Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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28 entries this month

Stolen from madlyn...LMAO!

23:53 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,188

Yo mama's so stupid she puts lipstick on her head just to make-up her mind.




So...they aren't giving out green baloney sandwiches anymore?

22:37 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,202

One of the students - Toby - is a really cool dude who comes in a lot. (I think that he has a crush on Mai)...Anyway, I mentioned that we haven't seen him around in awhile. He confessed that he was in jail for a few days, but he did call Mai to let her know...


I ask him what happened, and he stated that due to his frustration with the financial aid dept screwing up his loan, he just had it. He stormed into a school council meeting and blew his cap. As he is a rather big, kinda' scary-looking guy - a big burly hillbilly lumberjack type - he scared the beejesus out of the folks there.

His mistake was in thinking that he'd be arrested, then get released with a summons for a later court date...not! As it was assumed that he made 'terrorist threats' to the councilmembers, his big ass ended up in jail for five days! And while he can finish out this semester, he won't be able to attend summer school.

While he was in jail, he said that not many dudes tried to start shit with him. One did , and he put him in his place. "Just because I'm white doesn't mean that I'll take shit from anybody, ya' know, Mo?"

"Anybody who'd think of messing with your big ass is a fool, regardless of color" I replied.

But - I was crackin' up when he told me the story, as he has a wierd sense of humour about stuff that happens to him. He did mention that the jail food wad better than he had expected...lol!



22:47 Apr 30 2011

They only give out green baloney sandwiches on St. Patrick's! Heh

23:52 May 01 2011

Reading your journal, I can never decide if I don't get out enough or if it's a good thing I don't!


This week at work...(Or - Why I Need to Invest in a Gas Mask)

22:22 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,204

This week, the college celebrated it's 40th anniversary, along with weekly events for Earth Day. It was great, for the most part:

* The Funky Females came into the cafeteria this week. They are a mother and daughter duo, who have no concept of good personal hygeine. When they finally left, they left behind a sickening odor of armpits, fish, and shit.

* On Wednesday, we - the cashiers and our supervisor - got to close down the cafeteria for 3 hours, so we could take part in the claasified employee appreciation day. It took place in the bistro. I was impressed with the layout - the food, decorations, and the band, who did covers of R&B hits from the 70's and 80's. It was fun to watch fellow employees 'dance'...very few had any rhythm. It was hilarious. Bobsie Twin #1 made sure to videotape stuff, along with Big Momma out on the dance floor! (She actually had some rhythm). The hightlight was when our head boss - an older, balding white guy - was inside the bistro, happily dancing around while cleaning a table. No one notice him until I happened to look inside for more cake..."Hey everybody - check out Stan!" I shouted. The guy could actually dance! He then came outside, and started up a Soul Train line. The laughter and screams were deafening. Yes - I guess 'fries do go with that shake', as George Clinton would say.

* Another fire in the kitchens...the whole building was evacuated for about 30 minutes until the fire marshall gave the all clear to go back in...good grief!

* Me and the other cashiers were chatting with a culinary student, who told us about how his crazy ex broke out all of the windows in his place. Right at that moment, an attractive, tall well-dressed woman walks in. She walks right up to him, and begins to talk in his ear. She isn't shouting, but we could all hear her, as we were right there. "I will fuck you up and your bitches if I hear any shit come out of your mouth" she said. He backed away a bit, and told her to go away. Me and Mai slowly backed away, as we sensed some mayhem coming. We went into the side entry to be safe - lol!

In any case, she said what she had to say, then walked off.

They end up arguing out in the quad, and a hapless dishwasher was caught in between them. The crazy chick has him by the arm, using him as a potential shield from her ex. She's spouting out crazy shit, while this poor dishwasher is being spun around like a rag doll. (He's a tall gangly guy). He finally breaks free, and takes off. I'm wondering if someone called the sheriff already, as it would no doubt escalate. It did.

About 10 minutes later, we see dozens of people running across the quad - some coughing and choking...due to the fact that this crazy bitch took out a can of pepper spray and sprayed it in her ex's face. He's yelling while taking a swing at her, blinded, yet he punches another guy in the face. Total chaos! (I wonder if someone videotaped that).

From what I heard later on, the culinary student was taken up to the nurses office, where he got treatment and is okay, and his crazy ex was taken away in handcuffs.

