immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 1,239    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

01:07 Feb 25 2023
Times Read: 397

Oh, that contest is gonna be a fun one. I'm petty sure I could answer 90% of those questions off the top of my head, but I'm not participating. Cursed and VW did a lot of reading to gather all the information for the clues, haha. Best of luck to those who are taking part!



03:25 Feb 25 2023


03:27 Feb 25 2023

I hope it brings a fun challenge for those that wish to participate in it! :)


14:55 Feb 24 2023
Times Read: 450

I think it's really weird to take AI generated art and claim it as your own. I've played around with MidJourney, but you don't see me claiming I made any of the images it created from my prompt.

In other news, more rain. Yay.

And, good luck to those who participate in the site contest that kicks off today.



22:21 Feb 24 2023

I agree with you on this one, totally!

I am excited for the contest to start tonight! I hope it is enjoyable for the members! :)


02:08 Feb 24 2023
Times Read: 473

The weather out here in SoCal has been a mess since December. We've actually had LA County issue it's first blizzard warning since '89 for the mountains. And it's supposed to rain tomorrow through Saturday. Today, we had ice in the rain. Not quite hail, not quite snow, but ice falling with the rain. I'm not looking forward to the long drive to Hidden Hills tomorrow night, in the midst of the storm. I mean, I love rainy, overcast days, but it's been in the 30s at night and barely hitting the 50s during the day, and Southern California isn't really built for torrential downpours like we've been getting. It would be nice to not have to turn on the heater every day.




08:32 Feb 23 2023
Times Read: 511

Carnival Row has some of the most beautiful music. I've been watching it with Logan, since he'd never seen it and I need a refresher before starting the second (and final) season. I forgot just how hauntingly beautiful the music was.



15:15 Feb 23 2023

Now I will have to check it out lol

22:48 Feb 23 2023

I watched the first episode, on my watch list. I need to get back to them.


08:19 Feb 18 2023
Times Read: 574

I finally finished the story for Hogwarts Legacy. It took me around 52 hours. I really could have done it in 30, but I kept getting sidetracked with side missions, exploration, and collecting things. The final battle is a tad bit on the annoying side, but overall I really enjoyed the playthrough. Now, I need to figure out which House I'm going to do next, since I am determined to 100% the game, and that requires getting to a certain point with a character in all four of the Houses. I guess I can do Gryffindor, because I hate them the most and won't mind rushing through it to get my achievements.



18:43 Feb 19 2023


15:15 Feb 23 2023

Grats I am still working on mine


20:19 Feb 17 2023
Times Read: 606

Change doesn't happen unless you're willing to put in the work.

A mantra I've needed to constantly tell myself lately. Unless I put in the work, nothing's going to change for the better.



18:43 Feb 19 2023

Love this mantra. So true.


02:10 Feb 14 2023
Times Read: 672

I try and I try, but all the effort never amounts up to anything.





10:34 Feb 13 2023
Times Read: 726



17:32 Feb 07 2023
Times Read: 803

I just made my first online sell! My Charade-110 ankle boots have sold to a young woman who is super excited to get them. Oddly enough, I made the sell through Facebook Marketplace over Poshmark. I listed them for $100, and with shipping costs and everything being payed by the buyer, I'm making $105 in profit. And considering I bought them on sale for $108, it's a 3 buck loss. I'm good with that, haha. I'm just glad they'll be going to someone who will actually wear them.



01:51 Feb 08 2023



15:12 Feb 07 2023
Times Read: 834

So, I played Hogwarts Legacy on and off for about 7 hours yesterday, and I've barely scratched the surface. I'm taking my time on the main storyline, opting to do side quests as I find them and explore. So much exploring. I got my wand, the same one given to me when I joined Pottermore so many years ago, since I linked my accounts for those special fan-atic robes and the mask. I love it. I'm in no rush to get anything done, I like just wandering around the castle, Hogsmead, seeing what I can find. I'm Ravenclaw, because of course I am. I was tempted to go Slytherin, but I'll save that for my second playthrough. Ravenclaw has always been my House, it's where I rightfully belong. And the Tower is so pretty. I really enjoy the blues in the color scheme.

