in my hypothetical is important. ... You don’t think that’s going to scar that girl? I think this girl has rights every bit as much as this zygote has rights under your bill,” said Brown. “This girl has rights and I don’t believe we can lose sight of the rights of the person who was raped. ... I think you should reconsider and add an abortion exception to this bill.”

Schmidt responded to the question curtly, telling Brown that they “fundamentally disagree.” “Let’s not kill the child because somebody was awful to that other person,” she later added, referring to a fetus and a pregnant 13-year-old child.

The Ohio lawmaker isn’t the only Republican introducing draconian abortion bans with little to no exceptions. Abortion opponents have become galvanized by an upcoming Supreme Court decision that could overturn or gut Roe in a matter of months. Many, like Schmidt, are preparing for a post-Roe world by introducing dozens of anti-abortion bills, the majority of which are actually becoming law.

More and more of these bills are abandoning once-standard language, like rape and incest exceptions. Schmidt’s reasoning for not including these exceptions aligns with the thinking of the larger anti-abortion movement.

“At the end of the day ... you have two individual human beings in the equation, and they are both worthy of our moral attention and our legal protection. That includes the mother and the child,” John Seago, legislative director at Texas Right to Life, a nonprofit organization that opposes abortion, told HuffPost in a conversation for an article on the lack of exceptions in recent abortion measures.

“And so elective abortion doesn’t actually undo the assault. It doesn’t actually undo the crime,” Seago continued. “It only violates further one of the moral agents, one of the individuals involved.”

Both Arizona and Florida recently passed 15-week abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, and Oklahoma just passed a near-total abortion ban with similar lack of exceptions that would make performing an abortion a felony. Even the law currently threatening Roe in front of the Supreme Court — a 2018 Mississippi 15-week ban — has no exceptions for rape or incest.

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pregnancy-rape-rep-jean-schmidt-abortion-rights_n_626ad352e4b01131b1207beb - if you want to read the article on Huff Post

Note that there is not an exception for rape by a family member.... well I guess they need more inbreds for the GOPQ




Texas Paul Exposes Rand Paul

02:21 Apr 29 2022
Times Read: 450

Amen..vote the GOPQ out.. Texas Paul says it like I do.. vote them all out. Rand Paul echoing Putin.. fuck Paul, fuck Putin, fuck Trump




GOPQ Attracts Violent Men

14:23 Apr 28 2022
Times Read: 464

What is it that violent men find so attractive about the Republican party? Why does their party do nothing to purge their ranks? These, of course, are rhetorical questions. Via Rolling Stone:

Teddy Daniels (R), a far-right Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, was removed from his home this week after his wife asked a court for emergency protections against abuse,” Rolling Stone reports.

Under the terms of the Tuesday order, Daniels is barred from the couple’s home in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania, until the court orders otherwise. The order bars Daniels from contacting his wife and gives her temporary custody over their child. It also notes that there are firearms present in the couple’s home and bars Daniels from possessing or acquiring any firearms while the order is in effect, and to relinquish any he currently possesses to the court or an approved third party.

In handwritten notes from Daniels’ wife that the court included in its Tuesday order, Daniels’ wife alleges that her husband — whom the court lists at 6-foot-four and weighing 360 pounds — “grabbed me by the shirt” during an incident in August and “threatened to kill [our] family dog in front of children.”

This is at least the third relationship in which Daniels has been accused in court documents of mistreating a female partner.


Have you seen the window stickers of Mango Supporters that say "Sorry about your damn feelings" or something similar? That's how they think...choke the wife...choke the girlfriend...slap the kids...kill the pets... sorry about your feelings but I'm an alpha fucking male and you have to obey me! You see that is how they think? Oh, and the one above isn't the only one..Eric Grietens... ex SEAL resigned as Governor of Missouri because of a sex scandal... his wife filed for divorce seeking protective orders because she alleges Grietens abused her and their kids...oh, he is running for U.S. Senator in Missouri and has been endorsed by Mango

better wake the fuck up.... they all need to be removed




A Short Primer on Fascism

11:14 Apr 28 2022
Times Read: 475

Now this : We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Preamble to the Declaration of Independence




Another Proud Boi Pleads Guilty

23:27 Apr 27 2022
Times Read: 491

A member of the far-right group the Proud Boys has pleaded guilty to felony charges in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, according to authorities.

