Chateau Orleans is the coven I am in...
"...Chateau Orleans is a treasure trove of history, magic, horror, religion, deceit, tragedy, and beauty..."

...and the Alliance I am in is Arthropoda...
"...Together we join to stand united in one purpose, that of the betterment of Vampire Rave..."
Add me as a friend and my journal too but please let me know so I can return the courtesy. Right, thats that sorted now for a little bit about me...

I was born in
July, many moons ago. I am a typical
Cancer. Go look it up if you don't already know what that means...
I live in
Scotland. I love living in Scotland but I also love to
travel. I could seriously wander the world
forever just checking it all out. Different cultures
interest me. Perhaps that's why I like V.R. so much, who knows...?
I was bored one day and Googled
vampires which led me to
V.R. and...I stay
because of the
people I meet and the
journals I read.
I have nothing but
admiration for Cancer and his vision for a vampire site, with
real vampires on it. I think he's
genius, don't you?
Here are some of the
profiles, and the people that I find most
creative, or
clever...Of course, there are many more than that, but those people stand out for me:
click here
...has to be genius. He's got us all hooked.
click here's a vampire site, isn't it?
click here
...mere words don't do this eloquent person justice.
click here
...a real inspiration.
click here
...great values. Cool guy.
click here
...respect. Can't fuck with The System.
click here
...awesome! I laughed and loved this profile.
click here
...beautiful profile. Check out the journal too it's pretty cool.
click here
...this profile and portfolio are beautifully put together. Love it.
click here
...proves you don't have to be a badass, vampire, or even human to enjoy being on VR.
I love the
creativity of people on here. There are many
wonderful souls who walk amongst us here, bringing
light to the
Dark Network. I am lucky to have some of these wonderful people as
...I am here to have
fun. I
love to learn and be taught. I love meeting folk, especially those who have
something to say. People
fascinate me. More often than not, I am
highly amused at human behaviour. There really is something interesting about
everyone. You just have to

I love being
outdoors. I love the rain and the sun, the snow and the wind. I also love
moonlight, and being outside looking at the way the moonlight
ripples on the water on a clear night.
love storms. I love being inside when the
wind and the
rain beat on my window. My
favourite thing to do
during a storm is to look up into the sky and watch
nature deal what it will.
Life is
full of beauty.
Notice it.
Notice the bumble bee, the small
child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and
feel the wind. Live your
life to the fullest potential, and
fight for your
Thank you for stopping by. Adieu until we meet again...