RedQueen's Journal

RedQueen's Journal


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14 entries this month


00:41 Aug 31 2011
Times Read: 668



Date: 2011-08-30, 10:16AM PDT

Reply to: job-svxku-2573571100@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


We are catering a very special event Saturday. Sept 10th from 4pm to 2am here in New West. It is a vampire themed Wedding for 200ppl.

I am looking for bus staff, and people that can pass h'ordeauvres around as well as 1 or 2 bartenders.

The color theme is red and blue and all staff will be asked to dress accordingly for this very unique event.

Please forward your resume/bio and headshot

•Location: NEW WEST

•Compensation: $10./hr to $ 14/hr plus tips, meals and beverages

•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

•Please, no phone calls about this job!

•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 2573571100



07:54 Aug 31 2011


23:06 Sep 01 2011

Hey...no experience nedded!

22:18 Sep 02 2011

So I guess you are not going to do it? lol


Work as we know it....

02:08 Aug 19 2011
Times Read: 692


It would seem there is dissension amongst the upper management ranks.

Doesn’t THAT just suck…lol

I found out several things that I am about to share with you, all of which have only served to enhance my already chemically enhanced mood. Better living through modern chemistry I always say…

A couple of weeks ago (I know, I am lumping a lot together, it’s been a busy two weeks, so sue me) I had to work a wedding downstairs in Gallery. These people hit the door and started power drinking like there was no tomorrow. And of course there was a wedding upstairs as well. About three times during the night, a server, a bartender, and the supervisor came down wanting to take glasses. Each time, I told them I only had what I had out on the floor, and couldn’t spare anymore. Yet each time they kept coming down expecting to be able to help themselves to what little glassware I had. After telling them for the third time that I was NOT giving them any of my glassware (they had already taken the extra racks I had stashed in the hall) the supervisor came down and took all the glassware from the restaurant, giving me a snotty look in the process. Bear in mind, that I had told them at the beginning of golf season that we needed to order more glassware, but nooooooo……we have to run into this instead. The weekend before, the same thing had happened, so I made it my business to let the dishwashers know that I needed the racks washed and sent back up as soon as possible, and we made do with water glasses and winde glasses till the highballs came back. So if I can think of that, why can’t anybody else? No, they have to resort to using plastic cups, which of course looked tacky, so of course, a few days later, I got this in my email:

Hi Luanne,

We will talk to accounting and check on the status of your duebacks. Also I have a question about the wedding this past Saturday night. Apparently they were shirt on glassware upstairs in Pan and they had to use plastic glasses to serve guests. The report says that they tried to use some glassware from the gallery bar but you did not want to give them any. We shouldnt have to use plastic cups to serve guests, so we are wondering what happened that night. If its simply a case of 2 large functions and not enough glassware to go around, then maybe we need to order more.

I of course sent this back:

Dear Tristan

We both had large functions that were drinking heavily- they took the glassware I had in the hall by the kitchen, and I made do with what I already had in my function. When they came down, I explained that I was also running short of glassware, not once but twice. Once the restaurant closed, Kristie Pryor took the glassware from there, and I kept washing what I had. When Kelly asked for rocks glasses, I didn't have any. The weekend before, when we also ran out of glassware, we made do with the water glasses and wine glasses, while Ms. Winnie got glasses to the dishwashers as fast as she could.. I figured they would do the same for this weekend when they ran short. But I definitely think we need to order more highballs and rocks glasses, as there doesn't seem to be enough to go around when both functions are high volume as these were.

I tried to talk to the people involved, but once again, I was the big mean bitch who wouldn’t let everybody have their way. I mean really, what the hell am I supposed to do? Not have glasses to take care of my function? Are my folks any less important because they aren’t upstairs?

I don’t think so.

The highlight of that night? Watching Justin trying to take the orders of the guys at his table. Seems all of the men were deaf, and while I don’t laugh at people with disabilities, I am damn sure gonna laugh at someone who has no clue how to deal with them. Now THAT was fun…lol. That, and the fact that I pointed out that the dishwasher was leaking cleaning solvent all over the floor, and watching Justin try and fix it, then try to clean it up.

That was Saturday the 6th. On Monday the 8th, I had a doctor’s appointment at 10:30, so off I went. I mostly wanted to ask him about something else I could take for my arm while I was at work, as most painkillers put me to sleep. He talked to me about my last blood test, asked me about my arm, then came over to check my blood pressure. As he was putting on the cuff, he looks me in the eye and says:

“So, how is work going?”

Folks, I have had total nuclear meltdowns exactly 4 times in my life. This was one of them. I hit the roof, yelling and crying, and just in general spilling my guts. Dr. Wong patted me on the back, told me to calm down, asked me a few questions, then asked me to fill out a couple of questionnaires. We talked, I calmed down, and he did some research, then concluded that it would be prudent to put me on Zoloft. For anxiety.


