Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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14 entries this month

02:20 Feb 28 2015
Times Read: 828


Browsing through some of the journals reminds me of how stupid and/or crazy some people are.

Entertaining, at the very least. But - to be safe, maybe I should also make a tinfoil cap to wear, so the psycho beams don't attack my brain.

*cue up circus theme, or the theme from The Twilight Zone*



02:27 Feb 28 2015

yes, always entertaining.. i think as humans we all judge

04:25 Feb 28 2015

Lmao. Too true

05:58 Feb 28 2015

I see more stupid than crazy here though.

06:13 Feb 28 2015


06:26 Feb 28 2015

journals allows to save on satellite or cable, there is all sorts of "channels" and "shows' on here; drama, suspense, thriller, comedy, and many more I forgot, the only thing missing is the porn, even tough at times some are very close it and way to close for a 13 year old and up website, but meh, nothing we can do about the "science of stupid" show :p

00:25 Mar 01 2015



The Good, The Bad, and The WTF?

01:53 Feb 28 2015
Times Read: 832

I've been too tired and stressed out lately.

So I figure - I may as well get caught up here, as I may not have any internet service for awhile. Anyway...

Work. It is a fuckin' zoo.

The Good: Nice regulars. I get to eat for free.

The Bad: People who always steal, and then play dumb when caught. The person who tracked dog shit throughout the center...including my cashier area. Working with lazy pot-heads who take multiple breaks, and perform un-amazing disappearing acts.

The WTF?: The crack-head culinary student who is always twitching and muttering to herself. Another creepy 'fan'. Big Momma falling asleep - while standing up. The one-way argument between a tiny, vicious dyke and a huge, calm dude, over something dumb...she got really pissed when the guy looked down at her and told her to stop yappin' like a Chihuahua.

About the crack-head: When she first began the culinary program, she was suspended for a week...for getting high in the locker room's restroom. And at the start of the semester, she had to be pulled aside by an instructor, concerning her uniform...instead of a white culinary jacket, the stupid bitch was wearing a karate gi top.

Go figure.




04:44 Feb 12 2015
Times Read: 856


Typhoid Mary is in the house.




A good question...

04:33 Feb 12 2015
Times Read: 860

A comment someone left on a Catholic site I check out from time to time. (I'm not Catholic - just fascinated with mythology and religion)...Anyway, someone asked why God allows children to suffer:

"Maybe if God were to do this it would draw people to Him. Many people turn away from God because of suffering. How is that good for their souls? In the gospels Jesus healed people who were suffering. He didn't say "Let them suffer, it's good for their souls."

(And my comment):

I feel the same way, and this is why I am conflicted with religion in general.




20:11 Feb 11 2015
Times Read: 873

Yeah. I've ended up with a nasty cold, so I'm home - no work for me this week!

I'll continue to read and write...

My supervisor/friend called me this morning, to see if I needed anything, which was a kind gesture. (She knows that my last check was only for a little over $300).

I kept declining when she kept asking me what I needed, and I finally relented when she AND her husband insisted on dropping by with stuff...

So, later on today - after his bus route - the husband is suppose to drop by with cough syrup, toilet tissue, cat litter, and orange juice...lol (And knowing them, there will be more stuff).



20:58 Feb 11 2015

Awwweee...There is hope for humanity after all. I'll delay my judgement a little while longer. ^_^

00:40 Feb 12 2015

That's very nice! Good friend!

04:23 Feb 12 2015

Me too. I've called in the last 2 days.

I don't even think it's a cold. Has to be a flu. My skull is cracking from the head pressure.

And, the NYS Department of Health made me get 2 flu shots this year.

Yeah, dems be workin'.

Anyway, I hope you feel better, my friend. I'll light a candle for you.


I love this commercial!

04:35 Feb 10 2015
Times Read: 884



05:31 Feb 10 2015



DNA. WTF? I Probably have alien Martian DNA too.

02:25 Feb 09 2015
Times Read: 914

I have to find out where my sis Ray obtained her DNA information, as it appears more exact then what I got from ancestry.com.

While there were some similarities in the profiles, there were some huge differences.

Along with a lot of data, this is what I recall from our DNA via my sis:

69% African - mainly from the Congo area. This would make sense, due to the history of slavery in the US (A majority of the slaves were brought from the interior, as well as from the west coast of Africa).

24% European - I don't have the breakdown in percentages, but it is Scottish, Irish, German, and I believe, Danish.

