Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


Honor: 10    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

This just ain't no fun :(

20:39 Sep 30 2009
Times Read: 1,146

My left arm doesn't seem to be healing very well where I tore something in the elbow so I've got a doctor apt this afternoon and I'll talk to her about it then. I don't want pain meds (heck I got plenty of them laying around already) I simply want to know what to do to get it healed as I cannot even pick up a drink without a burning pain right now.

Otherwise it's my first followup with her since I went on the insulin pump and the only thing I've got to complain about it, is instead of my sugar running high most of the time, now I'm having to force myself to eat, sometimes because it's running too low. (oh what a lovely problem) lol But really my appetite seems to have been affected by it and when I'm hungry, I really am but most of the time, I simply don't want anything to eat at all.

In other news the weather had really went Fall with temps staying in the low 60's F and a nice cool wind blowing through. Perfect soup bean weather but none of my house wants to eat them. Don't it figure.




Now this is what I've been waiting for

20:15 Sep 28 2009
Times Read: 1,146

The temps have dropped here down into the 60's, there's a nice chill wind blowing and while the rain has moved on plenty of moisture is still in the air so this makes it.... perfect chili time!

Got it started in the kettle now so in a couple of hours with some cheese and crackers we'll be in heaven!



20:18 Sep 28 2009

I am sure somewhere in there was an invite for dinner...right? --.--

21:12 Sep 28 2009

mmmm chili, can I have some too please ? and sour cream to go under the cheese.

22:14 Sep 28 2009

Come on over, there's plenty to spare :)

00:31 Sep 29 2009

Dang it...... I knew I should have stopped on my way through .......and stayed for dinner. lol

08:40 Sep 29 2009

ditto- same thing up here- thank GAWD- I didn't think it was ever gonna get past summer, even way up here in the great white north.

And that chili sure does sound good- I'll get the hot dawgs...LMAO


Hey I'm brainwashed!

18:14 Sep 28 2009
Times Read: 1,179

The following is a coversation I had with a newer member of the site after he rated me and decided to say that I supported War. Oh and I didn't have enough "boobs" showing on my profile. I choose to take exception to that since if he had actually read my profile he would have seen that I do not support the current war at all but I do support the soldiers. I do not want him to re-rate me or raise the very low rate he gave me for honestly I perfer he doesn't like my pro.

It was interesting to see how someone from Sweden claims American's deserved 9/11 and we all had plenty of warning about it.

Obviously he and I will never agree and if it meant that I no longer believe honor is important then I wouldn't want to agree with him.

I am not blocking his name since this isn't making fun of him but more me wondering if the rest of the world really hates the people of America as much as this fellow?

I just wish I had better skills at speaking to make him see why I disagree but I am just a normal working person here.


Grave Robber (22)


Sep 28 2009

It must suck that none of the passengers of the 9/11 747's had enough courage to stand up to the hijackers.

They were all Americans weren't they?


You seem like a brainwashed dolt

On 16:31:49 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Nightgame wrote:

I'm actually sorry for you. To condemn a whole people based on what you see on television or hear from someone prejudiced instead of reaching your own conclusions.

I do hope to someday visit Europe and I will do so with an open mind, not prejuding the others there based on your words.

Oh and please do not be a normal person who buys a plane ticket to visit your family or do your job and get on it to find strangers with religious insanity ruling them, have decided to use your plane as a weapon.

Too bad you didn't get the chance to hug your kids or kiss your Mom goodbye. You deserve it for daring to live in the country you were born in and just trying to do the best you can with the life you have.

Oh but then you live in a perfect country that never has flooding or any dangers to it. But since your country does report flooding to the rest of the world you might want to double check some of your facts.

I'm so very happy that you hate America and it's people so much that means you probably will never visit here or ever need the help of anyone that is an American. We are such terrible people but I will point out that the faux democracy we practice is still put out for the rest of the world to see and "laugh at" if they choose, we don't do it behind closed doors and pretend it's "true" democracy. Not saying that Sweden does that just I've never seen or heard about it, even though I read news from Europe via the BBC.

