Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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6 entries this month

23:24 Mar 23 2012
Times Read: 700

Doll House update. :)

Worked on some of the decorations for the Christmas/Yule. Also we worked on the making food from clay, and other items from clay. The turkey is not ours, but the eggs, tatters, peas, and beans are. As well as the red cranberries.

Also set it up a little, see what else we need. We started with cookies... good lord but those are small... to put on the tree, and the tree topper that is a star. Also more candles that are new, never been used. And yeap= I did not get photos of those. They might have to be just test runs. ;)

Still a long list of things to make, fun to be had trying to make said items. And just so everyone knows- Cat sucks at making peas. lol But she is good on the tatters, eggs.

We have worked long enough on this it needs dusting. ;)

And in the season of spring... some bubbles. ;)



23:34 Mar 23 2012

I love the dollhouse. I love the details that you guys are putting into it. It really makes me want to make one!

00:01 Mar 24 2012

04:03 Mar 27 2012

The potatoes and eggs are amazing. I also love the little mossy bits that come through some wall seams...and the evergreen on the fireplace...and...and...I love it ALL!!!

20:57 Mar 28 2012

Wow, I'm impressed, the details are amazing! Love the veggies :)


22:42 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 745

Zombie makeup. Trying out the gelatin, latex, oatmeal, and tissue paper tricks. I know it is way overboard, but wanted to try all the tricks at once, to see how they play out. :)

I think I ate a stoner back on 54th street man...



22:46 Mar 18 2012

Crazy spooky!!! Love it.

23:09 Mar 18 2012


23:09 Mar 18 2012

Verrrrah nice!

01:19 Mar 19 2012

Great timing! Hehe...

I can't believe that someone so beautiful can make themselves look so creepy.

01:21 Mar 19 2012

I know- The Walking Dead got me in the mood. :)

Oh please- it is the beauty makeup that takes forever. lol

03:17 Mar 19 2012

Great work!

10:26 Mar 19 2012



02:27 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 779

Found a old wooden barn. These are slowing going away as metal buildings are replacing them. I love a barn. And these photos show you why.. light and shadow.

The metal roof made me pull over, get out. Who knew what beauty it would hold. :)

Nails as old as me..



02:37 Mar 18 2012

The light on the walls...♥

02:40 Mar 18 2012

Me too. Really- a model, a wedding dress with cowboy boots, and this lighting... I can just see a photo shot. :)

10:06 Mar 18 2012

...and who left the door open?!

14:01 Mar 18 2012

Not me! lol On the barn photo you see a shadow of the big metal building that took the place of this barn. :( It was empty but for a few things left. But you don't get shadow play in a metal barn.

14:44 Mar 18 2012

Light and shadow... Makes me miss the ol' barn.

23:02 Mar 18 2012

You'd love all the old buildings and barns out here between Princeton and Hoptown. The barns out here don't even have metal roofs. On my way to school is even an old hospital. Way creepy to drive by it at night. There's an old plantation house that was abandoned out here too. THAT's the one I want to go in and check out whenever I get the free time. Place looks ginormous.

01:20 Mar 19 2012

Like everyone else here I love the play on light and shadow, just so cool.


02:21 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 784

This old wooden house is only a few miles away from me, shame it took me this long to get to it. I found the owner, a really nice man. He warned me of the electric fence, and the cows. But sent me off to take photos with his blessing. *scratching his head, thinking how silly I was*

Now this is one place I have to go back to. Why? Please NOTE= I did not go in. Point for me, Birdy and Cat!! :D

But I have to go back, get on that front porch and get a photo of the stairway. A photo of that fireplace, thinking a window is the best way in. I will say, as you will see- they boarded up most of the doors, even inside the home.

So- let's start with the cow that stood, and watched me cross the fence, then gave out a soun sadden Mooo... as I told it I had just eaten its sister for lunch. Yes, I know. Mean. But I got shit all over my shoes damn it. lol

It moved along to join the other two dozen or so cows. Now the history- the owner told me his great great great grandfather got the house and land in a trade. The section on the left was built by a Dr. over 100 years ago. The section on the right was what his family added. He has done nothing to keep it up, doesn't see the beauty.

Note the wooden beams, made out of plain tree trunk? The way this is done I think they use to use this place to hang tobacco in.

Moving closer- the stove... *breaks my heart*

I went into the doorway, but the small room is limited by the boarded up door that goes into the rest of the home, and the floor that was breaking under me.

Front door that has a name. Hmm.. and hits me mid thigh. So have to go back with a step ladder, and someone to call the 911 in case. lol But I have to see that stairway.. just have to. Front porch---

Back to the side, and putting my camera between the wooden planks. The wooden panel on the walls.. aged so lovely. Wish someone would save it, reuse it.

