PAGAN's Journal

PAGAN's Journal


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5 entries this month


14:37 Aug 26 2010
Times Read: 938

One of the most respected folk on VR is Radu. A veteran of the site with the highest level, and still rising...I simply had to interview him. I wondered what he would be like and I hoped he was not so ancient that an interview would tire him...This is how it went..

I opened his office door and it creaked...it was a huge solid oak affair and so heavy I struggled. Once I had entered his office, I found myself in a vast Victorian room. Plush velvet drapes, a chaise lounge in the huge bay window, and numerous oil paintings on the walls. It was a beautiful room and I felt that Radu was a gentleman from another era. He motioned me to sit down with a wave of his hand and I wondered why he had not risen to pull out my seat...the answer to that became clear when he looked up and giggled "Youtube..."

I was pleasantly surprised and giggled back. The great man was just like any other so I asked my first question: Who is Radu?

He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and said: I have lived the vampire life style for many years and I am very public about it. I do not hide what I am into from anyone. I am also a person that has found the love of my life in TaintedPoison, she makes me a better person.

I had to smile at that. I had heard stories that he was so ancient the Immortals bowed down to him in old Egypt. My next question was: what was your first few days of VR like?

He reached far back into his memory, and told me this: Very fast paced. VR was small when I joined in 2004 there were less then 200 of us back then and some features like biting and stalking were not even there yet . When you were on VR at midnight back then you were the only member of VR on the whole site. Hell there was no PM's back then and the Houses/Covens were not even there yet. They highest ranked member back then was like level 12 on the old 30 level system.

I also asked him if he had any advice for the newbies. He said: At first the fastest way to level is to rate Profiles and Portfolios . Just rate them for what they have in them, if you think it is a worth a 5 rate it a 5 most people take the rating way to serious.

That was great advice, I thought. If only I had met him when I was new there had been an embarassing moment with a suspended portfolio I wanted to forget, and I lead on to my next question: Did you have any embarassing VR moments you would rather forget? Or any funny moments you can share with me?

This is what he said: I had many moments like that . Daire had to delete my portfolio two times for pictures in it that broke VR TOS. Now that made me smile..imagine Radu being suspended for anything!

I giggled again. My next question was the silliest because everyone that sees his kismet knows the answer already. And (I asked him, already knowing his answer) is there anyone special in your life?

Radu transformed in front of me. Here was a man in love. He pointed to the great wall behind me and it was then I noticed the oil painting of one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, TaintedPoison. He blushed, shuffled, stammered and became a schoolboy again.

He told me: I am in love with a great woman that brings the best out in me and never gives up on me. I am not the easiest person to be with and she still loves me for all my faults. I do not know what I would do without her. Her name is TaintedPoison on VR.

I asked if it had been love at first sight. Radu told me: We have been friends for a few years and we just found that we loved each other . Hell a funny thing is I suspended her portfolio a couple times boy was she mad at me for doing it. LOL

"C'mere", he said. I walked over to the massive oak desk and as I got round to the side, I noticed all the video games, X-Boxes, Nintendos, and in the corner a PS4 (I didnt even know they had made one yet), all tangled up in a heap. "Boys toys", he said. "She makes me feel young".

I felt like giving him a hug then he was so sweet, but I patted his hand instead. Aw, (I said), I have one last question, if I may? If I granted you one wish, what would you wish for?

Radu thought for a moment, scratched his head and said: I do not need a wish I have already been given my wish and it is that I have found the one I was meant to be with - TaintedPoison.

I found myself nodding back. I didn't want the interview to end there but I could see he was anxious to get back to his work . I shook his hand, and as he walked me to the massive door, I caught a glimpse of his top of the range Nike trainers which I have to say looked quite strange for a man who wore velvet pants.

Come again soon (he said), I have a lifetime of stories for you, and with that and an extravagant florish of his hand, he sprinted back to his seat and his happy thoughts of his one true love. Radu, a true gentleman.



