CryingDutchess's Journal

CryingDutchess's Journal


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35 entries this month

last one for the month...

22:14 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 654

Whelp. Name. Protected. Intelligence... Too deep for me.

Quote: "Death is Temporary"

Unless, of course, it is permanent.

There's not very much to say about me. I am a very deep person and i take into account what i have been through before i tell anyone about myself. Im not a very big fan of people but that might change....maybe

See? I still can't wrap my head around the changing people and the secretive maybe shit. SPEAK YOUR MIND! Who in the hell knows it's you on here? Sheesh, Joseph G. Buttonberry of 3 Maple Lane -- who's going to know?




Case Studies....

23:09 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 677

This one is long... I'm sorry. Blame the Whelp. Name withheld. I have learned so much...

Okay, I had comments on this: You know the newbs that sign on and tell you how many ways they can murder and maim us and then, the next sentence is about how they're all mushy and gushy over their b.f.f's... That was my first "hmmm". Soon, this was followed by more "why all the aggression?". Then a few more sentences, and like a jasmine flower, it opened up for me and I laughed my ass off.

The punchline (as in, where there is no more text) says it all.

te: If you were to die today i would just laugh and tell you that you faild miserably!

Hey well my name is *********. Im **. I'm Taken. And if you have a problem with me i suggest that you take it up with me cause i dont deal with peoples shit.... Im a bitch.. I know... I love my friends.. They mean the world to me.. And if you got issues with my family and friends... You better pray that I don't find you...I am the oldest out of 2. But then again... I have the most adorable little step sister.. Well she really isn't my step sister but I've known her since she was like 2 so yeah...My brother kyle is amazingly smart... uhm... lets see here.... Oh!, I'm half asian and half white.... People think that I'm puerto rican.. but I'm not... Haha... Anyways... I love music... Espacially INSANE CLOWN POSSE, TWIZTED, DARK LOTUS, ABK, BLADE YA DEAD HOMIE, AND EVERYONE ELSE AT PHYSCOPATHIC RECORDS... HAHA Thats right, I'm a juggalette....



23:30 Nov 26 2008


00:49 Nov 27 2008

Dutchy, I just read that one as well. Had a good chuckle over that one.

01:30 Nov 29 2008

oh my and i thought i had an attitude problem. shoot i have to work harder. should i maybe swear more? or possibly i could make LESS sense?

good grief, where do you find these people Duchess?


Oh, do shut up!

22:51 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 684

The stupid are taking over my vacation! Damn you! I can't rate because I keep coming across crazy contradictory shit like this. No name. But he tends to alternate between pushing the pull door and pulling the push door.

Quote: I am beyond your experience. I am beyond good and evil, legions of the night - night breed - repeat not the errors of the Night Stalker and show no mercy.

I am a Fledgling, looking for a clan. Looking to become myself



22:54 Nov 26 2008

What the hell? I mean seriously that makes me want to commit suicide. I mean wtf!? That hurt my brain sooo much!

22:55 Nov 26 2008

Oh yeah, thats why I don't read profiles anymore lol


22:43 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 687

This is just an insult to dumb door nails.

Quote: "Love me or hate me i dont give a fuck"

I love making friends so add me! Anything else just ask!




I'm too sexy for my...

22:29 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 690

*singing "I'm Too Sexy"* Open a book! There are way sexier true immortals! Why does the name Adonis pop into my head? Help me here... lol

Name protected. Vamps? She is totally hot for you! Soup's ON!

Quote: vampires are the sexiest immortals ever!

Adonis Pictures, Images and Photos




Whelp Virginity...

21:54 Nov 23 2008
Times Read: 717

My Whelp hymen has been busted. I gave a ten for the quote on this one... It made me laugh...

Quote: I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.



22:45 Nov 23 2008

Who is it? I need to leave a ten for that quote as well!


Dutchy's Mad Libs...

05:38 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 744

Creativity that has just gone and joined the Dark Side!! Name protected...

Quote: Vampire Love is Eternal

This is of course, as long as no one runs into any sharp, hard wood...(soooo sexy how I said that, right?)

I'm ****, aka *******ss, i have black hair, hazel eyes and i actually have fangs, pop in of courseOMG, could you imagine! Of course, they are like totally pop in!, i have multiple typical teenage shit......i mostly stay inside and listen to music...music is my life *stutters* I mean! Iiiii Mmmean, IF I WAS mortal, it would totally be my vampire!, and thats basically it

Shit. Even I think that was kinda mean... Hmm. Nice self-observation. *shrug*




01:49 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 765

Can we help this Whelp VR?! Anyone have a GPS leading to Arcane Asylum?

