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06:18 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 278

💀🌹©KNOX SCARLETTE BANE-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED🔏💀🌹V-R NO 53.50 🍎) Been to barbers-weds-boss cut hair) 💀 🌙♏-3

Everytime it's over I just drift away
Everytime it's over i just go dead inside
Everytime it's over-everything ceases to be
How used to you-weve become
No more dread inside
I just cease to be-just a silent witness
A silent witness-only
Nothing more
A refuge from my own life
Outside my own soul
Noone-from nowhere
Just stuck in the present-revolving
No memorys-just blank senses-nothing
Silenced-into a black blob ghost
Ghost of soul-i just drift
Drift into-the ghouls world
Drift-back out again
Brought back-by thoughts of death
Black space-hours cut into black squares
Terrible fear of intrusion
Don't want to repel you
Don't want to ever tell you
Don't want to bother you
Stay as a shadow walker
Stalkers soul been activated
Stay as your shadow stalker
Don't want to be seen
Know you could be mean
Creates huge conflicts inside
Meant to keep away
Strange situation
Awkward position
All these years
The silent watcher
You didn't know me-better off that way
Driven to try to find you
To step out of the shadows
Pressures-pushing in on me
I lost control-for a while
Filled with too many fears
My world just collapsed-inwards
My great tower of icey repose
Suddenly turning into towering shards
Icey points to cut myself into ribbons
This tightrope of desire & distance
Walking-wobbling all these years
Strange story
My awkward position
All these years
You don't know of me
Better-off that way
Try to stop the stalker-soul
Try to just black-out life itself
Just swallow everything down
Try to pull everything-back
To recoil-inwardly
Trying to shut-down desire
Doesn't really work
Just some time-out
Everything silenced
Snakes stop moving
Everything has to stop
Freeze-frane realitys
Trying the drastic-solutions
Trying some self-resolutions
Gotta stop you winning
Your taking over-everything
All shit-out of control
Was kinda funny-funky
Now I'm just freaking-upset!!
I drop it all down-i let it go
Suicide of soul-unplugged life
Can't take this double life-cabt take this crazy
Suicide of self-im pulling out
Pull out the plug-not to desire you
Pull out the plug-not to design you
Pull out the plug-live in false limbo
Frozen in time-not to covet you
Fall back into empty black
Falling back-not to push forward
Frozen-just to pull myself back
All my mentalisms
All my mind-actives
Pulling back-out
Reeling back-in
This life-itself
Living this stupid-lie
I don't want it-anymore
Getting to be too much
Living with the cloak of desire
Your design-ive let interfere
Your destination-is a joker
Your-hall of mirrors
Your morbid-laughters
Want some other life
Pressures-of pleasures
Pressures of desire-is real
Pressures-of physical prescence
Constant frictions
Constant fictions
Constant fixations
Of the mind-is taking too much
Too much of my mind
Is drifting out-being taken
Too much of my mind
Is going out-outside here
Fertile imaginatings
Awakened-if I could get through
Life is just full of roadblocks
Old memorys-too much to bare
Deep stirrings-just old memorys
Buried deep-its too much
Hidden from myself-own own past
If I could remember where it starts
Past poorly-understood
Pain-not making sense
Realitys becoming unwoven
Minds had enough
Don't want the stalker-shade to be seen)
Don't want the activated-shadow to escape
Don't think of anything-not to cover you
Don't want to be a mentalist
Your just an old picture-not even mine
Just try to not even breath-not to register you
Won't even breath-to stop everything
Memory's too intense
Doesn't make-sense
Just try to stop-time itself
Just emptyness inside & out
No feelings-no desires
No designs-on you
No memorys-just empty timelines
General disasters
Deadend time-dead inside
Frozen-not to covet you
Harder-trying to get myself out
Mania-for escaping you now)
Times-going in reverse
Responses-going in reverse
Reasons-going in reverse of will
Receptive-shutting down
No longer beleive my own will-is true
No longer towards you-in the story's
Going back-out again
Trying to control-timelines
To undo-what cannot be reversed
Just can't be done
What this enemy-of self has done
To undo-to unmake-the storytimes
Have to kill myself off
Have to cut myself off
From the Hellmaster
Just to stay back
Freeze myself out
Not to-not want on you
Have to be dead-not to reach out
Have to cover my eyes-not to want to look
Black-out my eyes so I can't even see
Kill off all the vain-pleasures
Kill off-all the vague pleasures
Steal back from myself
Whatever was left-from the crazy
No idea-how the years have been hazy
No ideal-how the years have rolled away
Years of the liberal-arts
Been out on the roll
Years of hidden pains
Passing by like water
Hypergraphic-arts out on a roll
Words like water-flow down the pages
Inspired by your phases
Words like water-roll down the pages
Liberal-arts of desires
Years get eaten through
Like maggots-chewing through till it's only bones
Knawing like rats-into your senses
Trying to find holes in time?!?
Trying to get-on-in?!? 💀🌶️
Wasting away your life
Captured into blind-sins
Captured-inside him
Conjuring of lies-all inside him
Capturing circles-all inside him
Our biased-perceptions
Tampered with-by him?!?
