immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 900    [ Give / Take ]


45 entries this month

11:49 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 1,837

Don't want to be a stranger

Want to be the one you need

I can be your world, your life

Your lover, all for free

All the little things come back

The things we used to be

Nobody can take us down there

It's only you and me

And without you I can't be

You're the universe to me

You're the air in my lungs

You're the fields where I run

You're the sky where I'm floating




05:59 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 1,851

This is for, all the people, who put commas, where no comma, should be placed. Awkward seperations, in a sentence, are the new, hip thing, with all, the idiot kids, these days. Don't, you, know?

God, that hurt to type. If you're going to use a comma, for the love of written word, use them correctly.




04:11 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 1,853

It's finally raining! Well, sort of. On and off. Regardless, it is just what SoCal needs right now.




05:00 Jan 30 2014
Times Read: 1,893

Oh, just fuck it. You can't make somebody want you.



10:44 Jan 30 2014

I agree.

No mater how bad the hurt.

19:24 Jan 30 2014


19:34 Feb 21 2014

I agree on that hon.



11:56 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 1,918



08:26 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 1,928

I got over my Skyrim rage. I just decided not to do that one storyline for a while. Maybe raise up my level a bit, learn some new spells and Shouts, kill a few more dragons. Then I will go back to it. Probably. I think I was more annoyed that I hadn't saved any of the progress I had made since last night, and that I had to go back and redo a lot of things. But, that's on stupid me not constantly saving things like I ought to.




01:09 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 1,950

Skyrim has finally annoyed me to the point where I want to throw my controller at the wall and scream in frustration. Screw this, I am going back to Halo where I can blow Covenant away with relative ease. I killed some dragons, that's enough for me.



01:14 Jan 29 2014

Skyrim does get frustrating Could be your character though so you may want to take a break from it and then create a new character.. also if you love halo gta5 is fun as well :) especially blowing stuff up :)


22:05 Jan 28 2014
Times Read: 1,968

Everyone is talking about snow, and I am sitting here in a tank top and jeans, enjoying the nice, breezy, 75 degree day. Keep your snow, this is my idea of perfect.



22:07 Jan 28 2014

Lucky bish :P


06:24 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 2,024

"Like, omg! I'm gonna charge people for art that I didn't actually create!"

Yeah, no. If you have the nerve to charge someone for a piece of art, you better create that piece of art yourself. Taking someone else's image, slapping some text on it, or merging two images together, does not make the image yours, and you do not have the right to charge anyone for said image.

That kind of thing annoys me to no end. People don't seem to understand that images you find on the internet are usually not created for you to steal and throw some shitty looking text over. They are created by real artists who devote time to their craft. If you're just going to paste one image onto another, have the decency to use stock images (and use them within the guidelines of the stock provider), not just any image you find floating around. And, if you don't, give credit to the original creator. And don't charge someone like you're the one who originally created the image. You didn't. You're profiting off someone else's hard work. And that is despicable.



11:55 Jan 27 2014

People should be shot for stuff like that..,

19:22 Jan 27 2014

Seriously. It's despicable. I've added text to some random photobucket images for people back in the day but never even thought about charging for them- how fucking delusional can you be?

19:24 Jan 30 2014

lol this is new


03:04 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 2,033

I had a nice day out, really for the first time since before I got sick. I treated my mom to the movies. We went and saw The Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle. Both films were really, really good. But, I liked The Wolf of Wall Street a bit better, I think the story was far more interesting. And Leo was pretty damn amazing. We're all going to go out for dinner once my sister-in-law gets home. Two family dinners in one month, we're living it big, I swear. Heh. All-in-all it was a good day. It was nice to get out of the house and actually go do something fun. Being cooped up in here was making me a little crazy.




10:30 Jan 25 2014
Times Read: 2,047

Man, I hate when I pull myself out of sleep. I knocked out around ten and then woke up about an hour ago and have no been able to get myself back to sleep, despite everything I have tried. Ugh. Maybe I will just go play some Skyrim for a while.



