EAsSofia's Journal

EAsSofia's Journal


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23 entries this month

00:35 Aug 11 2011
Times Read: 778

Cloud falls out of sky onto ground in UAE … gets stuck in a fence and the motorist puts his hand through it lol

The amazing falling cloud that stopped a bemused motorist who filmed it in marvel. Part of the cloud moulds through a fence which it got stuck in. He posed with the cloud when it got stuck in the fence and even stuck his hand into it. Any better explanations?! Only in UAE.


this is video of cloud falling out of sky lol

look at screen capture and see where I circled the lights in the clouds that didn’t fall out of the sky




11:32 Aug 11 2011

I had no idea that coulds could fall out of the sky!


11:33 Aug 11 2011

**clouds I meant oops ;)

07:15 Aug 13 2011

This was Sofia's last post. She was found dead in her apartment in Wailuku Maui on August 12th. The police think it was a suicide. She left a note, but they didn't share what it was, and they took her computer. I guess we'll never know. I will miss her terribly.

03:20 Sep 14 2011

that's just a bunch of bubbles.

12:17 Nov 21 2011

she most likely is having a break..


Israel's Worst Case Scenario

06:37 Aug 10 2011
Times Read: 791

Israel's Worst Case Scenario: Its Eradication as a State, and Some Feel It's Coming

Maybe it is the influence of a Tisha B'Av way of looking at reality. This article is a nightmare scenario intended to act as a wake up call.

How can a tiny nation, hated wherever it resides, possibly survive? This has been the paramount question governing Jewish life for two millennia.

During Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, the country lost more than 6.000 of her finest soldiers, which was 10 percent of her total population, the equivalent of 3 million losses pro-rated for America’s population. A devastating start on the road of independence.

So when one recalls the reality which faced Israel in 1948 and where the country is today, it is nothing short of a miracle. Every other people so conquered and exiled has in time disappeared. Only the Jews defied the norm. Twice.

But, I fear, never again. That’s why Israel’s worst scenarios matter today, even if the peaceniks continue to protest against occupying anybody except the cafיs in Tel Aviv.

Maybe imagining the nightmare scenario is only the fantasy of some pessimist writers. Maybe Israel will live through a very quiet period ahead and the worst-case predictions will never materialize.

But Israel’s enemies are working for a future that is clear to them: a world without Zionism, a world without Israel. (more)





Iran says U.S. 'will be taught the mother of all lessons

05:55 Aug 10 2011
Times Read: 792

Iran says U.S. 'will be taught the mother of all lessons: Editorial warns of pending cyber attack on electrical grid: Propaganda bluster? True threat?

Iran is planning to retaliate against the United States for the sabotage against its nuclear program, according to an editorial in the Kayhan newspaper, the mouthpiece of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The U.S. has all of its infrastructure connected to the Internet, the editorial says, and as a result, "it is constantly worried about an unknown player, who they will never be able to identify ... sitting in some corner of the world who would launch an attack on a sector of (the Americans') foundations. They will be taught the mother of all lessons."

Specifically, Iran is looking into launching a cyber attack against U.S. electrical grid systems.

Iranian officials are furious over the July 23 assassination of nuclear scientist Dariush Rezai-Nejad, who was working on electric detonators for the Iranian nuclear program, which can be used on missiles or nuclear bombs. He was the third Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated since 2009.

The frustration over acts of sabotage started with the computer virus Stuxnet in which 1,000 of Iran's centrifuges at the Natanzs nuclear facility were destroyed and had to be replaced. The virus also attacked the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which has resulted in repeated delays in it joining the country's power grid.

The July 29 Kayhan editorial threatening America with retaliation said that during the last month, the United States has published two strategy documents regarding cyberspace, both of which emphasize the ever-evolving nature of Internet communications. (more)





German Neo-Nazis Pranked By Trojan T-Shirt

02:07 Aug 10 2011
Times Read: 800

German Neo-Nazis Pranked By Trojan T-Shirt Sellers..."What happened to your shirt can happen to you. We can help you break with right-wing extremism"...