Trained like animals-by our own lusts
Trained to beleive in lies-till we turn to dust
He gets this time-he stole
He gets this throne-he never earned
He gets this crown-that isn't his
Devotion-like it never ends
Pain of torments-to what ends?!?
Constant conflict of desire & designs
Wars of a larger-kind
Flow out-like waters
Flowing down-the pages
Flow out like rolls of scroll's
Turn back into curling-rolls
To get away from your pull
I try to pull back out-outside of life
Just like floating out in blackness of space
Slipped away from the mothership
Astronaut floating in the black
Stable but going nowhere
Still attached-but can't get back inside
Run out of time-run out of air
My soul freezed-my heart stopped
Judgement wrecks the clock
Fear tears it all apart
Fear of humans intrudes
Inside the shell-of life
All the shellshocked-stay locked
Turmoils-outside of public life
Time passing away-outside of life
Time outside silence
Tares time all apart
Detachment is peace
Fake reality-fake peace
My pretend-sanitys
Another pretend-reality
Artificial realitys
Too clean-to be real
Cleansed of all passions
It's time-modulated space
Just emptyness
Meditations of blankness
Dissociation of self
Time has been emptied-out
You are outside again-when I empty out
Self-outside of self
Life outside-of life
Heart-outside of heart
Heartlife-is no more
I froze my heartlife-outside of him
Outside of time & tide
Pointless reality
Expectations of society
Fears of all realitys
Too much-to manage
Too much happened-all at once
Too much-much too soon
Too much to manage
Too many aspects-clamour for attentions
Too much-for a writers inventions
Diversitys-stretched to the limits
Your like an elastic-pulling out our souls
You pull out & stretch without knowing
Gets close to braking
Our selves-like elastic to your mind
Our arts-like invisible elastic to your soul
Convergance-of souls
Creeps-back inside
Circle grew massive-outside
When you came about
Writer's circle-has an intruder
We all loved him-kept outside
We all liked to know him-kept outcast
As the strange-guy
The outsider-the coveted sin
The forbidden-in everything
Kept at a long distance
Kept outsider-kept coveted
Kept coveted-as a find of mysterys
Kept as the outsider
Views from a different world
Survival of a different kind
Survived from a different time
Survived-outcast of society
Outside-our outside
Outside of any-circles
Culture of crazy
Intentions-mostly unknown
Insider-to the closet circles
He should be-outside of our minds
Viewed from the outside limits
This roadblock of hellside
Can't be driven-around
All the laws are bent & buckled
Metal just melts
When he's around
Makes no-sense
Shit male provinces
Nowhere to go
Relevance-so vague
This shit-society
This immoral-relapse
This sick-collapse
This shit society-of retards
This born privilege
This male-supremacy
Bad-society-born from hates
Nowhere-for his soul to place
Accident-in time & place
Horror-intruder takes his place
He gets inside the story's
He gets inside-your head
He gets-inside time itself
Gets inside-your timeline
Getting inside-gets in our lifeline
Getting logged-like a lifetime
Supposed to be a stranger
Forbidden-to our kind
Stolen-from our lifetime
Time that was never for him
The personality we wanted
Was somebody else
Mistake made-in time
But the time isn't his
It's ours-our lifestyle
Outside-of shits like him
Outside of dicks of the system
We survive-better
Better off outsider
Better-off without his bastard kind
It's the kickback response
Time-outside of time
Life outside-of life
Trying to cope
Mistake of time
Mistake of identitys
Soul knows it-from inside
Deeper levels-get denied
He's outsider from our realitys
Outsider to our society's
Stealer-theif of the story's
Stealer of desires-never meant for him
He's not for this-never meant for such as him
Broken frame-glued back together
Bastard master-stays a stranger
Not for him-all this desire
Was saved-for another
Some unknown Master-never yet seen
Waited for too long
Now broken-at the seams
False portrait-of a stranger
Story's with him in-cant be traced back
He wasn't in them-from the beginning
Like the others-who were already there
Going off track
Sudden art eXplosions
Sudden intrusions
Sudden suprise-influence
Sudden destructive-conference
Trains coming-off the tracks
Trainwreck of time
Time of life-has been interrupted
Timelines-been corrupted
Distracted-by false dreams
Stranger-from the black-pits of hell
Steals-from our religion
Stealing from our vision
Shouldn't even be in the pictures
He just came out from nowhere
He wasn't even recorded-where it shows
He didn't show-up with other artists
No mention-where it should've been
Timelines of arts-he wasn't ever there
Like a freaking ghost-suddenly walks in the door
Deadlurker-there all along
Freaking Trainwreck where he suddenly showed-up
Even after following-all those years ago
Same weird genres
Same arts-same stuff
He just wasn't recorded
Like his stuff wasn't even there