12:23 Jan 25 2014

I'm still up. Talk to me. :D


11:01 Jan 24 2014
Times Read: 2,081

Lol, I don't know who you are, guy, but that is one funny reaction to absolutely nothing. I'll take it, and chuckle, because it's pathetic in its nature. If you're looking for some form of retaliation against you, best look elsewhere. I simply do not give a fuck.

In other news, I named horse Pony in Skyrim, because screw thinking up a unique name to match my character's race, and she needed a name. So... Pony. And I talk to her... Through the tv... Like she can hear me. I think I may need to lay off the Xbox for a while, because I am pretty sure that's a sign of insanity.



18:41 Jan 24 2014

Bah. I talk to my horse in game too. I call him Poe.

As for it being a sign of insanity, you're in good company! ;)


03:14 Jan 23 2014
Times Read: 2,101

I am cheating on Halo with Skyrim... And I don't feel bad. I forgot how utterly addicting Skyrim can be to play. I have been neglecting Halo and leveling my Spartan in Spartan Ops for the past few days.



03:16 Jan 23 2014

wow just wow immy

21:01 Jan 23 2014

Shame on you! Master Chief is very disappointed. :p


01:18 Jan 21 2014
Times Read: 2,115

And boom, over it.

I totally forgot today was MLK Jr. Day, and that the library would be closed. Man, I was really looking forward to seeing if they had more of the Halo books. I won't get the chance to get out here until next Monday. Well, I suppose it gives me time to finish The Cole Protocol first.



01:58 Jan 21 2014

Read damned, or any of the palahniuk books.


23:56 Jan 20 2014
Times Read: 2,125

I always attract the idiots... I love how they tend to immediately jump to the "you're not acting like an Acolyte/Dominar/Sentoran/Upper Admin!" when you don't give them what they want. So, I blocked her to get her to shut up. Because, honestly, I draw the line when someone implys that I am not being professional, even when they message me personally. As alway, bottom up, because I am too lazy to fix this on my phone.

Message To: CursedDarkness

Like I said, done.

On 23:51:06 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

Piece !

On 23:50:47 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

This conversation is done. Farther attempts to message me will force me to take more permanent actions toward you. You said your piece, the end.

On 23:49:47 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

No your not !

On 23:48:39 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

I am acting like an Acolyte. Thanks.

On 23:48:01 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

please act like and acolyte,

On 23:47:33 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Rate me whatever you want. I could not care less, numbers on website on the internet don't effect my reality.

On 23:46:26 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

than i can rate you a 7 too right?

On 23:46:01 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Uh, I wasn't being rude. But, whatever, person. I can and do use all the numbers when rating, as Cancer intended. If you can't accept that small fact, I don't know what to tell you.

On 23:44:21 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

than i can report your rudeness to cancer your and acolyte act like one!

On 23:43:36 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

Yeah, no. I wasn't "downgrading" you. By my standards you don't deserve a ten. So, I gave you exactly what I though you did deserve, like I do with everyone. Welcome to Vampire Rave, I am sure mine isn't the only lowish rate you will receive. Get over it.

On 23:41:20 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

OK then don't downgrade me and u wont get multiple messages,

On 23:39:23 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) immortalxkiss wrote:

You sent me one message already. You don't need to send me multiple message asking the same thing. It makes me not want to do it just because you're so adamant about it. I will get around to it when I get around to it, and not before then.

On 21:19:36 Jan 20 2014 (-0 GMT) CursedDarkness wrote:

can u please re rate me thanks



18:40 Jan 24 2014

yeah sure because acting like an Acolyte means to kiss their ass, how wrong they are.


07:58 Jan 20 2014
Times Read: 2,139

ForwardUntoDawn. I think it's my favorite profile out of all of them, past and present.