15:48 Aug 26 2010

Wonderful interview , can't really see my friend in velvet pants but still a great interview .

15:59 Aug 26 2010

I love this interview Pagan! Very well done. :)

16:24 Aug 26 2010

Very nice!

17:01 Aug 26 2010

Cool! That was very nice my dear. :}

18:05 Aug 26 2010

Ah, yes that was a great interview, lots of details.

01:51 Aug 27 2010

All of these interviews are freaking awesome! You are such a funny and talented journalist!

13:28 Aug 27 2010

Great job dear

22:14 Aug 27 2010

Aww fab job hun as always :)

17:02 Aug 28 2010

Lol, really good although I feel a little short!



15:15 Aug 25 2010
Times Read: 994

Everyone admires a person who speaks their mind and stands up for what they believe in. Now, add a great sense of humour and cool into the mix and you got a great guy. I know a real Wildchild who fits all these categories. I simply had to interview him to find out what makes him tick, what he gets worked up about, and what he does for fun...

I walked up to his door and rang the bell...I could hear noises that didn't seem human, oh crap, what was I getting myself into now? I heard a "come in, let yourself in" and opened the door to a fury of claws, teeth and fur.

WTF? Damn, it was cats, kittens, and chaos...do any humans actually live here, or had I gone to a cathouse by accident...? It was then that I noticed the guy right in the middle of all these cats...

I giggled...two of the cutest kittens I had ever seen were attached to his feet by their teeth and boy, was he yowling in pain! Do you need a hand (I asked, trying not to laugh). He scowled at me and said, "I need new TOES dammit!". Needless to say, I laughed long and hard. Here was a great big guy, brought to his knees by two tiny terrors, was he really that wild after all? One of my first questions just had to be, who is Wildchild?

He said: Who am I you ask. I'm just another person trying to make it on the rock we all live on. I'm like most, I'm a father, a lover, a friend and son. I'm a very no nonsence kinda of guy. For the most part I am a very black and white guy with very little grey area.

I nodded at that. Ok, I got it. He was a bit wild after all, hence the name, but just the same as any other good guy. My next question was, so tell me all about this mushroom stamp, what's that all about?

He roared with laughter then: Hahahaha, mushroom stamp you say... well you did ask, it is the welt that is left behind after smacking some one with an erect penis generally on the fore head, if done proper the result will look like a mushroom.

Ahem...I blushed a little at that then giggled, (I had asked, maybe I would be a little less curious in future...), so that's what it meant...and my next question followed on from that. Why do you roll the dice to determine your return rate, why not just ignore folk you don't want to rate?

I think he got a bit annoyed with me then because he said: Why do I roll the dice? Its really quite simple really, I wanted to see who actually read my profile. Besides it reduces the "why did you rate me this". In all actuallity you chose your own rate. All you have to do is read my journal my return rate is posted when I log on everyday.

"Oh, ok" I replied, it really was all black or white with him. Very clear cut (I thought) I decided to get onto safer territory with him. Tell me what you do for fun (I asked).

He thought for a bit, then grinned, telling me: For fun? I love to travel. Dirt track races seem to keep me entertained. The outdoors, anything outdoors. Hunting, fishing, hiking, camping or anything of the like. I will have to say I think cooking is my favorite hobby. I love to cook, it doesn't matter I do it all bake, broil, bbq or fried. If it can be eaten I can cook it.

Now, that made me laugh I could just see him racing about on a dirtbike, mud flying and that wicked grin..., but I had read some of his recipes and dang, they were GOOD. I had heard tales about naked furniture arranging, and stereo-bashing, surely he wasn't that bad? I laughed to myself, he probably was! Just then, an old cat appeared, it was not a wildcat like the others were, but it did appear to be stalking Wildchild...would it pounce? I hoped not, that cat looked mean, I didn't fancy my chances with it at all...

Tell me ( I said), why do you have such fierce cats?

Grinning broadly this time, he said: Aww the pussy factor. Well first, you don't choose a cat it chooses you. We like active ones I guess. Luck of the draw maybe, its not like we train them to be ornery and if I find out PD has been, well..........