Quote: Humans are the funnest thing to manipulat 1st comment: Say what, now???

hello can anyone help cus for some reason I seam to really feel as if I have lived for a century and I have seen everything to many times to care anymore never really told anyone just always kept it to myself I finally found others like me

Second: It probably started in grammar school and went directly to hell from there. Only person who can help you now is a "speak and spell" corpse.

Oh and how are you going to talk about manipulating people and then asking for help? Pick one personality per profile...



01:57 Nov 22 2008

Sorry girl,no hope for that one.Even after a century and seeing all there is to see too many times..they STILL cant write.

02:06 Nov 22 2008

well after a century you would be senile too lol

02:28 Nov 22 2008

That is indeed hilarious...

03:28 Nov 22 2008

Then they need to start getting a little of that geriatric blood of those folks taking their DEHA and quit with the young stuff.



01:40 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 767

It isn't homicide when it's a mercy killing! This Whelp is talking shit about my Santa! Is ya whacked? Now, I've gots ta take ya down, Whelpy!!!!

Quote: Marry Christmas the shitter is full.



12:59 Nov 22 2008

I saw that. I think I need to throw dictionaries at people again.


01:33 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 768

Too easy... A straight up grapefruit, really. Ready for the pitch?

Quote: I am now death destoryer of worlds.


Saaaawwwwing batta batta, saaaaawwwwing!




01:28 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 770

Back up prostitutes in need of work? Pimp not smacking ya right? Or too much? Ever dream of sucking the cream out of Twinkies? Fear not! There is a new job posting and all are welcome!!!

Quote: wecome to my layer

I dont know what is funnier! "wecome" or "layer"? However, in one sentence! Masterful!



13:00 Nov 22 2008

mmmm... layer cake.

lots o' frosting!


Panhandling for feelings...

01:24 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 771

You are just too damned needy!!!! And that was just your quote! Holy Jesus Harold Christ... *hands a Lexapro* (laughs cuz Dr. King Mc Ra Dark Wing would get that one pretty quick)

Quote: help me if its in you, save me if you can,love me if you dare




Oh, Im so preDICKtable...

01:14 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 772

I like the first part... and have crossed my fingers they are telling the truth *Do it! Do it!* Life is a big test you test tube baby! Sink or swim... so put on your fucking life-jacket and tough it out like the rest of us miserable fucks I like to call... ME! Or don't... you are kinda trite. We don't need another carbon copied carnivorous twat walking the planet... Yeah... slit your wrists and drink yourself to death. Im not in the mood to save anyone tonight.

+Completely suicidal.

+Thirst for blood constantly.

+Thirst for one's own blood.



+Melancholy Poet.

+Obsessed with Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.



13:03 Nov 22 2008

hmmm, they're not melancholy or suicidal ENOUGH.

here kid, play with this broken glass....


I wish this were a limmerick

21:21 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 801

I didn't start this one! Honest! The Whelp did it!


Sinister for longs....

Sinister Panthera for evenger longer longs. ..... What ?

I AM in Love,

You Can Call Him Corruption, Because thats what i call him.

Its His NAME.

Jealous ?

Get. Over It.

Well, I AM KICK.

Kickass for longs...

Kick YOUR Ass for even longer longs...


I AM bored with puppy love

You can call it kitty shit

It's its name


Good. Go to class.



21:42 Nov 19 2008


I am aint

Aint shit for longs

Aint shit ,but more shit than you for longer longs

I am in love too,but I call him by his name because I respect him.


How about a T for that issue?

21:55 Nov 19 2008

Sure It is

A sure crack hit

Crack hit to oblivion even longer


I was a sucker attracted

you can call me putty putts

Hit.. its crack


ahh. What a Blast

21:58 Nov 19 2008

Between Oceanne and dabbler, I'm loving my man and smoking a crack pipe! Thanks VR!

19:48 Nov 20 2008

Say no to crack and pull them pants up.


Go figure...

21:16 Nov 19 2008
Times Read: 803

OMG! Why?

Quote: single fucking single



21:55 Nov 19 2008

Swinger.. in their own head.."?"


Book, Cult or State of Mind???

17:16 Nov 17 2008
Times Read: 822

Just came across this profile from a noob-boob. It's kinda making me think of L. Ron Hubbard... Or Oprah's Book of the Month...

Psychic Vampire & Vampirism.