My job has driven me to drugs. I am finally beyond help. But I gotta admit. I ain’t snapped at anybody for the past week, no matter how stupid they may act. Oh, it hasn’t made me quite thinking they are doing stupid shit, but it has made me not care quite so much.

And I am losing weight like a marathon runner. ALWAYS a good sign, far as I’m concerned…

The next weekend, I had a wedding downstairs again, and this time Justin wasn’t working (praise be) and my people hit the door at 3:30 and drank like fiends all night long, until 12 am when I closed the bar. And it was shooter hell all night long, up to and including Irish car bombs. I slung over $4,000 worth of liquor that night, and at 12:30, they were STILL Trying to get more. It worked a 12 hour shift, and by the time I got home I could barely walk.

But in and amongst all this, I found out some of the following:

When accounting was checking inventory sheets, they had some concerns about us bartenders writing “premium shooters” and “regular shooters”. When Kat asked me about this I told her if I had to take the time to write down every single ingredient to all the shooters I make at weddings some times, I wouldn’t have half the sales that I do, because instead of making drinks and taking care of customers, I would be writing and generating more paperwork. So I narrowed it down to premium and regular. If it’s made with premium liquor, it’s a premium shooter. If it comes off the gun, it’s a regular shooter. Seems simple enough, and it sped things up considerably for all of us.

Well, accounting wanted to know what went into these shooters for inventory purposes. So they called evil Kristy.

She said she had gotten the list of what I had made that particular night ( I only made three, so of course I remembered them all) and gave them the list of liquors I had used. The head lady down there looks at her and says:

“Are you sure? Maybe we should just ask Luanne”

Kristy said no, she knew what she was talking about, and this was what was used.

“Well, we think we should ask Luanne.”

Kristy hit the roof, and after that, no one has said shit about how we write down shooters since….lol

And apparently, the dissension I mentioned earlier? Seems the girls in charge, namely Kat and Kristy, have had enough of Tristan’s shit as well, and went to chef complaining that all he does is give orders and sit on his ass. Well whaddayaknow……..

It has been a relatively quiet week so far, with a golf tournament Monday and Wednesday. I have another one tomorrow, which means a relatively early night, and then weddings on Saturday and Sunday. Should be great, since none of them require me to work in Gallery.

So, you guys are now caught up. Developments to be written as they occur. Unless you see a news article on Yahoo about a bartender going postal at a local golf club….lol



02:21 Aug 19 2011

Meds......are good.....for various reasons....:)

04:10 Aug 19 2011

Glad you are doing well. Hadn't hear from you and worried. *hugs*

12:39 Aug 19 2011


Wow. I have finally spent too much time on the computer

06:53 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 741



Count Drac is back - and this time he's sucking more than just necks! Count Gaylord stalks the streets of L.A. for the hunkiest victims to ever succumb to lust, as well as his enemy, the Marquis de Suede.



13:40 Aug 09 2011




18:26 Aug 09 2011

O.o oh uh all I can say is wow ! and yes you are spending too much time on it.

19:12 Aug 09 2011

OMG - I busted out laughing when I saw this...thanks!

16:49 Aug 11 2011

I think the guy in the front was gay-roofied.



04:31 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 754

I need someone to fight (vancouver)


Date: 2011-08-03, 5:40PM PDT

Reply to: job-wqwz8-2528815367@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


Hello, what I am looking for is someone who is really muscular, looks mean, and is willing to let me beat him up. The thing is I really want to impress this girl who I like and I know she likes watching UFC so I think if she sees me beating up a muscular/mean looking guy twice my size then she'll be mine.

Please send full body pictures so I can select based on your body composition and in the photo put a mean look on your face.

I would like it if you were 25 years old (same age as me), and at least 220lbs or more.

Compensation varies on how much damage you let me do to you. For example a punch to the nose 3 times will be worth $50. 5 punches to the head, sweep the legs, and break your arm will be worth $350.

If you have any ideas your self on how you would like me to beat you up just let me know.

Thanks for your time.

•Location: vancouver

•Compensation: Compensation starts at $50

•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

•Please, no phone calls about this job!

•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 2528815367

And then there's this.......



Date: 2011-08-02, 6:32PM PDT

Reply to: bobbyhall88@gmail.com [Errors when replying to ads?]







•Compensation: $30.00 dollars an hour

•Telecommuting is ok.

•This is a part-time job.

•OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities

•OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.

•Please, no phone calls about this job!

•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

And then there is the other end of the spectrum...

need a sugar daddy :)


Date: 2011-07-15, 2:04AM PDT

Reply to: job-txc4e-2495189476@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


i am looking for someone to be my friend or more and that is willing to spend money on me and take me out. i am not asking to pay any fees or large amounts just someone to spend time with and buy a girl what she needs :)

•Compensation: you are paying for things for me

•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

•Please, no phone calls about this job!

