Since you want to think everything is about you, even though it isn't.
Proverbs 12:22 - Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.
My Ducky, tomorrow/today is a very special day. It is the day you started your life as a new lil chick. A day that I will forever be grateful for. Who would have known that all those many years ago you would have waddle up to my bunnie tail, bit it and quacked at me. It was from that first quack and that lil waddle that I knew you were someone who would be special to me today, tomorrow and always. You are my best friend, my rock and my heart. I don't know what I would ever have done without you. You bring me laughter, joy, happiness and an unconditional love that I cherish.
You are my soul mate.
Happy Birthday, my Wifey.
I love you to the moon and back.
💚🖤💚🖤💚💋💋 Thank you mah Bun-Bun!!
ILY2 🥰
This is so sweet. I just love you guys. I am so glad we all have gotten to know each other better!
Me too Theo! You're pretty rockin! 🙂
Does anyone have a way to get a hold of ShrinkingViolet off of VR? It looks like she's no longer here and I really liked her. If you talk to her contact me, please! Thanks!
Wish I had a way to reach out. Miss her journal.
Me too! She was a sweetheart.
I enjoyed when she would join in on the chats in the box.
She was. I enjoyed when she came in to chat. She was getting comfortable and breaking out of some of her shyness. I was happy that she was enjoying the time she spent interacting with us.
Same. I love it when members unwind and have fun.
I hope she returns.
Me too. Let's keep trying to connect. If nothing else to make sure she is OK. Might come back. Profile waiting to be reactivate like others have.
Do you know one way to tell if you're a miserable little shit? You try to stifle the fun certain people have with one another and spew bullshit.
Way to win the Asshole award.
FYI.. Cancer wasn't hacked. Stop being paranoid. TeamViewer had nothing to do with the profile. TeamViewer was just a member who was having fun and being a weirdo. Gah. I am so over some of you taking the fun out of being a member here.
The MooniePie has spoken and we have heard.
Oh Christ, you again? -gets out book on exorcism-
Yes. It is us.
Won't you let us in?
Let me view. Let me view. Let me view.
Oh Christ of Christ.
Why are members who are NOT admins, even attempting to admin the site? We've got this, we know what is going on... help from the Asshole Olympic Team is not needed.
*Spews coffee* Asshole Olympic Team is priceless.
21:54 May 30 2023
Oh, and God and Jesus are frequently used interchangeably because to some Jesus is God they are one and the same.. So.....
22:23 May 30 2023
*Rises hands* Tell it Sister Moonie, tell it!
22:29 May 30 2023
Can I getta wintess!!!!!!!
22:33 May 30 2023
God, spoke to me and told me I put wintess and not witness. She told me to correct it. Then, she called me a dumbass.
22:47 May 30 2023
You tell them Sister!
23:14 May 30 2023
That's right.
God has spoken. ;)
02:40 May 31 2023
omg lol