How to summon demons, and are they really evil?
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Revenant (41)
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15:15:24 Feb 28 2023
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I want to know how to summon demons, particularly Amodeus. I have seen different rituals online, but I was wondering if you guys knew any real ones? Also, ive seen articles that demons are actually nice if you are polite and not rude. Is this correct?

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Venerable Sire (134)
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21:33:00 Mar 05 2023
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Dust of the Earth, Return flesh to bones, Reuniting body to spirit, I command thee Amodeus come unto me in this magic circle.

WELCOME Spirit, O most noble king! I say thou art welcome unto me, because I have called thee through Him who has created Heaven, and Earth, and Hell, and all that is in them contained, and because also thou hast obeyed. By that same power by the which I have called thee forth, I bind thee, that thou remain affably and visibly here before this Circle (or before this Circle and in this triangle) so constant and so long as I shall have occasion for thy presence; and not to depart without my license until thou hast duly and faithfully performed my will without any falsity.

THEN standing in the midst of the Circle, thou shall stretch forth thine hand in a gesture of command and say:


Then let the exorcist state his desires and requests.

And when the evocation is finished thou shalt license the Spirit to depart thus:

O THOU Spirit, because thou hast-diligently answered unto my, demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place; without causing harm or danger unto man or beast. Depart, then, I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of magic. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of the Gods of Darkness, Satanic Hierarchy, Demons and Angels be ever continued between thee and me, SUCH ARE THE WORDS... ~bows~

AFTER thou hast given the Spirit license to depart, thou art not to go out of the circle until he or they be gone, and until thou shalt have made prayers and rendered thanks unto the Gods of Darkness, Satanic Hierarchy, Demons and Angels for the great blessings They hath bestowed upon thee in granting thy desires, and delivering thee from all the malice of the my enemies.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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22:05:04 Mar 05 2023
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I DO invocate and conjure thee, O four succubi consorts: Lilith, Mahalath, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Naamah ; and being with power armed from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, by BERALANENSIS, BALDACHIENSIS, PAUMACHIA, and APOLOGIAE SEDES; by the most Powerful Princes, Genii, Liachidæ, and Ministers of the Tartarean Abode; and by the Chief Prince of the Seat of Apologia in the Ninth Legion, I do invoke thee, and by invocating conjure thee. And being armed with power from the SUPREME MAJESTY, I do strongly command thee, O four succubi consorts: Lilith, Mahalath, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Naamah by Him Who spake and it was done, and unto whom all creatures be obedient. Also I, being made after the image of GOD, endued with power from GOD and created according unto His will, do exorcise thee by that most mighty and powerful name of GOD, EL, strong and wonderful; And I command thee and Him who spake the Word and His FIAT was accomplished, and by all the names of God. Also by the names ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHI, EHYEH, ASHER EHYEH, ZABAOTH, ELION, IAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SHADDAI, LORD GOD MOST HIGH, I do exorcise thee and do powerfully command thee, four succubi consorts: Lilith, Mahalath, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Naamah, that thou dost forthwith appear unto me here before this Circle in a fair human shape, without any deformity or tortuosity. And by this ineffable name, TETRAGRAMMATON IEHOVAH, do I command thee, at the which being heard the elements are overthrown, the air is shaken, the sea runneth back, the fire is quenched, the earth trembleth, and all the hosts of the celestials, terrestrials, and infernals, do tremble together, and are troubled and confounded. Wherefore come thou, O four succubi consorts: Lilith, Mahalath, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Naamah, forthwith, and without delay, from any or all parts of the world wherever thou mayest be, and make rational answers unto all things that I shall demand of thee. Come thou peaceably, visibly, and affably, now, and without delay, manifesting that which I shall desire. For thou art conjured by the name of the LIVING and TRUE GOD, HELIOREN, wherefore fulfil thou my commands, and persist thou therein unto the end, and according unto mine interest, visibly and affably speaking unto me with a voice clear and intelligible without any ambiguity to suffer those of whom doubt your power.

