RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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7 entries this month

Nuff said...lol

19:07 Aug 20 2009
Times Read: 833




20:17 Aug 20 2009

When you Start asking these kind of Questions it means your too old to play!!LOL


Just in case you are wondering.....

17:57 Aug 19 2009
Times Read: 854

This week is going to be a zoo. I have a Kosher golf tournament on Thursday, and we are officially moving into our new house. So if you guys wonder where I be, have no fear: I shall return, but it may be a while.

New wedding tales etc. shall proceed as normal as soon as I get back...with or without the shotgun (thanks to Lord V for that one...lol)



21:54 Aug 19 2009

Good luck with the move!!!

07:10 Aug 20 2009

Give me a call, we will be there.

15:02 Aug 20 2009

"Kosher golf tournament"?

Do you need a rabbi to be there to bless the golf balls and clubs before the first tee?

Just wondering!


There are odd times....

12:34 Aug 15 2009
Times Read: 889

When a person thanks God, the spirits, Earth Mother, fate, kismet or whatever you want to call it.

Over the years, I have had a chance to be in that position on many an occasion. When I met Jim, my first husband, when I met Scott my second husband. When I got home safe despite being tanked to the gills more often than I care to count.

But last weekend for three days, everytime I got in the car to go home, I stopped, closed my eyes and wondered just how things turn out the way they do.

I worked a *wedding* (didn't see that coming, didjay?) last Saturday. It has taken me a solid week to wrap my mind around that night sufficiently enough that I could sit down and write it all out here.

I was working in gallery by myself. The wedding guests started coming in, and they were drinking hard from the moment they stepped thorugh the door, and I knew I was going to get my ass run RAGGED. PLUS:

There were minors there.

Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I don't tolerate bullshit when I am working. I have enough on my hands just doing what I gots to do without having to babysit a bunch of teeny boppers trying to be cute and think they can get away with shit. So when this kid walks up to the bar and orders a beer and a glass of wine, I calmly asked him for his ID. He actually had the unmitigated gall to look UP into my eyes and say "Oh, it's not for me it's for my mother."

Fine. Then tell your busted ass lazy mom to come get it herself (or words to that effect)

IE- "if you're buying the drinks, you have to have proper ID. Your mom has to come get the drinks, thank you.

The boy flounces off. And yes, Virginia, boys can TOO flounce. I mean really. I have fucking jeans older than this kid. Hell, I have BRAS older than this kid.

So a few minutes later, the guy that is sitting to this kid's left, AND the kid, come up to the bar. The older guy orders the beer and the wine, along with 2 shots of tequila.

He then turns to the kid, and gives him a cigarette, then has the audacity to look at me and WINK. Does this asshole honestly think that just because he illegally gave a kid of 14 a smoke, I'm supposed to say "well, then it must be perfectly ok for him to drink, since you did something that stupid I guess it's FINE if I do too...."

They left the bar with the drinks. I of course immediately let Eddie (the supervisor) know what was going on. He said if I caught the kid drinking, just let him know....unhuhn...

A few minutes later, the guy to this kid's right comes up, and places the same beer and wine order. I looked at him, and said "None of this can go to the kid sitting with you. If it does, and I catch you at it, you guys are cut off. Are we both on the same page?"

Oh no no no I would NEVER give a minor a drink. You can trust me....

*followed immidiately by the check is in the mail, I'm from the government and I'm here to help, etc etc etc.*

So I fill his order, and off he goes.

15 minutes later this same guy comes back.

He wants 3 Prairie fires.

For those of you either unfamilar with the name, or shooters in general, a priarie fire is a shot of tequila with tabasco in it.

*pausing briefly for the random groans of gross out sure to span the site for a bit....*

He said to me, and I quote:

"I'm going to teach a young man a lesson about drinking"

*insert properly raised eyebrow here*

Again, I looked at him and told him in no uncertain terms that the kidlet at his table was NOT allowed to drink, was not LEGAL to drink, and if I saw him feeding the kid liquor, I would make sure he was cut off.

He gives me the most smarmy, greasy grin, and says:

"Oh no, ma'am I swear. I'm going to drink this in front of him to teach him a lesson"

Oh yeah. THAT'S going to do it....

Boys and girls, let me explain something to you. We bartenders for the most part are paranoid about that shit. In most places, serving minors gets you:

A) hauled to jail

B) a $2500 fine

C) your bar a $25,000 fine

D) fired

E) your business losing it's liquor license.

Any combo herein or all of the above.

So fine. I made the guy his 3 shooters, and let him go.

I watched him till he got to the table.

I watched him sit down and eat a few bites of dinner.

