...Morri, Pai and I took a long hike today. It was a very hot afternoon. It is starting to cool off now, but got into the mid to high 80's today. Quite hot for Buffalo in April.
After the hike, we washed our cars together. Even more work in the heat.
Morri is now napping in my office in a pile of pillows under the ceiling fan and enjoy a nice breeze... she looks... angelic.
Beautiful and angelic.
...now that I know what styles of condoms all of you prefer...
Um not if we prefer none ;) lol
Well, you didn't answer did you? :p
I wear ribbed condoms inside-out...
for MY pleasure.
I want one that glows in the dark, like a light saber- and yes, I am that picky...
Oh, and it should play "Living on the Edge" when it breaks.....That's for the OTHER entry you had going on down there...LMAO
23:05 Apr 03 2010
That's how she's supposed to look...until you yell,
(Guess who saw Clash of the Titans last night.)
23:46 Apr 03 2010
Sounds like a fun filled day.
04:51 Apr 04 2010
Of course she was angelic. She was sleeping.
(runs to hide)
07:50 Apr 05 2010
You mean you had to wash your own car? I get new keys made and the dealership washed mine. ;)
16:19 Apr 25 2010
Yeah some people enjoy doing their own work.
00:05 Dec 08 2010
That's it, I'm done. I can't take it anymore. Seriously, you should go into the business of writing love letters for guys who suck at everything in their relationships. You'd make a gazillion...But just remember who gave you the idea.....