He wasn't even named
He wasn't even marked-down
Like a black hole-in time & space!!! 💀
Sudden artistic-intruder
Like a guy-from outer space
Reality of a personality
Not ours-never to be known
Not from our ways-never to be told
Not from our works-never to be touched
Stupid-fatal impact
Like a crater-in your self
A hole-in your soul
God's took from us
God is the bastard-before we were even born
God's took from us
Everything we needed-just to live
Not a chance
The sigma walker-gets a life to last
Replaced realitys
Came out of nowhere
Sudden intrusion into realitys
Sudden stunning eXplosion
Try to undo-time
To put you back
To put you back-outside
To put you back outside time
Outside of this world
Get back out-we push you hard outside
Get back outside-of us
Get back-outside of the circle
Get back-outside to the mind-life
It's not your-time
Our lust-isnt yours
Our designs-not for you
Belongs to someone else
Push you back outside
Outsider-like a spider
Getting in through the cracks
Suddenly setting up a web
Setting up a web-inside my mind
My most private-mind
Like a black spider-creeping in
You somehow got inside
Inside-of the inside
But your still the hidden-outsider
Private circle of innermost-mind
Hypergraphia-as only recourse
Hypergraphia-as the only resource
We try-all these years
To turn time-back around
To put you back-where you belong
Back-outside the poet's circle
Backoutside-this private life
Outsider-outside again
Stay out-get back out
To push you back-inside your own realm
To put you back-outside of time 💀🌶️
Time before you came-time before you showed
You showed up real sudden
Came fast-forward out of nowhere
Never even heard of you-before
Not on the lists-not on the records
Not shown on the timelines
No record-of the records
Nowhere shown
Nowhere in time
Hidden reality
Displace-misplace reality
Reality deadened-time just rolls on empty
Black rolls of time-filled with clinical time
Passionless-lawfull time
Empty lawfull time
Means nothing
Deadend time
Life without senses
Another kind of dead
Without license
Which it was assumed
That you had brought
Without license-unconcious
Just assumed
Never been-proven
Joined the timeline-too late
Other characters-already were in place!!!
Big fast eXplosions
Then he takes his place
In the background-before time
Black worker-wasvthere lurking
Hidden character in the story's
Hidden away from his aspect-glorys
Now he's always in your freaking face!!! 💀🌶️
These license-of coveted self
This unconcious-license to sin
This unconcious-beleifs
This strange-beleifs that we can
Sin-in him
Lies & fantasys
Seat-in him
Lies & fantasys
Sit in him
Lies & fantasys
Sex-in him
Lies & fantasys
Sensual in him
Lies & fantasys
Sexual with him
Lies & fantasys
Special attentions
Lies & fantasys
Anything for you
Lies & fantasys
Everything's for him
Stupid black seal
Just the blackened star
Eye of the needle-threaded through you
Realitys moving around
Reality will-find out our
Contracts-will let you down
Down & out
Drunk & crazy
Down & drunk
Too close to hell & trying to get out
It's just the crazys
Self-license of the lawless
Stupid unconcious-slip-ups
He's like the spiders-gettung in under the window frame
You didn't see him getting-in
Inside your reality-already he was there
Used as strange doorways
Avatars-of unknown tastes
Unseen-untasted sins
Your hidden-self revealing
Strange influence-of his dealings?!?
He has hidden-license of sin
Aspects of his hidden-soul?!? 💀🌶️
Outside of rationals
Outside of bondage
Outside of bonding
Is just blinding-fears
Freaking strangers in our midst
Sucks out-the circle
Sucks out-your very face
Sucks out old traditions
Sucks out your very life
To steal it-for himself
Life of fears-just blinding
Left outside in blackness of space
No more crazys
Artificial controls
Slowing down realitys
Seperation from source
Seperation from primary realitys
Source of sanitys
Source of life & death
Source of inner-self
Somehow-held in repose
Source of incapacitys
Source of mirrors
Mirrors of capacitys
This temporary detachment
Time out-of time
Time out-from you
Peace of mind is false
My soul hanging out-in threads)
Switched off-from the source
Cold without crazy
Empty of the frenzy
Away from envelopment
Away from development
Awash with estrangements
Life sentence-without life
Life without pleasures
Life without pain
Life without memory's
Life without license
Pray for license-pray for pain
Gifting from your life of sin 💀🍎
Black Star burning
Black fires from the life of sins
Sudden gifting from hells
Sudden life of vision
Stuff that you brought-about
Strange bridges-between worlds
Brought into play by the arts
Powers of the arts
Powers of his self
Pictures from a life of arts
Creates new story's
Causes new passions
Held apart in chains
New parts
New pages in a life
Pretended strangers
Suspended strangers
Both hanging in life & in death
Both left hanging in hell
Different cultures
Different styles
Morbid conjectures
Can only wonder?!?
