Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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27 entries this month


06:29 Aug 31 2011
Times Read: 1,151



Note: When searching for a pic of Prince, I got slapped with a huge pic of a 'prince albert'...eeeewww.



07:19 Aug 31 2011

Hmmmmmm ;)

13:20 Aug 31 2011

I haven't heard of this Prince Albert... I must google it!

13:22 Aug 31 2011

You mean Prince Albert of england?

LOL you poor poor girl!

05:34 Sep 01 2011

No...Prince Albert as in a type of piercing...yuck!

02:56 Sep 05 2011

LOL! That's creepy. Btw I wanna try that Wen hair care soooo bad. :P


15:21 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 1,167

...Okay...I need to get off of VR and go back to bed...



03:39 Aug 30 2011

Yep - hardest thing I find is to 'shut off' and actually do the real work of getting well. Do your best! Hoping for the best over here.



14:38 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 1,173

I thought that I was well enough to go to work today - NOT!

The coughing came back up with a vengence late last night, which made the stomach and side muscles ache all over again; more nasty yellow-green crap coming up from my lungs too. I ran out of cough syrup...and I don't get paid until the 31st...so, no money. Being sick and broke is horrible. I feel so crappy and useless; my life/situation is out of my hands...It feels that way anyway.

I texted both bosses to let them know that I'm still sick, with many apologies. It's all I can do.

Dammit - I cannot afford to be sick! This truly sucks.



14:39 Aug 29 2011

Oh no! I sure hope you get better soon.:(

16:18 Aug 29 2011

That sucks. I'm sorry that you dont feel well. I really hope you feel better soon.


Opportunity knocks...and I can't answer the fucking door.

07:03 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 1,181

Dang. I've got more than 8 pieces to chose from that I could submit to this, yet I'm too poor to mat, frame, and pay the entry fees...maybe another time.


El Color Caliente de la Cultura- The Hot Color of Culture

The Sun Gallery will host an exhibition “El Color Caliente de la Cultura” from October 5th – November 19th, 2011. This exhibition will explore the concept of vibrant color and its influence on Hispanic cultures - color is a means to convey emotional and spiritual expressions and feelings. When you think of Latin America you think of vibrant living color, warm tropical tones. Color symbolizes many different ideas and portrays multicultural themes without words. The beautiful colors used in Latin American art have influenced artists around the world. This exhibition will present works of art that will highlight the influence that Latin America has had on the use of color.

We are calling for submissions of art for this exhibit. Artwork can be any media including, but not limited to, painting, sculpture, glasswork, ceramics, drawing, photography and assemblage. Artwork will be juried for entry digitally or by photo at no cost to the artist. The deadline for consideration of your work is September 27th, 2011.



08:19 Aug 29 2011

You submit your entries via pics first right? It couldn't hurt to send in a pic or two.

Have you thought about looking at thrift stores for frames? I've bought cheap things like that just for the mats and frames. ;)


01:15 Aug 29 2011
Times Read: 1,195

Still kinda' sick...nothing like coughing up gross golden-colored phlegm from one's lungs. I still can't figure out how/why I have this cold/flu, especially during this time of the year.

(Probably from riding the train with only God knows who, or taking some gross contaminated money from a customer)...?

Anyway, all of the coughing has made my stomach muscles ache too, and it triggered an asthma attack Friday night. Oh joy.



01:46 Aug 29 2011

Get better soon hun *hugs*

04:00 Aug 29 2011

Get well soon!



00:43 Aug 25 2011
Times Read: 1,237

Lately, I've seen a few interesting profiles. The majority of new ones are just blah though; here are a few examples of why I don't really bother rating profiles anymore:

(I removed the names of these poor souls; I figure that I could be embarrassed for them, as they don't seem to notice how ridiculous they appear)

- come out come out were ever u are

looking for u

- I am six one my name is jxxx I love to draw I love ink work I love pain. I love the moon light its very sexy to me music is my everything I cant stand when im on a hunt and people try to talk I wont to bite them in the throwt anything else just ask

- for am the real vampire, not a hollywood joke

all you posers, i am the real vampire, i am a species of vampire called a runner. the war is coming, who side are you gonna be on


i have only had one love, nd her name was lilah.