Not because of the Mongolians?

23:35 Nov 16 2008
Times Read: 857

Okay, honey, you just take yourself a nice deep breath and hold it!!

Quote: "I've built a wall - not to block anyone out but to see who loves me enough to climb over it."



23:58 Nov 16 2008

Very outstanding, quote.

"It is better to hang in there, then to be hung from there. "

00:31 Nov 17 2008

cd!!!....stop climbing that wall!!! lol

01:26 Nov 17 2008

Ha! I love only me and Michael Jordan!!! ANd Pixie (of course)



23:03 Nov 16 2008
Times Read: 860

Quote: If you judge people, how can you get to know and love them?

Because i am a fantastic judge of character and most of us suck.



00:32 Nov 17 2008

except me sis ....right?...hey!......but im perfect!.....thats it im gonna sic the rachypoo on ya and you will be sorry for that ! lol

08:12 Nov 17 2008

He forgets so easily sis that I am not one of his minions, yes I may do his bidding from time to time, but it is because I wanted to and never against my pet

12:30 Nov 17 2008

*laughs* Sis just gave you "Da Look" in my journal!! lol


Not stupid?

22:38 Nov 16 2008
Times Read: 863

If I say you're stupid, then you are on Darwin's list of things soon to be extinct... You, my dear are a damned moron!

Quote: only if your a ninja or a vampire

i dont tell ppl shit ok

alaska girls arent stupid

Let's start with the quote? If only, then what? This culture clashing is too taboo to grasp for me.

Now the body of the profile -- for someone not telling shit, they sure are giving up location, gender and intelligence level...




No effort.

22:22 Nov 16 2008
Times Read: 865

Just... what the fuck did you think you were doing wasting my time with this one liner, Whelp?

27, female, lives near Philadelphia. Go away. lolz.

Waste my time again and I will be sure to send toilet paper gnomes to your home.




Jeopardy Part II

21:51 Nov 16 2008
Times Read: 868

I'll take "Stating the Obvious", Alex...

Quote: Death Is An Adventure For Most Of Us

What is, "For the rest, it sucks, Alex"

Alex: Right you are...





18:26 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 898

*salutes the insane world* No, that made no sense. Whelp tricked me.

Quote: a perfectly rational salution to an insane world





18:03 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 903

I can relate to this Whelp, they feel the way I do! They are speaking my soul...

I can be kind to anyone, all I ask is

the respect I deserve as a person, and once I receive

this, I'm sure you will find that I'm quite the person

to talk to.

Because, I totally feel that way about Mr. Potato Head.



18:14 Nov 14 2008

Interesting..I have always been under the impression that one should give respect or kindness first.And to never simply expect it.

08:21 Nov 15 2008

I miss my Mr Potato Head...


One Day...

17:57 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 905

Why must everyone overthink their quotes? I simply said to think Im stupid so you might think Im a little smarter later... see? Hopeful, but not too pushy... So, explain this to me:

Quote: One day, night crawlers shall not be feared

One "DAY", I will spend my night compiling a list of confusing and unmotivating quotes. That, and fearing everything that is a night-walker, night-skipper, night-dancer, night-watcher...



01:40 Nov 17 2008

Who says they are feared now? They work wonderfully in a garden or on a hook.


Stupid Schizo

12:43 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 908

If you are suffering from multiple personality disorder, but you are able to choose the names of your personalaties, then simply shut up and pick something you like. On the other hand, if you are just stuck with a bunch of people in you (like Legion) and they all have shit names, you have my sympathy... just a thought inspired by a Whelp... I wanted to keep the names, but it's not nice... and I am so very nice!

hi my web name is *** ( i like it better than ****), which is also the name of my alter ego.



08:22 Nov 15 2008

I saw this too...WTF?

04:15 Nov 16 2008

You, nice? *looks around* Since when?! *runs & hides* Just kidding doll. Your the best xoxo



03:43 Nov 12 2008
Times Read: 912

We are talking ten feet beneath the abyss deep here! No name, blah, blah...

Quote: are we alive, or just all dead

I have discovered that one way to tell one from the other is simply be reading their quote. Who'da thunk there'd be a connection?




Bleed them dry!

11:17 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 949

The Rude Dutchy's Creed:

If it is in my power to get the intelligence curve to rise for Whelps; be it insults, feeding to the animals or more insults, I will perform my duty. This, I swear!

i would love to meet a real vampire, and become one.

You have no idea how badly I want to feed you to one! Let's sign you up with the Make A Wish Foundation...