I am addicted, though. I'm counting down the hours until I get off work so, I can hurry home and play some more. And, tonight, instead of watching stuff with Logan like we usually do, we'll hop into an Xbox party and play "together." It's the one downside about the game, there being no co-op because I'd love to run around Hogwarts with him, but it is what it is. I wouldn't change a thing about this game. And, we can talk while we both play our separate games. I'm eager to hear what he thinks about it. He couldn't play it last night because Steam is lame and universally releases their games at 10 in the morning.



15:39 Feb 07 2023

I hope you have fun with Logan I love the game so far


23:59 Feb 06 2023
Times Read: 890

God damn, this game is gorgeous! Taken directly from game play on my Seires X. I'm in love, living out all my Hogwarts fantasies.



00:45 Feb 07 2023

Giggles I’ll join you after I’m done at work

03:37 Feb 07 2023

Holy...Wow! It IS GORGEOUS! I might have to download it to my xbox when I get paid and play it as well!!! I love games that have AMAZING graphics!!

12:33 Feb 07 2023

Al of the shots I've seen of this since last night (I blame you, Cat) make mw wish I'd gone for this and not held out for Resident Evil 4.


21:50 Feb 06 2023
Times Read: 909

I live in Australia now, according to my Xbox. I'm off to play Hogwarts Legacy! I'm impatient and I can't wait for it to release at 9. As stated in my last entry, you won't be seeing me around much for a while.



22:45 Feb 06 2023

Lucky shit


06:25 Feb 06 2023
Times Read: 952

So, you all might see way less of me starting this week. Hogwarts Legacy drops on the 7th, and since I've been waiting for this game since it was announced, I'll be spending pretty much all of my free time playing it. So, that means I may not be here much save during the day, when I have free moments while I'm at work. Say what you will about Rowling, I grew up on Harry Potter, and I still very much love it. So a game where I get to explore all of Hogwarts and Hogsmead while maybe doing all the dark magic, is a dream come true for me. It's estimated that it'll take around 35 hours to finish, if you just do the main story. But, add exploration and side quests to that, and the time bumps up exponentially to around 70 to 80 hours. I plan to explore every inch of the castle, the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmead, and everywhere else I can get to on my majestic as fuck Thestral. So yeah. You'll see me when you see me, I guess.



06:45 Feb 06 2023

I am excited to get the game but it won't be right away... it looks way cool!

14:18 Feb 06 2023

Less than 24 hours!


04:54 Feb 05 2023
Times Read: 1,000

Giving Poshmark a go for my Demonia boots. I don't usually resell clothing and the like, but I bought them in 2021 and then I've never worn them, they've been sitting in their boxes collecting dust in my closet. I'd rather send them them off to someone who will actually wear them. They aren't expensive, and you can still get both pairs off the Demonia website, but I figure why not try to make some of the money back that I spent on them. It's a shame, because I really love the Charade-110 ankle boots, but I know I will never wear them. And I'm getting to the point where big, platform boots aren't my thing, which is why I'm also selling the Emily-322s.




06:40 Feb 04 2023
Times Read: 1,031

I hate the weekends when I'm not with him. I constantly feel like half of me is missing.





01:12 Feb 04 2023
Times Read: 1,059




01:04 Feb 04 2023
Times Read: 1,061



14:52 Feb 02 2023
Times Read: 1,133

Well, it looks like I get to create Nocturnal Retribution's motto. I messaged Cancer after the suggestion from CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs, because if anyone would know, it would likely be him, and he said that to his knowledge there wasn't. Now this really takes some thinking. I may open it up to taking suggestions from my House members if nothing comes to me.

This is hard for me, since NR isn't my creation, and I had no real tie to the House before it was given to me. But I love it now, and I'll do my best to think of something that will do it the justice it deserves. Writing just hasn't been something I've done in a while, so it's a little difficult to get those creative juices flowing again. I do know someone who used to be part of the House years and years ago. I may shoot him a message on Facebook and see if he has any ideas about it.