I command and seal in Gold the KINGS: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan, and Belial.
I command and seal in Copper DUKES: Agares, Valefor, Barbatos, Gusion, Eligos, Zepar, Bathim, Sallos, Aim, Bune, Berith, Astaroth, Focalor, Vepar, Vual, Crocell, Alloces, Murmur, Gremory, Vapula, Haures, Amdusias and Dantalion.
I command and seal in Tin PRINCES AND PRELATES: Vassago, Sitri, Ipos, Gaap, Stolas, Orobas,and Seere.
I command and seal in Silver MARQUISES: Samigina, Amon, Leraje, Naberius, Ronove, Forneus, Marchosias, Phenex, Sabnock, Shax, Orias, Andras, Andrealphus, Cimeies, and Decarabia.
I command and seal in Mercury PRESIDENTS: Marbas, Buer, Botis, Marax, Glasya-Labolas, Foras, Gaap, Malphas, Haagenti, Caim, Ose, Amy, Zagan, and Valac.
I command and seal in Copper and Silver alike EARLS, or COUNTS: Botis, Marax, Glasya-Labolas, Ronove, Furfur, Halphas, Raum, Vine, Bifrons, and Andromalius.
I command and seal in Lead KNIGHT: Furcas.



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Great Sire (118)
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19:58:15 Mar 07 2023
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Thanks Dorus for such excellent post.

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Savage (61)
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16:17:07 Mar 12 2023
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I am writing to advise against attempting to summon demons, including Amodeus. While some may consider such practices to be harmless or fun, they can be very dangerous and have severe consequences. There are numerous reports of people becoming physically or mentally affected after attempting to communicate with demons, and it is not something that should be taken lightly.

Furthermore, it is not true that demons are nice if you are polite to them. While it is essential to be respectful and cautious when interacting with any form of spiritual entities, it is crucial to note that demons are negative beings that can cause significant harm to people who invite them into their lives.

I would like to emphasize that summoning demons is not a reputable or safe practice, and it is not something that we encourage or suggest. Instead, I recommend exploring other spiritual practices that do not involve summoning entities that could potentially cause harm. There are several resources available for people who are looking to learn about various spiritual practices that may be better suited for personal growth.

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and please feel free to ask any additional questions.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:02:51 Mar 13 2023
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markus thank you for your words.

Nonetheless, invocations are a personal choice and are therefore subject to the desires of the being seeking such knowledge... ~bows~

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:05:44 Mar 13 2023
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Furthermore, they are just barrowed words from those who have been busied by the act of living... ~bows~

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:06:54 Mar 13 2023
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bruised... my appologies.

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Revenant (41)
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14:52:01 Mar 17 2023
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thankyou everyone, i just wantto say that i think Lilith may be tryin to communicate with me, but im not entirely sure. Thankyou Doru for your words, and Tylor thankyou for the warning, but i feel connected to their world somehow, i dont know how. I have to find out. Wish me luck.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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22:28:14 Mar 18 2023
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Only time will reveal its dark secrets... ~bows~

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Revenant (41)
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09:27:02 Mar 31 2023
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how are you so knowledgeable?

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Sire (101)
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21:12:05 Jun 18 2023
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Throughout history and across various cultures, demons have been described as supernatural entities often associated with malevolent intent. The concept of demons dates back to ancient civilizations, where they were believed to be powerful, non-human beings or spirits that existed in parallel to the human realm.

In many mythologies and religions, demons were considered agents of chaos, temptation, and evil. They were often depicted as entities that sought to corrupt, deceive, or harm humans. These beliefs served as a way to explain the existence of suffering, misfortune, and moral transgressions.

Different cultures had their own specific beliefs and classifications of demons. In Christian demonology, for example, demons were considered fallen angels who rebelled against God and were banished to hell. They were believed to actively tempt humans into sin and were associated with various vices and negative qualities.

It's important to note that the intent and nature of demons vary depending on cultural, religious, and mythological contexts. While they are often portrayed as malevolent beings, some belief systems, such as certain branches of occultism, view demons in a different light. These perspectives suggest that demons can be benevolent or neutral entities and that their interactions with humans depend on the intentions and approaches of individuals summoning or communicating with them.