I watched him hand the kid one of the shooters.

I immediately hunted down Eddy, told him what had happened, and that he needed to go card the kid AT the table IN FRONT of everybody else AT the table, and to cut the guy off. Eddy said no problem, he was on his way. I watched Eddy go to the table, do his thing, then saw the two guys that were buying drinks on either side of this kid, get up and start stomping to the bar.

People let me clue you in. The LAST thing you want to do with any bartender, but in particular a tall, redheaded left handed bartender from the South, is to stomp up to my bar with an attitude. I will leave you with a sac and nothing in it, cause I will be using your balls for earrings.

No shit.

There is a reason why the 11th commandment is thou shalt not piss off the bartender.

The guy who had given the kid the shooter is getting all up IN my face, telling me I can't do this, he was legal and could buy the drinks, and what he did after that was his business. That he expected an apology, and another round.

Eddy was standing next to him on the front side of the bar, me behind the bar. You could have dropped quarters in Eddy's mouth, he was so shocked, he BACKED AWAY and is just standing there looking at me.

The guy looks from Eddy to me, then says "well?"

I looked him dead in the eye, and said:

No. I will not apologize, nor will I give you anymore drinks. You were TOLD if you gave this kid liquor, you'd be cut off. NOt once, but TWICE. We have new owners, and they have the liquor board sniffing ALL OVER this place, looking for shit. If you think for ONE MINTUE that I am going to jeopardize my job so that kid can drink think again.

I swear, I could FEEL my head swiveling. AND I had my hands on my hips, a sure sign I am NOT to be trifled with.

Amazing what can happen when you have FOUR men standing around with their eyes wide open, their mouths following suit, and their dicks in their hands with nothing to do. On top of that, I now notice that two other guys are standing there, listening to the entire discussion, and had been since it started.

The guy decides the better part of valor (and his ability to drink) depends on him apologizing immediately. He does so, but he's whiney and bitchy and bulshitty enough while he is doing it, but Eddy okays it with the firm statement that if it happens again, all of them will be asked to leave. I agreed to that, told the guy I accepted his apology, and even THEN he wanted to get huffy but he tightened up and they all headed back to the table.

That's when the other guy that had been standing quietly to the side listening to all this walks up, orders his drink, pays for it, and then pulls out a card form his wallet. I told him I didn't need to card him, that was ok. He insisted I actually look at the ID.

I did as he asked.

This guy who had been standing off ot the side and listening had an ID that indicated he worked for the LIQUOR BOARD.

For perhaps the third time in my life, I was UTTERLY speechless. And believe me when I tell you people, that just doesn't happen to me. Not at ALL. Just ask ANY of the zoo folk here on VR. *shakes head* nope, sorry. Hardly ever.

He said I had handled everything just fine, there would be no further trouble from that table, and that he was very impressed with the way I handled the situation. Eddy looks at him, asks if he can see the ID, verifies that my eyes aren't lying to me, and again, mouth to the floor, eyes wide open.

I had no more trouble from the older guys at the table, and I was so happy I couldn't see straight.

The BRAT, however was a hol' OTHER story.

He came up several times, and tried to sneak the liquor gun for the resturaunt over the bar without me seeing.

Stupid little bastard. The silly thing had been turned off since the dining room had closed for the night, and in the immortal words of Blade:

"You people don't know who you are fucking with...."

The kid got away from the gun, but not before I got ahold of him and told him he was to get AWAY from the bar, or he was going to be asked to leave.

Period. End of sentence. And punctuated by that patented stare that Southern women THRIVE on and have controlled men with for GENERATIONS.

At the end of the night, after everything had been cleaned up, the lights were up, and the last of the stragglers were heading for cabs, I sat down on the OTHER side of the bar to cash in change from my tip jar so they would have enough for the next night, and this little shit walks up and says he wants a sprite. Didn't ASK, he TOLD. I told him no, the bar was closed, and everything turned off.

Sawed off little bastard walks off, saying loudly "Thank you EVER so much, lady. You have been SO helpful this evening. You have a NICE night."

The ONLY thing that kept me from coming off that barstool like a shot and beatin' the ever lovin' SNOT out of the kid was the fact that Eddy grabbed me by the shoulder and made mention of the fact that the little shit wasn't worth going to jail over. AND he said it loud enough for the kid to hear.

After Eddy totalled everything up that night, it turned out that poor little 'ol me all by my lonesome had sold more liquor than the 4 girls in the resturaunt and the 3 bev cart girls on the course COMBINED.

*closing my eyes and thanking God again for that nght...."