According to a Wednesday Department of Justice (DOJ) press release, Louis Enrique Colon of Blue Springs, Mo., pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing law enforcement officers during the riot.

Colon and others drove to Washington, D.C., from Kansas City, Mo., before the insurrection after first discussing traveling to the capital on Jan. 6 with other Proud Boys members in December 2020, according to the DOJ.

Colon allegedly brought his handgun with him on the trip but not into Washington. The day before the attack, he and two others entered a local hardware store to purchase an ax handle to be used as both a walking stick and a weapon, the DOJ said.

The department said Colon met with other Proud Boys members at the Washington Monument on Jan. 6, then marched toward the west side of the Capitol.

Colon and others proceeded past the police barricades and onto the Capitol’s West Plaza, climbing up a wall to gain access to a higher level of the Capitol’s exterior, and unlawfully entered the building at approximately 2 p.m., according to the DOJ.

During his roughly 50 minutes in the Capitol, Colon obstructed police officers who were attempting to lower retractable doors to stop rioters from moving further into the building, the DOJ said. He then used his hands to stop one door and placed a chair in its path, letting other rioters enter the portion of the building, per the department.

The DOJ said that Colon was carrying a pocketknife and wearing a backpack, tactical vest, tactical gloves, boots and a helmet adorned with orange tape the day of the riot.

Authorities arrested Colon a month later in Kansas City.

This comes as authorities have arrested nearly 800 individuals who were involved in the Capitol riot that resulted in the deaths of five people. More than 250 of those individuals have been charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement.

Colon, 45, faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 following his guilty plea. A sentencing date has not yet been determined, authorities noted.


My Take: Another clown pleads to a felony.... lol.... next




6 Words

01:48 Apr 27 2022
Times Read: 505

Yeah, Pence might have thought Mango was going to have the Secret Service whack him or maybe seclude him where he couldn't complete his constitutional duty




Mango HELD In Contempt

21:07 Apr 25 2022
Times Read: 529

To bad it's only civil contempt. This fat piece of shit should be in an orange jumpsuit.



21:13 Apr 25 2022

I agree! Unfortunately the law has a way of being quite light handed with the "Ultra Wealthy."


Texas Paul Calls Out Klan Mom

00:38 Apr 24 2022
Times Read: 550

Paul tells it like it is. You guys watch the various angles on the videos. Watch when she is questioned how often she looks to her right when on the stand. To the right is where her lawyer was seated... I'm sure the judge noticed it.

One other thing... Hillary Clinton sat for 11 hours under oath.... never took the 5th...never said I don't recall. Answered the Republican questions... Contrast that with Space Laser Barbie, who is frankly a disgusting piece of shit.

Did you see the short clip of her following former Parkland Student David Hoag around... Imagine, this fucking grown ass woman following this young man around as he made his way to the offices of elected representatives... Hoag was there at the Parkland shooting in case you don't remember.

This piece of shit needs to be removed.... period




Another Jan 6 Guilty Plea

17:21 Apr 23 2022
Times Read: 558

D.C. Resident Who Shattered Officer’s Riot Shield With a Pole During Jan. 6 Brawl Pleads Guilty

A resident of Washington, D.C., who was seen swinging a pole and hitting police at the Capitol on Jan. 6 has pleaded guilty to felony assault.

Mark Ponder, 56, admitted Friday to striking three police officers with a pole during the melee outside the Capitol building on Jan. 6, hitting one of them so hard that the impact shattered the officer’s riot shield.

At around 2:31 p.m., as the riotous crowd of Donald Trump supporters faced off against police, Ponder “ran out from the crowd and swung a long, thin pole at a U.S. Capitol Police officer,” according to a Department of Justice press release.