* On Thursday, Green Day/Arts events were in affect. There were many activities going on throughout the campus, like sessions on how to start your own mini-garden, knitting with natural fibers, woodworking and print-making demos, icing elaborate cakes, etc. I took my afternoon break to walk about and learn stuff. It was cool. There was free food and drink too, which was nice. Too bad I didn't get a few raffle tickets to try to win an iPad, iPod, or Kindle!

Ah - campus life!




Oy vey - it hurts to bend over.

21:44 Apr 30 2011
Times Read: 1,209

I am still so very tired and sore from running around doing errands yesterday...waiting for one late bus, having strong wind blow pollen and only God knows what else in my face...I was sneezing up a storm until I got home to take some Benadryl.

I then pushed myself to do the laundry, vacuum, dust, clean the bathroom, and mop the kitchen floor...no wonder I slept until 11.30 this morning.

As I am somewhat anal retentive, I'll now write about the craziness of this week at work, to get that out of the way for more studying...if I can keep my eyes open!



21:54 Apr 30 2011

Hope you feel better. :/


19:05 Apr 29 2011
Times Read: 1,219

No...I don't have any kids...it's just that this 25-year old guy - T - (the church boy) has adopted me as his mom...lol!

And - standing on a street corner begging for change has crossed my mind...it's good to notice when good things in life balance out the crap though, right?



21:46 Apr 29 2011

Hey, yes I would agree with that.


15:26 Apr 27 2011
Times Read: 1,243

I know my life is sucky when I have to borrow $30 from my 'son'...



16:44 Apr 27 2011

been there :/ it's bad when you have to raid your 7 year olds piggy bank... it got returned with interest lol but still it sux

17:22 Apr 27 2011

What you have a son???

18:52 Apr 27 2011

It would suck more if you had to stand on a street corner with a cup to get it. ;p

There's a good and bad side to everything. ;)

12:21 Apr 28 2011

Lol at least he had the $30 for you to borrow...


19:37 Apr 24 2011
Times Read: 1,259

I want to throttle my youngest sister right now.

She drove back down to San Bernadino without stopping by as promised. I hate waiting around for people when they say that they will show up and don't. I really hate wasting my time.



12:20 Apr 28 2011

Yes dam right my friend does this to me all the time...so I have started to do it to him now...

He has got the message!



20:35 Apr 22 2011
Times Read: 1,271

Today is Friday? I thought that it was Thursday!



08:46 Apr 23 2011



lol :P

12:16 Apr 28 2011

Wow just reading this I thought it was Thursday....wait it is Thursday, OMG...I skipped a day then, I thought it WAS Friday @@

I must remember to look at dates lol



19:32 Apr 22 2011
Times Read: 1,275

Ya' know - I can only read so many journal entries about rating, how one is rated, or why did he/she get 'downrated'...etc. Or how someone backstabbed another here, along with the cruel teasing and judgments...Blah.

What I like to read about are things that are happening in people's lives - their REAL lives, ie not bullshit VR drama.

What I enjoy - perhaps even more - is finding a great story to read.

I've enjoyed Obonewits' novel that he first presented here, and I love what JustinV is doing right now. And while I'm not big on poetry, I find a lot of great poems here as well.

Sure - people can pretty much write whatever they damn well please, as long as it's within the TOS. But - it sure is refreshing to read something creative that doesn't involve whining.



08:44 Apr 23 2011

I agree with you!

I admit, I vent a bit in my own journal, everybody does...but I don't throw ANY names out and it's not usualy about other members here. IF it is, I just refer to them as 'Idiot VR Member' lol. It gets old. It's stale. It's useless and it's energy invested in a twerp. Don't want it. Don't need it.

I always look foward to your new entries by the way. They're grrrrrreat! *big smile*

20:20 Apr 24 2011

I think we all vent; me, especially, as a way to get through all the b.s. drama and judgements that come my way.

I used to write more about my life and times, however; I'll definitely try to step it up on that front.

20:46 Apr 24 2011

I vent as well. I just think that making a big deal about ratings here is a waste of energy.

21:18 Apr 25 2011

I heart you!

12:19 Apr 28 2011

I don't like it on the profiles....


This dog is too cute!

19:53 Apr 20 2011
Times Read: 1,295



11:08 Apr 21 2011

Reminds me of someone I woke up with many years ago... @@



19:50 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,308

So, my 'kid' T came up to me a few days ago, totally excited, as his church wanted him to play the role of Jesus in their annual Easter pageant.

T: "Oh Monique - I'm so blessed! My church wants me to be Jesus in the Easter pageant!"