This has been interesting seeing how someone else views the country I live in but it's time I get moving to take a child to the doctor. You have a great day and enjoy the small minded views you have chosen to embrace.

On 16:18:07 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Viridian wrote:

So you think the US didn't have 9/11 coming?

You probably shouldn't ever visit Europe, or anywhere else in the world XD.

And Sweden has TRUE democracy, not the faux type the US has instituted; sorry, but everytime you guys have an election everyone in Europe just lollerskates since its a travesty to watch.

Sweden has a military - Its just not the primary function of our nation, as compared to the US's.

lol @ without warning, that's just hilarious.

The US deserves more of the same in my opinion and pretty much everyone else's in Europes too.

On 16:11:44 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Nightgame wrote:

From what I can tell Sweden is a lovely country and back near the beginning of the 20th century they changed their government to more closely follow the US democratic example so that their people would have more freedoms.

Sweden doesn't have a military because they claim neutrality such as in WWII and while they profited from selling to the Nazi's their neighbors fell under the war maching this helped supply.

Perhaps if Sweden and it's people had watched as thousands of innocent people were murdered without warning as in 9/11, they would be less "forgiving" and more prepared to protect themselves and their people.

Obviously we cannot agree and that's fine but do not insult my intelligence by claiming your country is perfect, none are and never will be.

You have a lovely day and enjoy the beautiful countryside that isn't ruled by Nazi's, thanks to your neighbors both near and far's military.

On 15:59:03 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Viridian wrote:

Except I live in Sweden and Sweden is perfect and never has any problems like flooding and droughts and whatever the US of Shit might have.

And anybody can purchase US Debt, so its not the "upper 10%" as you so pointedly put it; the US army is just lulz-worthy.

On 15:56:11 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Nightgame wrote:

Given that it's the "educated" upper 10% of society that is borrowing so heavily from China, then you may very well get your wish.

However judging every man and woman that provide honorable service by a few criminals doesn't sound out of that bottom 10% either. Next time a flood is washing away the people you love and some soldiers come by in a small boat to try and pull them to safety you feel free to wave them on by as too low class to help.

On 15:48:01 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Viridian wrote:

I hear stacking Iraqi people, naked in pyramids is honorable and awesome.

Soldiers are the bottom 10% of every nations barrel, except for the special forces - They actually require special skills and wit.

Can't wait for America to get owned by China

On 15:45:30 Sep 28 2009 (-0 GMT) Nightgame wrote:

Thank you so much for your rate however I would like to point out that I support our soldiers not war and especially not the current war.

But I do believe that if I make a promise to defend my country and follow the orders of it's rulers, especially if I accept benefits such as a pay check for it, then when it comes time to fulfill that promise, to do less would be dishonorable. Even if I do not agree with the war, honor matters to me.

Being able to face myself and to take responsibility for my decisions is important to me.

As to the "not enough boobs" then oh well, but I like men who are "leg men", boobs can be faked but heels don't lie!



18:21 Sep 28 2009

A troll is about. And sooo not worth your time sis. Really... better off to just move on. :)

18:23 Sep 28 2009

Aw but you know sometimes I just cannot resist it

18:31 Sep 28 2009

Ya know, these are the people I wanna punch in the face. I'm so sick of the "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude.

18:38 Sep 28 2009

I'm right, and you are wrong.

And sure, there are leg-people, but I'm not so sure about cankle -people.

18:51 Sep 28 2009

Right and wrong tend to be like black and white, in reality lots of shades of gray going on.

19:07 Sep 28 2009

See? He can't help but come see what people have said about him. Sad really...

19:31 Sep 28 2009

sweetie, it doesn't matter what you had told him or had shown him he is a ass who thinks he knows it all. he will only ridicule you and make snide sexual remarks .best thing to do is all like he,s not even there.OB and I have already had our run in with the fool. just remember when our MEN were fighting his country went into hiding and claimed to be natural while the Germans stepped on them.

20:26 Sep 28 2009

He's another TheScybermonk. A vampire type person who feeds off of the energy they make after getting pissed off at him for being such an asshole.