“The officer protected himself by raising his riot shield above his head,” the DOJ statement continued. “Ponder’s pole struck the riot shield and broke in two, with part of the pole flying off to the side. Ponder then retreated into the crowd.”

Ponder emerged seconds later, having “re-armed himself with a new, thicker pole that was colored with red, white, and blue stripes,” the press release said. At around 2:32 p.m., Ponder ran toward a second Capitol Police officer and struck again, but that officer was also able to protect himself with his riot shield.

Ponder wasn’t finished. At around 2:48 p.m., he joined a crowd of rioters facing off against a line of Metropolitan Police officers on the Upper West Terrace.

“He swung the same striped pole and banged it against the ground in a menacing manner,” the DOJ said. “Then, as the police officers advanced to move the crowd, Ponder wildly swung the pole at the advancing police line, striking an officer in the left shoulder.”

Ponder pleaded guilty to assaulting three officers using a dangerous weapon Friday.

According to the complaint, Ponder was briefly apprehended after his assault on Jan. 6, but the escalating situation around the Capitol building forced officers to abandon the arrest.

After [Ponder was] physically taken to the ground and detained on the Upper West Terrace, MPD Officer #4 began the process of arresting and transporting Ponder from the Capitol Grounds,” the statement of facts in support of Ponder’s arrest said. “However, due to the chaotic nature of the day, the arrest was not completed on January 6, 2021. At approximately 3:15 p.m., Ponder was released without charges by MPD Officers #3 and #4 because a transport vehicle was unable to reach the Capitol Grounds and because the officers were ordered to respond back to the riot to assist with crowd control.”

Ponder had also been charged with civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, and disorderly conduct. Those charges are expected to be dismissed when he is sentenced.

According to the Justice Department, the federal assault statute carries a maximum sentence of up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. The plea agreement, which considers Ponder’s 2008 conviction for robbery and bank robbery, estimates a sentencing range of 57 to 71 months and a fine between $20,000 and $200,000.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan set Ponder’s sentencing for July 18.




A Texan Tells It Like It Is

01:49 Apr 23 2022
Times Read: 572




McCarthy Lied!!!

10:50 Apr 22 2022
Times Read: 580

So reported a few days ago that would be house speaker ,Kevin mCarthy, had conversations on urging Mango Mussolini to resign in the days following Jan 6, 2021.... McCarthy DENIED Said it was Bullshit.

Yesterday the same reporters released an audiotape of McCarthy speaking to Liz Cheney and saying that EXACT thing... That he McCarthy would urge Mango to resign...

So are you mugwumps thinking it's a fake? it's not once again you have it... all of the GOPQ should be removed





14:23 Apr 21 2022
Times Read: 592

Mallory's words are correct.....




Greene is Whining

10:49 Apr 21 2022
Times Read: 598

Space Laser Barbie or Klan Mom is crying the blues on right wing talk about having to testify under oath on Friday regarding her fitness to run for office...... Well, reread that.... she doesn't want to be under oath nor does she want it televised.... I suspect she is worried about the DOJ and the Jan 6 Committee

But it seems to me she did support an insurrection but saying she objected to the peaceful transfer of power..... oops




The Insurrection Clause

10:08 Apr 20 2022
Times Read: 617

Well she is finding out. Did you catch the comments about her having to testify UNDER OATH........ oh, please, please commit perjury.... or take the 5th......

Imagine a Congressional Candidate taking the 5th regarding questions to whether she is FIT to run for the office....

And as a side note the the Insurrectionist Madison Cawthorn is facing a similar suit.. it had been tossed by a Federal Judge but the Court of Appeals brought it back.... personally I think Cawthorn may be finished as apparently he has closed all his campaign offices but one and a 26 y/o former female staffer has accused him of violating the family leave act for denying her leave when her uncle died AND her husband had a heart attack in the same week. What a family values guy!!