Me: "Wow T - that's great! Congrats!"

T: "Do you think you could come?"

Me: "No - I'm sorry, hon. Most likely I'll be at my mom's. Plus - you know that I'm not up much for religious stuff. But thanks for inviting me."

I'm looking at him and then realize that something is off. I'm staring at a tat on his neck. Dude has a couple of tats, actually.

Me: "Um...T...what are you gonna' do about all of those tats? You gonna' cover them up, right? Especially since some of them aren't exactly Christian-friendly?"

T: "Yeah - I'll work something out..."

Me: "I hope so. You can't be walking around raising your arms up to bless people with them bullet-hole tats on your forearms..."



13:20 Apr 20 2011


Why not? :P

11:07 Apr 21 2011

Very funny and true about how people may choose to look upon the tats.


02:58 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,316

I've had fun poking my nose in various journals, but now, I need to go.





02:01 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 1,320

I was about to do my quiz when I froze up; couldn't remember jack shit. So, I saved what few problems I did without submitting it. I will go over shit tonight and try again tomorrow. God, I feel so dumb right now.

And...I should eat! Duh...



09:34 Apr 19 2011

It's pants when this happens, yes eat, sleep and you may find that you remember.

02:19 Apr 21 2011

So I just did my quiz - got an 89.29...cool!

11:04 Apr 21 2011

Wow well done you!



21:54 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 1,329

It just dawned on me that all I ate/drank yesterday was a scone, a cup of coffee, and some water. I was so into my math problems that I forgot to eat for the rest of the day.

Time to be a lil' piggy!



20:45 Apr 19 2011

Ha, I slept all day and didn't eat. Sometimes the day just goes on without people even thinking about food. :P Fun days!



07:30 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 1,343

Now...this looks interesting:



11:34 Apr 18 2011

Dam that's to long to wait!!

14:35 Apr 18 2011

I posted this on FB as well and a friend was down on it. Apparently it's based on a manga and he said they pretty much trashed the original story. Or, as I put it, "Oh they gave it the usual Hollywood treatment?" We'll see....


05:07 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 1,361

Not to bash religion in general, or Islam in particular - I saw this on someone's profile page, and liked it for its subversiveness:

Religion flies us into buildings. Science flies us to the moon.

I'd like it better if it was changed around though:

Science flies us to the moon. Religion flies us into buildings.



05:39 Apr 18 2011

A lot of people have a misinterpitation of Islam..I actually studied a little Islam in college...It was part of a world religions class I took...any way..it's actually a very pecefull religion..just some take it to another level. But there is some truth to this.

06:05 Apr 18 2011

I agree with Bijou on that. Islam has a lot of good values although fanatics take it too far.

great phrase! I saw that on that profile myself :D

11:32 Apr 18 2011

Just my thoughts...I don't feel that any religion can be peaceful if the interpenetration can be corrupted!


00:14 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 1,375

Okay...back to studying, and the next quiz...oh joy.

And...no quiz tonight. I can't figure out the last part of the damn chapter...maybe tomorrow, so I can go on to the last chapter of mathematical mayhem! God, help me!





00:03 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 1,380

* The old toothless Pimp Daddy dropped by to assure me that we'd be going out soon...really? Barf.

* There is one culinary student worker we all call Red, on account of her bright pinkish red dreadlocks, with eyebrows dyed to match. She is cool, but a lil' bit out there. Like, she'll admit that she doesn't care who knows her business, then begin to talk about how she is in heat, and will generally fuck anything right now - ugly deformed guys, fat chicks, (she's bi). I say - too much goddamn information.

* Big Momma nodded off more than once during last Friday's meeting...she had ice in her mouth, which she then drooled onto herself and the table...I hope that she gets help for whatever is ailing her. Plus - we're all tired of cleaning up after her.

* I had to get a Bandaid for a papercut...don't those just hurt and annoy you all to hell? While I was on my way to the office to the first aid kit, this one goth-looking guy was in the way. I say excuse me to get by, but he doesn't move an inch...WTF? He is staring at my bloody finger...he then says something like "I can take care of that for you" He is licking his lips. "No thank you - I can manage" I say, then go around him. Fucking vampire.



11:25 Apr 18 2011



Take that, ye strumpets!

23:45 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 1,383

Ah...I finally got back at the Bobsie Twins on Thursday...and I'm not finished with them yet!