01:13 Aug 25 2011

Real vampires can spell, punctuate and use proper grammar. :P

01:59 Aug 27 2011

I hear ya on the profiles. It's getting sooooooo tired and sooooo lame. I try and try. When I come across a good one (like yours) I feel spoiled because there's so much crap on here now.

I noticed that after the movie Twilight came out...

This site........got flooded with morons. Not trying to offend anyone but seriously....what the hell happened?!



22:18 Aug 24 2011
Times Read: 1,252

I'm home today instead of at work. Not only do I have a sore throat with sinus irritation, but I'm also very sore.

Most of my muscles are in pain - literally. My neck, shoulders, lower back, calves, and my left ankle are almost bringing tears to my eyes. Too much going on at one time. If I only had the sore throat without the added bonus of sinus irritation, with the bad ankle, I'd be able to work through it. But not all of this shit at once.

I worked my ass off yesterday, which is the main contributor to my pain. And I am also pissed; when the head cashier is a floater, she disappears for most of the day...which means, I'm running to make coffee, stock up stuff, and clean up messes while running a register at the same time. And there were a lot of customers yesterday too. When I'm a floater, I'm there to keep everything running to the best of my ability...ie, I'm there doing the damn work!

Another example of how lazy she is: On Monday, the main boss (guy) requested that I go through all of the barcoded items on the floor, write down the items with the codes, and get them to him ASAP. He mentioned that it could take up to two days to do the job - and that he'd also get the head cashier to help. (We were both floaters on Monday). I don't know why he thought that it would take two days, as I completed the job in about 3 hours. In that same amount of time, the head cashier was in the stockroom doing the chips...about 15 items total. I think I covered about 50 -60 items...HELLO?

And Big Momma only adds to my misery...I'm at the point where I want to kick her everytime I look at her. But I keep a smile on my face and friendliness in my voice when dealing with her...When we were prepping stuff last Friday before our meeting, she was sitting on her ass in front on the computer. My boss had it with her though, thank God. She had her get off the computer, flatten boxes, and take them to the recycling area. You'd think that she asked Big Momma to commit hari-kari. Then, she made her help the rest of us get shit ready for Monday morning...stuff that she should be doing, since she is an opening cashier. Like - does this bitch think that everything gets done by magic? Or that prepping isn't part of her job? Sure - she's as slow as molasses, but she still needs to contribute. Hell - she hardly cashiers as it is, as she's running to the restroom half a dozen times, takes 30 minute breaks, and nods off everywhere - even at her station. And the bitch is ALWAYS eating (She manages to stay awake for this one particular activity though).

Don't get me wrong - I'm glad to have a job. And most of the time, it's okay. It would be nicer if more people pulled their weight though...literally speaking.



22:57 Aug 24 2011

Hope she picks up her slack, and you feel better soon. *tucks a blanket about you*

23:45 Aug 24 2011

poor you, hope you feel better soon @};-

08:50 Aug 25 2011

Feel better soon pretty lady.


A 5.3 quake is a walk in the park, folks.

21:50 Aug 24 2011
Times Read: 1,257

So, after seeing and hearing all of the hoopla over that 5.3 quake on the east coast, all I could do was laugh.

We consider quakes under a 6 on the Richter Scale to be like amusement park rides...

But then a sobering thought came to mind: unlike here (California), the buildings and other structures on the east coast aren't built with earthquake safety in mind. So, it's good that there were no deaths.



22:19 Aug 24 2011

Jeebus, I think if I was in a minor earthquake it would scare the bejesus out of me, since I don't know what one feels like!

22:29 Aug 24 2011

It can feel like you're on a waterbed, or being shaken by someone - lol!

02:02 Aug 27 2011

I too was glad that there was no deaths. Pretty good shaker for the east coast but seriously....

I laughed my ass off at 5.8. I live in southern california...right on the san andreas fault line (literally). 7.0 was the strongest one I felt back in '99.....and ya know...

I almost shit my pants lmao. That's some scary stuff right there. :P

02:03 Aug 27 2011

5.3? I thought it was 5.8. Opps. Whatever, you get the picture lmao. :P

02:16 Aug 27 2011

True, my Angel.