Oh, NO, NO

11:28 Apr 19 2022
Times Read: 638

Just in the U.S. is 59th in the World for COCK Size. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What will Tuckerofsky say to that?????

SHAFTED American men’s penises are only the 59th biggest in the world, study finds – beaten by Haitians, Australians & French
Chris BradfordDavid Jarvis

AMERICAN men’s penises are only the 59th biggest in the world, a study reveals.

The average length of 5.35 inches is shorter than their Haitian, French, and Aussie counterparts.

The poll, of 86 nations, revealed that French men’s genitals are 6.20 inches in length, while Australia ranks 43rd at 5.69.

Men in Haiti have an average penis size of 6.30 inches when erect, according to the data.

Ecuadorian men apparently have the biggest penises, at an average of 6.93 inches, while the smallest can be found in Cambodia at just 3.95 inches long when erect.

Men in the US narrowly beat those in the UK as the average size recorded was 5.17 inches.

Online pharmacy From Mars analyzed Google data from 86 countries to come up with the findings.

Pharmacist and spokesman Navin Khosla said: “Most men have wondered at some time or other if their penis is big enough.

“Penis size can have a massive impact on confidence and self-image.”

We reported on how Roberto Esquivel Cabrera claims to have the largest penis in the world.

He claims his privates measure 18.9 inches in length - claims which are disputed.

Cabrera hit the headlines in 2015 after a video of him measuring his manhood went viral.

The gargantuan size of Roberto’s penis makes sexual encounters impossible.

He suffers from frequent urinary tract infections and he keeps his manhood wrapped in bandages to escape chaffing.

Cabrera claims his penis is so long because he attached weights to it to try and stretch it out.

One doctor, who examined him to verify the size of his genitals, Dr. Gonzalez said: “He began with this enlargement since he was a teenager, wrapping some bands around his penis with some weights and trying to stretch it."


And as a side note...... since I know it's on everyone's mind....... 7 Here.....

and yes, this came from The Sun... oh isn't that a Rupert Murdoch owned tabloid ?... you know the guy who owns FOX



14:47 Apr 19 2022

More important than size is knowing to use it...


Stone On Desantis

10:58 Apr 19 2022
Times Read: 643

Even a traitor like Stone mistrusts Desantis




Testicle Tanning ??? WTF

21:48 Apr 18 2022
Times Read: 654

Tucker Carlson, who recently came under fire for the homoerotic nature of the trailer for his upcoming “documentary,” which highlights the alleged collapse of testosterone levels in men, is under scrutiny again.

In a short clip, Carlson’s guest, Andrew McGovern, said, “If you want to optimize and take it [your testosterone] to another level, expose yourself to red light therapy”:

Carlton then asked McGovern if he’s referring to “testicle tanning.”

“It’s testicle tanning, but it’s also full body red light therapy,” McGovern replied.

Kid Rock, who visited the show after McGovern’s appearance, didn’t look like he’d be jumping on the trend any time soon. The rock performer cringed at the mention of the phrase “testicle tanning” when Carlson attempted to persuade him about the process:

McGovern claims “testicle tanning” has a “massive amount of benefits,” and called the approach “bromeopathic,” but viewers were skeptical:

Read it yourself https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-testicle-tanning_n_625cd22ee4b0be72bff7a25f

Ok here is my take.... have you seen Carlson w/o his suit? he is a pudgy little mesomorph who couldn't run around his block.... his appearance screams I'm low on testosterone.....

So guys go ahead and cook them



14:48 Apr 19 2022

Let's go!


Republican Plan For America

15:51 Apr 18 2022
Times Read: 659

Ok... the skin head on the right is U.S. Senator Tim Scott a Republican from Floriduh and on the left is FOX News guy ,John Roberts! Yes, A Fox guy called BS on a Republican. Scott tried to lie his way out of it

You see Scott wants to be President. He says within 5 years of his taking office Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will be abolished.... Re-read that... and i guess your parents will be moving in with you...... and for you mugwumps there will not be much room in the doublewide

He also wants to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes... that would be you and me... well there maybe a couple of exceptions on here...