Adam Taylor | Aug. 9, 2011, 3:25 PM | 1,732 | 8


German neo-Nazis were the victims of a prank from the aptly named "Trojan T-shirts" company, reports the BBC.

Organizers of the Rock für Deutschland concert in the town of Gerawere given 250 t-shirts that read "Hardcore Rebels"

However, when washed the design faded to reveal a hidden message:

The new message reads: "What happened to your shirt can happen to you. We can help you break with right-wing extremism".

The prank was the action of a group called Exit, who sought to capture younger members at the event organized by extreme right-wing National Democratic Party.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/trojan-t-shirts-neo-nazis-2011-8?utm_source=Triggermail&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Business%20Insider%20Select&utm_campaign=BI_Select_080911#ixzz1UZVkgtP7




Comet Elenin Under "Intelligent Control" Headed to Earth?

11:12 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 810

Comet Elenin Under "Intelligent Control" Headed to Earth?

Written By COSMOS TV ONLINE on Monday, April 11, 2011 | 10:27 PM

A chilling report prepared for President Medvedev by Minister Serdyukov of the Russian Defense Ministry on the building of an additional 5,000 underground "bomb` shelters in Moscow warns that even though progress is being made, the appearance of the new Comet Elenin in our Solar System means additional resources " will have to be added immediately " as the 2012 timeline for completion may not be soon enough ".

Sparking the fears of Minister Serdyukov, he says in this report, is that based upon the new orbit calculations for Comet Elenin, it appears in all likelihood " that this celestial object is under some type of intelligent control " and will approach our Earth much closer " than originally thought this coming fall season.

Comet Elenin was discovered by Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin on 10 December 2010 from his research facility in Lyubertsy utilizing images acquired from the 18-inch (45-cm) telescope at the ISON-NM Observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico and confirmed by Doctor-Scientists Aleksei Sergeyev and Artem Novichenko from the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan.

Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin.

Upon its discovery Comet Elenin was traveling very near the ecliptic plane at more than 4 Astronomical Units (375 million miles) from the Sun and headed inbound towards it. Its original perihelion [point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet where it is nearest to the Sun] was calculated to occur well inside Earth`s orbit at about 0.45 Astronomical Units (42 million miles) from the Sun to occur on or about 5 September 2011 making it visible to the naked eye in the pre-dawn skies in the Constellation of Leo.

Most ominous in Minister Serdyukov`s report is his assertion that Comet Elenin appears to be in direct contact with the mysterious Jupiter-sized planet discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto that is, also, headed inbound towards our Sun.

American scientists Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have named this mysterious planet Tyche, but as we had previously stated in our 18 February report, Russian Leader Confirms To Pope New Planet Arrival In 2012 ", the ancient peoples of our Earth new it by other names as well.

Interesting to note about Comet Elenin is that even though the American space agency NASA has said Because of the possibility that the comet`s orbit slightly deviate from, there is no guarantee that Earth will be missed ", they have, also, in contradiction, stated that "Comet Elenin will come nowhere near the Earth. At its closest (on 10 September 2011) it will be more than 25 million km from our planet. "

To the identity of those extraterrestrial forces controlling Comet Elenin our world had been forewarned about by the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, who stated about them: Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.


Close to play

As to those visitors from other planets " referred to by Minister Hellyer we can further glean from the memo sent to President Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) by his Army Chief of Staff George Marshall (1880-1959) about what is now referred to as The Battle of Los Angeles where American Forces fired upon a UFO fleet shortly after their countries entrance into World War II.

From the United States initial firing upon these UFO`s in The Battle of Los Angeles they continued to appear over both the European and Pacific Theaters of Operation during World War II and were dubbed as Foo Fighters by the US Army Air Forces 415th Night Fighter Squadron.