•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 2495189476

PostingID: 2505720679



05:45 Aug 09 2011

The first rule about Fight Club: You do not talk about Fight Club.

The second rule about Fight Club: YOU DO NOT TALK, ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!

13:41 Aug 09 2011

The shit you find, woman ...

19:17 Aug 09 2011

Oh Jesus...the things one sees in ads. What's kinda' scary is that these people are serious...damn!


And the fun keeps going, and going, and going...lol

00:27 Aug 09 2011
Times Read: 761




00:37 Aug 09 2011

There is something so ... wrong .. with this. I know want one.

00:49 Aug 09 2011

STUFF that wiener in that bun, baby!

19:20 Aug 09 2011

I wonder if this ad was really thought out...LOL!

Where do you find this whacky shit?

01:16 Aug 10 2011

It's a subsidary of Icanhascheezburger.com called my food looks funny...lol


People. please....

23:00 Aug 08 2011
Times Read: 767


Previous CNE treats like deep-fried Coca-Cola and pizza on a stick may not seem healthy, but they are like a salad compared to this year's wacky snack - a doughnut cheeseburger.

The 1,500-calorie meal is a burger with cheddar cheese, lettuce and tomato with two original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts as the bun.

By comparison, a double Big Mac has 700 calories and the Double Down has 540 calories.

"I've tried all the burgers we offer and . . . this is something in a league of its own," said Epic spokesman Justin Davis in a Toronto Star article.

Epic Burgers and Waffles is the Toronto-based company behind the creation.

"I think there's a certain part of us that's a little more naughty and wants to try something more adventurous."

Epic also brought the Behemoth, a burger patty between two Texas-style grilled cheese sandwiches, to the CNE last year.

The doughnut cheeseburger received rave reviews at this summer's Calgary Stampede and will make its Toronto debut at the Canadian National Exhibition, which opens Aug. 19.

The basic burger is eight dollars and for an extra two dollars the sandwich can be topped off with a fried egg and bacon.

Davis tells the Star, "You know it's bad for you, but you just can't stop."

(Photo from Epic Burgers and Waffles Facebook page)



00:36 Aug 09 2011

oh ... oh wow ... I'ma go hork now, 'kay?

00:48 Aug 09 2011

We actually had this last year at the Wisconsin state fair and it was such a hit they brought it back this year. I can't imagine who would voluntarily eat this concoction. I like doughnuts and I love cheeseburgers, but not together..nah!

19:19 Aug 09 2011

Now...that is just nasty.


*heaving huge sigh of relief*

06:22 Aug 06 2011
Times Read: 789

Well, one day down, two to go.

I did indeed work in Gallery tonight. And let me tell you it was an eye opening experience for me.

1) Justin didn't work tonight. Which meant that sick feeling I had had in my stomach since last night finally loosened up.

2) I worked a golf tournament, which blissfully was over on time (8:30), they were generous, I had a couple of guys drinking expensive bottles of wine, which meant I went home with a sizable chunk o change in me pocket.

3) Heather did work. Heather and I like and respect each other because we have alot in common, not the least of which is the fact that we are both what you would call "older" than some of the other people working in our fields. She is in her late 30's, me in my late 40's, and that has been a huge help, especially with the recent situation. We got off in a corner when we could and exchanged info about the past few weeks. She was every bit as horrified to hear about my treatment as most of you were. She also let me in on a secret; that Tristan and Kristy(evil) had been pumping her for info about what I had been saying around the 'ol homestead.......she told them, and I quote:

"Oh no I don't think so. I like Luanne, and what's more, I respect her. She has worked damn hard here. She doesn't play well with politics, and quite frankly, neither do I. So no, I will not get in the middle of this. If you have something you want to know, ask her; she's never lied to you before, why should she start now?"

I coulda kissed her, and damn near did. But I did hug her, cry just a little, and thank her very much for her support. She ppphhhhtttt'ed at me, told me it weren't nothing, and to get my ass to work.

I may actually be able to breath a little tonight.

Tomorrow night? Well, that will be a whole other story, won't it chirrun....



14:46 Aug 06 2011

You deserve every bit of that support too.You work hard and are the best at what you do.

Hope tonight will be great!

15:43 Aug 06 2011

I like Heather. we'll keep her. :)

18:59 Aug 06 2011

Where I work, my former boss was great. She would come over at random times throughout the week and say to me, "you're not crazy." I would do the same for her. It made us laugh, but it also helps.

We work around people with so much stuff going on that sometimes, you think, "Is it me? Am I the crazy one here?" Having a Heather who helps validate that makes a real difference.

So let me do the same for you. Luanne, you are not crazy! :)

19:05 Aug 06 2011

I'm with Requiem. We keep Heather. She sounds like a good egg.

