immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


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21 entries this month

04:20 Nov 30 2023
Times Read: 342

Edge of Seventeen.



10:50 Nov 30 2023

This is actually my ringtone for rando phone calls. :)

12:17 Nov 30 2023

Love, love, love!


03:21 Nov 29 2023
Times Read: 367

Today's song, one of my all-time favorite Fleetwood Mac songs, Gypsy.




05:40 Nov 28 2023
Times Read: 428

Gearing up to see Stevie Nicks on Saturday, so I'm gonna share some of my favorite Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks songs all this week.

First up, Seven Wonders.




22:20 Nov 27 2023
Times Read: 482

Looking to unload some profiles, all below level 60, all with some amount of Premium Membership on them. Shoot me a message if interested and I'll give you the list.



03:15 Nov 28 2023

Hi ImmortalXkiss. Yes interested in receiving list. Please send it.



01:08 Nov 23 2023
Times Read: 532




23:26 Nov 22 2023
Times Read: 541



03:48 Nov 21 2023
Times Read: 600

I'm disappointed. I got what I thought was a really cute black velvet dress that had witchy vibes for the Stevie Nicks concert next weekend. It came in today and it just doesn't deliver that feeling that I hoped it would. I mean, I'll probably still wear it because it is cute and I think it'll look good with my Widow booties, but, eh, I'm just disappointed it isn't giving the look I had wanted it to give. I could just go in jeans and a shirt and jacket, because I'm sure it'll be cold at the Kia Forum, but I really wanted to dress up for the occasion. It's not every day I get to go see Stevie Nicks live, after all.

I'm super excited and cannot wait until next weekend to get here. I've been dying for the 2nd to come since I got the tickets in May, and now that it's just about 15 days away, I'm so giddy!



04:57 Nov 21 2023

I am so excited for you! I would LOVE to go see Stevie Nicks! She is AWESOME!

09:03 Nov 21 2023

Stevie is a mood.

09:29 Nov 21 2023

She absolutely is, and that's why I'm so disappointed the dress I got doesn't fit the vibe I was going for. But, I'll make it work, as that's all I can really do now.

13:45 Nov 21 2023

You probably still have time to order something else if you wanted to. But, I am sure you will look great either way. That would be an exciting concert to go to and I hope you have a wonderful time. It is not far now for sure.

16:59 Nov 22 2023

Tie a scarf around the waist? Over shoulder? Shawl??


05:44 Nov 19 2023
Times Read: 642

Nothing makes you realize how few friends you have like talk of weddings and guest lists. Logan and I have been talking a lot about getting married, because it's just the reality of where our lives are leading us. And, we were talking about people he'd invite and people I'd invite, and outside of my family, I don't really have friends. But there was always Tommy. So I reached out to him and put out the idea of us getting together sometime. I think the last time I saw him was at his dad's funeral, a few years ago. He's been the one person in my life who has been there since I was like, 11. And I really want him to finally meet Logan. So, we'll see when that happens. There's also Trevor, but we haven't met in person yet. It's on the books, hopefully sometime next year we can make it happen. But, yeah. I see how few people are really in my life these days, and it's just a little sad. I've drifted away from all the friends I had in high school, and I never was great at making friends as an adult. I think I'll reach out to Raine as well, see how she's been. I just don't know how to maintain friendships, never really have. I get to a point where I don't want to talk to people or I go off radar for long periods of time. I just kinda suck at the whole friendship thing. But, hopefully Tommy, Logan, and I can get together soon. I really want them to meet. Tommy has been such an important person in my life for a quarter of a century now, so I want him to meet my partner.




04:04 Nov 16 2023
Times Read: 692

It's been raining all day and I'm loving it. It's supposed to clear up tomorrow, and then start again late Friday/early Saturday. I love El Niño years, since it means we get a lot of rain. Though, how anything could top last year/early this year, when LA was literally flooding... I guess we'll see. I just love this kind of weather. Give me all the cold, stormy days, keep you sunny and clear skies.




09:04 Nov 13 2023
Times Read: 727

It's been such a good weekend. On Saturday Logan and I went down to Universal CityWalk and spent a few hours there after a rather lackluster and overly expensive Breakfast. I haven't been to Universal Studios since the 90's, and while we didn't go to the actual park, it was fun just to wander around CityWalk. We stopped into a shop called Nectar Bath Treats and man, the sales associate was good. Super friendly, super helpful, sold us on the buy two products, get one free deal. I got an exfoliating scrub and a lotion that I customized the scent for. I got a lemon and a mint scent, which alone were a bit much, but were a really nice scent when combined. It's a fresh, kinda wake you up scent, and I'm super in love. Logan got a bath soak since he likes his baths, and I absolutely love the scent of it. It's all vegan, handmade, and cruelty free, which is nice. Makes your skin super soft. I like the products I got more than I like Lush stuff. I did wake up both Saturday morning and Sunday morning to really bad dreams. Logan actually had to wake me up on Sunday morning because I was crying in my sleep. It wasn't pleasent... But, getting past that, we had a wonderful lunch, and then went and drove down PCH, winding up watching the sunset by the ocean. Two really good days. I'm just... I say it a lot, but I'm so thankful that Logan is in my life. The way he comforted me after my bad dreams, the way he cares for me, how much he loves me. He's the absolute best person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I can't wait to spend our lives together.



18:44 Nov 13 2023

Sorry to hear about the dreams but glad you had the blessed time together.