What kind of hell were in
Pretending to accept
Accepting to pretend it
Perfect strangers
Perfect agony of arts
Perfect waste of life
Perfect strangers
Perfect waste of life
Perfect waste of potentials
One is apart-the other lives the crazy side
One is cold apart-the other has the fires
Arts & passion going down the drain
Arts & personas wasted from the pain
Arts of morbid injections
Blood of the crazy life
Blood of the damned souls
Flowing wasted into the drains
Horrible waste of the distance
Horror of waste of the blinded-life
Society's of hate-divide us
Your strange world-kept outside
Horrible waste of everything
Horrible taste of everything
Icey state of start
Icey touch of death
Don't need to touch you anymore
My heart escapes my body-crawls across the floor)
I'll turn you back-back into living hell
I'll turn you back-back into living arts
Was the reason
Was the ways
Was the god's going crazy
Right from the start
Noone else can tell
Noone else can know
You'll never care-cause you come from hell
King-bastard lurks on a throne
Privileged evils-dosnt give a damn
All I need to do is just to look
To see parts of everything given to him
Forbidden all of it-to me
Other side of the mirror
Other side of this living-dead hell
All I need to do to have the life
Is just to see you
Images in bold
It all comes back
Flooding back-in
Very painfull life
Eyes have the life
Eyes have the lights
Comfort to the bold
Thin thread of life-if truth be told
Thin threads of sanitys-when the story's get told
Leaving more untold-showing so little
Great mysterys of life
He doesn't want anyone to know
All I need to do is just to look
No need to book
No need to ask
Even if it's all stolen
It does for the painfull task
Trying to take back-whats gone loose
And everything dead comes back to life
Comfort that you cannot hold
Crazy that you cannot tell
Heavens made out from hells
Strange visions that you cannot spell
Strange emotives-struggle for the names
Arty angles-made so bold
Arty-minded steal & hold
Arty suggestions that you cannot hold
Arty headaches-made so bold
Arty facef*ck
Hate of civilisations
Hate straight from the gutters
Hate from the gutterlands
Hellholds-strongholds in ghettos
Strongholds-in hell
Ripping artworks-rip your face to peices
Arts of deviant life-rip your eyes out in this life
Brutalist hellhold
Ripping artworks-tare you to ribbons
Powers of sin-bringing forth the undertows
Powers of black
Fruits of sin-feeding the mind
Grapes of wrath-feeding the soul
Fruits of sin-feeding your loins
Strange fruits of stranger sins
Sins from the houses in hell
Rock & roll Babylon
Slut workers-outside of society
Teenaged whores-stay young forever
Licensed-to stay outsiders
Deviant works-above & below
Above & below
Strangness-of all kinds
All conceived of hell's
Strangness-of hidden houses
Where he dwells
Hold you in my eyes
Hold you in my mind
Hold you in my mind's eyes
Turn you back into art-bleeding from my heart)
Stealing from your charms
As you steal from mine
Stealing from your life-as you've stole from mine
Trying to steal back
Some of what's already taken
Trying to remember better
What's already gone
Driven by your arts
Driven towards your blackened heart
Driven towards your body
To eat you like a god
To eat you like a hungry dog)
To feast from your forbidden flesh
To steal life-from the unseen dead
To strengthen reality-from the unstable head
Flesh of a stolen life
Living heart of faith
Driven mad-by the god of the dead
Forbidden always
Forbidden from the start
Forbidden from the start
Need to survive
Can't hold you in my arms
Beaten down by your charms
Beaten back by your evil life
Beaten down by the theif of life
Beaten back by the black whore of evils
Prostitute of arts
Prostitute of deadly arts
He will turn you crazy
He'll make you frenzied
Superframe for those so bold
Superhell of arts
Caved in minds
Carved out hearts
Hate locked
Now we'll never part
Steal & hold
Frame & freeze
Do as you please
Arty-makers show other ways
Tempt you with unreason
Till you lose your mind
Torture you with desires
Till your seeing blind
I'll turn-back again
I'll turn you back into art
Nowhere elsa to go
In cold hard hell
No other way around
This roadblock in life
Just staying on stuck
No way around it
Arty-heavens of hells
Stays frozen-for the fans
Stays frozen-for the frames
Tease you with poses
Tease you with angles
Tease you with glimpses
Tease you with images
Arty headf*ck for your mind
Clever like that inside
Twisted soul of art
Twisted types of arts
Flames for your dreams
Memory's hard to capture
Frames from the past
I'll erase all your dreaded past
I'll erase all my dreadfull pain
I'll turn you back into rightful
I'll turn you into righteous
I'll turn you back into art
Burn you on the cross of life
Living doll
Giant man doll
Giant waxman
Ghastly work of art
I'll turn you back into art
I turn you in my mind
To stop the pain becoming mindless
Angles-my mind never ceases
To turn back & forth
To yearn back & forwards
To burn back around a circle
Arty desires
Morbid designs
Never ceases to yearn
Just escaped the coffin
Risen from the morgue
Who needs reality
When we have art-tistical totalitys
Overload of intrepid realitys
Fantasy of fabrications
Ectasys of abberations
Contortions of your soul
Morbid objections to reality
Deification of a phantom
Dedication to a deadbeat
Distraction of a stranger
Beaten out a pathway
Aganist all the laws