7% Asian - No clue on this...lol

What I got back from ancestry.com. Note that they mention that everything is approximate...even though it is a lot more detailed info. I actually got a laugh from this listing:

24% - Ivory Coast/Ghana

18% - Ireland

15% - Nigeria

10% - Benin/Togo

10% - Cameroon/Congo

7% - Senegal

7% - Africa Southeastern Bantu

2% - Africa South-Central Hunter Gatherers

2% - Scandinavia

2% - West Asia/Caucasus

1% - West Europe

1% - Great Britain

less than 1% Mali

less than 1% Central Asia

Comparisons of the two DNA tests:

69% African to 75%

24% European to 22% (If one included the 2% West Asian/Caucasus to this, it would be exactly the same percentage as the data supplied by my sis)

7% Asian to 2% (West Asian)

(Not including any of the less than data)

A woman recently contacted me on ancestry with some surnames. I recognized one from my mom's side of the family.

This is fun stuff for me. As long as there isn't a serial killer in the family tree, it's all good.



02:58 Feb 09 2015

The numbers are actually pretty similar there- they just broke them down further in one than the other.

I'm hoping to have this done soon for myself.

06:18 Feb 09 2015

I have toyed with the idea of doing mine since I am 100% Cree, however back in the day... villages would raid other villages during wars which were started when another nation would hunt on another nations lands with out asking permission or even as silly as crossing another nations lands without first seeking permission from the tribal elders. During these wars/battles of a village children and women were captured and the children were raised as the raiding party own which they grew up to marry within there new village and have children and the women were given to warriors in the village. Apaches were well known for this hence the Apache blood line became a mix of... other villages in a 100 mile radius. I am sure you did not want to know all this but wanted to tell why I love to do mine to see what other native blood I might have in me.

06:40 Feb 09 2015

As long as there isn't a serial killer in the family tree? Don't want any competition huh? LOL!

22:45 Feb 09 2015

Dakotah - I actually like the historical tidbit you provided...thanks!

What's weird is that for generations, we thought that there was Native American, Spanish, and Italian genes in our family...NONE!

And as for Mr. SexontheBrain24/7 here...don't make me hunt you down and kill you...lol

17:36 Feb 10 2015

Damn, I'll have to use that as a profile name on some other social site. Thanks Killer! LOL! ^_^


19:37 Feb 08 2015
Times Read: 926

Wow. It's raining really hard right now.

If the crops do well this year, the whole country will be relieved in not paying higher prices for produce, dairy, and meat...

Time to get another cup of coffee and get back to writing.





22:46 Feb 06 2015
Times Read: 966

So - I check my email. This is what I find in the mix...from my ex, of all people:

Pepe Mxxxxxx

Today at 2:13 PM

Hi honey how are you l miss you so very much one of my biggest. Mistakes l will ever m as me was leaving you l can ever for give my self for that my number 415 3xx xxxx I would love to try take what was wrong right if you would want that as well please call ok baby 143 143 143 xoxoxo

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This - coming from a lying, cheating, semi-literate dickwad?


My reaction was unstoppable laughter. I'm still wiping the tears away from my face. And I'm coughing...may need to use the inhaler.

Will I call him?




01:09 Feb 07 2015

Give his number to Big Mama....LOL!

04:39 Feb 07 2015

OMG...too damn funny!

I should...she won't call him though, especially if I gave her the number...me being a mean bitch and all... lol



02:10 Feb 05 2015
Times Read: 979

Stayed home today. Usually when I feel a cold coming on, I usually take some daytime cold meds, and push through it.

Not today. Not only am I congested, but my muscles ache, and my stomach is killing me. With all of the running around that I usually have to do at work, I figure - fuck it.

After taking care of the cats in the am, I took more meds, went back to bed, and woke up at 1:30 pm!

Got up, checked emails, made a few calls, ate, and soon, a hot shower, and back to bed in front of the tv.

Work tomorrow!



02:49 Feb 05 2015

Happy birthday! Feel better soon.



03:48 Feb 03 2015
Times Read: 1,007

Open letter to Big Momma...and yes, it is another tirade:


You come to work using a goddamn CANE today?

Now - whether you really need it or not is not the issue; the issue is if you really can't perform the job that you were hired to do, you should go on disability...it has been suggested to you before.

But since you chose to keep coming to work - "The check is bigger" - while not doing your job, it is unfair to everyone else, as the rest of us have to pick up the slack, and re-do stuff you've done/fucked up.

