Someone, I shall name no names, but they are a Master Vampire. ;) Went and found this little gem that I had forgotten about:
It's an older photo of me. Only filter is the sepia tone at time of taking. I look so damn young without the beard.
I know that I dream, but I've never been able to recall them for more than a few seconds after waking. Well, what do ya know? A dream that I remember. And somewhat of a vivid one too.
I'm driving down an alleyway too fast.
I start slowing down and pull to the left to avoid an obstacle.
Another driver coming from the other direction does the the same.
She is female. It's difficult to tell if she's young or old, but seems harmless, innocent.
We crash together, bumping the front corners of our cars.
it a slow speed crash and pretty minor damage.
We pull into a garage just to the side to inspect the vehicles and do the insurance thing, etc.
She has no insurance.
Seems like an nice lady, but can't quite define the features. She's shy and nervous. Shaken by the experience.
I seem fine now.
I go away for a while and get a ride back to pick up my car.
There's this weird racist dude in the garage yard.
He wants to fight me, but he's clumsy, he backs off and I can't get a clean hit on him, then he's gone.
I pay out of pocket to fix the car(s).
I wake up.
I could read soo much into this. lol
Brain sorting is funny like that.
Hypnosis refers to a state or condition in which the subject responds highly to suggestions. The hypnotized individual seems to follow instructions in an uncritical, automatic fashion and attends closely only to those aspects of the environment made relevant by the hypnotist.
If the client is profoundly responsive, they hear, see, feel, smell, and taste the suggestions given, even though these may also be provided. However, these may directly contradict the actual stimuli' influence on the subject. Furthermore, memory and awareness of self can be altered by suggestions. These may be extended post-hypnotically into the individual's subsequent waking activity. It is as if ideas given during hypnosis define the individual's perception of the real world. In this sense, the phenomenon is often described as a " Believed in Fantasy."
I've made a terrible(?) mistake. lol
I've gone cold turkey a few times. It's never fun, but once over the hump, it's sort of liberating, or at least it used to be. I'm not sure I can enjoy the benefits of a clean system like I used to.
The mistake? Sugar. The processed stuff, not natural fructose. OMFG this is a hell of a craving and want to eat a bag of it right now you goddam mf.
I have a sweet tooth and have a love of dark chocolate. I was two days in before I realized.
All this isn't permanent- it's just till I get over a bunch of tests and stuff. It does help to be able to come back to certain things in moderation. Like only 3 cups of coffee a day instead of an entire pot...
In my awesome magnificence, I was actually able to claim my YouTube channel. I cannot begin explain how difficult this was. Suffice to say that recalling the exact passphrase for a user account created 17 years ago while I was high as a kite for a system that no longer exists but for a user/pass table on a 3rd party federated system was challenging. But the reward has been at least a smile and a fuck yeah bitches. I told ya I'd beat Google down a back alley. ;)
This was after spending an inordinate amount of time going in circles trying to link this and that and find a back way to crack in. Turns out I'm actually really dumb and just needed to recall something from when I was 7 years old instead. Well, that's no mean feat either for many other reasons.
Now all I need is some actual content.
Not sure whether to go full here I am video, and if so, how raw to go down on it. Like no makeup and shit, or to go disembodied voiceover guy.
Suggestions on a postcard. Winner gets a free subs to my channel. :)
Detox is the most not fun thing a person can do. Looking forward to it. Haha.
Took a detox bath last night in a mixture of;
2 cups sea salt
2 cups baking soda
1 cup borax
2 cups bath salts
This is not a suggested list for anyone, just what I was told to try.
I'll get a system flush from the drugstore later today.
So this means since I've already stopped alcohol, drugs, smoking, sodas, unhealthy foods in general and started eating fresh fruit, veg, proteins, it will make sure that upcoming tests are as accurate as possible to be certain nothing can be influencing false positives.
If I get through the next few weeks being told I'm healthy, I might lose my mind. lol