
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Set at 03:48 on April 29, 2017

Vampire Rave member for 9 years.

Status:  Exasperater (20.84)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  NeverMind
Gender:  Androgynous
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden


Bite MonDieu

Stalk MonDieu



I've been here for quite some time. Years...and years. I was only a kid when VR insinuated its self deep inside my brain. No matter how many attempts I've made to disconnect myself from this realm..I always find my way back. Always. I will never be free. Once you've known something for so long...it's difficult to go without. There always comes a time...when maybe there's nothing else going on and you tell yourself, "just once, just for a minute...surely it can't hurt." and then you're sucked back in; I'm not complaining. I'm glad to have known this place and its people. It has meant the world to me, and kept me company for quite some time.
I don't have very many friends here. People come, people go, covens are created...and those same covens are disbanded. Things change. That being said, I have no aversion to conversation. Please message me. Feel free. Talk to me about anything, whatever it is that is on your mind. Be patient with me, for I'm not that talkative at first...but I can be, I will be. I'm here to make friends. VR had become stale for me, quite boring, so very inactive. I realize now that...it's not the site's fault. Our experience here is crafted by our own actions and behavior. I've created this profile with the intention of changing the way that I interact with others on this site. I welcome you all with open arms...the kindhearted, and the wicked.
I'm going to do things a bit differently this time around. Typically I refrain from adding strangers...but as I intend on making friends here...if you add me, I will add you.
Rating? Rating...ugh...the bane of my vampire rave existence. It's essential afterall...but oh so tedious. I appreciate the status boost if I can convince myself to go on a rating spree. Typically, being a person of a creative bent, and being reasonably intelligent...I rate based on the content of profiles and the overall aesthetic. However, as I stated before, on this profile I will be doing things differently. Should I rate your profile...most likely you will receive a ten, unless of course your behavior warrants otherwise. You know, should you boast hate speech or things of that nature.
Biting? Sure, go right ahead. The button is there for the clicking. I won't turn it off, not this time. I'm attempting to become a social creature, applaud my effort? Ha.
Journals? Oh they are just my absolute favorite! Why? Well, around these parts profiles tend to stay roughly the same, while, obviously journals are always receiving a new entry. I love to read journals. I'm always perusing the recent journal entries page. If I don't click on an entry and read it in its entirety rest assured that I've read the thumbnail. I have other profiles here...far too many, for I am legion. Ha...horrible joke, please, I beg your forgiveness. On those profiles I tend to only add my absolute favorites to my favorite journals list. On this profile however...I feel that I am free to add your journal, should you add mine. Not necessarily for attaining a higher level, but for the sake of socializing. Ever since these things were tied into the level system I feel that they've become customary. Almost like a necessary gesture of politeness one must extend before having a conversation with someone. I am happy to oblige.
Mentorships...in my experience, tend to be completely, and irrevocably dead. However, should you be interested in having me as a member of yours I would be happy to join. Not right away. I'd like to see which mentorships I receive invites to, before making a final decision. I could very easily join my own mentorship, or the mentorship of someone I'm already friends with here, but as I've made this profile for the sake of meeting new people...that's not something I would choose as a first option. Should I join a mentorship, this portion of text would be erased to display the mentorship banner.
Societies. Covens. Houses. I have my own coven. The few friends I have here are coven masters. I could make arrangements to join one of those...but that's not what I'd like to do. I'd like to become friends with someone and then join that person's coven. Or...just level up to exasperator and leave it to chance. I have always been a fan of forced inductions.... After all, I'm here to meet new people. We'll see. Should you obtain me as a coven member, or feel like asking me to join yours specifically, I can offer assistance in the form of minor coding and basic graphic design. Once I join a society, be it a coven or house, this portion of text will be erased to showcase the coven of house crest. Also, keep in mind, if I am forcibly inducted but you'd like to have me in your coven, talk to me, I may like to see what else is out there...and I'm sure that a trade can be arranged, possibly, maybe.