I made sure that there were plenty of people around when I called them by their new names; Bobsie #2 is a Hyped-Up Trollop, and Bobsie #1 is a Drunken Floosie...got a lot of laughs and comments on it. They were shocked, but had to laugh themselves. Bobsie #2 didn't know what a trollop was, so she ran into the office to search the internet...came back in a huff...Priceless!



23:59 Apr 17 2011


Well, if the shoe fits...


Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover.

02:51 Apr 13 2011
Times Read: 1,413

So, I was in the elevator returning from using the restroom on the 3rd floor - it's cleaner. Anyway, when I get on, there is a student (black) inside, looking all gangster and shit, with his ridiculous saggin' pants. He gives me a brief nod, then returns to shaking his head to the music from his iPod. The music is pretty loud, and it sounds somewhat familiar. I wave my hand in front of his face to get his attention.

Me: "What are you listening too?"

Student: "Rammstein. They are from Germany."

Me: "I know who they are. I thought it sounded familiar."

Student: "Yeah - they are cool."

Me: "Forgive me, but you don't appear to be the Rammstein type."

Student: "I know - I get that a lot."

We get to the main floor. He tells me to have a nice day, and I say the same...and I also say "Pull up your damn pants."

Student: 'Yes, ma'am."

He hitches up his pants a bit...lol!



02:56 Apr 13 2011

Isn't it funny how that happens?

03:04 Apr 13 2011

So true. The Bobsie Twins at work told this one rocker dude who always wears this leather jacket with AC/DC on the back that I was a big AC/DC fan as well. He looked at me like he saw an alien. I laughed and said - "I know. I don't look like I'd like head-banging music, right?" He agreed, then laughed.

15:45 Apr 13 2011

Heh, I'm often that person.

18:31 Apr 13 2011

If you had said that to me I would of done a mooney!

02:30 Apr 16 2011

Very true title to this one btw.

LMAO that you told him to pull up his damn pants and he did. Right on! :P



02:59 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 1,426

...I haven't been here in days. And I need to get caught up on stuff, like the craziness going on at work, and running into random nutjobs. Later!



11:30 Apr 12 2011

Lots of nut jobs here!


More ethnic confusion...

05:22 Apr 08 2011
Times Read: 1,442

While chatting with Mai during a slow spell, she mentioned that when she dropped off an application for her sister at a local elementary school district, she didn't see any Asians working at the place - not one. She came up to me, showing the backs of her hands.

Mai: "Monique - there was nobody that was this color."

Me: "Um...okay. No Asians."

Mai then picks up one of my hands and gently rubs the back of it.

Mai: "All of the people were this color."

Me: "What? Black? Hispanic? Midddle-Eastern?"

Mai: "No - I didn't see any of those"

Me: "Then what the hell are you talking about?" I'm laughing.

Mai: "Caucasian people. They were all white people."

Me: "How do you figure that the color of my hand is like a white person? My hand is brown - dark tan. Look at me - do I look white? I'm darker than you...how is that white, ya' dingdong?"



21:42 Apr 08 2011


12:42 Apr 09 2011

She sounds fun!

04:06 Apr 10 2011

I live in the whitest town in America I swear, my poor boyfriend that just moved here, he's half Mexican, the only non-caucasian person in town I think...

20:00 Apr 19 2011

Mai is fun...!

And where I live, it is multi-cultural...the way I like it. There are a bit more Latinos, but all race/ethnic groups are represented...

And my ex was also half Mexican - lol!( Mexican dad - Irish mom).


And lo - I emerge from a melting pot.

07:34 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 1,462

I get on the train this afternoon, heading for home after a long day. I sit next to this woman who is smiling at me, which sort of unnerved me a little...once I sat down, she started babbling in an Ethipian language - possibly Tigrina. After apologizing and saying that I didn't understand her about 4 -5 times, she finally got it. She then apologized and said "I'm sorry - I thought that you were from my country." We laughed.

I get that shit a lot - especially with Spanish being spoken to me on an almost daily basis. So far, I'm from at least a dozen countries in North Africa, or I'm from somewhere in South America. I'm a Puerto Rican, I'm b-racial, etc...one very drunk Samoan stated that I was a white chick...(very drunk, I'd say, as it's obvious that I am not white)...lol!



12:12 Apr 06 2011

In 2027 white people in Birmingham UK will be in the Miority and in 2066 white people in the UK will be in the minority.

Thank the gods I tan well, actually I may well be dead by 2066 : p

09:45 Apr 07 2011

Lol...kinda funky when people assume you're strictly one heritage or race. *shrugs*

Im half scottish and jewish and people always try to turn my first and last name into a spanish one.