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Ghoul (21)
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14:58:21 Jun 28 2023
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Yay demons!! Many are Gods and spiritual beings from religions before the 3 main abrahamic ones. Turned into demons to incorporate pagans beliefs while putting them down at the same time. It's interesting though, to see what they have become and to know them as much as I can in their God-form and Demon-form. It reminds me about needing both aspects in myself in order to be whole and true to who I am.

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Aggressor (83)
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12:15:02 Jul 27 2023
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I think also that can be very dangerous and can have severe consequences.
Especially if one is inexperienced and unsure of maintaining a high level of concentration even when stressed. These forces really exist.

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Revenant (41)
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17:25:05 Aug 10 2023
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So, does anyone know a ritual or anything so i can communicate with them? Btw, i like what you said Aeznara

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Aggressor (83)
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10:49:06 Aug 11 2023
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Before trying I would recommend to read Aleister Crowley: Magick, especially 2th volume.

The invocation is described in: The Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

The seal you must wear is in my portfolio.

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Aggressor (83)
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10:53:57 Aug 11 2023
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But beware: demons are NOT nice.
This is not a game. This is real danger.

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High Sire (157)
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20:02:05 Aug 15 2023
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At least in my own experience, "demons" are nothing more than a consciousness of the darker energy that exists everywhere.

If you really take a long, 'hard' look at history, you'll find that a good number of religions took the gods of the old world, and turned their images into something evil, as they created a deity based on (more or less) vengeance and bias.

Ergo, "demons", even now, are not necessarily evil. Chaotic, yes. But not necessarily evil. The only thing that I'll say, in this case, however, is whatever you do, make sure you're prepared to handle any backlash that happens. Most people can't handle it, so they end up either getting 'possessed' or losing their minds.

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Aggressor (83)
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08:22:00 Aug 16 2023
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You are absolutely right.
Demons are neither good nor bad. But because "Most people can't handle it," they're definitely harmful to a completely unprepared 14-year-old girl.

I don't think she would actually make it, but even trying could be fatal. Not by the demons, but by people leading them astray.
I would like to remember a mass suicide of about 1000 people (1978).

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High Sire (157)
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18:39:22 Aug 17 2023
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That was the work of Jim Jones, if I'm not mistaken. No more than a "Christ" cult leader with a major dysfunction. Personally, I fail to see the connection, though it is still a valid point.

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Aggressor (83)
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19:01:00 Aug 17 2023
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The connection I see is that many people are looking for something and others pretend to have the right answers.

I don't know what this Mr. Jones (yes, I meant the Jonestown massacre) was telling people. But I am absolutely certain that it was something that met her desires.
The girl who wants to summon the demons runs the risk of falling for someone who promises her some miracles. So I wrote where to find instructions.
If she has the opportunity to do it herself, she doesn't have to believe anyone.
Aside from the real danger posed by completely unknown energies, I actually believe that the greater danger in this case is posed by real people.

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Revenant (41)
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18:09:00 Aug 22 2023
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This debate is amazingly nieve to the fact i can read it too, and i believe i am stronger than you believe me to be, but yes, ill read those books thanks

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Aggressor (83)
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11:33:52 Aug 23 2023
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Of course you are strong.
You are young. At that age, nothing could break me either. And don't worry at all. I didn't find out until I was well into 40.
I don't want to dissuade you from your plan either. Everyone has to find and go their own way.
But one should be well prepared when treading dangerous paths.

And besides, before you embark on any path, I think it doesn't hurt to find out about many of the possible paths. 🙂

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Revenant (41)
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14:42:04 Aug 23 2023
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You are right. There are many paths. Thanks

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Hellhound (70)
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12:39:38 Aug 31 2023
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As any spiritual being, demons -if they exist- can be summoned by simply evocation (or invocation).

Anyway, think about one important question: demons (that traditionally were angels -if we follow the christian mythology) are a super-clever beings.... more than humans and, I'm afraid, more than vampires. Moreover, as spiritual beings, they are not limited by material questions as time, space, etc. So, they can see what we cannot and they can read ever our deepest thaughts.