23:32 Jan 19 2014
Times Read: 2,150

Matthew started me on something bad when he sent me Contact Harvest with all my Christmas goodies, one of the books in the Halo franchise. I paid my local library a visit today, but they only had one of the books, The Cole Protocol. So tomorrow I am going to pay the library next to my mom's work a visit, they are bound to have more of the books, since it's an L. A. County Library an they tend to have a far wider selection. But yeah, now I am hooked on the books, because they delve deeper into the universe than just what you see in the games.



05:16 Jan 20 2014

-insert evil cackle- Success!


04:00 Jan 18 2014
Times Read: 2,168

Halo Spartan Ops is the only thing that has really been keeping me sane as I deal with getting over this bronchitis thing. Well, Halo and talking to/texting Matthew. I am, unofficially, confined to my room, mostly because I tend not to feel well enough to go do anything, and hanging out downstairs with my parents isn't my idea of a good time. So, the box of X has been an absolute godsend. I still can't thank my Tommy enough for it.

I started to play Skyrim, but my tv sucks in here, so I had to quit since I couldn't read anything. That's one I have to play downstairs on the new TV. With Halo, I already know everything, so it is fine if I can't read the text.



12:10 Jan 18 2014

:( I hope you feel better soon.


08:09 Jan 16 2014
Times Read: 2,185

You know, with this whole having bronchitis thing, what I hate most isn't the coughing, the headaches, the muscle aches, the congestion, or any of that nonsense. No, what I hate most is sleeping. Because my body temperature fluctuates so rapidly it makes it difficult. Last night, for instance. I sleep with one sheet and one blanket that has probably seen better days, it keeps me warm enough since this winter is feeling more like a mild summer than winter ought to, but yeah. I have another blanket I keep on my bed that I have been using on and off recently. Well, as I said, my temperature has been fluctuating like crazy since I have been sick, one minute I am freezing, the next I feel like I am in the middle of Hell, burning up.

So, last night, I had both blankets on me since I was freezing when I went to bed. I had a horrible dream where I was on fire/trapped in a burning building, so, I wake up and find I am covered in sweat. Absolutely disgusting. I pull all my covers off for about five seconds before I am shivering, just completely chilled to the bone. I pull them all on me again and attempt to get back to sleep. The whole waking up sweltering only to then freeze again a few seconds later plays out for the whole freaking night. And this has been what has been going on since Saturday. Sleep is just something that won't come easy for me because of this sickness. And that's the worst part of it. I sleep fairly decently throughout the day, but I still get those crazy temperature drops and spikes. It must be what hot flashes feel like.



15:18 Jan 16 2014

Do take care. Get well soon.

01:56 Jan 17 2014

:( get well soon, my Alice. =^.^=


22:40 Jan 15 2014
Times Read: 2,212

Looking for a place to stash my other Sire account. I don't really have the desire to comb over the Covens page and pick someplace that may interest me, because it's not likely any place will interest me. So, I am just gonna let people come to me. So, if you want a Sire in your Coven, at least at level 113, let me know.



23:24 Jan 15 2014

Ill take you Immy I always could use more staff

00:30 Jan 16 2014

Hey you could always have multiples in cf! Lmao!

Seriously though, thanks for sticking around, it means a lot to me.


06:44 Jan 14 2014
Times Read: 2,230

Pretty sure I have bronchitis. My mom has it, and considering I caught this from her, it isn't unlikely. It would explain a lot. Like my constant fevers, that horrible cough, the soreness in my muscles. So yeah, I am feeling a bit better right now, but I doubt that it will last long. I felt wonderful last night only to wake up this morning feeling worse than I did on Saturday.




23:57 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 2,255

I woke up feeling horrible. I think this is the worst I have felt in a long, long time. I have been sleeping on and off all day, pretty sure at some point I had a fever, I don't think it's broken yet. So, if I am not around for a few days, this is why. I am gonna go back to sleep now.



02:01 Jan 12 2014

I haven't been feeling all that great either.

