What a ridiculous man you are. You string your words together like a blind syphillitic, hitching yourself in a direction you believe is forward.
You are encouraged by our exclamations and pointing, mistaking them for an interest in your thoughts which are as unintelligible as the grunts from the performing bear that you are, riding your unicycle along the highwire.
You haven't yet figured out that we're just waiting for your big finish, the fall that will prove to be the spectular and satisfying event that your conversations never are.
( lingering thoughts after bumping into a mind on our forum that blew my own, and not in a good way)
(I am proud of my restraint here. I began typing back a reply to offer him a tip. I was going to suggest that he make a long and deep horizontal cut along the throat to ensure success.)
And just when you think it's over:
dhwilliam wrote:
i mean could you look at me and say to yourself, "mmmm delicious looking" ??
dhwilliam wrote:
what i meant was you, for example, walking along at night, bumping into or passing by an innocent person, maybe a cute male whom you make the first move and start a conversation with, ultimately winning over his mind with her (your) alluringness, taking him back to your place or a secluded spot somewhere nearby, and hypnotize him and eventually drain him into you. this is what im looking for.
i want to be "hunted" so to speak and be a delicious thirst for a female(s)
On 13:05:06 Jan 15 2007 Joli wrote:
Yes, it's true. I like to walk along the lakefront at night, but I do take my dog along.
I don't mind you.
Not quite sure what your scoopableness has to do with anything.
On 13:00:51 Jan 15 2007 dhwilliam wrote:
"out, long past the hour when the sensible dare be out...mmm...delicious"....alright come on is that really true? don't mind me i can't find a single or even two female vampires, real blood drinkers and seducers who'd want to "scoop me up" so to speak
22:34 Feb 18 2009
So that hit the spot then ; )