19:23 Aug 09 2011

I like Heather too...it's nice to have someone who is sane and rational in your corner.


Chocolate Covered Corn Dogs

07:18 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 817


It was already deep fried, so this was the logical and inevitable next step in the carnival food evolutionary chain.



07:37 Aug 05 2011

Oh, that's just gross.

10:07 Aug 05 2011

oh yuk.

01:57 Aug 06 2011

Umm. Oh gods YUKKY!

19:24 Aug 09 2011

Now this is just gross...


Oh yippee.....

06:35 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 826

I have back to back shifts in Gallery Friday and Saturday.

That means working with Justin.

Dee, I swear to god.......stock up on them bags and lime......




nu plan o attack....nuff said

00:36 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 833




21:56 Aug 05 2011


19:26 Aug 09 2011

Too cute!

I like the paw under the chin...gives kitty a more authorative look - lol!


Wow. I'm not that desparate yet am I?

00:29 Aug 05 2011
Times Read: 834



Date: 2011-08-01, 12:02AM PDT

Reply to: job-rfwvt-2523693104@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


I'm setting up a home poker game and I'm looking for someone to help out by serving drinks to my guests. It's going to be either this Thursday or Friday night and probably from about 8pm until about 2am. If everyone is happy and things go well, this will be a once or twice a week thing. The girl at our last event made over $300 so it's a great little bump for a few hours work in a pretty good setting.

It's going to be mostly men at this function and Female bartenders tend to clean up and make a good pocketful of money so I'd prefer a female.

Not to sound chauvinistic, but if you're hot, you know it and if you know it, we want you serving us drinks!!

Send resume and a pic or two to the email in the ad. I will be hiring someone asap, so please don't delay. I don't pay hourly, because there's really no point. You will get to keep 100% of the tips you earn so the harder you work the more you make.

•Location: Surrey

•Compensation: TIPS ONLY

•This is a part-time job.

•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

•Please, no phone calls about this job!

•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.



03:57 Aug 05 2011

No, you damn well are NOT! Not without a phaser...set to kill.

Nasty creepers.

06:30 Aug 05 2011

I think telling them that you are a true southern belle that is willing to bartend, they will love ya.

06:38 Aug 05 2011

My luck, they'd want me to wear hoop skirts...


Damn. Here we go again

02:54 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 856

Police Academy Star, NFL Great Bubba Smith DiesToday 3:56 PM PDT by Josh Grossberg

.Bubba Smith, the former NFL star who made a successful jump to acting with a series of memorable Miller Lite ads and a key role in the hilarious Police Academy movies, has died. He was 66.

Authorities believe Smith succumbed to natural causes Wednesday at his Los Angeles-area home.

.Ed Winter, assistant chief investigator for the L.A. County Coroner's Office, tells E! News that an investigator is en route to the former footballer's Baldwin Hills residence so the exact cause of death won't be know for a while.

Born Charles Aaron Smith, the 6-foot-7 football star plied his trade at Michigan State (where he was cheered on to the chants of "Kill, Bubba, Kill") before become a Pro Bowler in the NFL. He earned a Super Bowl ring with the Baltimore Colts in 1970, followed by stints with the Oakland Raiders and Houston Oilers. After retiring in 1976, he decided to pursue a career in the entertainment industry and began appearing in small roles in such shows as Good Times, Charlie's Angels and Taxi.

His popularity took off after popping up in a series of Miller Lite commercials with fellow former NFL greats Dick Butkus and John Madden in the early '80s. (He and Butkus would later reteam for the 1984 TV spinoff of the film Blue Thunder, which also costarred Dana Carvey.)

Smith's greatest mark on the big screen came playing Moses Hightower, the gentle giant of a cadet, who along with Steve Guttenberg, Kim Cattrall and the rest of the bumbling recruits busted baddies in 1984's classic comedy, Police Academy. The film was such a hit, he reprised the part in five more sequels and a short-lived TV series.

More recent credits include Married...With Children, Family Matters, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and last year's indie horror flick Blood River.

Rest in peace.




18:03 Aug 04 2011

I kind of resent them stating that he died of natural causes at the age of 66. Considering life expectancy is about 85, I prefer to know if it was a heart attack or whatnot. Dying of natural causes just isn't done nowadays.



00:54 Aug 04 2011
Times Read: 869

I just read Joli's latest entry.

I havne't laughed so hard in weeks. I immediately added her to my friends list and journals list.

THAT is what the world and all us perverts need more of- chances to laugh so hard you snort....

Dear god- what would I do without you people...

Scalp stimulator......




01:18 Aug 04 2011

I love your journal, too :)


All right chirrun......

03:18 Aug 03 2011
Times Read: 898

Time ro pull up yo little chairs and have a seat around the ol campfire. Auntie Luanne is about to catch all ya'll up on the comings, goings, ins and outs of life as she knows it in the big city of Coquitlam, especially as it applies to that little square of heaven she works at.