08:43 Sep 29 2009

Poor slob- little does he know who he hath messed with....lol

20:31 Sep 29 2009

I have to wonder, how America having Flooding and Droughts is our fault. Sweden apparently has perfect weather and doesn't have to deal with Mother Nature and her temper tantrums. Oh but look, I typed in Sweden flooding in Google and it comes up with pictures of the extensive flooding they have had.

He's a fool, plan and simple.

21:07 Sep 30 2009

Poor slob- little does he know who he hath messed with....lol


After posting on FuckedCompany BBS and 4chan for a couple of years, I think I know perfectly well who / what I'm "up against".

Just another lollercoaster for the lulz

21:18 Sep 30 2009

Why... If you are that smart and all that wonderful...why in the world are you doing even giving us poor VR members your company?

I mean.... it would seem you could do better. I for one say this with all respect you should have from me... go back to those site, we so don't deserve you here.

Really.... we would understand if you do.

21:23 Sep 30 2009

Laughs at VW39... hey you're so very right we here on VR just do not deserve your company! Those other sites must be more your level.


A favorite passtime

15:15 Sep 25 2009
Times Read: 1,197

One of the coolest parts of VR for me is meeting other folks and talking to them. Even if we only chat for a bit and only rarely, I do so enjoy it. There are some really amazing people here, some that are obvious such as Cancer and Images and so many other names that we all know but there are some here who are just as amazing but so rarely are exposed to others. (wait that didn't come out just right) Anyway

if you ever get the opportunity to have a real discussion with folks like MrD or NonMortusEst69 or Bones or Joli or Jamie or Stabb, then you know what I mean by cool people. They are real people who just happen to be great conversationalists, intelligent (some kinda scary so) but no need for pretending to be something they are not. Okay with themselves and where they fit into the world,I guess would be the way to put it. But it's always a pleasure to get the chance to chat and listen to their thoughts.

Thanks to all of you for some great times and I hope to talk to you in the future :)



15:34 Sep 25 2009

You're just as cool to talk to :)


and the beat rolls on....

18:43 Sep 24 2009
Times Read: 1,213

I keep hoping things start to slow down in my life but instead things cranked up to a new speed this week with both my niece and nephew getting sick, My sister's birthday was Wed and Rat's is today, the stupid world chicken festival is cranking up today so traffic becomes a nightmare on my little city street as the whole damn town is shut down to traffic for 4 days now. Strangely enough most of the folks who live here year round want nothing to do with this stuff, it's just annoying.

On a weird note, I was returning rates and came across one from yesterday that has almost overnight been suspended indefinitely! Wow that was fast and I wonder what brought them over to rate me anyway. lol



00:36 Sep 25 2009

World chicken festival ? lmao

02:02 Sep 25 2009

Hey now if you've ever ate at KFC don't laugh it was invented right here. lol

20:57 Sep 25 2009

People in Utah are blasphemous- they contend the first KFC was in Salt Lake City. I contend if it was, it would be Utah Fried Chicken and that is truly a laughing matter.


Don't miss out...

02:31 Sep 18 2009
Times Read: 1,231

I really hope many of you are reading The Black Diary Part II that is currently underway. The first one was simply awesome and after a few months of begging Obonewits is back at work. I highly recommend this very cool vampire tale Click The Black Diary Part II



23:37 Nov 07 2009

I know he is really good!



02:12 Sep 12 2009
Times Read: 1,257

I am one tired puppy. I sure hope I can sleep tonight so I can get stuff done tomorrow. Night everyone :)



03:19 Sep 12 2009

Puppy...I though you were a Cat?

16:43 Sep 12 2009

yep but if you post you're a whipped pussy folks tend to send you strange messages o-0

11:08 Sep 13 2009

I's tired puppy too- maybe we shold all go somewhere and curl up on the beach and all be tired funked out puppies together...

00:40 Sep 15 2009

Strange messages? Really? How rude.

I just leave it here in the comment box. ;)

Worn out pussy.

*grins and runs off*

23:34 Nov 07 2009

Dam, I so missed this!


Where's the time gone?