It is in black and white... find it...read it... that is their plan for YOU




Mango Sucking Putin

14:55 Apr 18 2022
Times Read: 662

It all goes back to Russia - Nancy Pelosi.... and she is so right still




Mango Dodges A Hannity Softball

10:02 Apr 17 2022
Times Read: 681

Beholden to Putin.... yes, Mango is




Lee Plot To Overturn The Election

01:57 Apr 17 2022
Times Read: 689

Again, what it comes down to.... is not protecting and continuing the democracy it is about seizing power and maintaining that power through any means

As for Lee it's to bad the people of Utah continue to send him to the Senate




Floriduh Bans Math Books

00:24 Apr 17 2022
Times Read: 691

Well let's see what CRT can be in a math book for k-5? Wait.... I know drawings or pics of black children!!!!

Well, I guess Floriduh is grooming future service workers after all only charter and private school children will attend university




Confederate Heritage

10:41 Apr 16 2022
Times Read: 697

“The only heritages of the Confederacy as far as I can tell are slavery and treason.” Former Mississippi Gov. Ray Mabus, a Democrat that served in the capacity from 1988 to 1992

And that sums it up.... and I hope you mugwumps can distinguish between Southern Heritage and Confederate Heritage

Southern Heritage - Pecan Pie

Confederate Heritage - Rape of female slaves by their owners

It is past time for all those rebel states to stop honoring the traitorous and barbaric acts of their long dead forefathers




Desantis Signs Abortion Bill

16:13 Apr 15 2022
Times Read: 708

What made Floriduh a little different was the Florida Constitution which has a specific privacy clause. A number of years ago the Florida Supreme Court held that Clause guaranteed a woman's decision to have an abortion . Now, since it wasn't banned outright I wouldn't be at all surprised if the CURRENT Fl Supreme Court( including a former GOP congressman) holds the new law constitutional .

In more Florida news the Florida legislature has turned over the drawing of the new Florida districts to Desantis. He has out and out said that two Democratic Districts will be abolished. Funny both of those Districts have a Black Congressman and the other a Black Congresswoman. mmmmmm.... do you see a pattern ?




Oklahoma Governor Signs

10:53 Apr 15 2022
Times Read: 722

I mentioned this a few days ago..... And the republican governor followed through. mmmmm.... life is important is it....then how about every nutcase in the country having access to automatic or semi automatic weapons or perhaps the GOPQ resistance to fucking face masks.....

as i have said..... before it is over pregnant women will be forced to live in facilities until giving birth.....

let me know when the GOPQ decides to up financial aid such as food stamps, monthly allowances, proper living conditions to families with children, medical treatment, etc ...... in essence when will they agree to strengthen the social safety net...... answer they will not




Jury Convicts and Warship Sinks

01:26 Apr 15 2022
Times Read: 736

The Jan 6, 2021 Insurrectionist, Dustin Thompson, who blamed Trump was found guilty by a jury on all 6 counts. Judge Reggie Walton ordered him held pending sentencing. The judge told the defendant he was a grown man and should have exercised better judgment and not be influenced by charlatans like the former president.

Strong fucking words......

and now the Rooskies have lost a warship

what the fuck they have lost what 8 generals, and tens of thousands of soldiers and now a warship.... Fuck Putin




3rd Jury Trial Underway

11:01 Apr 13 2022
Times Read: 756

An attorney for a man who took a coat rack and a bottle of liquor during the U.S. Capitol attack argued to a jury Tuesday that former President Donald Trump "authorized" the assault on the building on Jan. 6, 2021, by convincing "vulnerable" people like his client that the election had been stolen.

Dustin Thompson, 38, of Ohio, is the third Jan. 6 defendant to face a trial by jury after the convictions of Guy Reffitt and former police officer Thomas Robertson. Thompson faces six charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding and theft of government property. His co-defendant, Robert Lyon, pleaded guilty last month, admitting that he and Thompson traveled to Washington together and saying stole the coat rack and fled from police when they were confronted on the grounds of the Capitol.