Now, that was the best answer, I nodded and grinned right back. He had a wicked sense of humour. I knew my interview would be over shortly so I asked my last question. If I granted you one wish, what would that be?

He replied: A wish really, and I don't have to rub a fat naked man for it? An end to abuse, any and all. From animal to spousal all of it. I would love nothing more then to be put in a room with either a child or animal abuser, wouldn't be long say 20 to 30 minutes. That would be my wish.

Dagnamit, that was a great answer! Just then, the kittens reappeared and Wildchild looked around for a way to escape...I tried to hide behind him because these damn kittens were obsessed with torture and damage, but he pushed me away and told me to run for my life. I didn't need a second telling! I was off! The last I heard was hissing and meowling so terrible I knew he'd been got. Pity, I hoped he would survive, the world would be a boring place without him..



15:20 Aug 25 2010

*Claps loudly* Well done hun! Love it, keep them coming! :)

16:01 Aug 25 2010

LOL.. nice one.

16:10 Aug 25 2010

Wow! Talk about an enlightening experience... what an awesome interview! I never knew WC to be anything but innocent and pure as the driven snow. O.O

Oh, wait... that's ME that's innocent and pure as the driven snow. :)

18:42 Aug 25 2010

*giggles* that was great !

19:24 Aug 25 2010

I like these!

20:33 Aug 25 2010

I love his talk of cats. ^^ Nice interview.

03:18 Aug 26 2010

This is totally WildChild Nice job pagan

16:07 Aug 26 2010

This is great Pagan. Keep these coming.

13:57 Aug 27 2010

lmao very funny

14:33 Aug 28 2010

Nice one.. Radu lives here !

15:09 Aug 28 2010

i love this .. you got him in a nutshell :)

20:44 Sep 08 2010

oh you definately captured him :)



06:11 Aug 14 2010
Times Read: 1,079

One of the most feared places on VR has to be Purgatory. The very mention of it has the most scary members quaking in their boots. I wanted to meet the soul that governed that dark place, I had to interview Saetan. Now, I am not usually nervous, but a visit to Purgatory could go horribly wrong...

As I arrived at the gate, I questioned my sanity, did I really want to enter a place I might become stuck in for eternity? It seemed like i was inviting trouble...but, I braced my shoulders, and rang the bell...ENTER! boomed a voice, and so I did...

All at once, I was bombarded with noise... It was HOT, incredibly hot but that only made me want to pull my coat tighter because the flames licked at me and I was scared. Over the terrible noise, wailing and gnashing of teeth, I timidly asked my first question, launching straight into the interview because I wanted to get the hell out of that place as fast as I could. Who is Saetan?

He looked up from the rule book he was reading, and told me:

"I am the punisher, the tormentor, the prison guard of those stupid enough to get into trouble on VR. If you do something bad on here, you get sent to me if your offense is not bad enough for being banned. This is the coven that gives you a chance to redeem your wickedness and have a chance to be a good member of this site."

I could see that here was a man who liked order, and ruled over his kingdom with impunity, pity help those who annoyed him. I wanted to know if he had any stories he could tell about folk he had dealt with?

He told me this:

"Not really, I haven't been Master here very long, although I am sure sooner or later I will have a few of them."

There was no doubt about it, here was someone not to be trifled with, but I had warmed to him a little, perhaps he wasn't so bad after all? (I asked my next question, more boldly, but still awed). What do you do for fun?

Looking directly at me with those fiery amber eyes, he said in his powerful voice:

"In here, or in real life? In here, I scout for those who need to be here, and torture the ones already in Purgatory. In real life, I shoot pool, read, sing karaoke, dance, and all kinds of stuff like that."

It was a great answer and I found myself nodding, he had a great sense of humour for someone who spent all his time in the darkest place of all. Another burning question formulated in my mind...what really gets up your nose?