21:53 Nov 09 2023
Times Read: 841

Just the thought of it makes my skin crawl with disgust.



23:16 Nov 09 2023

you too

02:36 Nov 10 2023

I missed something....

04:53 Nov 10 2023

Eh, nothing of importance. Just the thought of someone joining Nocturnal.


09:59 Nov 09 2023
Times Read: 852

It finally feels like autumn in SoCal, and I am stoked. Last week we were still pushing temps in the high 80s and low 90s. So, having days that don't go past 80 is really nice. And, with daylight savings time ending last Sunday, I'm just in my element. Yes, let me have my pitch blackness at 5 at night! I'm one of the few people I know in my reality who lives for all of this. Give me cold, give me pitch black skies at 5, give me those autumn and winter vibes. Although, the one downside to it, is that I'll be driving the freeways at night when I go to visit Logan. And while I technically take 3 freeways to get there, it really is just one, since the 210 transitions into the 134 which transitions into the 101 without me having to change freeways. But yeah, I hate making that drive when it's dark. I have no issues driving home at like, 11 on a Sunday evening, but driving to Hidden Hills when it's dark is always a lot.

Anyway, I'm actually feeling a lot better now, so that's also a plus. That headache I had for days on end that made me feel like my head was going to explode is finally gone. It's nise to breathe normally again, without all the congestion.



19:51 Nov 09 2023

I am with you on the dark and cold. I LOVE this time of year!


05:03 Nov 08 2023
Times Read: 887

I'm beginning to feel marginally better. The headache isn't as horrible as it has been, though it is still there. I've just been sleeping as much as I can. I really hope I begin to feel better soon, because this is a lot.



05:19 Nov 08 2023

Get better woman! I demand it! LOL! No seriously, I do hope you get better super soon... feeling all ick is miserable.

00:42 Nov 09 2023

Sending healing vibes.


01:12 Nov 07 2023
Times Read: 917

I haven't had much by way of horrible symptoms with this cold, but these headaches... Holy cow. It feels as though my head is going to explode. I hope that I'm feeling better by Friday, because driving out to Hidden Hills to spend time with Logan is going to be a new form of torture if I feel like this.




01:03 Nov 05 2023
Times Read: 950

I've finally succumbed to the cold that's been going round here. I can feel it in my throat. So, I think lots of rest is in order, I'm gonna pop some Nyquil and sleep. Thankfully we fall back and gain an extra hour, so more rest! I guess it was really only a matter of time, and at least I'm sick now and not next weekend.



03:28 Nov 05 2023

I hope you get well and feel better soon!

10:44 Nov 05 2023

Oh no...rest up.


15:59 Nov 04 2023
Times Read: 964

Well, dog sitting hasn't been awful. I'm still not a huge fan of doggos, but I guess I can see the appeal. Though, I will, be glad to not have to watch him anymore after this afternoon.

In other news, my mom and my aunts and I (and maybe Liz), are gonna go have a nice lunch date. They try to do this once a month, and for thed past like, six months, I've always been with Logan on the weekends they would go, so I haven't been a part of it for a while. At Gwen's birthday party last month they made sure to schedule it on a day where I'd be at home so I could go. It was supposed to be next weekend, but we actually had to move up the date because in trying to accommodate for the concert next month, and some other stuff, the days got shifted around a bit. So, since I'm here this weekend, we decided on today. It'll be nice. Like I said, I haven't been able to go for some time, and I missed these little lunches. I believe we're doing sushi, which will be yummy. I like this time I get to spend with just my mom and my aunts, we get to catch up and talk without all the distractions of all my other family.



18:09 Nov 04 2023

:) Have a great lunch.


23:02 Nov 02 2023
Times Read: 1,000

Drive 20 minutes to dog park.
Dog only wants to stay for half an hour.
Drive 20 minutes back home.

Bah, totally worth the gas and time. Tried playing with him, tried getting him to play with the two other dogs, nope. Not interested. Sat on the ground by me or just walked the perimeter of the fence the whole time.



00:41 Nov 03 2023

Try again, he might of been nervous unless it's a place he knew.

04:38 Nov 03 2023

He's been to the park lots of times. He's just temperamental when he's with anyone who isn't my dad, despite me being a part of his life since he was a puppy.



08:52 Nov 02 2023
Times Read: 1,021



06:26 Nov 02 2023
Times Read: 1,037

That was the stupidest thing I've read in a while.
Thank you for the laughs.





01:10 Nov 02 2023
Times Read: 1,067



04:51 Nov 01 2023
Times Read: 841

It's been a very uneventful Halloween, and spooky season in general. We didn't even do trick-or-treating with the kids this year, they apparently went to a party for festivities. I didn't hand out any candy, as we don't usually get kids coming to the door, and I feel a bit under the weather. So, overall, it's been uneventful. The most I did, I did with Logan on our weekends together. We watched the childhood classics, Hocus Pocus, Casper, Beetlejuice, did some light shopping at the spooky stores. He did get me a blanket and two pillows from Marshalls, and a Haunted Mansion lantern from Spirit Halloween. But, that's been it, pretty much. Is it just because we're getting older? I mean, to be fair, I never really did much in the likes of parties and whatever, I did the club thing a few times, the bar scene, but that's pretty much it. I guess I've never been one to really go all out for Halloween. And now I feel like I'm too old and I'd rather just stay home, haha.



08:34 Nov 01 2023

Happy Halloween!!!

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