I do not hail from an affluent family...however, I do have affluent aspirations. I believe firmly, no matter your financial situation, where you're from, where you currently reside...you should carry yourself with a sense of dignity and respect. You should seek to better yourself, and avidly strive to become a better version of yourself. I value intelligence, and appreciate that specific type of person to which a decent conversation is just a sequence of ponderings, wild theories, and speculation. Knowledge...knowledge is key. To what I'm not sure, ha, but it is vastly important. We exist in a very strange world. We are privileged to share this planet with some very strange beings. People are peculiar aren't they? Take advantage of the natural world, take advantage of history and society and open your mind and learn all that you can. There are so many things that exist, that happened, that I promise you will be hesitant to believe. Open a book. I myself am entombed in a small room...filled to brimming with books. I can't even fully open the door. Literature is very important to me. From a very early age I've read voraciously. For me...it's almost a necessity. Reading feeds the mind, and fuels imagination. It fosters creativity. A very cliche quote mentions something about how great it feels to throw yourself into a good book, to become a part of a new world for a while and to distract yourself from your existence, from your very real world...and real world problems. I think things become cliche because they have truth to them, and are "over used" for a reason. Books offer me a distraction, and make impossible things feel possible...for a short amount of time. The types of books someone is drawn to, is almost a very personal thing to discuss. If you think about it, these books are things with which a person has a connection. In which he or she sees some of the self reflected back. Things in which they have found comfort and solace. My books are very important to me. If you live in an area in which you feel like the odd one out. An area in which its inhabitants are very conservative in their way of thinking, in which the people lack any semblance of creativity or eccentricity, books can offer you what you're looking for in a sense. If you are made to feel strange by the whole, you can often find books in which you discover otherwise. I'm having difficulty putting thst thought into words. I am often muddled and fumbling for the right words, but sometimes...sometimes I am lifted and buoyed along by inspiration and everything I write seems to ring resolutely with a profound sense of clarity.
There's a darkness to being human, a darkness that turns us into pitiful mewling, cloying wretches. I have lifted that silver goblet to my lips and drank deeply of that darkness. I have tasted euphoria...and everything else seems pointless. I hunger, but not for food. I thirst but not for drink...or blood. I am tormented by something far more menacing, by something with an unfathomable strength. This something leaves me immobilized. I tend to just...not do things. Once I was an artist, once I crafted things with my hands, once I sought physical strength...but now, now I don't do a Damned thing. I have been poisoned, I am poison. The really twisted thing is, billions know this exact same feeling.
So what do I do? What feels like a whole lot of waiting. I'm not sure for what...but I always have the feeling that I'm waiting for something. Maybe I'm waiting for some exciting event to shake me loose from a dreadfully monotonous routine. Maybe I'm waiting for a man to come whisk me away. Whatever it may be...I'm certain that I will be waiting for a very long time.
I often find myself overcome with a strong desire to...return home...while I'm lying in my own bed. I don't know where or what home is to me...I just know that I'm not yet there. From the strength of this yearning, I'm willing to bet home is a near perfect place.
Now...I suppose I will include a few...rather personal details. I know that a lot of people frown upon detailing your sexuality/sexual orientation on your profile...but more often than not these people are heterosexual and haven't had to play the guessing game in terms of trying to determine whether or not the person you're attracted to feels the same. I'm a gay male. I know that vampire rave is not a dating website, and honestly I don't exactly know how I feel about the online dating thing, but I know that's not why I'm here. Although, I tend to have a whatever happens, happens mentality, still, this is a subject I approach with some hesitancy because I just don't know.
I believe in curses, and ritual, and ancient, earthy things. I believe in a God that predates sentient human thought, and doesn't quite fit into any one religion. I believe in the power of the human mind. I believe in the calming powers of meditation. I believe in being good and helpful to everyone until they prove undeserving.

Member Since: Feb 28, 2015
Last Login: Oct 15, 2018
Times Viewed: 2,426

Times Rated:141

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