Samuel Shamansky, an attorney for Thompson, told jurors Tuesday that his client had "snatched the coat rack, foolishly," and that there was "no question" that his client took part in the "horrible" event on Jan. 6 that interrupted a "solemn and sacred proceeding."

But, Shamansky argued, the "genesis" of the attack began months before Jan. 6, and responsibility fell at the feet of Trump, who "authorized this assault" on the Capitol.

"It was a plot, it was a scheme, it was a conspiracy ... that began at the highest levels of our government," Shamansky argued.

https://news.yahoo.com/trump-authorized-assault-capitol-jan-205555200.html - read it yourself

The attorney essentially believes he has no defense other than to say Mango authorized it.

Well, who knows it might work




GOPQ Candidate

10:18 Apr 13 2022
Times Read: 759

Walker has lied about having a college degree for years. If he lies about that well what won't he lie about. As Brian Tyler Cohen points out his local store shelves are not empty...either are mine. Not to mention the pesky little lie or suggestion that Walker made that this country was energy independent... it isn't nor was it under Mango Mussolini.......

And there will be more




It Only Happened One Time

15:29 Apr 12 2022
Times Read: 778

So here is the piece of shit, white nationalist, congresswoman from Georgia , saying Jan 6 only happened one time and there are people rotting in jail pre trial for their actions......

She really is one STUPID NAZI. She needs to be removed from office.




Jury Convicts Ex-Cop

11:13 Apr 12 2022
Times Read: 785

Another Jan 6, 2021 traitor is convicted on 6 counts by a jury!!! This guy is an ex cop from Rocky Mount Va. His co-defendant ,another ex-cop from Rocky Mount had pled guilty and testified against him....





2 Billion Dollars

00:01 Apr 12 2022
Times Read: 803

So Jared Kushner's so called investment fund received 2 Billion dollars from the Saudis after MBS the crown prince gave the ok.... Kushner had defended MBS after the Kashoggi murder which U.S. Intelligence concluded that MBS ordered.

Talk about corruption.... Forget about this crap regarding Hunter Biden ... this is the fucking corruption on a grand scale

Not to mention Mango's failed social media scheme which netted him over 400 million.... Mango and his family are grifters




Jesus Is a Lefty :)

11:20 Apr 11 2022
Times Read: 816

I have said for a number of years now, that Jesus is more of a socialist.

Think about what was said in the clip..... oh, look it up...... fact check it.... go ahead




Enough Evidence For a Criminal Referral

01:52 Apr 11 2022
Times Read: 829

And there you go.... whether they refer it or not remains to be seen..... And whether old man Merrick Garland decides to act on it is questionable........

Allow me to point out once again that your democracy hangs by a thread..... perhaps Garland is afraid for his life if the DOJ indicts the orange man....... hell of note when it comes down to that




Right Wing Book Banning

22:20 Apr 09 2022
Times Read: 851

OMG the white fragility.....




Texas Woman Charged With Murder for Self Abortion

16:00 Apr 09 2022
Times Read: 859

A 26-year-old Texas woman has been arrested and charged with murder after authorities said she had a “self-induced abortion.”

Lizelle Herrera was arrested Thursday when officials said she “intentionally and knowingly cause[d] the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” according to a spokesperson for the Starr County Sheriff’s Office.

No details about the “abortion” or fetus were provided.

Herrera was still in custody Friday. Her bail was set at $500,000, according to Valley Central, which was the first to report the arrest.

La Frontera Fund, an abortion assistance fund based in the Rio Grande Valley, was planning a protest for Saturday morning outside the Starr County Jail in Rio Grande City, Texas Public Radio reported.

“This arrest is inhumane. We are demanding the immediate release of Lizelle Herrera,” Rockie Gonzalez, founder and board chair of Frontera, told the news outlet.