So, first question. Think carefully what do you want from a Demon because you'll have to pay a price... sometimes an expesive price.

Second. Avoid do evocations (or invocations) at home. Please! Don't open astral doors in your house. Nobody knows who else will be coming in and for how long.

Good luck and enjoy!

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Revenant (41)
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14:11:41 Dec 06 2023
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My parents are Christian, if, hypothetically, i did it at home, would my parents christianity affect anything?

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Royal Sire (209)
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16:49:23 Dec 16 2023
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If you have no experience and need to even ask if it ls a good idea and how to do it, then you should probably rethink your plan.

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Revenant (41)
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17:07:42 Dec 16 2023
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I mean one can learn but yeah probably

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Ghoul (21)
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21:41:16 Dec 25 2023
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hmm, I would say learn alot and have a solid foundation before summoning anyone. There is a saying that goes "Don't summon anything you aren't ready/willing/able to banish". Also I will say that I did interact with demons when I was 14 and a girl. Some helped me through a lot of heavy shit. I did a lot of studying though and asked questions through tarot. I was going through alot though so I went kinda extreme. May I ask what is driving you to want to make contact?

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Ghoul (21)
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21:48:07 Dec 25 2023
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Also, I didn't have to hide my practice. Not being able to practice openly can make preperations that much more difficult I would say.

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Revenant (41)
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17:22:15 Dec 27 2023
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I just feel very strongly called to them, i dont know why,

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Ghoul (21)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

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02:36:31 Dec 29 2023
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well studying what you can about them and growing more knowledgeable about how to: .cast a ritual .cast circle/sacred space .banishings of different strengths and levels .verify whom is coming through (maybe a spirit is being tricky when you are calling on a specific demon and pops in like a photobomb. how do you know the difference?) .invoke or summon a being .grounding .centering .even divination to make sure its a good time to do connect can all be ways that you get closer to the demons you feel drawn to.

it can also be a good call since you seem to be inclined to magics and curiosity... start out connecting with your ancestors. It can be great because not only can that help with being grounded and centered enough to call on other beings (and in daily life with emotions and chaos), but they are included too and ancestors can have our backs in ways we don't even realize we need. Who knows, sometimes our ancestors recent and distant have also been inclined to speak with demons and sometimes there is lineage of that.

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Revenant (41)
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15:03:15 Dec 29 2023
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My grandfather was very high up in the freemasons and i know they do some ritual thingies, could that mean anything?

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Ghoul (21)
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02:37:25 Dec 30 2023
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hmm, I don't have much experience with the free masons myself. I think they do some ceremonial rituals though.

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Revenant (41)
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11:48:16 Jan 02 2024
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Im not actually part of them, my parents hate them. Apparently there was some curse because of them that prevented me being born so i was a miracle, so maybe im cursed i dunno

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Great Sire (117)
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20:59:07 Jan 10 2024
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Free maso. Have rituals they perform for different levels of degree they achieve. Much like the fraternal lodges around. They are not for summoning demons. But as to appreciate the past achievements of history.

But like anything a there are two sides to a coin. And summoning demons is the same. Make sure they are done correct and no short corners .

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Great Sire (118)
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Coven of Elizabeth Batory is a member of an Alliance

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13:00:28 Jan 13 2024
Read 801 times

If you get into the kitchen, get ready from some heat. If you summon demons, be ready to confront, something not from this world. So, if you decide to do it, Vassago is the word.

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Revenant (41)
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10:41:56 Jan 14 2024
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I know there will be a confrontation at first, but i will hopefully try make friends, Vassago? What does this mean?

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Venerable Sire (134)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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02:11:26 Jan 25 2024
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The full moon known as a “Wolf Moon” will rise on Thursday afternoon and appear as the largest item in our sky. Magic will increase during this time.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Sanguis Dracones (Coven)
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02:27:31 Jan 25 2024
Read 768 times

Gods of Darkness, Satanic Hierarchy, Demons and Angels, I come before you with a wanted heart.
I DO invocate and conjure thee, O Spirits to hear me and thank you for this sacred plant.
I draw upon this sacred plant and summon the sacred rites of magic.
As it's sacred smoke touches my body, I request that it cleanse my mind, body, and spirit.
As it's sacred smoke fills this room, I request that it purify, protect and bless this space.
As it's sacred smoke rises, I request that it carry away all negativity, fears, and attachments.
As this sacred smoke leaves, I request that spells, curses and invocations return to those who cast them
by three fold, without return, nor protection for those whom cast them.