"Rule breakers, I can't stand them. I am a stickler for following Cancer's rules. I have a coven full of them - well those who aren't voluntarily here that is."

...just as he had answered, an inductee was being dragged through the gates, kicking and screaming, poor soul (I thought), as I watched the 'DO NOT INDUCT' stamp being harshly ripped from their backside, and Saetan laughed long and hard at that...

They never learn, (he said). Time after time, I tell them the rules, and yet, here they end up... He chuckled at that and it was only then I wondered if it was all a game to him...

I shivered, I was realizing just how much of a powerful person I was dealing with here...I wanted to get out as the noise had reached impossible levels and my resolve to be brave was dwindling faster than I liked... (I asked) one last question please? If you could have absolutely anything you wanted, what in the world would that be?

"To be a Master Vampire. They get to have all the fun! Oh and a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro in marine blue."

...and with that, I turned to leave, chilled to the marrow. I could feel the tremendous lure of these flames, drawing me into their midst, but giving out such a chill it frightened me. What kind of devil was I dealing with (I wondered) as he laughed out loud at my fear...He said "...visit anytime, just pack a bag..." as he reached out to shake my hand but I had already run, terrified that once he had gotten hold of me I would be doomed. I didn't look back...



06:52 Aug 14 2010

Wow fabulous hunny, was gripped from beginning to end, hopefully see some more interviews, Cancer would be a fantastic one! :)

17:24 Aug 14 2010

Oh my! I absolutely LOVED this great job hon ( ;

17:32 Aug 14 2010

I loved this ,Even though I know who Satan really is , I,ll never tell. but this was a great interview can't wait to see more.

04:27 Aug 15 2010

"I'll never tell either"

09:42 Aug 15 2010

Cool beans, and what a great idea with the interviews :)

20:58 Aug 15 2010

I love it you do a great interview Pagan. I hope you will be able to squeeze me in for one some day.

11:56 Aug 16 2010

Great Idea and well done you!

13:22 Aug 16 2010

Wow, that's DEEP !!!

21:39 Aug 24 2010

Thats funny! :D

Purg isn't really that bad, anyway. o.o



23:10 Aug 09 2010
Times Read: 1,127

When I read Of Blood and Magic - A Vampire's Story, I was spellbound. I simply had to know more, and I was sure that many folk also wanted to know the man behind the Black Diary books. I had an idea...I would interview Oliver Bonewits. This is what he told me...

Oliver (I said) take me into your world, tell me all about you and your writing. Now, where shall we sit?

He clasped his hands, looking right at me and said:

Picture the Library of Michaels house..Dark wood..dark furniture, Book shelves everywhere filled with books, pictures and swords hung between the cases...old dark walnut desk, study table filled with papers and books with two leather wing back chairs..one for you, and one for me.

..and who (I asked) is Oliver Bonewits?

He thought for a bit, and leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers...then he told me:

I'm probably one of the most ordinary and uninteresting people you will ever meet. If you meet me on the street you would have no idea who I am. That's the way I like it. I'm not important. Telling a good story is the whole point.

...and you do tell a great story (I said). When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

As he spoke, I leaned in closer, I just had to know. He recalled the start of it all:

I didn't. I survived a stroke some years ago that took the use of my left hand, and made it very difficult to express myself. My doctor suggested writing as a way to regain command of my vocabulary. I thought he was crazy, but I tried it. I'd say he wasn't very impressed with what I did and asked me how I liked what I'd written. I had to admit I didn't think much of it. He told me to write about things I knew and understood, but to go out on a limb and tell the story as if I could see it happening. He suggested I pretend that my audience was blind, and I was describing what I was seeing, and they could only listen. It worked.

What (I wondered) was your life like before becoming an author?

He snorted at me then, and I knew he was being modest when he said:

Boring. I work, pay bills, struggle with everyday things just like the rest of the world. Like Michael, I take the point of view that no one is coming to save me. I have to stand up and be my own hero. I might screw up, but I have to try.