The most famous modern historical account of these UFO/Foo Fighters occurred in the summer of 1947 when at least one of them was shot down, or crashed near the Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico which was home to the US Army Air Forces 509th Bomb Group that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and is known today as the Roswell Incident.

Though initially reported to the American public by their government that a flying saucer " had, indeed, been captured, the US Military almost immediately contradicted themselves by denying what just 24-yours earlier they had admitted.

Most important to note about the Roswell Incident, however, was that its investigation was headed by the first US Air Force Secretary, and close personal friend of then President Harry Truman (1884-1972), Stuart Symington (1901-1988) who reported his findings to the first US Defense Secretary James Forrestal (1892-1949).

Throughout 1948, and into 1949, Secretary`s Forrestal and Symington repeated clashed leading President Truman to replace Forrestal on 28 March 1949. Within two months (22 May 1949) Forrestal was reported dead by suicide after having jumped out the window of Bethesda Naval Hospital where he had been forcibly detained.

More interesting, however, is the report of the last meeting between Forrestal and Symington on the Roswell Incident, and as, in part, we can read:

Forrestal accused Clark of having the FBI shadow him, which Clark denied, but which according to all of Forrestal`s biographers could well have been true. Forrestal finally left office in a formal ceremony on March 28th, his last public appearance.

What followed after the ceremony remains mysterious. There is something I would like to talk to you about, " Symington told Forrestal, and accompanied him privately during the ride back to the Pentagon. What Symington said is not known, but Forrestal emerged from the ride deeply upset, even traumatized, upon arrival at his office. Friends of Forrestal implied that Symington said something that shattered Forrestal`s last remaining defenses. " When someone entered Forrestal`s office several hours later, the former Secretary of Defense did not notice. Instead, he sat rigidly at his desk, staring at the bare wall, incoherent, repeating the sentence, you are a loyal fellow, " for several hours. "

As we have attempted to detail in many recent reports, including Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet ", Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths ", New Superstorms Warned Have "Doomed` World Food Production " and Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport ", the greatest fears Forrestal had after Symington`s final Roswell report was given to him are, indeed coming true in our times today.

Though the masses of the American people are still not being told the truth about the dire state of our world, the same cannot be said about their elite masters, who according to new evidence gathered by independent researchers are building for themselves vast underground bunkers to protect themselves when the times of trouble come.

One such company building these underground survival bunkers for the US elite is the American Reassurance Communities (ARC), and who describe their efforts as follows:

Each ARC Bunker Complex consists of a 300,000 sq ft subterranean self-contained community survival shelter complex designed to accommodate 2500 people for up to 60 months in military grade bunkers complete with schools, medical/dental, greenhouses, theater, recreation, everything needed for a large group of people to live in a safe, comfortable environment and survive almost any disaster.

ARC Bunkers are manufactured to withstand a direct nuclear hit, EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attacks, biological attacks, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, meteorites, and ground assaults. "

For anyone thinking they can order such protection for themselves (even allowing that they have the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would cost) an ARC spokesman said in a recently released conversation (listen to audio here) that it would take over a year for them to be able to build anything because of the tremendous backorders they are now filling due to what he says is because everyone is freaked out about something ". And this is aside from the US government`s recent purchase of over $1 Billion in survival food to protect America`s leaders.

To what those in the knowing are so freaked about " it is in our knowing too, but is, also, so complex and shrouded in shadows as to make it nearly indecipherable to all but the most informed, and which, most assuredly, the masses of people today aren`t even close to.

The complete story, and the knowledge you have a right to know, is only going to be gained by yourself as those who rule over you will tell you nothing, even to the point of disparaging those, like us, who believe not only in your right to know the truth, but how simple it can really be to protect yourself and your families from the many horrors yet to come.

This report, therefore, like all the others before it, is but another puzzle piece " to be put into place so that when added to the many others to come will show you the shattering truth being kept from you.