The organization was still seeking more details about the “tragic event,” said Gonzalez.

“What we do know is that criminalizing pregnant people’s choices or pregnancy outcomes, which the state of Texas has done, takes away people’s autonomy over their own bodies, and leaves them with no safe options when they choose not to become a parent,” Gonzalez explained.

The arrest represented a further chilling crackdown on women in Texas and a disturbing challenge to the inviolability of an individual’s own body.

It follows last year’s passage of the harshest reproductive rights law in the nation, which allows abortions for only a few weeks after pregnancy, before the detection of an embryo’s so-called “heartbeat” — actually a cluster of cells that emit electrical signals. That’s before most people typically even know they’re pregnant.

The law, which has inspired several copycat bills in other states, provides no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape or incest. It allows private citizens to sue anyone who performs an abortion or “aids and abets” a procedure. That includes the families or friends of rapists who impregnate a woman against her will.

The law has forced thousands of women to travel out of Texas to obtain abortions — if they can afford to do so.

A study last month at the University of Texas at Austin’s Policy Evaluation Project found that from last September to December, nearly 1,400 Texans each month were traveling to neighboring states for abortions.

Another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association by a University of Texas researcher found a surge in the number of Texans requesting abortion pills from the overseas nonprofit Aid Access.


Now, I do not know the state of development of the fetus.... so more remains to be learned but this is just the beginning. Refer back to what I posted earlier in the week about Oklahoma working on an outright ban.....

You better wake the fuck up



01:10 Apr 11 2022

Apparently the Texas D.A. who has jurisdiction over the case will move to dismiss the murder charge.


Proud Boi Leader FLIPS

14:19 Apr 09 2022
Times Read: 863

Charles Donoho, leader of the North Carolina Chapter of the Proud Bois, pleads to two felonies and agrees to cooperate. Ok, he cooperates, gives up everyone he has ever know, turns over all documents, computers, phones etc.... I say give him 19 years.... He is a fucking traitor just like all the Jan 6 2021 Insurrectionists are.

And I already know the F.B.I in all likelihood has the docs, computers, phones etc. I wonder if this guy was living in his mother's basement when he decided to become a traitor??

Oh, and he knows Tarrio.... you know the former national leader who was arrested in his underwear....... mmmmm I wonder what will be said.....




GOPQ This Past Week

11:25 Apr 09 2022
Times Read: 869

Live in cities???? Folks, do you know how many damn aluminum tin boxes, known as trailers, sprout these fucking confederate flags , or don't tread on me, while trash is piled up or grass is 2 feet high ????

Desantis???? Well he graduated from Harvard.... I believe Tom Cotton did too..... Cruz did..... Aren't they the ELITES that are feared? The current President did not go to Harvard or Yale.... for that matter the last one did not either

And one last point.... do any of you know anyone else with COVID INDUCED AIDS??????





11:16 Apr 08 2022
Times Read: 883

Well, this field study is interesting...... The problem is the mugwumps are so brain dead they will not change the channel unless paid to do so and then they have to be monitored........

I know a high school teacher with a Masters.... he buys into Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens...... has a habit of saying "well I wasn't there so I don't know what happened" ..... someone like that is open to alternate realities to a much greater degree than someone else.... but to his credit he accepts that global warming is real and that I managed to convince him that when the confederate flag is displayed by insurrectionists, neo nazi, white nationalists and that ilk it is a symbol of hate




My Pillow Guy Served On Camera

01:19 Apr 08 2022
Times Read: 891

Yep, this buffoon is sued again...... his bogus claims of election fraud, and corrupted voting machines are catching up with him.... Served papers on camera.... :)




Election Loss

15:00 Apr 07 2022
Times Read: 905

Hopefully, the DOJ will indict all these fake electors.... starting with the one above who just was defeated




GOP Stands With Putin

11:41 Apr 07 2022
Times Read: 907

This clip does not show Greene's interruption of Raskin but shows his response... She shouted out something about the "Russian Hoax". Of course, as the moderator points out the investigation by Mueller resulted in 34 indictments as well as a wealth of other information on contacts between Mango and the Russians

Funny how back when Bill Clinton ran for President the GOP was all upset over him visiting Russian as a college student....... Now, a Presidential candidate can give a public speech asking Russia for help and not much is said.... I refer to Mango asking Russia to hack in Hillary's emails.