Now, (I said) please tell me about The Black Diary: Of Blood and Magic. Its one hell of a book. There is so much woven into the story it makes other authors look boring. How did you come up with that idea?

This question, I could tell would give me an interesting answer. He leaned forward and said in his deep mysterious voice:

I love vampires, magic, witches, and have been to Europe. I was lucky enough to have friends to travel with who took me to meet people that the tourists never see. I heard lots of folk tales. One day as I tied to write I did the famous "What If" game. What if this were the way vampires came to be? What would happen? What would their first night be like? What would they have to learn to survive? Where did the other creatures of legend come from? What if the vampires created them.

...and then I had another thought...Michael seems to be inherently 'good', his morals are strong (at least when it comes to him destroying the Others), so the question I want to ask is: Is there a message you want your readers to grasp?

Once again, he spoke strongly:

Vampires as we have been taught about them are all evil. My point is that they each have their own personality. Being turned doesn't mean becoming evil. It simply means that now the vampire no longer has a choice. They may hate what they've become, but what choice do they have? They don't stop having ideas or dreams. They still have feelings. They aren't animals. I am also pointing out that what you may think is true may NOT be true, as in Michael's being condemned along with the others, being seen as guilty for something he didn't do.

Is there a moral to your stories (I pondered) that you want the readers to learn?

I looked at him as he turned to face the window and I wondered if he spoke from experience when he said:

Don't always believe what you're told. The little people learned that Michael was not the dreaded monster they had been told he was. With the help of one innocent, they realized he just as feeling and vulnerable as they were. Never prejudge anyone. You could be missing someone wonderful in your life.

In chapter 3 (I reminisced) where you have rape, sodomy and the Making, the question I want to know the answer to is: Where do you as an author draw the line on gory descriptions and/or erotic content?

As he laughed and turned to face me again I saw a glimmer of the mystery he so likes keep to himself. He told me:

I think that too much detail kills a story. I remember listening to others tell stories who gave just enough detail to paint the picture, but not to fall into the trap of being vulgar or gross. Allow the reader to use their imaginations. That's where the real details lie.

The burning question is (I just had to know), are your characters based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

...and this brought a smile as he said:

I can honestly say that many of the characters you see in my stories are based on people I have known personally.

Who is your favorite character(s) in any of your works? I loved them all (I sighed), especially Michael...

I could see he had firm favorites, he reeled off a few names:

Stumpy Fauber, Agbert, and of course Granite. They don't think of themselves. They see the bigger picture.

Now, (I said, unashamed of my emotions) I have sat on the edge of my seat, and cried for Elisabeth and baby Grace most of all. What scene in your writing has made you laugh the hardest or cry the most?

As he nodded to himself, I watched him think out loud:

I'd have to say it is the funeral scene in Rose Hill. That was one of the hardest things I ever wrote. Then, there's Aleya learning to fight back and stand up to Boudicca. That was just damn funny.

...and I laughed with him at that because I had loved that scene too where Aleya had beaten Boudicca's nose bloody...

What (I probed) was one of the most surprising things you learned in writing your books?

Almost as if he had just thought of it, he nodded and said:

I discovered that I can write. I learned to paint with words. I learned that people, given the chance to drop their petty squabbles and listen to each other, can be very good.

What (I asked, wondering if anything had ever dared) scares you?

...and then I saw the man who would take no nonsense, saying:

In a few words, ignorance, selfishness, refusal to have pity on the next person. This world is too full of these things right now.

...and one last question before I take my leave...If you were writing a book about your life, what would the title be?

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." No..maybe..."Don't step in that, you'll be sorry."

...and with that, he was gone....I laughed and I knew that was just the way he wanted it.



16:09 Aug 10 2010

Wonderful job sweetie, Great interview.

20:01 Aug 10 2010

Pagan, your interview is wonderful but I knew it would be. Maybe you should do some other interviews like this.

06:13 Jul 22 2011

This is a compelling interview because I have only hoped to be a vampire author. Brilliant interview.



21:29 Aug 06 2010
Times Read: 1,219


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