Get to feeling better soon, okay?

04:00 Jan 12 2014

-hugs you tight- feel better soon, dearest.


11:33 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 2,269

I am thinking, when I shut down K-Kkun I am probably going to do a bit of Society hopping with that Sire account. Of course, after I revamp it and change the name to something a little more fitting of my current interests. I am sure anyone who's been reading my journals these last few months will know the theme I am going to go with. I can't wait! I love change, and since I will never rename this account, I have to live through my others.




03:47 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 2,282

Went and paid GameStop a visit and got myself Halo 3 and Skyrim. I am super happy. The only Halo game I need is Halo 2, but it doesn't look like I will be getting that one, since it was made for the original Xbox.




16:19 Jan 10 2014
Times Read: 2,298

I want to mean so much to you, but I am beginning to feel like the romance ship has sailed. And then promptly sunk. To the bottom of the deepest ocean. On another planet. A billion miles away.

Yeah... You say patience, but even if I was the most patient person in the world, I still feel like your end response will be that heartbreaking no.




04:50 Jan 10 2014
Times Read: 2,311

We had a nice dinner out at BJ's for my brother's birthday. I am not a huge fan of the food, it's all kind of bland, save for the pizza. But, aside from the hour long wait, it was fun. I really enjoy the times we all get to go out together. When we're all home we tend to confine ourselves to our rooms, so we don't have the interaction unless we have something going on, so spending time like that, just enjoying each other's company, joking around, it just feels really nice.



15:54 Jan 10 2014

I hate Bjs, place is over rated in my book..


16:30 Jan 09 2014
Times Read: 2,329

So, after fiddling around with it, I decided I am not a fan of the new updates to my phone. Nothing is easy to use anymore, everything seems to be tied in with Google, and everything I loved about it has been shat on. Oh, Samsung, what have you done?

The one positive is that I renamed my phone John-117, so now when it is locked, the screen says Wake up, John. I need you. which I thought was funny and clever. Since my whole phone is decked oh with Halo stuff anyway, it fits so perfectly.



16:41 Jan 09 2014

*Plays funeral dirge for all the updates that likely died due to Samsung's poor choices*

The lock screen idea is awesome though!


11:26 Jan 09 2014
Times Read: 2,345

Well, that's odd. Something about VR just doesn't mesh well with my phone after this last update. Every time I attempt to load it on my phone's default Internet browser, it forces it to stop working and shut down. Though, it appears to work just fine on the Opera browser. That is really weird, and I hope I can manage to fix it, as the default browser is the one that is well, my default. I don't like the other mobile browsers.



11:31 Jan 09 2014

When I log in on my cell, it directs me to another page to log in, making me log in twice. :/ It's fine after that, though.

12:06 Jan 09 2014

It doesn't even take me to another page. It will load the home page, but if I attempt to navigate anywhere from that it force closes on me. And it is really odd, since up until this update to my phone, it worked perfectly. I have no idea, but I suppose it isn't a huge deal. I can get it to work on Opera or Chrome, so I am not going to be without VR on my phone. It is just aggravating.

12:47 Jan 09 2014

I know what you mean. I'm not sure what could be done though. Sometimes updates are annoying.


03:40 Jan 08 2014
Times Read: 2,361

Who has Halo: ODST, Portal 2, and Dishonored? This gal!

I don't know which to play first.




00:11 Jan 08 2014
Times Read: 2,370

I want to try my hand at creating and play Minecraft, but I don't know if it is worth buying for the 360. Plus, unless I am shooting something, I tend to lose interest pretty quick.




22:09 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 2,384

Everyone is talking about horrible weather, and I am sitting here in SoCal unable to relate. Today is the first overcast day we have had in, I want to say a month or so. I am pretty sure all the days in December were fairly sunny. And the temperature is around 68 degrees. This has been a seriously mild winter so far, even for Southern California. Oh sure, the nights drop down to the 50s and 40s depending on where you're at, but the days have been pretty consistent in their warmth.




