LadyChordewa's Journal

LadyChordewa's Journal


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7 entries this month

20:30 Sep 27 2009
Times Read: 718

This morning, I had several messages regarding the thread named, A Message to the teens of VR.

Some were laughing, saying, "But I thought you were the official protector of VR teens." Others were pointing out that this person, was attempting to step on my toes.

My thoughts are simple. I will applaud the intent behind this thread, just as I applaud anyone on this Network, that takes the time to befriend a teen and look out for their well-being. Now, the thread was closed by Regent Sevenn, I wouldn't recommend posting to it, but I was about too when it was closed. There is part of what I wanted to post.

I am the Mistress of the Guardians of Darkness. A coven, that was created with the sole purpose is to help and protect the teens here on the Dark Network. For over 2 years now, we have been befriending teens, teaching them about internet safety and helping them feel power, in forwarding messages to the Administration and helping rid our Network of at least 6 "pedophiles". I have worked closely with the Administration, on the proper way to deal with the pedophiles and users here.

There are several hints that I will tell everyone, the same as I was advised by the Administration and do advise my coven members and anyone that asks.

For teens:

1. Have someone, an Adult, you can trust, you can talk to, someone that will listen when you need it. Whether it be your parents, your CM/HM, your ACM/AHM or simply an adult friend.

2. Be honest with them with your feelings. Most teens are testing out their flirting and are not sure how to handle someone responding in a certain way. I'm not saying that all teens flirt and deserve what they get, far from it. But I know of teens that weren't aware of what they were doing, the reaction they would get or how to handle that reaction.

3. If someone makes you uncomfortable. Do three things.

a. Tell them your age. This might make them think twice.

b. Tell them you are uncomfortable and to stop. The most common problem in the internet, is that teens tend to not understand. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NO. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT YOURSELF.

c. If they don't get the point, block the member. Tell a trusted adult and forward the conversation. (You forward by hitting reply, then changing the name at the top, to send it who you choose.)

For Adults:

1. If you hear of someone, being inappropriate with a young teen, first..get proof. Most teens can get uncomfortable at the simplest of things and as I stated before, sometimes they accidentally bring it upon themselves. Cancer will not kick someone off of his network, simply because a Man/Woman, spoke to a teen.

If that was true, then all the adults in my coven, Man and Woman alike, would be suspended. Cancer needs proof. Before you jump all over someone and harass him. Check the conversation. Investigate.

2. If you feel the conversation is indeed inappropriate, forward it to an upper admin. Cancer, Regents or Master Vampires. If you send it to a Dominar, Sentoran or Procurator, they have no power to do anything but forward it to someone higher.

3. Advise the teen, with the above recommendations and always remember. block is your friend.

Hope this helps and thanks to all, that do their best, to protect our teens, here on the Dark Network.



21:48 Sep 27 2009

Which is why you rock :)

22:24 Sep 27 2009

Well done..

02:15 Oct 06 2009

*Giggles and nods with Xzavier*

Which is why she, LordV and CN rock. XDD

19:12 Nov 09 2009

Very well said!



21:37 Sep 24 2009
Times Read: 758

Oh poor poor me. I was given a one, by someone who states in his profile, that Sweden is awesome, due to being able to bone 15 year old boys and girls legal. I was given a 1 by someone, who gleefully regales people that, "In Sweden, gangbanging a 15 year old is perfectly legal." GAG!!!

So, Viridian....I truly don't see you lasting long here. If you think, insulting my profile and giving me a 1 is going to annoy me. Nope. I tend to balance, who the person is, with the rate I get from them. You aren't worth the time. Other than to tell others of your attitude towards teens. Hence this journal entry.

Oh and BTW check FatalDreamer's journal, she had an interesting and revealing conversation with this person.



22:27 Sep 24 2009

Yeah he thinks he is the coolest guy in the world...he is pissing everyone off that he comes in contact with.

22:28 Sep 24 2009

We've seen his type before. They don't stay around long even if they do manage to avoid suspension. I get his irreverent sense of humor, I do. He's IN YOUR FACE. I get it.

He likes the attention.

22:39 Sep 24 2009

I got ones for my grammar and for not going to school in the US,and it is just a divergence of opinion to me, but this guy is a total looser, in french I would call him a "trou de cul de poule" which means chicken buttwhole, but in english it has a different meaning, in french you say that to a creating, not worth being call human, and only has shit coming out of his mouth....( no offence intended here, LC you rock and you did great in showing who this trou de cul de poule is...he is not worth being call human...

00:52 Sep 27 2009

Gag me with a spoon. =(~

19:10 Nov 09 2009

I miss all the drama, thank the gods lol!


20:59 Sep 17 2009
Times Read: 782

Talking with one of my members last night, she shared with me the frustrating questions that her class was having. Class: US History.

First, the teacher asked the class:

If you had the chance to kill Adof Hitler before he killed any of the Jews, (and you knew he was going to) would you be able to pull the trigger?

When my member answered, no..she wouldn't pull the trigger. The class and teacher yelled at her, for her beliefs. For basically saying, she couldn't kill anyone.