Dimensions of deadness
Rewinds itself
Has a life of its own
It's all in there-somewhere trapped in me
Work of deadly arts
Arts of deadly works
Arts of lawless shit
Gothic handsome
Useless whoreson
Crazy gruesome
Confident god
Deified again
You'll never live up to the claims
You'll never live it down
You'll never step up to the parts
Part of your system-always near the drains
Part of your life-always by the gutters
Where the blood drains away
While my mind quickly turns you
Turns you around
Turns you about
Handsome in your deadly status
Stanger in your hidden ways
Dubious terms of contracts
Dubious types of arts
Dubious traps of the mind
Body art & soul
Trap door spider with his arts
Deadly in deviance
Deadly in defiance
Of social conventions
Animal reactives
Animal instincts
Deadly in arts
Deadly in traps
Deadly in trips
For the unworldly
For the super-wordy





01:28 Jun 17 2023
Times Read: 517


That's one way to start a life
That's one way to end everything you've ever known
That's one beautiful way to die
That's one brutal way to live
That's one handsome eXcuse for a lie
That's one strange way to come back around
That's one hellpain of a hardcore loop
That's one twisted slip to come
That's one bitch of a hard-curse
Take on life's perspective-hard edges
Take on pain-with steel personas
Take on life-trying to hold on
Take on a soultug-wars of the soul
Take on a struggle-trying to hold on
Shameful oblivion-just trying to hold on
Shameful turn of events-just trying to survive
Sinner-trapped on a wheel
Sticker-cant just let go
Stuck-demonics at war
Stubborn-gotten used to his style
Swallow-dark aspects of his twisted soul
Suckered-got me all down the line
Sniggers-beast thinks it's funny
Stuck-all in shades of hell
Sinner-own desires put me there
Sucker-his hot fires pulled me in
Stuck-trapped in his evil web
Stubborn-stuck on that template
Shameful-trapped by a predator
Sinner-morbid fascinations roped me in
Stunning-morbid seducer wins
Struck down-kisses on his forehead
Stubborn-some bad tastes in life
Strange fantasys-shaped out of bad god's
Sucker-even smart gals like a gothic stud
Suckered-even tough gals like a morbid dude
Stubborn-want him like no other
Swallow-taboos of society
Struggle-his strangelhold on power
Stuck-his presence on a loop
Struck down-cant get free
Gift of submission
Great romance
Gutted from the start
Guilted-from the start
Everything to me-just another slave to him
Options-going fast into nowhere
Options-he has them all
Designs-being wasted
Desires-all going backwards
Trapped in a thrall
Trying to get some securitys
Wasting yourself in wanton dreams
Turning yourself in untapped dreams
Human envys-trapped on a scheme
Human foe-caught on a turn
Human angel-caught himself a slave
Apex predators hungry grin
Arts of death as tribute
Agony's of religion
Take on conceptual arts
When darker bastards steal on crowns
Didnt want to-take on anyone
Didn't want to travel so far
Seriously shocked by destinys sudden turn
Thought that all these things were dead & buried
But the ghost soul has wings
Goes where it wants to
Gateway to the underworld
Goes to try take what it craves
Got to try hold it down
Gateways to hell
Gateways in his crown
Got to realise it's not for real
Got to realise your inbetween worlds
Got sucked into worship by a ghost
Got carried away by a primal-pin up
Got hooked in my a sadistic master
Gonna be a killer when your stuck on his wheel
Got no chance to feel much for real
When he rips your face-off
Every kind of pain-bounces around the wheel
Big fat eye-making you crazy
Big greedy eye-looks of a looker
Big fat spying eye-look my way
Bitch of a stud marking you lazy
Backing outta life to get a better look
Backing to the back door
Busting out on crazy
Rock god-real life cold
Rock star-evil bait
Rock bait-gonna scramble your brains
Rock bastard-bitch bait
Rocker stud-gonna loop up your loins
Fantasy magnet-buying out hell
Fantasys get binding-when the ghost gets out
Betta bust out a tribute
Best your gonna get
Getting close to him not real
Getting near his throne-not gonna happen
Getting to touch on him-pains you bad
Betta bust out a tribute
Cramp-up your style
Get yourself some release-cause he don't care
Or your gonna writhe around for hours
He's keeping hearts in jars
All to himself-aint one to share
All for him-selfish to the core
Ain't born to care
Always about him-no other ever equal
Gods of evil put him up high
Can't buy that ticket to heaven
Can't do anything-even if you died
Nothing in this life can do that
Reality bites-like a wheel around hell
Not available in this life
Not ever gonna be his type
Not ever gonna get that life
Not ever able to understand why?!?
Lust & desire-sure is blinding
Constant friction-is binding
Wasting out your precious mind
Spending out your precious kind
Gonna get hot-with crazy
Beast of pray-real life callous
Hard & harzardous
Hell's made a bitch of a dude
He's too hardened to notice
Hellworlds he made in you
And that's all in him
He's not made to care much
He don't need to do shit
Passion gets squeezed into a ghost jar
Where it's gonna burst
Burst your godly bubble with a pin
Beast of pray
Handsome visage
Beast of burden
Dark shadow-hard to shake it
Beast of pray
Can't know how youll take it
Cruel realitys
Cold calculating eXperiments
Human subjects
Death god gonna taX yah hard
How hard is too much?!?
How bad is too bloody?!?
How deep is too much?!?