14:05 Aug 15 2009

You rock. Seriously. Peeps should know not to fuck with the bartender and more importantly, adults should be more responsible around kids. You rock :)

15:11 Aug 15 2009

You are the most awesome woman in the world and my only question is are you sure it wouldn't have been worth the jail trip? *hugs*

00:52 Aug 16 2009

The hands on hips stance works every time for me lol

05:49 Aug 16 2009

Southern women have such a way with words and telling a story. Lord girl, one of these days, I might just come to your work, just to see you in action.

You rock girl!!!!

00:03 Aug 18 2009

Y'all know what the real problem is with these Southern Belles?

They ain't no stranger to the shotgun!

I'm waiting for Miss Annie Oakley here to start a journal off with ... I worked a wedding last Saturday ... blah blah blah ... yadda yadda yadda ... pulled out my Winchester .30-06 from beneath the bar ... blah blah blah ... yadda yadda yadda ... and at the end of the night, I had more in tips than any other server and cart-gal had for the entire day.

Howdy Boys!

Mah names Annie, but y'all best be callin' me Miss Oakley.

I'll be tendin' bar and pourin' whiskey for y'all t'night.

But don't be thinkin' about givin me none of your lip.



Because I don't want anyone else getting conned:

22:52 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 902

I agreed to do a needlework project for Lolitamarie in December of 2007. Her son wanted a Texas Longhorns design for his room.

I don't have access to as much stuff up here in Canada as I did in the south, so I went to Requim, who lives in Texas, and who graciously found me a design and helped me to graph it out to stitch from. I did the work, and got it to her in plenty of time for her to do whatever she needed to give it to her son in time for Christmas.

It is now August 2009. Aside from a couple of empty promises of "the check is in the mail" (yeah, and I promise not to cum in your mouth) she has since ignored all my messages to discuss this situation.

After finishing work on a project for someone who DOES pay me for my hard work, I decided to leave her another message.

This is it in it's entirety:

You should be ashamed of yourself. I made that pillow for you in good faith, and sent it to you in same. The fact that not only have you not seen fit to pay me for services rendered, but have ignored every single message I have sent to you about this matter, leads me to believe that you are a thief and a con artist. I hope your son enjoys his Christmas present, but I wonder if he would like it so much if he knew it was STOLEN?

Her profile says she hasn't been on since March of 2008. I hope she can live with herself over this. Theft of services is the hardest to prove, and the hardest to collect for, and I for one hope she doesn't sleep a single comfortable night till she makes this right.



01:21 Aug 15 2009

*hugs* That is all you can do, hon.

01:49 Aug 15 2009

Geeze ... tell me how you really feel about it.



07:18 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 909

You know it is going to be a good day when the highlight of the golf tournament you're working is enlivened by the following:

1) There is a CRASHING storm, replete with lightning and thunder and all the things I loved about rain in the south.

2) A coyote ambles up to the bev cart girl out on the course, and expects to be fed...

3) And someone's pet SIX FOOT WHITE PYTHON is curled around the flag for the 3rd tee....

Canada...what a country...LMAO



11:59 Aug 14 2009

Sounds like fun lol

01:20 Aug 15 2009

Welcome to the Wild Wild North. That's just priceless.



02:17 Aug 12 2009
Times Read: 922

I was just watching tv with Scott the other day, and the Mr. Clean "Magic Eraser" commercial came on. I started giggling about half way through, and Scott looks over at me and says, all innocent and shit, and asks "what's so funny?"

I looked him dead in the eye, and said:

"You know what the REAL magic in that eraser is? They got a man to clean the bathtub"

Some men have no sense of humor....LMAO



02:26 Aug 12 2009




19:25 Aug 11 2009
Times Read: 929

I have discovered that while BC may not have alot of the things that I am used to availing myself of in the States, they do occasioanlly have other things around here.

Scott and I took one of our few days off together on Sunday, and after playing mini golf, we went strolling through Coquitlam center, just to look around.

They have recently added a new store called "Sephora"

Upon visiting the Richmond mall on Monday prior to going to the lawyer's to sign on the dotted line for our new house, I discovered that they have a M-A-C store....

I got the worst case of the giggles, and when Scott asked me what was so funny, I turned and said...

" If I stand here long enough, I swear I will be able to see a set of rat ears and a tail bouncing around the aisles in greedy enjoyment"

THEN I had to explain to him that like my collection of cookbooks and myself, Rat makes me look like a teetotaler when it comes to hoarding makeup and the like....lol

I'm still going to visit those places and look for that set of ears bobbing over the aisles...lol



20:27 Aug 11 2009

Look out she'll be so jealous of you having that right there! lol

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