Strange days indeed.
Now, with that behind me, I can focus on all new sources of anxiety.
Just joined a scriptwriting project for a new TV show. There are 5 other writers I need to work with. Only one other of them is a good writer.
The producer wants the entire crew included in idea brainstorming. Most of the crew throws out ideas so illogical they would literally be calamity if used in the show, and of course, those people are insisting on being the loudest voices.
This is getting annoying in a big fucking hurry.
Did such a good job with that contract we finished a week and a half early. Nothing but praise from the management team.
Extra bonus: No longer having to work with the ineffective technicians the recruitment company provided. Seriously, it was more like babysitting. I would have been more efficient working alone.
The client is starting to realize we have no work to do when their IT department refuses to communicate, and plan out work for our team to do.... I go home earlier every day.
I need about 5 clones of myself. Ugh.
And people wonder why I simply don't want a job.
Have you ever tried to work with people?
its the worst nightmare ever to work with people unless they....are....dead.
Try to work in a job with less people or dead night shifts
Finally taking some lessons on auditioning...
thats easy, Take some bunch of real assholes who knows what you are auditioning for and the moment they clap with joy is the moment you really made it
And that was fun.
So many attractive people getting drunk and taking off their clothes....
That was a challenging week.
Fortunately it ends with photographing people getting drunk and running around the city in their underwear....
Id love to see that *cheers*
The photos will be online if you really do want to see it.
Sure, message me the link...Please...Thanks!
I love to be Entertained....LOL!
no smashing and swearing and dancing in the streets?
And, got rear-ended while running to get lunch today. Car is pretty messed up.
Fucking February has been a long year already.
Are you ok? Was anyone hurt? Sad to read about your being involved in an auto accident and about your car.
Thank you, I'm fine. The other driver was also fine. She was driving her dad's car though, so I'm not sure if she's still fine....
I hope your okay cars can get replaced humans can't unfortunatly. unless the magic wand ressurects us that be funny!
Probably not. The car probably isn't worth much in resale, so if they total it, I won't get enough money to replace it.
Current forecast for next Saturday is 24F and some sun.
But that's going to make for a cold-ass day for the Undies Run.
Can't wait!
just thinking about that makes me very cold lol
-19 degrees here lol
Brrr. It actually wasn't bad today. Got up to 32F, and I'm sure with all the alcohol in them, the runners barely felt it.
Had to rush home from work because the company repairing and capping our rain gutters accidentally set the roof on fire.
First off, it's been snowing consistently all day, and we told them we're in no hurry, this can happen when the weather gets a little nicer next week, but they insisted the weather won't be an issue. But there was some ice in the gutters so they used a torch to melt the ice, and apparently held it on a snow covered roofing shingle long enough to ignite the decking.
Oye vey.
Damage was minimal. Fire dept came out and let themselves in to inspect the interior roof long before I got here. Poor dog was hiding under the table and relieved herself all over my office.
But she's fine, and she was my biggest concern.
Oh ouch *facepalm*
OMG I am glad it was not worse than it was ouch yikes and wow
Not a very convenient occurrence. My dog is hoarse from barking.
Maybe they will accidentally fix the damage they caused. A real yin yang moment.
It wasn't actually an acquittal.
It was just 52% of the senate stating they didn't want to do their jobs. But if you've noticed, that same percentage hasn't really done their jobs in 2 years now so this isn't a surprise.
Two people commented on my blog entry today that I sound pretty angry.
That must mean I'm pretty angry.
Was the act marginalizing women, or is your response marginalizing women?
I saw brave, talented, empowered women presenting an important social message through cultural expression blended with contemporary, and pop culture.
You saw sex.
One of us is hung up on female sexuality and how one of us thinks it should be presented or not presented.
That is what marginalizes women.
So if you feel as though that show marginalized women, check yourself.
That was easy enough to sweep away and out of my life.
I mean, honestly, the complaint was like stating you only like oranges, and then going to a bank to complain the apple orchard you used to go to didn't give you new oranges to replace the bad ones you bought at the super market.