Fireplace.. that I can't get a photo of. Enough to see it had a cast iron facing, still there, left to ruiin. :(

The stairway... *drools*

Yes- going back to this place. :)



10:04 Mar 18 2012

Even in this state it's easy to see and imagine how it would have looked in its day.

01:22 Mar 19 2012

Wow, I have to wonder at hold it is. And the stories it could tell if only ...


01:59 Mar 18 2012
Times Read: 795

This is a hotel in TN that had a fire a few years ago. Cat and I stop by to see if I could get in, and I could. But after a little chat with a local, and finding out it was full of homeless people- Cat put her foot down. And I have to say I was with her, not ready to go into a 5 story hotel with no backup.

Friday I drove by and notice the dumpsters and construction trailer/office in the parking lot. So I stop by and found a man who let me go into the hotel, walking me thru. Have to say I got in too late, the scrappers and this crew who was here to clear out the building, had been busy. The hotels rooms was empty, the bathrooms damaged by them or the homeless. The top floor restaurant kitchen and basement broiler room just empty shells.

But still- wanted to share. The few items left, seems like the place was frozen in a time warp. Can see the owner would never fix the hotel after the fire, reason the State took it over and now cleaning it out to sell.

1st floor


Front desk, open elevator.

More hallways as we went up the stairway...

5th Floor restaurant view. I have always wanted to come up here, never been before. Great view, even with the paint ball splashes. The railing for the balcony is gone, so I was too chicken to go out the doors. Broken tables and chairs is all that is left of this place.

Mid splash..

As you can tell, it had started to rain, so I thanked the man and left. A few outside shots.

You can see where the fire was, and how badly the hotel has fallen into ruin. The railings was gone, long taken by scrappers.

The curved area on the main floor is the lobby area. The top floor is the restaurant, with the long balcony that is missing the railings.

While the hotel has a name, it will always be called the Christmas Tree hotel by our family. The sign for the hotel is a huge Christmas Tree shaped sign, sorry I missed getting a photo of it.

We always used it as a reference point- "I think that is the Christmas tree exit." "It should be the exit after the Christmas tree hotel".

Now it is gone forever. :(



02:08 Mar 18 2012

I love your drippy-mossy picture. It's kind of sad, in a creepy way.

02:19 Mar 18 2012

I agree with the above comment. I love how the water made the dew on the mossy/grassy table. Pretty cool shots!!

02:24 Mar 18 2012

Reminds me of how my house I grew up in is now a parking lot. Sometimes changes suck.

I like the long hallway with the light and dark contrasts.

14:44 Mar 18 2012

Absolutely beautiful.


02:37 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 776

Been working on the miniature room box some. While it is the size of a 'room' I wanted to try and make a cabin, thinking out in the woods, colonial times. For our first, it is not bad. The fire place is made out of the drink holders you get at fast food restaurants as I refused to pay $30.00 for a fireplace. The logs and wood for the floor was purchased. The rest made by hand. ;) You can tell by the crookedness. lol

Next ones we are just going to do the 'room' tho. Fall we plan a same time period, but just a kitchen. Midsummer is going to be a fairy, a witch cabin, outside ritual one, and a winter fairy land that is going to be set for a Yule party, already got a white Christmas tree for it. All silver, white. We got so many ones in our heads, to make and do.

What is left? We are making a thatched roof with wooden beams, trunk at the end of the bed. A feather bed, pillow. Rocking chair, maybe two small stools, a wood table under the window, and since this is the Yule/Winter cabin- we are doing a Christmas tree with candles on it. The few spaces between the log is going to get a little brown moss to cover. The bed still needs some touches, lots of little things to do, be months before we get it the way we both see it in our heads. What I like working on a project with Cat- we throw it back and forth, come up with an answer/ look we both like.

We are having so much fun doing this. :)

Cat took the photos, I keep forgetting to take my camera.

Tree with candles, decorations. Yule log, Gingerbread house, candles, cookies. I can just see it in my head. Now the trick is to make it. :D



02:56 Mar 01 2012

THis is just so damned NEAT!

03:13 Mar 01 2012

Nice...not what I pictured but awesome none the less.

05:33 Mar 01 2012

How fun! Bet it just gets those creative juices flowing :)

09:48 Mar 01 2012

This is so damn amazing. The time and effort to get the detail and scale, O.o

WoW! Nice work, it looks soooo real.

13:29 Mar 01 2012

I'm so glad you "volunteered" to sew the mattress of course that might be because you're tired of seeing me running for band aids while handling sharp metal things. lol

Looking at it from this angle do we need to distress the bookcase to make it fit in better? Plus I remembered a candle stand from a furniture history book I read once that would actually fit perfectly by our bed. I'll see if I can find it again. :p

13:41 Mar 01 2012

We might want to think about black washing the bookcase, as it is next to the fire place. Even make it a little darker at that side. It does look new to the rest so... yes. :)

I also want to try and work on the grate for fireplace. I think I have the perfect thing, thinking on it last night.


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