I live - literally - on the Hayward Fault.

And I recall vividly the 'Big One' of '89...I just missed being conked in the head by a huge (ie 6ft) framed vintage poster...whew! Now that quake was scary...fucking scary!


First day back at work...

03:02 Aug 23 2011
Times Read: 1,266

While wiping down a counter, I chatted with a student and she said something that made me laugh. While I don't recall what she said, I won't forget the student with Down Syndrome who stood nearby. He came up to me and told me that I was "a retard"




03:33 Aug 23 2011

Hehe. . . . Almost kinda cute.

22:01 Aug 24 2011

oh good grief LOL

I did volunteer work at a unit for mentally disturbed adults, and one of the residents stripped off in public and when I asked her politely to get dressed again, she said "what are you crazy? these aren't my clothes!" She called me the crazy lady after that. I had great fun there because each day was different.


STFU already!

02:52 Aug 21 2011
Times Read: 1,299

A birthday party is going on in the complex here. There is one guy who keeps laughing like a hyena. Well - actually he sounds like a laughing hyena mixed with the braying of a donkey. I want to kill him.



04:01 Aug 21 2011

Dooooo It ;-)

05:25 Aug 21 2011

You were at my place all night.


05:26 Aug 21 2011

You were at my place all night.




08:41 Aug 21 2011

Ooooooooooooh noooooooooo. *sighs*

If I lived closer I'd offer to duct tape his friggin' mouth shut for ya.

11:04 Aug 21 2011

oh god. I have a neighbour just like that. He could be the nicest person in the world but his laugh is just the worst I've ever heard. I hate him.

Yep. Hate. Hate his laugh = hate him LOL


Two down - two (or one) more to go!

23:51 Aug 18 2011
Times Read: 1,320

Yipee! I got 100's on both my retail research paper - 'California Regulations For Pharmacy Technicians' and the hospital research paper 'Pharmacy Clean Room Basics'.

Now...just in waiting mode for clinical rotations, which I'll have to do on the weekends, as my regular job starts up again next week.

Busy, busy, busy!



23:52 Aug 18 2011

Congrats!!!! I knew you would do well!

23:53 Aug 18 2011

Congrats hun!

01:28 Aug 19 2011

Congtats that's awesome!

03:32 Aug 19 2011

It doesnt surprise me..youre awesome like that!!! Way to GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

06:58 Aug 20 2011

Congratulations- I'm proud of you, sugar!

08:35 Aug 21 2011

*does the happy dance and gives you a hug*

Right on! Congrats! :)

11:05 Aug 21 2011

well done you!


22:16 Aug 18 2011
Times Read: 1,326

I actually don't feel guilty for hating your youngest kid - I mean - the spawn of the devil. I really don't. And the sad/bad thing is...one day, she's gonna' end up dead in a ditch if she doesn't change her ways...



23:48 Aug 18 2011

I have run across a few of those in my day.


23:05 Aug 21 2011

I sincerely believe that were it not for our significantly over-regulated, over-safety-featured society, there would a be a much larger number of cases of Darwin in action...


Reasons for possible long-term absences here.

20:35 Aug 17 2011
Times Read: 1,331

1. There is a family emergency.

2. I have some serious medical issues, or was in an accident of some kind.

3. My computer totally crashed.

4. I am incarcerated.



23:52 Aug 18 2011

Hmmmm, I think I've hit all of those lmao

23:04 Aug 21 2011

LMAO - I knew there was a reason I just instinctively added Pandora to my favorite journal list!


21:04 Aug 16 2011
Times Read: 1,339

So yesterday, the carpet section in the hallway was finally changed...of course it was over two weeks since the flood. The color doesn't match the rest of the carpet, but at this point, I don't care. At least it doesn't smell moldy anymore.

The guy who did the work was huge - as in Herculean. Tall and buff. And young to boot, so he was a 'Baby Huey' - LOL!

Now, I've seen tall Latino guys of course - up to about 6 ft - 6ft 2 in...(one of my nephews is a tall lanky 6 ft). But this guy - it looked like his head touched the ceiling. I asked him how tall he was, and he said that he was 6'6"...damn!