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Venerable Sire (134)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Sanguis Dracones (Coven)
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20:05:13 Mar 07 2024
Read 688 times

In the name of the holy, blessed and glorious Satanic Hierarchy, proceed I to my work in these mysteries to accomplish that which I desire; I therefore, in the names aforesaid, consecrate this piece of ground for my defense, so that no spirit whatsoever shall be able to break these boundaries, neither be able to cause injury nor detriment to any of us here assembled; but that they may be compelled to stand before this circle, and answer truely our demands, so far as it pleaseth Him who liveth for ever and ever; and who says, i am Alpha and Omega, the benginning and the End, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty; I am the First and the Last, who am living and was dead; and behold I live for ever and ever; and I have the keys of death and hell. Bless, O Satan! This creature of Earth wherein we stand; Confirm, O Satan! Thy strength in us, so that neither adversary nor any evil thing may cause us to fail, through the merits of the Angel Belial.


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Serpent (52)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
18:38:48 May 26 2024
Read 227 times

I would say tread carefully on this subject before you go and do anything you might regret later.

If a person doesn't have the correct information to begin with, then you are already in jeopardy.
Many people think they have the right answers when it comes to the subjects of Angels and Demons, but many only know as much as whatever Google teaches, or only gathered partly some information. If you don't ask the right questions, to the right people, chances are...you're going to screw it up.

A lot of people might assume that Lucifer is a being, when Lucifer is a Latin word that means Venus, or morningstar.
Lucifer is not the same thing as Satan.

A lot of people think that Satan is a fallen angel. Again, this isn't true either.
Satan is called, "The Accuser." Still very much an angel, and angels do not have Free Will to go against God in the first place, so the so-called "Fall of Angels" never happened.
Satan has a job, as with all permanent angels that have Names (while you have temporary angels with temporary jobs with no names), and that job is called temptation. Satan's job is to see what you're going to do as far as acts against God aka the Creator of all living things.

If one is to say, act on summoning demons because they were "tempted" to do so, then you're just playing into Satan's plan and that is to use that act against you.

People naturally have curious minds, and they want to know from experience if other things exist in this world that is different from the ordinary...but when you meddle into the affairs of the mysterious and you don't know the truth from all the misinformation and translation errors that's been made over time when it comes to wording and names, then it doesn't matter how "powerful" you think you are.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
09:58:19 Jun 23 2024
Read 75 times

This has probably been said before, but a "demon" is an entity that has never existed in human form, but only in spirit form. Now, the truth of their existence is highly debatable but being raised Baptist, it isn't something I really toy around with. I've read stories of people who unintentionally pulled them out of Ouija boards and tarot cards, so perhaps you could hand-carve a Ouija bard on a wooden plank and try that way? Let us know what happens.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
10:00:42 Jun 23 2024
Read 74 times

Beautifully stated and very interesting post! I will have to research the differences between "satan" and "lucifer." There are multiple names for "Satan," or so I thought, but perhaps they all are individual demonic entities? Spooky stuff.

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Premiere Sire (121)
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13:12:15 Jun 26 2024
Read 61 times

For me demons are the result of repression in higher brains. Power has a price. If you want to unleash things like that that were kept bottled up for...whatever reason, then it is your prerogative. But just like in physics there is that equal and opposite reaction there's one in the spiritual so be aware what barriers you are breeching. I would think the average demon in the span of eternity in all life-forms would be of a certain nature. As much as society can cause it nature itself can cause a life form to repress it's urges. Keeping all that in mind I'm quite sure there's real friendly demons in the mix to summon. :)

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Blood Drinker (68)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
04:27:31 Jul 01 2024
Read 55 times

God cast out demons multiple times in the Bible.

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