The great German romantic writer Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825) once said, A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. " And these are, indeed, the times one has to choose which they are, we hope you are courageous, they will be the only ones to survive.

Posted by EU Times

Read more: http://www.cosmostv.org/2011/04/comet-elenin-under-intelligent-control.html#ixzz1UVrzBC6S



01:10 Aug 10 2011

Cthuga and the fire vampires inbound? Perhaps something else... it's a damn convention up there right now.


Riots spreading throughout UK

04:49 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 819

Coming Crisis Alert -- Riots spreading throughout UK -- the microwave dance of mind control ...the beat goes on--


United Kingdom, with focus on London, until August 9, 2011, midnight EST.


Update - August 8, 2011

"Friends and family" being called in by affected citizens to battle rioters in order to protect homes and businesses throughout troubled areas.

Update - August 8, 2011

Riots have spread to Birmingham, Liverpool and Bristol.

Update -- August 8, 2011

The London Mayor, British Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have cut short their holidays to return to the UK to tackle the crisis. Children as young as 10 years old have been reported looting and carrying alcohol down the streets.

August 8, 2011

Riots have erupted throughout various parts of London, and are now spreading throughout suburbs and other major cities of the United Kingdom, with reports coming in of riots erupting in Birmingham and Liverpool. Writing into the BBC, entrapped citizens in London are "preparing to defend their homes and shops" from armed roving gangs pillaging and setting on fire neighbourhoods, major buildings and police stations. This alert was issued in tandem with UK Government-issued warnings for citizens to stay inside their homes as the situation worsens, and out of concern for the safety of our UK readers.


1) If you are in an area of rioting, stay inside your homes. Do not confront rioters, especially if they are armed. Prepare an emergency exit from your home should fire erupt.

2) Please ensure that you are contact with your children and know their whereabouts. It has been recommended by the British Government that they return home immediately if they are not already there.

3) Please stay tuned to your television or radio for government instructions. Do not venture outside if unnecessary until unrest subsides.




39,000 children dead in Somali famine ...

02:35 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 824

39,000 children dead in Somali famine ... events like this are why the ALIEN NATIONS voted yes to genocide of hu.mans ...you spend trillions on weapons while people go hungry....

39,000 children dead in Somali famine: U.S. warns thousands more Somalis could die in famine

A U.S. aid official warned Monday that hundreds of thousands of Somalis could die as famine spreads, amid a visit to Kenyan refugee camps by the wife of U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden.

Jill Biden on Monday visited the world's largest refugee camp, Dadaab, where tens of thousands of Somali famine refugees have arrived in recent weeks.

Biden's trip is the highest-profile U.S. visit to drought-stricken East Africa since the numbers of refugees began dramatically increasing in June. Biden said the aim of her visit was to raise awareness and convince donors to give more.

"What I'm asking is for Americans to reach out and help because the situation is dire," said Biden, who met with two Somali mothers and their eight children during her visit to the camp. "There is hope if people start to pay attention to this."

FAQ: What defines a famine?

More than 29,000 children under the age of five have died in the last 90 days in southern Somalia alone, according to U.S. estimates. (more)




PHOTOS ……… some very interesting bursts of light in the sky tonight in Hawaii

11:37 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 859

PHOTOS ……… some very interesting bright white bursts of light in the sky tonight in Hawaii...

Lights off my balcony

Wailuku Hawaii

8 6 11

original. small

2 originalsmall



04:17 Aug 08 2011

Wow, look at all those orbs! And is that a fairie??