These traitorous GOPQ congress men and women need to be removed from office




A Long Conflict

23:14 Apr 06 2022
Times Read: 918




Tallywhacker By Cawthorn

10:00 Apr 06 2022
Times Read: 928

So the right wing crazed Republican from North Carolina defines a woman.

Note, his reliance on using the word biology and science... But,But, they really don't believe in science now do they. After all so many of them called Covid a hoax and they still want to hang Dr. Fauci.




Oklahoma On Verge of Banning Abortion

02:30 Apr 06 2022
Times Read: 939

Makes it a felony to perform an abortion.... There you go an almost total ban... the governor has said he will sign any abortion bill put in front of him

Told you so......




Moscow Mitch Sing A Long

15:52 Apr 05 2022
Times Read: 947

ok, I will admit that this is several years old..... and that Mitch has condemned the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine.... however, several years ago he was not as hard on the Rooskies as he should have been.

Not to mention, the lyrics about bills dying in the senate is accurate and in general Kentucky ranking near the bottom in a lot of categories applies to Southern States in general, most of which are Republican controlled.

Yep, people of Kentucky how can you be so stupid...... People in general you really have nothing much in common with the GOPQ except a dislike of people of a different skin tone....




You Will Not See This On FOX

10:02 Apr 05 2022
Times Read: 960

War crimes...... not crisis actors...but War Crimes committed by Russians....

And to think that Putin has the support of certain Americans.... those who support Putin are fucking traitors..... just imagine what they want to do to all you vampire lovers and those with alternative lifestyles




For You Neo-Nazis

09:39 Apr 05 2022
Times Read: 962

Oh, they left out all the chit chat about killing others, and where to obtain weapons of mass destruction.....

Funny how they think they follow in the steps of the Founders.....

Of course, being a direct descendant of one who served in the American Revolution under Francis Marion, I think they are a fucking disgrace




Biden Again Calls Putin a War Criminal

22:09 Apr 04 2022
Times Read: 970




Putin Is A War Criminal

19:49 Apr 04 2022
Times Read: 975

Mass graves and bodies discovered. Reports of rapes and atrocities by retreating Russian Troops. Yep, Mango's friend Putin is a war criminal.

All that ass kissing by Mango toward Putin. Fuck Putin, Fuck Trump...




From 60 Minutes to This CRAP

22:08 Apr 02 2022
Times Read: 994

So she once worked for 60 Minutes and now she says Jews, in particular The Rothschilds , hired Charles Darwin, to write his Theory of Evolution. And did you catch the quick reference to 10 Downing St..... you know where the U.K. Prime Minister lives and works..

Folks, again this is the RIGHT WING Media pedaling this crap to their braindead, mugwump, listeners and viewers.

Again, do you want those listeners to be developing public school curriculums ?

PTSD or not.... she needs help




Fed. Judge Slaps DumSantis

14:37 Apr 02 2022
Times Read: 998

This is good, but the reality is it now will go to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which leans to the right...... the 11th Circuit has on it several Mango appointees...... Soooooo




Deliberations Start Monday April 4th

11:31 Apr 02 2022
Times Read: 1,002

Remember the plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan by anti government terrorists? Well, we will see what the jury does.... I'm betting on guilty across the board...





15:32 Apr 01 2022
Times Read: 1,016





A Greedy Bastard

10:33 Apr 01 2022
Times Read: 1,021

What a grifter... what a man..... wanting a piece of the action like a mob boss....




U.S. Intelligence on the Money

02:22 Apr 01 2022
Times Read: 604

And he said what I mentioned yesterday reference the advice being given to Putin.

Fuck Putin.....



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