Times Rated: | 394 |
Rating: | 8.819 |
Showing: | 51 - 75 of 394 |
welcome to the depths of dispair and the apitamy of achievement, enjoy your addiction. v10v. Almost suprised you did not mention manson as one your groups based on your qoute.
sepon setona
dark thebian greetings
Greetings and salutations.
ahh, fresh blood. welcome to the eternal darkness, where the dead flurish and feed off the pitiful mortals. "the way is shut. it was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. the way is shut." feel free to message me anytime
Welcome to VR.
welcome to the rave where the blood is sweet and its allways dark
your fresh blood drains you of your life hands you a bloody 10
nice profile
hello and welcome to VR
lovely profile.. welcome to the rave :)
Enjoy the darkness!
MEOW...Welcome to the ADDICTION!
greetings, 10!
greetings and welcome
like the quote....good start
welcome to the addiction my dear....I say a 10
Brave the Rave...
welcome to the rave
Showing: | 51 - 75 of 394 |