Demonic masters
He's got options
Knows how to make-it
Can't know how youll take it
Could be too much
Can't know you can make it
Beast of burden
Arty tricks-burn off quickly
Arty fires soon turn cold
Arty portal to the playboy mansion
Playboy's hell house
High on estatic-potions
High on-egoist notions
Self-love without limits
High on-fantasy life
Nothing but bullshit
Nothings gonna last past dawn
Mansion of fantasy lifestyles
Guys get seeded
Gals get bleeded
Don't think he likes yah
Just likes to do all evils
He likes you liking him
Worship for his greedy-throne
Lawless cad
Lawless c*nt
Bastard handler
Cold calculating whore
Soul his soul
Don't have no heart
No matter what you think
Evil is handsome
Evil is cunning
Evil is demon's
Evil is stunning 💀
Pulling on tricks
Cold cell in hell
You don't wanna try follow
See strange stuff-you didn't outta
Years burning away fast
Years turning backwards
Life is dying-sea of life drying out
Key to the deathlands-its in your eyes
Bitten off a hard taskmaster
Bitten off enough to choke on
Hard to keep on going
Hard to remember what it's for
Hard to remember the begining
Focus on your arts
Masters wheel-turns your head
Master headfu*k knows his arts
Master bastard bleeds you dry
Studs & leather
Witches curse
Purse full of white pills
That one hell of a hard-case
That's one life smothered out again
The gifting-curse takes you out
The curse-gifting takes time out
Reconnect or pay the price
Connect & be controlled
Or start to fade-out
Start to thin-out
Start to-fall out
Start to fricking reel about
Make your soul fat again
Regain your colours
Stop fading-on out
Worship the primal
Study the arts
Handsome beast
Cruelty & the beast
Beautys & betters all squandered
Feed the beast
Give him a tribute
Pay him your mind
Sell him your body
Lend out your soul
While he's lurking
While you give yourself time
While your on the leash
Better feed the beast
Body gets to lagging
Give him your mind
Buy yourself some weird times
Buy yourself some peace
Bust him out one
Not like he cares
Come on through-eye of the needle
Too much tension
Too much torments in one body
Too much pressure-for one poor soul!!
Potions of motion
Poetrys in motion
Devil's artworks
Twisted salvation
Bizzare works of art
Suddenly setting off motions
Poison soul I'm sure
Art of soulfull shit
Arts of blackness weird
Arty soul of hellside
Arty lusts of artyness
Bent out of shape
Beautiful headcase-pulls you out
Handsome poison-drags you down
Bitch of opium drags you down
Malevolent emotions-drown you out
Lawless motives cast you down
Fallen down-fallen out
Freaking out-some more
Till you can climb back up
Dark mysterys eat you out
Dark hungers hang you out to dry
Till your soul is a shell
Trying to hold fast
Left hanging
Then your spun around in time
Like a fly within a web-encased in silk
Thinking this is the end
Till your soul is a shell
Empty case of silk
Coming back on the next turn
Then your reborn back again
Pulled back around again
Agony's of alpha
All these years
All these fears
Agony's of alpha
Templates of terror
Tensions of inner
Conflicts of instincts
Conflict of interests
Clear cut case
Carrys you round the wheel
To fuck with your face
Challenges your place
Contests of the self
Challenges of agony's
Pyramid of pain
Chained up hard
Trying to work it out
Toxic-poison from his self-of self
Self-as a drug
Drug as a potent self aside
Toxic master
Trashy death-trap
Total-evil rap
Brutal death wrap
White knuckle drag
Soul hooks digging-in deep
Cold sharp metal-pulling on the beat
Price of passage-always try to calculate
Monopoly on power instincts
Love & hate too deep to carry
Hate & love cross-wired
Hate/lust too deep to be married
He's in love with himself
He's inside his self with self-eclipse
Can't ever compete with that!!
Can't even scratch that glass
Can't see a moral compass in the dark
Can't compete with that dark mirror
Or the mortal glass above
He loves himself-more than life itself
More than life-in love with himself
More than life-love of self most morbid
More than in death-in rapture of hell
Murder arts
Weaponised sex
In dark lusts of his own self
Handsome chance in hell
Gruesome ghost of a chance
Apex predators hellwheel
Alpha deathtrap
Macho deathsmack
Death wheel gamble
Gamble where you'll end up
A killer self
Murder arts
Arts as murder-killer artist
Killer artist-killer self
Cuts you like a knife
Cuts into dreams like an axe
Cuts into your designs
Erotics bleeding through the lines
Exotics of death compounded
Everything doubles-up
Strange mirror-comes to life
Strange double-world
Strange ghostly-loop
Strange world of melting minds
Whatever you can beleive as true
Hell fu*k you in your head
Your future near his bed
Laughing as you crave weird stuff
Start to love the dead
Make you see things-till your eyes bleed
Can come around to being just dust
Can come around to him
Come around to his way of thinking
Can try to get it while eyes still blinking
Till you've given-up your best
Time turns your dreams back into ashes
Till your life-clock is all spent
Dead man's seed drives you round the bend
Lust for anither-style in life
He has you
Holds you in this life
Held in bondage
Held up to ransom
Murder arts
Awesome ways to die
Die hard around the circle
So strong in you
So strong in me
So tough in you
So tough in me
Death arts
Bondage knots
Killer pains
Love all you've got
Murder arts
Hearts on fire
Secret diarys
Another life
Morbid visions
Hidden pleasures
Dreams of history's fatal hours
Fatalist charms
Handsome morbid drug
Handsome morbid dupe
Handsome mistake
Hideous handsome
Handsome vivid
Handsome hideous
Gives birth to the liars in me
Caught between self & self
Caught between love & hate
His world is split between reality & fantasy
Between brutal land of the living
And brutal-land of the dead
Cold-land of the ghoul
Cold-land of the dead
Crucial critical splits in him
Touch him & he splits in you
World between brutal reality
And surreal fantasys
His life of agonys
Born into gutters-lined with blood
Strange society
Can you make it through?!?