the truth in mythology

06:07 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 870

much of what is written in mythology is actually true or close to the truth and has been used as a way of passing down information by people who had actually vaporized their own civilizations and therefore had it became unspeakable and they also had no way to write it all down so they began carving images in things

the city of Atlantis which is extremely high tech and a central command post so to speak if you want to put it in military terms belongs to the Mantis civilizations

these beings are one of the very first to take a corporeal form and are sentient and travel with us in the fleet called the holy stars

that is how the name holy family came to be...it is associated with those of us who travel in the stars that emit of the brightest white light and travel on photo light

the star of Bethlehem is the one i think they call Venus and that is why when we were here on EArth before the star was overhead where ever we were located, that is why they had conflicts about where the city of Bethlehem actually was and have argued over 2 possible locations...because she was a star that was named Bethelem and not an actually city when we first arrived

the portal in the gulf of Aden leads to the city of Atlantis

the head of medusa that has the snakes coming out of it and the tail that if you look at it you will go mad= the snakes coming out of the head represent the radio waves being transmitted to do mind control and with so many talking in a humans head the external stimuli drives them insane as they are unable to process all the internally projected voices that by pass the auditory bone vibration and relay messages directly to the brain ... this was used to cause 'luna tics' who had unexplained crazy and violent behavior that was wrongfully associated with the moon cycles

hippocampus of the sea .... hippocampus is the part of the brain that controls memory and is accessed to create temporary memory losses of split personalities created with the mind control/ manchurian that can be recalled by using a trigger word or sound

the cyclops = the all seeing eye of the scalar cam like google earth and the microwave/tesla technology to spy on everyone

mermaids= holographic images created using this technology ...same as tech used for prince charles to give a holographic speech at Abu Dhabi energy expo...it was used to lure sailors into rocks and reefs that then damaged their ships

the greek gods are andromeda council members who came to view this as a game of sorts...to 'dance/drive/control' people as puppets with themselves as the puppet masters

they would have contests among each other to see who was the best puppet master

they used men to fight wars and other things for their own pleasure to fulfill their sadist blood thirst = this accounts for things like the roman gladiators, feeding people ...not only Christians to lions and then cheering as they were torn apart

they had begun creating chimeras just like they are doing to day which accounts for the half human mythological images portrayed in history ... genetic cloning is not new but after their technology was destroyed in the past and scientific knowledge of these things like electricity and the grids it creates were taken from them and the scientist killed they were cast back into darkness in hopes that if given a clean start they would choose a different destiny than the one they previously been on and that would affect their fate

the Alien Nations is sad to see that the HU.MAN have emerged the same as before and are following the same path as their ancestors.

EAs Sofia



13:42 Aug 07 2011

It is sad indeed.


hacking trail to China …

04:53 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 880

hacking trail to China … I remote view them when they access our network…their time is limited...soon there will be no more Dropa…too bad they didn’t learn anything when the Qinlin village disappeared off the face of the EArth in Oct 2010…I guess they didn’t have ears/radio ears/ghost network ears to hear our message

EAs Sofia

Nephilim War Court


Researcher follows RSA hacking trail to China … Malware used in the attack against RSA Security earlier this year was controlled from China, a well-known botnet researcher said Wednesday.

Joe Stewart, director of malware research for Dell SecureWorks, traced the command-and-control (C&C) servers used to oversee the RSA attack to networks in Beijing and Shanghai.

"This gives us the where, but not the who," said Stewart when asked whether his work had come up with clues about the attack's architects.

In mid-March, RSA confirmed that it had been targeted by hackers who had breached its network defenses and stole proprietary information. Although RSA has never detailed what was stolen, it has admitted that information related to the company's SecurID two-factor authentication products was part of the haul. (more) http://thecomingcrisis.blogspot.com/2011/08/researcher-follows-rsa-hacking-trail-to.html




America's secret war in 120 countries ...

04:34 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 884

America's secret war in 120 countries ...

Somewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that 70 times and you're done ... for the day. Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the United States military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world's countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now.

After a US Navy SEAL put a bullet in Osama bin Laden's chest and another in his head while storming his compound in Pakistan, one of the most secretive black-ops units in the American military suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight. It was atypical. While it's well known that US Special Operations forces are deployed in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, and it's increasingly apparent that such units operate in murkier conflict zones like Yemen and Somalia, the full extent of their worldwide war has remained deeply in the shadows.

