immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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37 entries this month

23:47 Apr 30 2014
Times Read: 1,639

This ain't no place for no hero to call home.



23:50 Apr 30 2014

Hmm hmm... No, it's not.


00:44 Apr 30 2014
Times Read: 1,667

I don't know why, but I freaking love the opening sequence of Borderlands 2. It's not spectacular, just a way to show the different classes in the game, but every time I play the game I have to watch it.




22:13 Apr 29 2014
Times Read: 1,681

Well, I found something out that makes things a bit easier on me. I mean, I am still going to work my ass off to meet my original goal, but if I fall a bit short it won't be as disastrous as previously thought. But, I do have to get there by my birthday, I am running out of time. Stupid me for putting things off for so long.




07:25 Apr 29 2014
Times Read: 1,714

It's hard to feel loved when the "other woman" is Rob Zombie. How do I compete with that?



08:24 Apr 29 2014



08:25 Apr 29 2014



17:35 Apr 28 2014
Times Read: 1,731

So, the doctor at my clinic is still really worried about me possibly having anemia, which means I should probably go get myself checked out sometime soon. She was really worried about it, apparently my hemoglobin count is way, way lower than it ought to be. Bah. I don't want to have to start taking iron supplements.

But, thankfully, after this week I can get back to my normal routine. Normal food and normal trips to the gym. I am so glad to be able to hit the gym again. I have had all this pent up energy that I couldn't get rid of because I couldn't do more than leisurely walking.




17:39 Apr 25 2014
Times Read: 1,753

This plateau is killing me. It's been the same for the whole freaking week. Nothing I do has any effect on the darn numbers. It's disheartening.



18:53 Apr 25 2014

No change is better than gain. At least I would think so. : P


16:56 Apr 25 2014
Times Read: 1,759

I do not place much stock in second hand information, in my reality or online. And most especially on this website where it seems everyone is a practiced liar. Unless I hear something come from a person directly involved in the situation, I am not going to believe you simply because someone told someone something who then told you. That just isn't very smart. So much can be misunderstood or interpreted in a way that is out of context when you get information second hand.

The only exclusions I make for this rule is with my family. Everyone knows everyone's business anyway, so any information you get second hand is totally spot on. Don't you just love family like that? My grandmother on my mom's side is the worst culprit for such things.



18:52 Apr 25 2014

The most aggravating thing I put everyone through when they are "informing" me of something they heard... is ask questions. Why? I'm not sure... but I've been told that they don't have to explain themselves about anything, so... LOL.

You can feed me all the info you wish, if my questioning you upsets you, there's something wrong with the info you are trying to convey, especially if you don't want me to "understand" and just take your word for it.

Growth, some people are incapable of it. For those who like gossip... take what you are fed, and carry on. You'll spice it up when you pass it along any way.



03:54 Apr 25 2014
Times Read: 1,780

Man, rearranging my room so that my tele wasn't lodged in the corner was an absolute bitch. I had to move more than I thought I would because my original idea didn't work.

And, upon rereading a certain member's journal and the comments left, I still think they are racist. I mean, the things said are pretty appalling if you are of one of the races talked about. And I do fall under one of those categories. Truly disgusting. I deleted the "racist motherfucker" entry by mistake, but those thoughts still very much stand. I never thought highly of said member, so it's not all that shocking of behavior.




01:24 Apr 25 2014
Times Read: 1,793

I'm slowly working my way through the Halo books, right now I'm reading the first one, The Fall of Reach. And, well, it's just kind of sad. I mean, I should expect people to die, it's a franchise about war, after all, but it just hits hard sometimes, when you don't even expect it to. This one is all about John-117, Master Chief, and through the story you learn about his life as a Spartan, and you learn about his friends. When one of them dies, it just sucks. You become more invested in their stories, because unlike the games, you have a far better insight to how they feel and what they are thinking. Losing one of them is like losing one of your own friends.

Or...maybe I am just weird and should probably stop being so obsessed with the Halo franchise.