21:37 Feb 02 2023

Just a thought, you could look up what the representation stands for and maybe that will help inspire you to come up with the perfect thing.


01:20 Feb 02 2023
Times Read: 1,188

This is a question for the older members. As we all know, I've been given The House of Nocturnal Retribution. I've gone through everything I have at my disposal (old forum posts, original House pages, news, and messages), but I can't seem to find anything pertaining to this. Each House tends to have a motto, a creed, that encompasses the House as a whole. I'm curious if anyone may know if Nocturnal Retribution ever had one. I want to pay tribute to this House, those who came before, and the one who created it. And if there are House specific words, I would love to be able to use them on the main page. Unfortunately, I can't ask any of the original members, as they've been gone for years now. I know it's a bit of a long shot, but I figured I would ask in case someone out there knows.



02:46 Feb 02 2023

When I log on to my laptop, I'll go through the stuff I have regarding House history. Shoot me a message when you get a chance so I don't forget.

In currently do a House pages for the Seven Houses so I have been gathering information on each House, starting from conception.

02:47 Feb 02 2023

I'm currently doing a House Page*

I hate mobile. Constant autocorrect 😂


15:53 Feb 01 2023
Times Read: 1,223

With February rolling in, Faire season is gonna be here in the blink of an eye. I need to figure out if I even want to apply this year. After the incident I dealt with last year, I'm so torn. On the one hand, I love working at Faire. I love meeting people and dressing in garb and just getting out into the world. On the other, I'd lose my weekends with Logan for two months, and most importantly, I never want to deal with the bullshit I dealt with last year. I didn't go into it when it happened, but I was fired halfway through Faire after being accused of stealing. They searched me and my things, and of course found nothing, because I would never steal from an employer, especially when I made great money in tips alone, but that whole experience really soured me on Faire. I was hurt that they accused me of such a thing. I've worked in positions where I handled money for a vast majority of my working life, and never once have I ever been accused of stealing. I was raised with honor, respect, and integrity, so stealing is not something I do. On any level. And definitely not from an employer. But yeah, it happened and despite there being absolutely no evidence of me doing so, they let me go. I don't even know if I'd be considered, should I even apply this year. I meant to send Lisa a text message after it happened, but I never did. And with the type of community Faire is, everyone talks to each other, especially the vendors. And I don't know what kind of bullshit Nick said about me. So all of Faire may very well think I'm a theif. Nevermind that Nick stiffed me about $200 when he gave me my last paycheck, but he claimed I was the theif...

But yeah... As someone who's gone to Faire pretty much every year since I was a kid, as someone who worked it before with no issues, to be accused of stealing really hurt me. It really put me off the whole experience. And I'm still bitter about it, despite it being pretty much a year later. Though, I think I have a right to be bitter. So... I have to figure out if it's worth it to me. Safe to say I wouldn't be working for Nick again, so I wouldn't be bringing in the tips I did at his booth. Is it worth it to lose weekends for two months? To lose any time I would get with Logan for two months? Do I want to subject myself to those people again, risk being called a theif again? As fun as I have always found Faire, working it is a tough job. You're on your feet for up to 10 hours a day, it can get insanely hot in April and May, it's dirty, dealing with the traffic in and out of the Santa Fe Dam can be a nightmare. It once took me an hour and a half to just get out of the park area last year, and that wasn't even on the busiest day. But, the customers make it fun, your fellow participants are always fun and so kind and welcoming. The base pay isn't great, it's minimum wage at $15 starting, but the tips are good. I don't know. It's something I have to really put thought into. They start accepting applications for nonacting parts next month. It's really something I have to think about. Do the few pros outweigh all the cons? Would I really be okay knowing that shit has undoubtedly been spoken about me? Would Lisa even hire me again after everything that happened last season? I hate that such a fun thing has been ruined for me like it has.



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