15:44 Nov 06 2008

hahhahha !

17:03 Nov 06 2008

Soup anyone?

03:47 Nov 07 2008



Pardon the stead.

11:02 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 951

What????? If a steed leaves you in good stead does that deed leave you brain dead? Or are you just Catherine the Great?

My name at birth was *****, being a vampyric baby I was given quantities of blood from a young age. Yes some may call that abuse but it has stood me in great stead in my life.

Ah, the days when my family stood me in good stead... *reminisces*



13:20 Nov 06 2008


17:04 Nov 06 2008

Alrighty then..I want some of that hooche their smokin!

04:25 Nov 16 2008

Spread the love...Or PCP! I want some of what they are smoking ;)



10:34 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 953

I'll take stupid quotes, Alex!

Quote: You call it weird, I call it normal, you sleep in it, while i am awake. you call it the abyss, and i call it home.

What is... my bed? In which case, you so need to get the fuck out of it.



12:57 Nov 06 2008

You are priceless.

That's the best thing I've read with my coffee in a long time.

22:46 Nov 06 2008

I haven't poo'd in a week.


Oh do shut up!

10:28 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 954

It's simple really -- or is is just simpleminded? Name protected. Still, I don't know what in the hell this person/thing is trying to communicate and it is irking the holy hell out of me!

I'am 5'4 Tri-colored eyes with long reddish brown hair and a sweet smile. I have mixed blood inside of me thats gives me a sweet but deadly look. But all and all I'm easy too get along with.

What's with the tricolor eyes and freaky mixed blood? Is your mom named Rosemary? Do you also have hooves for feet and have a pet name like... SATAN?!



17:05 Nov 06 2008




10:18 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 956

Why? How do you even remember the method of wiping your own ass when you are so fantastically idiotic? *sigh* Name of this Whelp is protected, but many of you might have dated her.

I haz blond hair( Mom and mii grandparents wont let mii dye it black! how outragious! ) and blue eyes. Average weight i guess. I wear black pretty much every day( OF COURSE!!! ). I've had like a lot of boy friends.

The truth? This genius "haz" no permission to dye her hair because her family is not only afraid that the chemicals will fry her brain further. That, and when you have slept with your entire town, dyeing your hair isn't going to hide your identity.



03:44 Nov 07 2008

LMAO!!! Oh man...Some Whelps just ask for a hazing...


The Sanguine Wiccan from Timbuktu

09:48 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 958

Stop making it so easy for me Whelps! You see what site you signed up for?! Err, you did look at some point, right? Then why in the hell are you coming here giving the most basic of definitions to the community? Why not explain what it is to be a female? Or how to make a root beer float? Better yet -- why not give the square root of 9! *sigh* Just go Wicca yourself...

My name is ******, but what

you call me doesn't matter.

I am wiccan. that’s pretty self explanatory.

If you don’t know what Wicca is go look it up.

I don’t feel like explaining it.

music is my life.

I'm naughty to the end.

i like to have fun, but i don't cross the line.

so i wont let you cross it.

I’m bisexual.

I have a great boyfriend.

I write a lot of poems and stories.

They usually dill with heartbreak and

death but that don’t bother me, and if your

name isn't in it, it shouldn't bother you either.

I’m dark, some call it goth or emo or punk but

i am who i am. I'm into vampirism. i have a sanguine

addiction. that is a addiction to blood.



17:06 Nov 06 2008

Me thinks this one is still wearing Blinkers.



09:41 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 959

No names. No brains.

Quote: im back and this time im awesomer

You may be back and awesomer, but I assure you, you're still failing English.



03:41 Nov 07 2008

I thought the same when I saw this...LOL!


Invasion of Numero Uno!

09:36 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 961

I thank you sweet schmuck -- you put me back in my Whelp bashing game! Kind of like riding a bike... I've no doubt yours has training-wheels. As always, the names are protected. I doubt their profile will last long anyway.

This was all that was listed in the profile.

There's a portfolio thing.

Lick it. Suck it. F*ck it.

Rate me a 1!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah. Woot.

This was the easiest 1 I ever rated! It took the fun out of it for being so easy. Nonce.



05:23 Nov 17 2008

I didnt give him the satisfaction



00:41 Nov 05 2008
Times Read: 982

VR is the only place where a Whelp would ask me which vampire I would vote into office.

Please, the answer is simple. Any vampire that will let me feed you to them gets my vote. Moron!



13:56 Nov 05 2008

Best political answer I've heard in a long time.

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