17:06 Apr 24 2014
Times Read: 1,811

I think I threw off the flow of my profile with that image right in the middle, but, I don't care. It's like, music, text, text, text, BAM! picture, text, text, text, Coven Crest, text. Heh. Whatever. I like it, and it makes it difficult to miss.



19:31 Apr 24 2014

I think it's perfect :)



08:47 Apr 23 2014
Times Read: 1,852



03:11 Apr 23 2014
Times Read: 1,872

I finally started playing Borderlands 2. I hadn't touched it since I bought it, so I figured it was about time to get on that. I am freaking in love with the game. The writing is just hilarious. I liked the first game, and I played through it pretty quickly, but 2 is just that much better. Right now I am playing with Zero, but I think I may also create a Siren character as well. I like the Siren, it's what I used in 1. But, as much as I like her, I like Zero way better.




21:59 Apr 22 2014
Times Read: 1,885

I'm thinking about sending one of my alts over to Les Enfants. Ever since I had to pull Ephemeral out, as I gave away the account, I just haven't felt right. Even if the Coven isn't active, it was a home for me. And I belong there. I will probably see about sending over Silhouette, as it's my highest non-Sire account.




06:58 Apr 22 2014
Times Read: 1,914

It's a waiting game. Always a waiting game.

I wanted to talk to you tonight. I miss you, sir.




18:05 Apr 21 2014
Times Read: 1,931

Well, I feel better than I did last night. The worst I thought was going to happen actually didn't happen at all. It's a relief that everything I have done so far hasn't been thrown off. I guess I don't get enough calories for it to really screw me over like I thought it would. Anyway, I am still on track and doing awesomely. By the end of this I'll feel really accomplished with what I have done. Just two more weeks then things can go back to being somewhat normal again. For a month and a half then it's back to this. But, I know I can do it.



22:35 Apr 21 2014

Rock on!


04:26 Apr 21 2014
Times Read: 1,964

I hate myself right now. Just absolutely hate myself. I was doing so damn good...why did I do what I did? I just threw all that hard work and dedication right out the window because of momentary weakness. I fucking suck.



04:49 Apr 21 2014

Just get right back on it. The key is never thinking it's over and wasted just because you had a cheat day.

04:49 Apr 21 2014

I'm just taking a stab in the dark that you're talking about breaking a diet because it's a holiday :)

04:54 Apr 21 2014

Yeah, I cheated on my diet. And, it's just so stupid. I didn't even get to really enjoy that bit of food I ate, I was just so paranoid about what the consequences were going to be. What I am doing is extremely strict in what I can and cannot eat because it effects the overall protocol, and I screwed it all up for nothing.


17:47 Apr 20 2014
Times Read: 1,976

The band played their own version of this song in service today. And, since today is Easter, the day Christ rose from the grave, I figured it would be nice to share it for those who do believe.




17:30 Apr 18 2014
Times Read: 1,992

Blah, reposting... Adds and rates and all that bullshit would be awesome. I will probably "return the favor," even though it is no real favor and I honestly don't care. Meh. Just, you know, message me or something if you add me so I can do the same.




16:30 Apr 18 2014
Times Read: 1,999

You know, after all this is done, I will never have an issue with needles and shots again. I guess that's a good thing, as that fear was a little irrational in someone my age.




00:15 Apr 18 2014
Times Read: 2,012

I want a road ready Warthog.



04:42 Apr 18 2014

I call shotgun :)


11:41 Apr 17 2014
Times Read: 2,029

I love you. And even though it may feel like I am trying to force you away, just please, always remember this one fact:





03:58 Apr 17 2014
Times Read: 2,058

Screw life right now. Just fuck it all at the moment.




02:26 Apr 17 2014
Times Read: 2,067

Blah... Adds and rates and all that bullshit would be awesome. I will probably "return the favor," even though it is no real favor and I honestly don't care. Meh.