Next question:

In the Dark Knight, the Joker places bombs inside two ferries. One of the ferries is filled with prisoners, the other is filled with average citizens,. He then gives each ferry a detonator to blow up the other ferry. He instucts them that if one ship doesn't blow up the other, both with be blown up. Do you think the farry with the innocent citizens should live mroe that the one filled with criminals?

My Member answer...nobody deserves to die. Nobody is better than others.

In the movie Fracture, Anothony Hopkins commits a horrible crime and kills his wife for cheating on him. He then finds a way to have the judge throw out all of the evidence against him and he looks like he is going to go free. Do you think it is right to plant ervidence against him so that he doesn't go free?

My member refused to answer this....

Apparently, this the new US History. The way it was explained to me, it was to reiterate, how most wars or battles, are due to the Moral superiority of another.

Examples in History:

Columbus arrived and decided that the Indians were savages, because they didn't live in houses and didn't dress properly.

The white men, felt they were superior to the black man, hence slavery and believing they were sub human.

Hitler and his German purity, superiority over Jews.

The Crusades, to convert the savage Muslims in the Middle East, to Christianity and to keep them from taking Christian lands.

I guess I will say. Its an interesting approach to teaching History, but I don't agree with how the Teacher is telling kids, that their opinion is wrong. That they choose the wrong evil in those situations.

What do you think?



22:56 Sep 17 2009

I think there is a lot wrong with our educators today....they believe they are taking new approaches in learning but I feel they are setting the kids up for failure. I've already ranted about how my son and many others have slipped through the cracks from 3rd grade to 7th in being able to write in cursive. Can you imagine not being able to sign your name? This was all because a teacher didn't want to do her job and in the following years the rest of the teachers didn't want to do her job for her. Pass the buck.

How can a student have a wrong opinion? I just don't understand...

01:46 Sep 18 2009

Personally ... it is my opinion that this instructor feels that the "white man" must be holding him/her down in society. This teacher has a complex and just needs to be taken to the curb.

I could be wrong, but the impression I get from these lessons is the teacher is a racisist bigot.

21:51 Sep 24 2009

I think to question ideas and things that have happened broadens and expands the way mind works, but to tell someone they are wrong for not sharing the same opinion as you is not right.

Especially coming from a teacher, professor, or mentor.

How else is someone suppose to build and form their own mind, be able to make healthy and wise decisions in life, if they are constantly being told their opinions are wrong?

I had a teacher, one who did teach along similar lines, but did so in questioning not our moral ideas but those whom we discussed.

He never told us we were wrong, but instead pointed out certain things we brought up and asked us how we were any different from those we discussed. He let us break down and analyze everything we talked about and that helped us understand it better. He did not grade us on what we thought- but how we chose to express it and how it related to the topic at hand.

That helped me see for myself the differences we can make and helped me gain an insight on what could be perceived as wrong and right to me and to those around me.

I think if he taught the way your member's teacher had, I would not be able to think for myself and be more worried if others always thought I was wrong in thinking the way I do.


00:48 Sep 17 2009
Times Read: 797

Couple of funnies for my friends:

LordV and I were talking over lunch, regarding getting married and having babies. I asked LordV, if he wanted to get married, before we had a baby, or wait until afterwards.

LordV, gave a smirk and said, "I have several thoughts on this."

So, I waited.

"First, you have such a unique name, I'm not sure why you would want to go to some generic name."

I said, "I can hyphenate my name."

"Yeah, sure. Your name is long enough without adding my name to the end."

I smirked. "Ok, go on..."

"I know that we checked the taxes last year and it seems, that I get more money having you as a dependent, than I will get if you are my wife."

I laughed but knew he wasn't done.

"Also, someone at the office just had a child and it cost $17,000. If we are married and have a child, I am going to be responsible for part of that $17,000 if not all. As long as I don't marry you, the government will pay for the whole thing, with your medicare coverage."

Throughout this whole thing, he is giggling. Yes, I said giggling. So, I kick him under the table and ask him,

"I know that I have brought you good luck, money wise. You are out of debt, your credit scores are up but is that all this is?"

Grinning. "No, but it helps."


One of my members came to me...

Her: "Did you know that Patrick Swayze is dead? You know, the guy in Dirty Dancing."

Me: Yes, I heard. I truly enjoyed all of his movies and his versatility as an actor.

Her: O_O He had other movies???



00:58 Sep 17 2009

Awwwww - this makes me feel old :)

01:02 Sep 17 2009


THIS brightened my day.

07:00 Sep 17 2009


Him - I just heard this great new song by Paul McCartney

Me- Yeah he has done quite well for himself as a solo after being in the band Wings and before.

Him- he was in a band before Wings?

21:31 Sep 17 2009

Yup, he sounds a wiseass but he did deserve that kick! teehee

18:58 Nov 09 2009

Yep that does make me feel old as well..dam it, lol


21:03 Sep 14 2009
Times Read: 810

This weekend, LordV and I traveled to visit with Silverbow and to give a legos set to her son, for his birthday. Part of the birthday, was going to a Japanese Steakhouse.