Anyway ...glad to have that work done, so Crunch can stop taking a dump on the carpet.



08:38 Aug 21 2011

Lol @ Baby Huey.

Pretty tall boy. I have an ex that's 7ft tall which looked really funny next to me....at 5'2.


Second one down...three (or two) more to go!

01:31 Aug 14 2011
Times Read: 1,365

I just completed and submitted my hospital pharmacy research paper; the first paper I did on asthma - which may take the place of the hospital rotation paper if I don't get an externship - got a 100%!

I hope I do well on this paper as well.

Next - possibly starting tomorrow - I'll begin work on the retail pharmacy research paper. I'm gonna' have research papers coming out of my ass!



02:50 Aug 14 2011

100%! Dude...RIGHT ON! :)

02:50 Aug 14 2011

Congrats! And you can do this!


Moved up to the next level!

22:25 Aug 13 2011
Times Read: 1,370

Welcome Isis101

Your Status:


Your Level:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

79.97 days

You have completed

46% of the next level.

I was 108.85 around 10 minutes ago - lol!



02:49 Aug 14 2011

Sweeeeeeet. :P


23:49 Aug 12 2011
Times Read: 1,376

My covenmate Bloodmother presented this awesome informative video in our forum thread about art. I liked it so much, I had to put it here in my journal.



02:19 Aug 15 2011

Thanks for sharing this - definitely passing it on to a few key friends.


04:27 Aug 12 2011
Times Read: 1,381

I need to take a break from writing my second research paper...I was nodding off.

I'll get back to it tomorrow after my dr's appointment and errands...yipee.

I can hang out here a little bit tonight though...




Oh - me so hungry! Me hungry long time!

03:00 Aug 11 2011
Times Read: 1,389

I was so busy filling out more online stuff for retail externships today that I skipped eating (lunch). So, it's time for me to go make Chinese stir-fry for dinner - with skinless chicken breast! Yum!




Mi amigo - Moises!

02:18 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 1,410

After I stopped by work to sign my last time sheet until the fall semester - a whole 8 days of work - wow! - I decided to walk towards the lake, as it was a beautiful day.

Amidst the joggers and power-walkers, I saw a fast walking figure approaching. His gait was familiar. He was wearing a black leather biker jacket, jeans, and boots. I thought that it was too warm to be wearing all of that shit, but whatever. As he got closer, I recognized who he was - he was my old friend Moises! Whom I haven't seen in two years! I stopped in front of him on the sidewalk, and crossed my arms. For a nano-second, he stopped, and looked at me like I was crazy. Then he said "Monique! Oh my God!" He then grab me in a bear hug, then commented on how I lost a few pounds.

Moises: "I thought that you were in L.A., witch!"

Me: "Oh no - at the last minute, my mom helped me out, so I didn't have to leave"...I noticed that he had a cigarette in his hand, and said "So when did you start smoking, ass?"

Moises: "About two years ago, you hag."

Me: "Who are you calling a hag, you old fart?"

Moises: "Who are you callin' an old fart? We are the same goddamn age, witch!"

Me: "Look at all of that greyish white hair, dude. You look like a skunk!"

(His once long jet black hair was now two-toned. And he looked really tired. Well - we both look tired - lol)

Moises *laughs* "I know...witch."

We chatted for a bit, and exchanged numbers - again. Dude is always having his phones cut off and/or changed, drama with various psycho women, etc...He left to go visit a friend, so off to the BART station he went. I walked around a little longer, noticing that I now smelled like patchouli...yuck.

Moises and I have a lot of catching up to do!



17:45 Aug 09 2011

Fabulous- I love those kinds of chance meetings- it just makes the day so much brighter- good for you, sugar.

20:46 Aug 09 2011

Lol at the name calling.

Right on that you two found each other again. He better not get his phone turned off or changed. :P

03:58 Aug 10 2011

Definitely love those random, 'Hey, I *know you*!' occurrences!


01:30 Aug 07 2011
Times Read: 1,433

Well, I was up past midnight last night to complete my first paper for my studies; I wrote about the history of asthma treatment and medications...exciting! LOL!