Talk about greedy and selfish...

I want to take your cane and beat the crap out of you.



04:40 Feb 03 2015


My Uncle, retired from his mill job and then eventually took a job at the 4 concept restaurants my sisters worked at/are managers of on the toll road. Basically to get out of the house and have his peace and quiet time from my Aunt. But eventually it got to the point his "smoke" breaks got to frequent and he could not lift the trash bag out of the garbage. They had to let him go due to not being able to perform the job description. It lasted longer than it should because he is a likable guy and my sisters being there. What the fuck is that place afraid of??? She cannot perform her duties. She does not have any ground! Your director or whoever needs to grow a set of balls!

03:41 Feb 04 2015

I agree, Trin.

It appears that no one with a deciding position has any balls.

As the one who probably has to put up with her the most, I'm just sick of it.

07:12 Feb 05 2015

They cannot get in trouble/have repercussions for letting someone go for not being able to fill the job description.

Go to their superiors


Birthday today...WTF?

08:24 Feb 01 2015
Times Read: 1,028

My - how time flies. In a short six years, I will be 60. Aaah, shit.



14:09 Feb 01 2015

Happy birthday! :) I wouldn't have guessed that at all.

14:26 Feb 02 2015

Happy birthday, Beautiful!


Priest of the Month.

08:20 Feb 01 2015
Times Read: 1,031

February 2015

 photo priest20042-1.jpg




Murder on my mind.

03:31 Feb 01 2015
Times Read: 900

I wanted a harpoon for Christmas. I didn't get it.

Shit - I would have settled for a bow and some arrows. I use to be a great archer in high school. I bet I still have the skill to hit most targets.

One target that would be easy to hit is Big Momma.

She's done - and not done - enough in just this past week to make me want to disembowel her ass:

* "Monique - I'm going to the restroom. I'll be right back..." Twenty minutes later. What the fuck was she doing? Emptying a whole goddamn septic tank?

* Fifteen-minute breaks turn into 20 - 25 minute breaks with her. That's almost the same amount of time we get for lunch. 30 goddamn minutes. She spends more time on breaks and sitting on a toilet than she does in actual work. And as soon as she's 'empty', she peruses the bakery racks for more fattening shit to stuff down her craw.

* And nasty. How many times do I - and anyone else who happens to see her - have to remind her to wash her paws before getting ice? Gross. And oh - a few days she didn't even bother combing her hair...because she couldn't find her comb or hairbrush. Are you fucking kidding me? (The stuff was probably lost in the folds of her belly. And before anyone says that I'm dissing her because she's fat, that's only part of it. I'm fat myself. Nothing like her, though. She's way over 400 lbs. close to 500 lb. And she just keeps on eating/drinking the wrong shit).

I figure - if she wants to kill herself, there are better ways to go about it. If I ever think of killing myself, I'm dressing to the nine's in an evening gown, and leaping from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Anyway...I digress.

* Just yesterday, while a dozen of us had to take an online test to be certified for food handling, the bitch comes 40 minutes late...which held everyone else up, as the boss had to pay for those present right then, in one payment. When she finally got her desktop up and running, she starts SLEEPING...AND SNORING.

She was still fuckin' around when I left the computer lab. I got a 95%, by the way, and should be receiving my card in the mail soon. I did better than many of the culinary people who were taking the test...and I can barely boil water.

What really pisses me off is that the bitch still has a job! The boss had mentioned that he wanted me to take over the late shift (which I prefer not to do), as she's too slow in getting things done. As I can't afford to say NO, I did say that he/the school is going to have to pay me more. So...if I do get this fuckin' shift, I get a 5.4 % increase for the evening hours. Bleh. Whatever.

I hope to hear from a few pharmacies soon, that don't require the state cert up front. Keeping my fingers - and toes - crossed.

Thank God I have my writing and my sweet cats to keep me from getting violent.



04:10 Feb 01 2015

Wow! How long have you been talking about this woman and she's still employed? What does she have to do or not do to get fired? Kill someone? Refuse to do anything at all? So as long as she shows up at some point to work and breaths air, she's good to go? Now that's job security for your ass!

06:19 Feb 01 2015

What he said ^^

Ironically... earlier this evening I was talking about having archery in high school!!!! LOL I loved that!

06:43 Feb 01 2015

I'll keep mine crossed too! And kitties are great!

07:18 Feb 01 2015

Should have ask me I would have gotten you a harpoon

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