LordV and I had been to one in Chicago and the food was so bad, that we ended up going for burgers, not long afterwards. So we were open minded but worried that we were going to be starving after lol.

We arrived, were seated and ordered. Now, I wonder how the Japanese stay so thin, due to all the food we got. We started with a herb soup, followed by a salad. Then we get prawns, steak, vegetables and dessert.

The gentleman that was our chef, was young but very friendly. When "the boy's" friend, asked the chef where he was from, he answered, "Tacoma." Not understanding, the friend asked again, and again. Each time, the answer was "Tacoma". I finally caught on and asked our chef, where his family was from originally. He laughed and said, "Cambodia". Then came the comment, "Oh that's in Georgia", from "The Boy". We all had a good laugh about that and the server very nicely said, "No its in southeast Asia." His mother assured him that he could look it up, in an atlas, later that night.

The chef was awesome. He kept up a friendly banter with us, as he made dinner. He started with the fried rice. He did impressive things, to crack the eggs, even going as far as giving me a egg, to lob onto the grill, that he moved his spatula for it to crack on. I will tell you, that the fried rice, was the best I had ever tasted.

Next came the prawns and LordV and I asked for our prawns to be given to everyone else, since we didn't eat shrimp. He was slightly confused at that, but he smiled as he cut the tails off the shrimp and flicked them at the kids.

Then came the big fire, to heat up the grill, which had us leaning back due to the heat and had the kids applauding with excitement. He put on the vegetables and then put on an onion. He built it up, to look like a little volcano. He placed some soy sauce in the middle of it and then spritz it with alcohol and set it on fire. We watched a major firestorm, and the eruption of this onion volcano. It was a awesome effect and the kids were just amazed, clapping loudly.

The steaks were put on, after the vegetables were cooked. The steaks and vegetables were unbelievably good. Just before the chef closed down his grill, he looked behind him, to see if his boss was looking and then sent the grill on fire again, for the birthday boy. He then cleaned the grill and left.

Next, as we were finishing up eating, almost ready to go, they came in with drums and sang both Wolfbite and "The Boy" Happy birthday. The kids got to beat on the drum, while the wait staff sang.

Overall, I can't wait to go back to the Japanese Steakhouse, as it was an enjoyable time, with incredible food and great friends.



01:07 Sep 15 2009

Sure sounds like you all had a wonderful time! :)

18:54 Nov 09 2009

Wow sounds like a really good day.


01:54 Sep 11 2009
Times Read: 836


Talked to my OBGYN. He believes I am possibly ovulating. They want my progesterone at a 14. I am at a 13.65. So, getting there...

Took Maddie to the Vet today. She was having anal gland issues and I found a lump on her, when I gave her a bath the other day. The doc said she was going to aspirate the lump and check her anal glands. As I was sitting in the waiting room, I could hear Maddie whining and then yipping in pain, at whatever they were doing to her.

When they brought her out, I demanded to know what the doctor did. If you are going to stick a needle in a pet, generally you give them an anethesia, either topical or with another needle. Anal glands generally don't make them yipe. So, I demanded to know why she was yipping in pain. The doc just looked at me an shrugged, telling me that they aspirated like she told me they would.

They told me that it was simply a cyst and nothing to worry about. Her anal glands are infected, so I got antibiotics for those.

After I left, I went through a McDonald's drive-thru. I got Maddie a small serving of french fries. She seemed to forgive me after that. I think I will be looking for a new vet after this.

LordV and I have been looking for houses. We are getting a better idea of what we want. We decided we didn't want to be in track housing, or anyplace where the neighbors are real close. We found we want a bit of land, but not farmland, we prefer a wooded lot. LordV lived in apartments for most of his life and I, on the other hand, had a huge acre of land, with a pool and big ranch house, that I grew up in.

On Saturday, LordV and I are heading up to Silverbow's, for "The Boy's" birthday. Before we go, we are going to see a couple more houses. One of them has alot of potential, so we hope we like it.

As for updating the Profile Help page, I just haven't gotten into it. I'm burnt out from coding and really am not in the mood to update it yet again. I see that Bleeding Massacre is planning a database page, dedicated to CSS and Html. I might just offer up what I have to him and be done with it. *sighs* I don't know. Just burnt out, I guess.



03:37 Sep 11 2009

hugs hugs and more hugs

11:13 Sep 11 2009

Go for the land. That way you can do what you want without the neighbors peering it. And its also so much more peaceful too;-)

18:49 Nov 09 2009

If I had the money I would of bought land...oh well. The house I live in isn't to bad and most of the neighbours are great.


02:46 Sep 04 2009
Times Read: 861

LordV and I got to see about 5 houses yesterday. We found two that we like, but we are going to keep looking. Sunday, we will see 5 more and make decisions.

The OBGYN wants to have a chat, since apparently the Clomid isn't working to make me pregnant. We are going to talk more about my options.

I finally got my car fixed. For several months, my hood and trunk wouldn't close. I got the parts online and the local Maaco installed them for about $130.

Once things calm down around here, I will start updating the Profile help page, Premium member side. Its alot of coding that I have to learn, so bare with me.



18:41 Nov 09 2009

I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

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