These people are unbelievable. I bust my ass for them for three years, devote all my time to making sure they have what they need from me, I don't get a second job so I can always be available to them at a moment's notice, we even bought our first house so that we could be closer to my work and have less hills to drive in the winter when it snows.

I have never once lied to these people about anything. I have been up front and honest since day one, and that includes the day of my original interview when I clued them in about the stepmonster and my ensuing legal crap. If I fucked up, I either owned up to it, apologized for it, or made amends in some other way.

But never, not EVER have I ever been delberately rude to anybody. And believe me, there have been many who have deserved a full dose of my rebelassity more often than not.

However. I am a professional. Personal opinions notwithstanding, I have always been calm and collected until such time as I could get away from the problem and vent sufficiently. Either here on my journal, on the phone with some of you, or with Scott and/or his family.

So I showed up at work Saturday an hour early, as commanded, and then had to "hold on for just a second while I finish typing this" (Tristan). Kat just looked at me like she thought I was going to gut them all....

Then it's up the stairs to the studio room, since the wedding I was working was in Gallery. And this was what I got:

"Were there any problems at the wedding last weekend when you were in here(studio) to bartend?"

Just the one guy who bought a double Bombay gin and tonic and then tried to give it to a 16 year old. I asked him very nicely to take it away, since the kid was obviously not old enough to be drinking. And either he could take it away, or I would have to, and then I would have to pour it out. The guy took the drink back, and even came in later and apologized for doing it. Other than that, everything was as normal as it could be under the circumstances.

"And what circumstances were that?"

I wasn't in the main room where we normally are, and we had tickets involved that were only good for domestic beer and single highballs off the gun.

"Well, we have an email from the groom saying you were rude to his mother."

Didn't happen. Sorry. His mistake.

"Are you sure? He says you were short and rude to her."

Nope. Didn't happen. I don't know what to tell you.

"Did you have ANY interaction with his mother?"

I did. She would come running over to the bar every times she saw one of her friends approaching, and whatever they ordered, she would start throwing tickets at me and telling me here, here, here, take these take these. I would hand her back the tickets, and explain that what they had ordered was not covered by the tickets, and she would start throwing more tickets at me, saying here here here take these, take double for that drink. I explained to her very politely on several occasions that the tickets were not good for the items being ordered, but she did the same thing over and over again. Eventually the people would pay for their drinks, just so they could get them, and head back to the main room. She would huff off, and then it would start all over again the next time someone else came to the bar.

"Why didn't you tell the supervisor about this?"

Because the supervisor was busy dealing with other things, and by the time she got in to check on me I had forgotten about it. I explained the procedure to the lady, she just didn't like taking no for an answer.

"Well, we have talked about this before. You can't be rude...."

Excuse me. I was not rude to that lady. I explained the procedure to her everytime she did this as calmly as possible.

"Well, we have this email from her son..."

I'm sure you do. But that doesn't make it true. I have never lied to you in 3 years, and I see no reason to start now. If I had made a mistake, I have in the past and would again own up to it. But in this particular situation, I made no mistake.

"Well, you realize we will be putting a paper in your permenant file that you must sign. All it says is that we discussed this with you. You're not being written up for doing something wrong, it's just the new policy around here."

Really? And when did this go into effect? And when did the constant stream of "Luanne can you please handle this for us" suddenly become I have to tell the supervisor every little thing that goes on? Because in that case, you might as well park one at each bar, and one for the servers, and one for the kitchen, because that is the only way we'll be able to do that.

"Well, (and yes, he kept saying that, people, I'm not making it up) we need to be able to do damage control so that it doesn't get to this point."

The only thing different would be that instead of me telling her no, one of the supervisors would have been doing it, and I doubt it would have made any difference. But if that is what you want, I'll be happy to do so.

*Of course I'm thinking at this point that my life just got a whole lot harder if I have to report every fart and giggle as it happens in the middle of an event, and it was going ot slow down things incredibly, but if that is what they want.....*

"There's also the matter of you threatening to punch a fellow emplyee in the face" (oh yeah, here we go...)

No, I believe what I said was that if said employee, mainly Justin, got in my face and tried to pick a fight, I was going to take care of it myself. And I believe that the weekend after said event, and after Chef's useless email, I told you when I came to work the following weekend the same thing, because I had not gotten the help I needed from the management team that was supposed to take care of things like this. And you didn't even know about it because nobody bothered to ask me anything about what happened. So I know you know what happened, because I told you about it.

Then I look at Kat, and her eyes are as big as saucers.

"What do you mean he tried to pick a fight with you? I didn't hear anything about this."



I looked at Tristan with that patented "what have you got to say now" look on my face. While I am explaining this to Kat, he has slid into the man mode of just tuning me out and saying un hunh un hunh at all the right points....