18:35 Sep 10 2009
Times Read: 1,269

I kept thinking this week would calm down for me but it seems as each day passes even more finds it's way to my plate. I'm actually feeling much better than I have in a while with my sugar being more normal the worst of the tiredness isn't on me. So I was realy hoping to get some of the backed up jobs done but instead things just keep coming in to be done. I'm so far behind on the laundry that I'm afraid to even look at it all.

On the pump front I finally got the new infusion sets and installation device in yesterday and since I managed to pull the old one out while doing the dishes I went ahead and read up and learned to use the new one and did it. It is so much easier and stays in place much much better! I can also use the insertion device one handed but it's just as loud as the other (sounds like a shot going off), I swear the noise scares me more than the needle!




Can someone tell me?

05:10 Sep 06 2009
Times Read: 1,295

Why is it every time I log into my Yahoo page, I've got all kinds of adds from these "christian singles" groups hitting me up? I don't use any of the dating sites for anything, never been to eharmony no matter how many darn messages they send to my spam folder. But this group has taken an add out that shows up every time I try and check my mail.

It'd be aggravating if it was just a dating site being forced at me but a "religion" specific site just blows my mind. Obviously I'm not a christian but I'm cool with them, my family is smack full of them!

But I suspect I'm just being too picky because I'm not feeling my best right now. I'll probably go back to laughing at it tomorrow or plottting the terribly Non-christian profile I could fill out to see what they'd say back! Would that make me a devil? *evil grin*



23:32 Sep 06 2009

It is likely because Yahoo knows where you live!

Where you live you probably have a 98% chance of hitting a "Christian" by putting an ad on every page.

And if yo start a profile their like tha, you have to promise to share the responses! You She-Devil, you!

20:41 Sep 23 2009

As KCRC says, they've got your IP are placing a wager that you want some hot Christian action...

15:48 Sep 25 2009

Nah...it wouldn't make you a devil.

What really goes on in those baptismal pools in churches, behind peeps backs....THAT'S devilish ;)


Pump diary Day 2

05:09 Sep 06 2009
Times Read: 1,296

Managed to get a few hours sleep last night though I did have to get up 3 times. Twice I ended up having to eat to raise my level as it dropped below 50 and it's not safe to go back to sleep like that. But by early morning it was just over 100 so I took a long morning nap which I like better anyway! The worst of the nausea is gone as long as I watch out for the triggers to it, such as riding in a car or surfing the web. Dumb that viewing the pages is making me ill...

Still have some pains to deal with in my stomach but nothing as bad as yesterday so hopefully my body is adjusting to the presence of the insulin all the time. I've got my snacks and stuff ready beside me for tonight and can take my test in just a few minutes before trying to sleep for a couple of hours.

Weirdest part is I'm actually having to force food since I'm not really hungry and when I am a few bites satisfies me pretty fast. But since I've taken the insulin for those carbs I have to come pretty close or I'll drop again.

I do know that smarties do not taste good at 2am.

I'm feeling less fatigue though so it's already helping me there. According to the literature I've been reading about these things, since it keeps a more constant steady level of blood glucose, it extends the life expectency of a diabetic along with their sight and keeping their limbs. So it's definately worth learning how to work it. I changed my insulin supply for the first time today and it worked just fine though I did stumble over the rewinding. Tomorrow night I'm supposed to change the infusion set and I have to wonder how it's going to feel to pull the canula out after 3 days, will it hurt or just feel icky?

Inserting the new one doesn't really bother me, it doesn't hurt much more than a regular shot but my sister saw the actual size of the needle that's doing it today and freaked on me. It's over 2 inches long, just the needle itself but I finally convinced her that most of it stayed in the plastic housing of the infusion set, not into me.

Anyway it's going to be a good thing, I'm sure of it eventually. I just hate feeling car sick. lol



19:12 Sep 06 2009

Wow...I never knew you were THAT sick...smarties taste good any time...trust me on this.

19:17 Nov 07 2009

Looks up, yes I agree!