05:24 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 2,404

Yay, 'Noles! Way to keep with the PERFECT season!



05:35 Jan 07 2014

Awesome Game...Not what I wanted,but ya know...lol


05:53 Jan 07 2014

It was a really good game. For a while there I thought FSU might just lose it.


02:13 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 2,415

I am not a huge fan of football, professional or college, but I have to root for FSU tonight. My family would disown me if I didn't, heh. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but even so... Let's go, 'Noles!

They have had an amazing season, I can only hope they keep it up and win this one as well.



03:12 Jan 07 2014

Cheers...And good luck!

-grins-...War Eagle.



22:18 Jan 06 2014
Times Read: 2,424



09:14 Jan 06 2014
Times Read: 2,445

Getting to play Halo with the people I do is just, so awesome. I don't even care that I am the crappiest player in the group, I have way too much fun to really focus on that fact. Slain, Matthew, and mister Kevin. So. Much. Fun.



09:20 Jan 06 2014

Crappy? I say you're a pretty nice distraction. lmfao. Even fodder has it's purpose. >..>

Besides, you do fine, you're just new. I'm enjoying myself too, might as well, I can only play for so long before I can't anymore. : )

09:33 Jan 06 2014

thats good have fun with it

18:22 Jan 06 2014

Oh come on now, she's certainly more than

cannon fodder.

One of these days you're gonna be an amazing player. It just takes a bit of practice. :)


04:38 Jan 06 2014
Times Read: 2,456

Giving away one of my lower accounts. Message me if interested. :]





04:09 Jan 06 2014
Times Read: 2,460



02:35 Jan 06 2014
Times Read: 2,472

And still, I am not impressed.




23:59 Jan 04 2014
Times Read: 2,488

I totally fail as a sister. I completely forgot it was Kevin's birthday today. I only remembered because Liz just texted me asking if I could make him a cake. He's 28 now.




23:06 Jan 04 2014
Times Read: 2,491

I got pretty far in Spartan Ops, I only have one and a half chapters to finish. But, I can only play so much on my own, there are some episodes where having someone else playing with you is better. The last one I did I had to drive my Warthog, set it up, then man the gun mounted on it all on my own while trying not to get killed by Promethean Knights and fucking Wraiths. I hate Wraiths so much. But, yeah, I have way too much fun playing Halo.




21:46 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 2,498

Spartan Ops missions have to be my favorite thing about Halo 4. I have played through the campaign a bunch of times now, and it gets a little old. Knowing what's going to happen. But, the Spartan Ops missions keep me entertained. And they don't last nearly as long as the campaign does, ten to fifteen minutes each chapter.




09:33 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 2,523

Well, it started out with Cheshire and I playing, then I invited Slain to join in on the fun. Man, do I never suck compared to them. But, it was fun, you know, when I wasn't getting all aggravated over nothing.



17:24 Jan 02 2014

Bah! You don't suck! We were all dropping like flies! Practice a little more, my Alice, and you shall be awesome! =^.^=

09:21 Jan 06 2014

True, we were all dying. lol It happens. You'll get better. It's too fun to worry about how good one is at it.


05:07 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 2,530

I am finally going to get to play Halo with my Cheshire! I am so freaking excited for this. So. Freaking. Excited.

We're gonna play Halo 4 since I need to earn back all my achievements for that one. Plus, I am playing Reach with Slain, and I want to finish the game with him.




00:15 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 2,539

Man, I really need Halo 2 and 3.

Sitting here watching Forward Unto Dawn on Netflix again. I need to start and finish Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, and finish Reach still. But I really wish I had gotten my hands on 2 and 3 also.




09:13 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 2,540

How did I ring in the start of 2014? I played Halo: Reach with Slain. I didn't even know it was midnight until I heard the fireworks going off outside. Best way to ring in the new year ever.



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