Last year, Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post reported that US Special Operations forces were deployed in 75 countries, up from 60 at the end of the George W Bush presidency. By the end of this year, US Special Operations Command spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told me that number will likely reach 120. "We do a lot of traveling - a lot more than Afghanistan or Iraq," he said recently. This global presence - in about 60% of the world's nations and far larger than previously acknowledged - provides striking new evidence of a rising clandestine Pentagon power elite waging a secret war in all corners of the world. (more)





just when you thought it was safe to take your camel out for a desert ride….

04:24 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 886

just when you thought it was safe to take your camel out for a desert ride….

NATO bombs camel weapons caravan, killing hundreds of camels

A Libyan rebel commander said Saturday that his forces have unconfirmed reports that NATO struck and destroyed a caravan of camels carrying weapons from neighboring Chad.

Abdullah Aitha, who commands rebels fighting in the southeastern Kufra region, said the caravan was made up of hundreds of camels and carried heavy caliber machine guns, mortars and ammunition.

He said the air strike came on Friday evening in a desert 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the Chad border while the caravan was headed for the city of Sebha, 400 miles (650 kilometers) south of the capital Tripoli. Sebha is a key Gadhafi stronghold deep in the country's southwestern deserts where much of the Libyan leader's loyal troops hail from.

"The camels are totally burned and the weapons are all destroyed," he told The Associated Press.

NATO could not be immediately reached for comment. (more)





ghost face

08:24 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 934

photo of a ghost face that was in the tree off my balcony tonight …there’s a smaller face in the lower right corner too…looks like a wolf face to me…if you see something else let me know

Wailuku Hawaii

8 4 2011

wolf face 8 4 11



22:48 Aug 05 2011

This kind of looks like a big polar bear face. See the dark nose?


Photo projecting energy from my hand …

07:12 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 939

Photo projecting energy from my hand …I love energy … I can understand the hu.man fascination with it…I just can’t understand why you use it to hurt instead of heal each other

EAs Sofia

Energy projection 8 4 2011

8 4 2011 energy projected



10:06 Aug 05 2011

people harm each other more than any other species does. I don't understand that either :(


light in sky off balcony in Hawaii …………

07:09 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 941

light in sky off balcony in Hawaii …………

8 4 2011

ship 8 4 2011




Angels/aliens play a bigger harp

03:59 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 954

Angels/aliens play a bigger harp … Small Amounts Of Warming Could Trigger Rapid Ice Shelf Collapse … we are making geothermal adjustments preparing to lower all land masses simultaneously to cleanse EArth …

Only small amounts of subsurface warming of water is required to trigger a rapid collapse of ice shelves, according to a new report to be published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The joint research by academics from China and the United States analysed prehistoric “Heinrich events” that happened many thousands of years ago, creating mass discharges of icebergs into the North Atlantic Ocean. The findings, the researchers say, provide historical evidence that warming of water by 3-4 degrees was enough to trigger these huge, episodic discharges of ice from the Laurentide Ice Sheet in what is now Canada.

They claim the results are important due to concerns that warmer water could cause a comparatively fast collapse of ice shelves in Antarctica or Greenland, increasing the flow of ice into the ocean and raising sea levels. One of the most vulnerable areas, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, would raise global sea level by about 11 feet if it were all to melt.

“We don’t know whether or not water will warm enough to cause this type of phenomenon,” said Shaun Marcott, a postdoctoral researcher at Oregon State University (OSU) and lead author of the report. “But it would be a serious concern if it did, and this demonstrates that melting of this type has occurred before.”