"Well, I figured Chef's solution would take care of that."

Really? You thought that posting a couple of signs about who sits where and sticking a bookcase in the middle of the bar area was the solution.

Kat looks at me, then at him, then back to me and says:

"I had no idea that was what happened. After I got the email you originally sent (yes, I sent copies to Chef, Tristan, Kristy (Justin's sister) and Kat) I started to come talk to you but we never seemed to run into each other, and I started to call, but then I figured one of them had talked to you already, so I let it go."

Well, it seems to me that everybody I trusted all along the line to help me with this just seriously dropped the ball, what do you think? And for future reference, if it ever happens again, which I doubt, perhaps you should give in to that gut feeling and call me. I am here for the same reason all of you are. TO. EARN. A. LIVING. And it has nothing to do with being greedy, as Kristy keeps insisting. But I can't do my job if everytime I turn around, Justin is jumping in front of me and taking my customers. And I'm not GOING to put up with it anymore. If I need help I will ask for it, but I will not put up with him taking my customers anymore. PERIOD.

Tristan "un hunh un hunh un hunh"

I looked at Kat. "Do you understand what I am saying?"

Oh yes, I certainly do.

Then I looked at Tristan....."Do YOU understand?"


There it is in a nutshell folks.

All of that took an hour. I finally got dressed and got busy setting up for my wedding, which was hosted, and which netted me a substantial amount of tip money, even though it was hosted, because, and I quote:

"You are the BEST bartender EVER!!!"

Before things got really hectic, Kat came down with the paper for me to sign. I just looked at her, and then said:

Just so you know, I resent having to sign this. You people are supposed to have my back when I am maligned for doing my job in the manner which you have given me to do it. And for me to have to cop to this just to cover Tristan's ass is absurd. I was never rude to that woman, I just told her no, she couldn't do what she was trying to do.

"Technically it isn't a reprimand, it just says we had a discussion about the subject."

Yes, but the "subject" is incorrect. And I resent being hung out to dry because it was more convenient for you guys.

Then things got hairy. Cause I got teary eyed thinking about how for three years I had devoted my life to this place, and had trained Tristan AND Kat, and this was what I had to show for it. And I said so.

Which promptly made Kat burst into tears. Along with the please oh please don't leave, you're the only bartender I can depend on to really do the job that needs to be done, that she needs me, yadda yadda yadda.

So I told her, straight up. Since the beginning of the year, I have felt like I was treated like some homeless person who just walked in off the street and got handed a job. That I was getting very little support from either the other bartenders in terms of them doing their jobs, or from management in terms of having the support and things I needed to do my job. And that I had repeatedly told everyone the deal from day one. I will make you my number one priority, and always be there to help in any way I can, and IN RETURN, you work me often and FIRST. But that here lately it was we don't want you doing this anymore because of the new owners, and we have to do this because of the new owners, and give back the keys that you earned the right to have because we don't trust anybody anymore, and we're putting in new locks. THAT little tidbit took place over 3 months ago, and the new locks have YET to be put in. So I went to Tristan and asked for my keys back until the new locsk did actually go in, if ever.

He was generous enough to comply with my request.

So. I got my ass handed to me for something I didn't do.

But in making Kat cry, I did find out some rather useful info:

I found out that Kristy is mouthing off about not coming back next year. And as I told Kat, wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least. Kristy has made my life a living hell since she came back to work, and all my work for the past three years seems to amount to nothing because of her.

I also found out that one of the supervisors, and I have a pretty good idea which one, was the sole person who suggested that I get suspended without pay for two weeks over this at their last supervisor's meeting. And let me tell you something, the days of her whining to me about her boy toys, her parents, her dissatisfaction with her job, her life, her food, her weight, her everything has just come to a


Diane kept her eye on me all night, making sure I was ok, offering to bring me food, whatever. Friends like her, Robbie (one of the other chefs), and plenty of the other kids at work are one of the biggest reasons why I didn't just hand them my shit and leave right then. That, and the fact that I have a house to help pay for.

But I flat out told Kat that was it. They get one. One time to do this to me, to use me to cover their asses.


She's still crying, telling me she will fix the schedule from now on in my favor, since she is the one who does that, and if it hadn't been for me coming in on my day off that last time, she didn't know what she would have done, that she counts on me for this and she can't afford to lose me.

Then FUCKING do something. Make me want to stay. Hugs hugs hugs, tears tears tears, all's right with the world....

Later that night, we had an elderly gentleman who was a little unsteady. Kristie Pryor and Patrick came over and asked me about it. He had only got a couple of drinks form me, but the dinner wine for the function was left on the table (bottles were plunked) so apparently he had been not only killing the wine at his own table, but had been visiting other tables as well...

So between the three of us, we decided it was better if we just cut him off, and off we go.