The web of your own mind
Can you remember why you even tried?!?
Should be strong enough
To come on through
But fail in my quest
Forgotten to use the tools
Drugged-our dude
Great drug of choice
Great drug of chance
Great drug of death
The poisoned-apple
Stuck in your throat & your dead
Blessed release from brutalitys
Blessed trance from realitys
Deadend tributes
Dead dumb & down in this life
Bitches held in chains
All the dumbest clichés
Coming back to life
Spiders web of dubious charms
Mortal shackles of dubious arts
Narcissus of self-lust
Apex of brutalitys
I see why you would-crush the world
If I was made as you-i could
If I was you-i would love me too
If I was you-i would want you too
If I was you-i could want no more
Self-made image
Gothic carnage
Handsome chaos
Can't even scratch the surface
Strange circle of self-lust
Self bondage
Cold callous arts
Avenging self-lust
Self-lust avenging
Rockstars house of hell
Drunken spirit party never ends
Reality never intrudes
Magick potions round the bend
Bonded self-desire
Style & evil substance
Trying to get free from shackles of love
When lust keeps biting & hate wants you
Lust keeps on fighting & hate spells out you
Lust spells-you
Hate spells-you
Crazy-fixation-spells you
Better-off dead sometimes
Twisted war of self
Self at war with self
Trying to commit to what's inside
Terrified of inner-self
Trying to find release-by pulling out
Married from the bondage wheel
Married to all the pains
Great hidden book of masters hell's
Partly just in pains
Pain of heaven hell & earth
Pulls your soul apart
Longings left on a twitching leash
To conquer you just for envys
Desire breeds on lust
Lust breeds on envy
Envy is old desires
Fed from confusions
Stubborn book of refusals
Can't face it in this life
Got you in my sights
Written into book of life & death
Beauty breeds on twisted ghosts
Handsome lures from strange world's
Ghastly ghosts of weird
Alpha-of agony's
Wasted years in you
Wasting arts in you
Wasted on the living
Wanton on the dead
You see me better
What I see in you
Can fill out books
I see my ways through you
Hate lust & morbid disqust
Hate fear & revel in powers
Drilling through your core
Deathstrike-keeping you alive
Deaths lure living inside you
Worms inside your heart-eating away your life
Deadly arts-you cannot tell
Stolen hearts from a house of dolls
Emptyness stolen from god's house
Trapped on the masters wheel
Turn-off the connectors
Turn-off perceptions
Unplug-your own heart
Dull your own passions
Doupht your own mind
Rust your own knife
Leave your sense of self behind
Leave your heart out in the rain to rust
Trying to escape
Trying to forget
Trying to get back out
Trying to get by without a drug
I'm behind my self-without you
I'm stuck in the back-losing time
I'm without myself-without you
I'm not myself without you
I'm without some selves without you
I'm weaker without you
Without you-theres less of me
You strength engulfs me
Your strength could crush me
Your soul should kill me
But it's just another round of weird
Wired on the wheels
Wicked inside you
Weaker without you
Faded out ghost
Faded out arts
Funeral of self
Always just an animal
Born without a living heart
Deadend heart-killer of life
Dreadful creature in this life
Can't live without a heart
He's managed without-one
Very-well in life
But I still retain-humanitys
Dignitys-could be born apart
A heart that I don't have now
Not even sure what it means now?!?
Not exactly the same now
Toutured by the light
Mired by the dark
Not even sure what its for anymore?!?
Replacement value system
No idea how or why?!?
Animal instincts
Mirrored-through you
Mired-through you
Escape your own morbid arts
Masters envy arts
Eating out your mind
Till death us do part
Evil master
Eater of hearts
Pulled far away again
Pushed you out of the story's
Closed the book on life
Denial is a hard chain gang
Death loop is a hard chain ghost
Bondage wheel is a long time-dept
Stronger around you
Should be stronger without you
Can't be stronger than you
Pushing you back outside
Struggle to get free
From time to time
But going nowhere
No way to get back out
From what's been done
Trapped in time
Looping round the loop
Always get-sick
Always get weak
Always forget
Lose everything
Till your back
Till your back around
Stupid wheel-revilving door
Kept on a loop-kept on a leash
Not sure what is real-what is fantasy?!?