03:32 Apr 17 2014

I've been waiting for this moment my whole life ;_;



10:50 Apr 16 2014
Times Read: 2,102



06:58 Apr 16 2014
Times Read: 2,115

"Behind joy and laughter there may be a temperament, coarse, hard and callous. But behind sorrow there is always sorrow. Pain, unlike pleasure, wears no mask. Truth in art is not any correspondence between the essential idea and the accidental existence; it is not the resemblance of shape to shadow, or of the form mirrored in the crystal to the form itself; it is no echo coming from a hollow hill, any more than it is a silver well of water in the valley that shows the moon to the moon and Narcissus to Narcissus. Truth in art is the unity of a thing with itself: the outward rendered expressive of the inward: the soul made incarnate: the body instinct with spirit. For this reason there is no truth comparable to sorrow. There are times when sorrow seems to me to be the only truth. Other things may be illusions of the eye or the appetite, made to blind the one and cloy the other, but out of sorrow have the worlds been built, and at the birth of a child or a star there is pain." - Oscar Wilde




04:32 Apr 15 2014
Times Read: 2,129

I just noticed, I can watch tonight's lunar eclipse all from the comfort of my bed. Nice.



20:36 Apr 15 2014

i love those moments too..i sleep so good when the moon shine on my bed through window... :)


04:40 Apr 14 2014
Times Read: 2,145

You know, reading Joffrey's death was satisfying, but watching it play out on tonight's Game of Thrones was just that much better. Ah, thank goodness for Littlefinger and the Tyrells and their lovely poison. (At least, that is the theory I am sticking with, since it seems to point that way in the books.)




17:25 Apr 13 2014
Times Read: 2,158

After all this is over, if I never eat veal or chicken again, you know, I would be totally fine with that. Dammit... I wish I could have gone out to breakfast with my parents after today's service.




04:56 Apr 12 2014
Times Read: 2,170

I bought myself Halo Wars on LIVE, and then I stopped by GameStop and got myself Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, brand new. I am a happy Immy.




07:36 Apr 08 2014
Times Read: 2,196

Logged in to find this baby on my profile:

Man eight years, time sure does fly by. And I still love it here like I did the first day. :]




02:13 Apr 08 2014
Times Read: 2,208

Despite all the troubles and tribulations I face in my life, the obstacles I am working to overcome, I consider myself to be one lucky woman. I have the love, understanding and support of my amazing family and a truly wonderful person outside of my family. While I may be lacking in certain areas at present, I am most definitely blessed on that front.




04:36 Apr 06 2014
Times Read: 2,229

So, Smoke and Mirrors is back. On my alternate Sire account. I'm happy.




01:11 Apr 06 2014
Times Read: 2,248

Ever felt like you completely ruined a friendship by saying something so absurdly stupid and out of place? Yeah... I am pretty sure I did just that with my inability to keep my opinions to myself sometimes.



01:21 Apr 06 2014

If you are referencing our friendship, nah, you didn't ruin anything. And if you aren't and I looked like an ass for assuming so, then sorry.


23:20 Apr 05 2014
Times Read: 2,256

So, I had a salad today, romane lettuce and baby spinach, with grilled chicken, cracked pepper, and lemon juice as the dressing. I didn't really want to eat it, but I figured I had to eat something more than apples and strawberries. Although, I could live just fine on the apples and strawberries.

I ordered some veal from the butcher, it should be in tomorrow. I miss red meat, so this is as good as it gets for me.




18:48 Apr 03 2014
Times Read: 2,272

I haven't eaten a decent meal in days. And by decent I mean some kind of meat and vegetable. It's only been apples and some strawberries and water. I know I need to eat actual food, not just fruit, but I just can't stomach it. I am not at all hungry, and eating the fruit is a chore in itself. I'd be worried, but, eh, it'll be fine.




08:10 Apr 03 2014
Times Read: 2,290

Honestly, I love playing on LIVE with you. Be it Halo or Borderlands, or killing waves of zombies, you just make it all that much more fun.




16:26 Apr 01 2014
Times Read: 2,314

It's funny, the things a person gets used to. Like, his voice in my ears every night. And then to wake up to him not being there, it throws me off a bit. Soon, though, there will be no need for all this technology.



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