So, today was - and still is - a lazy day. I wanted to write more for my story here, but I'm too lazy for now. Maybe I'll have some motivation in the dead of the night, or sometime tomorrow.

So - back to the idiot box...and maybe a glass of sangria.



02:42 Aug 07 2011

Oooooooh, fun lol.

Did you learn about all the fun things Albuterol can do......or not do? :P

21:10 Aug 07 2011

You know it's the heat, right? I don't feel like doing shit either...lol

21:48 Aug 08 2011

I would love to read that paper. I am always wanting to learn more about asthma and its treatments.

21:56 Aug 29 2011

I use and love Albuterol- lol!


Another great kismet!

22:06 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 1,447

By BeautifulDiscord:

You can't reason with crazy and you can't argue with stupid.



06:28 Aug 06 2011

Or the southern version thereof:

Arguing with stupid is like fighting with a pig- and the pig likes it.

03:02 Aug 11 2011

And from WolfintheMyst:

'Strap on' read backwards is 'no parts'. Coincidence?


Dell Must Die.

21:10 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 1,449

In a nutshell:

- Ordered ink in mid-July.

- Got ink yesterday - had to pick it up.

- Set printer for B&W ink only to print 7-8 pages of a report. It keeps printing in color, then the color cartridge is used up...after about twenty pages.

- Called Dell to get a color cartridge replacement. Got transferred to 4 different people in India. One guy wanted to sell me another cartridge, then do a refund on the fucked up one...really?

- Had to raise holy hell to finally get one sent gratis...as I already paid for the damn thing in mid-July. The replacement ink should arrive in 8 days.

- As far as the shipping...requested that they do not use Fedex; at the very least, try UPS if they can't send via US postal service. Will they listen? Probably not.

I need to find out if there are other cartridge brands that would work in my Dell printer. Will ask birra here...




01:45 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 1,460

This video says a lot about shallow people (men and women) and dating...and it's funny as hell too!




I think that The Pony Express would have been a better choice.

23:04 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 1,475

So...I order some ink cartridges for my printer...about three weeks ago. And I finally spoke to someone TODAY from Fedex who figured out a way for me to get the stuff (Alicia gets three Gold Stars)! Sure, I'll need to go to a Kinko's, but after the crap I've gone through (Missed deliveries due to an address error, a non-working apt call box, a lazy-ass apartment manager who can't sign for a package, but tells the delivery guy at the door that she's 'having lunch' while right in his face, missing call tags, etc)..I'll take my ass happily to Kinkos. Damn.



23:20 Aug 02 2011

Wow. That's bananas.

23:26 Aug 02 2011

Bananas are awesome...this is dog doo-doo.

00:19 Aug 03 2011

You should work with a company that would go out of its way to make sure you got your order, regardless of FedEx being douchehammers.



Catching up here...

00:02 Aug 02 2011
Times Read: 1,484

*Well - the wedding on Saturday evening was nice. Big Momma looked quite nice too. Too bad she kept on eating though, which made a lot of people stare and talk about her...

Since the bride is 6 feet tall, and the ceiling was low, when she tossed her bouquet, it smashed a light fixture, leaving shards of glass on the dance floor - lol! (And no - I made sure to keep away from that event. Not lookin' for a damn husband).

*I just took my final comprehensive exam - it took me almost 2 hours to answer 120 questions. And I got a 91! (91% out of 100%). So, I'm happy with that. Now...I will continue to work on my first of two reports, while awaiting the start of clinical rotations.

*The last day of the summer session was last Thursday (July 28th)...so no work until August 17th's meeting, and the beginning of the fall semester on August 22nd. I need a short-term job ASAP!

There is no real end to stress, is there? Not even a temporary reprieve?




Priest of the Month.

19:51 Aug 01 2011
Times Read: 1,497

August 2011




19:55 Aug 01 2011

well, phwoarr, getting a little hot under the collar here...

22:16 Aug 01 2011

Damn, what a waste tee hee

00:44 Aug 02 2011

Is he willing to convert? :oX

02:44 Aug 07 2011

My god! Lol.......

Good lookin boy lol. *blushes*

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