From the company that you keep
Strange mechanics-lost in the deep
Life floods back
Tangled-self in me
HeaDfu*ks of madness
Soulside journeys
Strange company-that you keep
Thorn in my side
Male fraternity of death
Death side fraternity's
Not much of a lifestyle
Said I could do it
Said I would do it
Said I would like it
Lied to my own soul
Lied to god
Lied to my passions
Lust makes me a liar
Took in too much
Always the trier
Envys made me a triar
To desire too much
Promises I can't keep
Not from lack of trying
Just no way-back around
Desires-to make you weep
Made promises that aren't real
Maybe they were real-cant ever be sure
Not realised in time & space
No contract
No cautions
No considerations
Trying to get out
Floating like a ghost
Hanging on by the thinest of threads
Holding on-close to snapping
Pulling back out
Backing right-out
Pulling right-back
Pulling away-from death
Pulling back from you
Pushing you aside
Trying to push you back out
Trying to rewind time
Put everything back around
Like you'd never come
Lasts for a while
Horrible side-effects
Fading fast ghost
Twisting on a silken thread
Dark web-trapped in purgatory
Trying to escape you
Trying to escape paying my dues
Trying to escape god-bondage
The widow's veil
Held apart by unknown hell's
Till death us do part
Life just made to pull us apart
Like we should never have been anything
Never seen each other
Nothing to each other
Nothing & noone
Empty pages again
Story that's never been
That's going nowhere fast
Till death us do part
Breath of life-sucking out your life
Breath of life-sucking out your soul
Kiss of life-come to rip out your heart
Give you life cause your begging for release
Comes back later to tare you all apart
Gives you death
Gives you death-in depths
Gives you life-itself
When you crave his breath
Gives you death
When you crave his death
Gives you death-in himself
When you crave his arts
Breath of life-itself
In another-style
Smothered out-most surely
From his death-rich arts
Death of the shit life
Another life-laced with death
Better in death-than in life
When you-crave his world
Ways-out of this world
Well-of wicked
Always at work
Whether you register it-or not
Sometimes I smell you-around the corner
Simetimes-we are far apart
Sweet smothering release
Sweet apple-of death
Sure of another-life
Desire for death in all things
Precious spirits-precious pleasures
Eaten out by fears of the living life
Eyes of life-being stolen
See things-differently
Tampering behind the scenes
Stolen aspects of life's arts
Change the way you see this life
Hidden dreams that drive this life
Weird fires of underworld ways
That's one way to slip away
Till death us do part
Death of known controls
Death of all known things
Great voids of terrible fears
Risk in everything
For the serpents fangs
Fall out & die
Ectasys in given deaths
Start a new life-again
End again & start a new life
Muse of madness
Sweet-bitter poison in my life
Old pain-neverending
Old bondage-never paid
Old ectasys ever burning
Old self trapped in turning
Old burnings never end
Can't stop time from spinning
Everything & nothing all at once
Everything & nothing all in one
Everything-all kept inside nothing
Fractions-of everything in degrees
Factors-of all concepts
All around the circle
Toutured memory's
Broken fragments of memory's
Story parts from other lives
Wasting away-held back in life
Ghostly lover-hold on life
Ghastly lover-hold on death
Ghoulish lover-sense of humour
Ghastly & warped
Sick & twisted
No stranger to the morgue of life
Agony's unlimited
Pleasures untold
Perverseness of the mind
When you've seen the one
The mind begins to unfold
The story has to unfold
Too late to turn back time
To late to have unseen
Times from another world
Things we should have never seen
Conceptual art life
Great dark well of twisted-soul
Sometimes tasted-never known
Brings you back around-try to know it all
Reaching out for something big
You can never reach
You can never taste
You can never know from haste
Die for his persistant-taste
Not enough life left
Learning what someone can never teach
Buying what someone can never preach
Burning great license of a soul
House of rock-god hell's
Gifted with this life born of shit
The perfection of great illusions
Great lifelong tortures in earthly hells
Everything & nothing
Reaching out for everything
Everything you cannot know
Everything & nothing
What you would desire
But with nothing-for it all to show
Everything in desire & design
Everything in life & death
Nothing tangible-in this life
Very strange-in this light
Pushing yourself near all the edges
Clinging-off all the ledges
Knowledge & illusion
Pleasures & awful pain
Headfu*k of the centuary
Nothing in this life
Strangeness in the next
Widows veil
Shades of another life
Calling you back again
Wicked black rose
Perfumed with death
Smell that scent
Lure of drug
Lures you-out of life
Fall into a longer sleep
Fantasys-of falling
His fallen wirld-is calling
No longer dread
No longer to live without
Fear mired down in chains
Fear trying to master itself
Snake eating it's own tail
Risk in everything
Rocky-in all stages
Twisted-up all ages
Muse of all agony's
In this holy heaven-crazy hell
Fall out & die
The real nowhere man
Yet again-in death
Love of God-twisted with a serpents kiss
Twisted with the dnas coiled of heaven & of hell
Light turned to darkness
Darkness turned towards the light
That's one terrible kiss
That's one terrible way to die
Better than to live in blinding fears
To live without trying
To live without tasting
To live without dying
Great terrible death
Master of all weirded-hells
I feel-i fear all deaths in you
Pay the price in you-gods through you
Longing to know-everything
Before this fleeting life is gone
Falling out of life
Falling out of life & death
Falling into love & hate
When dark angels took flight long ago
Falling out of love & hate
Great coiled serpent
Tainted by all that is forbidden
Great coiled serpent
Great forbidden sins of self
Dark gods-unseen
Never seen-ever felt
Dreadful sins
Bound to you in light & darkness
Bound to you-in eternal life
No release through-easy death.......💀🌶️



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