If water were to warm by about 2 degrees under the ice shelves that are found along the edges of much of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Marcott said, it might greatly increase the rate of melting to more than 30 feet a year. This could cause many of the ice shelves to melt in less than a century, he said, and is probably the most likely mechanism that could create such rapid changes of the ice sheet. (more)


EAs Sofia


Angels/aliens play a bigger harp




The walls of Jericho will soon fall again

03:48 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 958

Electricity being rationed … people are cast into darkness so the military can continue to fly light waves …the grids/fields cannot provide enough for the both people and the military scalar/microwave mind control/spy technology …

EAs Sofia

The walls of Jericho will soon fall again…those with ears/radio ears will hear my message…history is repeating itself for the last time




U.S. eats up most of debt limit in one day

02:49 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 962

So much money…how much was used to feed the hungry…U.S. eats up most of debt limit in one day: $239 billion spike uses up 60% of funding OK’d on Tuesday…




No wonder the US is broke! $23billion drone programme

13:31 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 985

No wonder the US is broke! $23billion drone programme to replace U-2 spy plane

The U.S. is to spend $23billion on a fleet of drone spy planes - despite facing economic turmoil and crippling debts.

Fifty-five Global Hawks are to be built over the coming years, with each aircraft costing a staggering $218 million each.

They will replace the highly-effective U-2 spy planes which were manned by pilots and played an effective role in the cold war and more recently Afghanistan.

But critics pointed to the escalating cost of the project at a time when the U.S. faces a major risk of defaulting on its $14.3trillion (£8.7trillion) debt.

'The Global Hawk is a very impressive product, but it is also a very expensive product,' Richard L. Aboulafia, an aviation analyst at the Teal Group, a consultancy in Fairfax, Virginia, told the New York Times.

The plan to hand defence companies billions more dollars to build the drones comes as millions of Americans face financial struggles and job cuts. Read More





PHOTO … Orbs ….photon tube….in tree top

03:11 Aug 03 2011
Times Read: 1,032

PHOTO … Orbs ….photon tube….in tree top off my balcony last night ….

orb tube in treecutoutsmall

Life…energy…is amazing

EAs Sofia




lycan wolf orb …

14:58 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 1,047

lycan wolf orb … when the Glory returns the Kindred will wail/howl … they are all here on EArth’s surface…………..

wailuku hawaii

8 2 2011

lycan wolf orb




Lycans seem to be the main topic in the tesla/radio waves today…

04:32 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 1,075

Lycans seem to be the main topic in the tesla/radio waves today…

Lycans everywhere you look …

EA has his army with him on the planet …

How are all the witches supposed to control these lycans …

Lycans are immune to microwaves …

LOL this is part of a transcript from a radio transmission from today that made me laugh because there is no way to mind control a Lycanthrope … they are immune to the microwave/tesla technology and they can project energy just like I do …

Did you think that EA would come and bring only Anyo … lmao … the lesser demons you all invoke and summon with your wanna be djinns and majicians are no match for the higher realms who have a higher molecular spin and velocity to their life forces

This is EAs space base and we have been here watching you for a long time … we walk among you and you have no way to know who we are if we do not wish to tell you …

Have you not noticed the weather changes … the increase in quake clusters …the unesplained cracks in the earth … the volcanoes on the sea floor… we are preparing to lower all land masses simultaneously … I have tried to warn you of the upcoming events …

You have chosen a grim destiny for yourselves … again we are preparing to watch a deluge from above …

Military psyops, witches, dracules and demon legions are no match for EAs army … they can not save you . I believe that history is simply repeating itself as it has in the past … only this time it will be the last dance for the hu.man genome project

EAs Sofia

Anu's World Order has begun




skull orb

10:11 Aug 01 2011
Times Read: 1,082

An orb photo from tonight … looks like it has a skull in the middle … some orbs are just really interesting looking…don’t you think

skull orb 7 31 2011

orb with a skull in it

wailuku hawaii

7 31 2011



10:15 Aug 01 2011

Wow... That is sooooo ominous.

I mean, it couldn't possibly be a spec of dust or anything. Just look at that photos detail.

Incredible stuff. I'm certainly a believer now...

10:28 Aug 01 2011

pretty colours and texture :)

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