He comes up to the bar, and wants another scotch rocks. I told him gently no, that I couldn't serve him anymore. Turns out we later found out that he had dementia, which accounted for some of his bizarre behavior, but not for his staggering around and slurring his words. So he toddles off, and a few minutes later, his buddy, also in his 80's, pops up at the bar.

"I need two scotch rocks please"

I looked at him for a second, and said "Sweety, I have no problem serving you, but you cannot give one to your friend. The supervisors have cut him off, and if you give him a drink, we will have to take it away from him. We good?"

Oh yea, they're both for me.

Sure as shit, I flagged Kristie and Patrick, they followed him up the stairs to the front door, and he hands one of the drinks to the other old guy. Kristie tried to explain why he couldn't have the drink, and then reached for the glass. The old guy proceeds to wrestle with Kristie (which I'm sure he enjoyed) to get the glass back, then dumps the contents on the carpet. Kristie took the glass, gave it to me, and we decided that old guy #2 was cut off too. And of course, eventually he comes and asks, I told him no, and why, and he disappears, and sends one of the other guests to get it, and I told him the same thing. Problem solved. The first old guy came down later, chucked me under the chin, told me I was a beautiful girl, and then tried to take the beer of the lady (his sister) standing next to him. I got ahold of the glass, and he started this wrestling shit again, and I looked at him and said "Ok. If you make me spill this, first Ima make you buy her another one, and then Ima make you clean it up. Cool?"

He just smiled, turned loose of the glass, and toddled off.....

I worked damn hard. By the time I got home I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. But I still have a job.

Then I worked another wedding on Sunday.

This day damn near put me in my grave.

First off, it was one of those weddings where there are going to be several inventory sheets, alot of headaches, and crap galore.

The wedding reception started at 5:30.

From 5:30 to 6:45, it was a totally cash bar.

From 7:00 to 8:45, everything was cash but wine (one type of red, one type of white, nothing else offered) and domestic beer were hosted.

From 8:45 to 12:00 midnight, wine, domestic beer and single gun highballs were hosted, everything else for cash. NO doubles at all, not even for cash. Pop and juice were hosted all night.

So I get this big guy and his homies at the bar...

"Um, I need a crown and water"

"Oh yeah, and a crown water with a splash of coke."

"Can I also get a crown and coke?"

" I need a glass of white wine"

"I need another glass of white wine"

"I need another glass of white wine"

"Oh can I get a rum and coke too please?"

On this last one, I didn't move. He looks at me, and says "what?"

Is that everything?

Yeah yeah....*giggling* you must really hate me, doncha...lol

"Sugar of course I don't hate you. When I HATE you, you'll know..."

*pregnant pause*


You are so CUTE!!!!!!!

*smacks the guy next to him*

Isn't she just adorable? You'll know when I hate you AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(bear in mind, Kristie Pryor, my supervisor, is standing right there, and laughing along.)

The guy was very generous with his credit card, and suddenly my night didn't seem so bad.

Don't get me wrong. I ran my chubby little ass off in spades all night long. They just never stopped drinking, and despite the fact that almost all of them were drinking the free stuff, I still came home with a wad of bills. Oh, but I"m such a big scary monster of a woman, I'm rude and nasty to people, etc etc etc.

Yeah, right....

Then I had this one guy. He walks up, and asks about scotch. I told him the Johnny Walker Red on the gun was hosted, and I had Glenlivet 12 for premium, but that was cash only. He snorted and walked off.

Now I have been a bartender for almost 30 years. As most of you took note of, I turned 49 last Tuesday. I know how to monitor my peripheral vision for movement....

I realized after a second or two that this guy is back, he is standing at the open end of my bar to the right, and he has company.

Bearing in mind, I have a dozen people in line in front of me, so I just ackowledged the fact that he was there, and kept on going, after telling him I would be right with him.

Then I realize that his "company" is starting to move further behind the bar, and closer to me. So I look up.

There stands Justin. That's right, the same Justin who got in my face and tried to start a fight with me when I worked downstairs.

He's holding a bottle of Glenfiddich (another brand of scotch) and he's talking. I told him to hold on, I would be right with him, and I went back to taking care of my customers.

And he kept on talking. And he is moving in closer and closer, to make sure I am listening.

I turned around and gave him the look. All women have one. That patented look that is unique to each woman, that distinctively conveys the very serious intention to do bodily harm to whomever they aim it at if said person does not cease and desist IMMEDIATELY. I never said a word.

Justin backed up. He set the bottle on the bar, opened his mouth to say something else, and I looked at him again.

He turned and literally scooted back into the kitchen. I sent one of the servers to go get Kristie, and when she showed up, I told her I needed to talk to her behind the curtain, I told the guy standing at the bar that I would be right back, and I ignored the guy that had been standing with Justin.