17:06 Apr 13 2011

Wow, way to assume.

Have people forgotten how to ask about things?


07:10 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 1,466

I have some catching up to do here, but I've been too damn tired and/or sore. (And today, my stomach started acting up again...I wonder if I actually have an ulcer)?

Anyway, an old coot with gold caps AND missing teeth stated that he wanted to take me out to lunch. I politely declined...and wondered how would he be able to chew anything.




Why thank you, sir!

14:24 Apr 04 2011
Times Read: 1,484

Ah...I've been hit by a 1 rate by an asshole named Antichrist, or some shit. Whoopee.



14:49 Apr 04 2011

He or she appears to be able to write very well and is doing the rounds, it's been done so many times now*yawns* boring and childish behaviour rating a 1 and then blocking.

It's probably another member using another profile in the Rave whose IP should be checked then never allowed on the Rave again.

07:12 Apr 06 2011

I wouldn't be surprised.

When I was a newbie here, low rates used to bother me a lil' - now, I don't give a shit. I just thought to mention this one, figuring that others got hit by the same asswipe as well.

12:06 Apr 06 2011

Yes quiet alot have although I messaged him to get mine lol...well I was feeling left out!


This week at work.

19:09 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,502

* One of the older staff members who is a regular in the cafeteria refers to himself as 'Sweet Meat'...eeeeewwww! I guess he was a ladies' man or a pimp back in the day.

* Even though she annoys me to no end, I feel kinda' sorry for Big Momma. Whatever problem she has medically, she needs to tend to it - the woman does have medical benefits, ya' know? She's been nodding off even more than usual, which is a lot. Standing at her station, falling asleep while people are trying to pay for their stuff... She is scheduled earlier than I am, yet as soon as folks see me walk in, I see a sigh of relief. I can't even get set up fast enough before everyone is moving over to my station. I get complaints about her, and the bosses know. I don't want to be the one who causes her to get fired by constantly tattling on her (like another cashier does).

She is still sick with her cold/flu whatever it is, and I try to keep my distance. I politely mentioned to her once before to cough in her sleeve and not in her hands, as she is handling money and the keys that we all use...it didn't sink in. I think I'm gonna' buy a small can of Lysol, and spray the keys whenever I can.

* Guys continually flirt, but I'll keep the reporting on this to a minimum, as it kinda' looks like I'm bragging or something...if it's something truly outrageous, I'll write about it.

* Speaking of guys...The Bobsie Twins are trying to set me up with Wes, considering that the both of us are 'ancient artifacts' (ie over 40). Thanks, bitches. Wes is a flirt and attractive, but as I've said before - no time for romance, and no funny stuff with co-workers/students. Period.

* And now for the 'big tomale': On Wednesday afternoon, after the lunch rush, all was calm. A short guy walks in wearing bright blue basketball shorts and a black Batman t-shirt. Except for being fashionably-challenged, it was no big deal. But when he walked out...dude hade a huge hard-on poking up in his pants. Eeeeeew!And he was just walking around as if everything was normal. 'Mai' - our Chinese cashier - had a look on her face that was classic - I wish that I had a video camera. In her accent, she said "Monique - what the fuck! What the matter with that guy? Did you see his pants? Yuck! Yuckie!" I couldn't stop laughing. Other folks saw him as well. A male student shouted "Did you see that guy? His penis is sticking up! What a disgusting ass! Look at his penis!" He kept saying penis over and over, and I had to ask him to stop already. I did not want to look at dude's penis. Penis Man walked out of the student center, with dozens of people breaking out in laughter. I'm sure that when he got to his destination, he happily jacked off. The perv.



19:52 Apr 01 2011

oh dearie me! hope the weekend is better for you :)

21:50 Apr 01 2011

Sweet Meat? Maybe he's prepping himself to be fed to the bears at the zoo?

20:03 Apr 02 2011

PENIS! tee hee

14:29 Apr 04 2011


14:43 Apr 04 2011

Wow what a perv, because he would of known!


Priest of the Month.

18:43 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,505

April 2011





Oh man...really?

03:00 Apr 01 2011
Times Read: 1,289

And here I thought that things were getting better for me - life slowly going forward with a small safety net. I was sooo wrong. So wrong...



04:41 Apr 01 2011

I'm sorry hun :( *huggles*

14:40 Apr 04 2011

Dam sorry to hear that.

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