Day 1 Pump diary

14:45 Sep 04 2009
Times Read: 1,319

Last night was interesting the alarm went off every 2 hours for me to test my sugar and as expected it dipped low and I had to eat about 2am then by 5 it was up a little. lol The worst part of it is that I'm feeling sick as a dog. I suspect it's from having insulin constant in my body when I've not had that in over a decade.

Overall I think this will be great once I get fully adjusted to it and more comfortable with the feel of it.

But for now, I'm getting quesy just from turning pages on the computer so I think I'd best take a break. I hope this ends soon.



16:48 Sep 04 2009

The freedom this little machine is going to offer you is so worth it. I'm so glad you decided to go ahead with the pump. :)

21:59 Sep 04 2009

But dang it you missed girls night out....:(

02:01 Sep 05 2009

I hope things settle down for you sooner rather than later!

12:28 Sep 05 2009

I'm sure you will get it sorted real soon.

19:15 Nov 07 2009

Wow please take care! I really will be thinking of you and hope that it helps you!


Off and running

23:01 Sep 03 2009
Times Read: 1,327

Had two more hours with my pump trainer tonight and then I loaded up the insertion set and I'm off and running. It's not bad really though the insertion device makes a really loud pop that scares the crap out of me.

I get to get up every couple of hours tonight to check my sugar just to make sure I don't get too low but I'm really enjoying not having to time out 2-3 more shots tonight alone. Tomorrow I can get up and just go without having to grab all the stuff for my shots on the road. This may just be really cool.

I do want a different infusion set thought this one is an old style that even the trainer didn't understand why they sent me.



19:13 Nov 07 2009

I wonder if it's like the load pops I make sometimes ^^


No excuse is a good one I know!

20:05 Sep 01 2009
Times Read: 1,340

Sorry for being awol so much the last few days but things got a bit frenzied around here. First we changed my 2 little nephews to a new school after the one in the 3rd grade who is a fairly new type 1 diabetic was having trouble with the teacher who wouldn't let him test his own sugar while in class but was angry because of the disruption he caused her class made him begin hating to even go to school. A complete about face from his previous years. Add to that the school nurse angry that his parents will not push for him to be put on an insulin pump (takes all the work off her) has gone so far as to keep him out of class all day long (without calling his parents) and testing him every 15 minutes for over 5 hours always in the tips of his fingers. We had to sit on his father when he saw those poor swollen, angry red fingers that night. We tried contacting the principal but they immediately began circling their wagons to cover each other though they did give themselves away over his parents not being notified of the all day out of class incident and their meeting about it. Again without a parent present. Since the boys were actually being driven to the school they started in from a different address in the county it was not problem to pull them out and move them to the school they actually are supposed to be in. The one where the policy is for the kids to be able to test in class and to minimize any time spent out of normal class activities. Second day in now and everyone is much happier including both boys.

I've also been dealing with my own insulin pump issue in that I got mine a whole lot faster than I'd anticipated and it arrived by ups yesterday, then I get a call from the trainer to set up a class for me today and a list of things I have to get from the doctor and pharmacy before the class including watching an hour long video on how to work the thing that took 2 hours due to needing to stop and try it over a few times. ( yep that's me)

At least Monday night was a good one, Birdy stopped by to bring me back some books, just a few she needed out of her way and stayed to have chili with me and the family. She sat around a bit with us then while we did our usual silliness and I think had a fairly decent time. She laughed a lot at least. It was a lot of fun and something I hope we can do more often. Thanks for not calling the cops or the men with little white coats sugar!

Anyway tomorrow I have to run a bunch of errands so not sure how much time I'm going to have still. I'm starting to go into withdrawls as it is.



20:17 Sep 01 2009

The two bowls of chili were YUMMY! And the laughter was just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for letting me stay. :)

22:24 Sep 01 2009

WOW, I'm glad you got the kids over to a place where they liked school, but its a tough thing, when they have a disease. It makes them different, but it also teaches responsibilities. They need someone to encourage them, not penalize them.

As for your insulin pump...I know you hated getting that, but I hope it helps keep you healthy.


19:11 Nov 07 2009

Yep, being away from the rave is like breaking up from a girlfriend!

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