I told Kristie what had just happened. About the guy asking me for scotch, not wanting to pay for the good stuff, and that according to Justin (I may not have dignified his spiel with an answer, but I did hear him) he had come downstairs and asked for a glass of Glenfiddich, and Justin had told him they were already closed, but (and I believe he paid Justin to do so) he would take the bottle upstairs so I could sell it to him. I also told Kristie that because of the new policies we apparently had, she now had to deal with it. She just looked at me and said "What the fuck did Justin think he was doing??? Can't you just handle it?"

NO. I'm sorry, but no. Not if I want to keep my job.

So she went and talked to the guy, and then told me it was ok to serve him the scotch, but to keep it out of sight so no one else would want it.

The man had 2 that first time, which he promptly poured into one glass, so there goes the no doubles rule for this function. He had another one later, and after paying for all this, what does he tip me?

ONE. RED. CENT. That's right folks, he gave me a 1 cent tip for $24.75 worth of liquor. And his bitching about not wanting to pay for the Glenlivet? He paid more for the Glenfiddich at $8.25 per than the $7.75 for the stuff I had.

And as if all this wasn't enough, seemed that everybody preferred coming to my bar rather than going to Ruann's so they shut him down early. Which means I had to serve 200 people at last call, haul the leftover dinner wine, all the empties, and both back bars downstairs and put everything up. So I headed to the basement, rounded the corner, and slammed on the brakes. Because right in front of the cage where I had to push past to get to the recycle bins, are dozens of empty boxes. And I can hear talking inside the cage.

So I walked around the cart, and stood in front of the cage, hands clasped in front of me. Eventually, Kristy (evil) and Kat turned around and noticed me standing there. Kristy.....lol.....she looks at me and says, hand to God,

"You are really creeping me out standing there looking at me like that"

Muhaha (but on the inside)

I turned around and walked away. I finished my work, made sure other Kristie (good,supervisor upstairs) had gotten all the facts about what Justin had done written up in her report, and I went home.

I picked up dinner, I got home, I walked into the house, and when Scott came downstairs and put his arms around me, I burst into tears.

This has been the single worst weekend I have ever had at work. I don't know how much more of this I can take, but I believe that what Judy (Scott's mom) and Scott said was best: Just keep working until the best job of my life falls into my lap like this one did, and then move on. That way the bills get paid, and if I can shelve my pride for a bit, I may get back to where I used to be, emotionally. But the days of being at their beck and call are over. Ima do my job and go home. I am not going to leave as soon as I am done, I am going to take my time and make sure that everything gets done, no matter how long it takes. And if that means they start paying me a shitload of overtime, so be it. At least I won't have to be accused of asking to go home early.

They will learn. But at what cost to me?

But Scott made it better. We played mini golf with his parents on Monday, since it was a holiday up here, we had dinner together, and Judy and I got to have a girl to girl chat while the boys were downstairs playing ping pong. Then we came home, and I settled in to watch the Shrek movies he had gotten for me for my birthday.

"Just because people call you names, doesn't mean you have to listen to them. And it certainly doesn't make you what they call you. The only person standing in your way is you

Brilliant. Amazing how a movie like Shrek can give you a whole new way to look at things.....



03:39 Aug 03 2011

Somebody left me a comment while I was editing this, and it got erased. Whoever you are, please so kind as to leave it again for me.

04:50 Aug 03 2011

*hugs* All I can say is WOW. I have never known you to EVER be rude to someone. Hell, even when your pissed, you are nice (at times). My fingers are crossed, that another job comes along soon. Love you dearest.

05:19 Aug 03 2011

Jesus, Red...my lil' long term temp job with no benefits and litle pay is a big ol' ray of sunshine compared to where you work!

I hope that you can find an awesome job in a swanky golf club or something.

18:51 Aug 03 2011

Hmmm .Scott ever considered moving South with you??

21:46 Aug 03 2011

I hope a great job comes soon, and you can tell them to kiss your southern ass. ;)

00:23 Aug 04 2011

::hug:: Remember. I gots me a shovel. And frequent flyer miles. And they sell Lime and hefty bags in multiples, honey. I love you.

01:03 Aug 04 2011

Christ on a cracker. When they bring out the "You've been rude" excuse, without saying HOW you were rude, it's time to skedaddle. Don't hang on there too long, babes. Get your sweet ass out soon.

01:30 Aug 04 2011

I do love that you recognize the positive parts where they appear. You are going to get where you want to be. I have no doubt.

01:47 Aug 04 2011

I first read this from my phone. I had to come back and read it again.

You're going to get an amazing job and won't even have to think about this one ever again.

People are just amazing. I have a feeling that when they don't have you any more, they will be wondering what the hell hit them so hard. They'll be asking why things are not going so smoothly. Then they'll realize they don't have the best bartender they ever had any more.

Life's like that. You're the winner.

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