Xzavier's Journal


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23 entries this month

04:56 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 789

...the updated image of Area 51.



05:02 Oct 30 2009

that's a long ass runway.

and then they added an extension to it.


*strokes invisible goatee*

12:48 Nov 11 2009

nice view. and yes, thats a long ass runway.

still sweeeeet pic


04:25 Oct 30 2009
Times Read: 802

I just got an updated sat. image of "Area 51" it was taken 4 months ago and is 3 years more advanced than Google Earth. It has 61 buildings/installations labeled as well as their actual building numbers. It's got a 0.5m resolution making it the highest res ever produced.

Obviously the image is rather large. If I can find a way to scale it down w/o making items practically invisible I'll post it.



04:34 Oct 30 2009

no such thing as "area 51"

04:41 Oct 30 2009

Oh of course not. Thats why they receive a $100 million a year in government funding :)

04:52 Oct 30 2009

you tell em Doc !

05:02 Oct 30 2009

prove it lol

05:04 Oct 30 2009

hmm do we have to take a trip to new mexico dear ?

05:06 Oct 30 2009

It's in Nevada hun lol Groom Lake, next to Nellis AFB and north of Las Vegas.

05:10 Oct 30 2009

and just what (as a man of science) do you think goes on in this "area 51" xzavier?


05:42 Oct 29 2009
Times Read: 815

Thanks to Kevin I know what I want for my Bday and Christmas. Now the question becomes will I actually get them? haha



06:01 Oct 29 2009

I know what I want for Christmas too! Thanks to someone else entirely...


07:48 Oct 29 2009

It's okay, I'm working on the 'script' for the video now.

Would you prefer it shot as POV or voyeur?

04:57 Oct 30 2009

ya i know what i wished or my birthday and i am still waitin so maybe by christmas.....


23:19 Oct 27 2009
Times Read: 835

I need to stop cooking so much or I'll end up looking like a cow lol

I got a really pleasant surprise earlier today. My store's first order :D And it was for $450!

So my ex girlfriend now has 2 kids and a hubby. She was nice so she deserves a happy family. Personally I'm still unsure if I want kids or not. One thing I did struggle with when I fully came out as gay was the notion that I couldn't have my own children. Adoption is one thing but having your own blood is another. I guess when I'm actually in a position to have kids I'll think more on it, until then I'll be happy with my niece and nephew.

No clue what I'm doing for Halloween. My friend wants me to go out with her, my brother wants me with them...I don't know. I enjoy Halloween but it's not a major thing in my eyes.




05:31 Oct 27 2009
Times Read: 854

O M G I just got attacked by a chick!

I received a "remember me" type message from this girl I used to date and saw a picture of her sister (whom I also dated) and dayum, she be hot! lol

What a small world it is. At least it brought some happy to the past few days.

Ok, ok I can hear everyone going "What the hell, he's a queer right?" I was gay then and I'm gay now the only difference is I'm free to be gay today. Well ok, I guess I was a little bi back then and even now. I've never had sex with a woman and I'm not sure I'd ever want to but strangely enough I do find some women attractive and such.

So I went out with this chick for a few months, we broke up and then I dated her sister for a while. This was when the group "Hanson" was huge and they had their pictures all over their rooms so of course while I'm talking to my "girlfriend" I'm thinking of the boys :)

I've only had two encounters with sisters, these two and then from a few years ago. I was out at the mall with my bf and he runs into these sisters from their high school. Of course I start flirting (I flirt with just about everyone) and one thing leads to the next. She asks me to bite her, I do and then her sister asks the same. She falls down as my teeth sink into her neck. It was all a rather fun night.

I suppose that just about sums up my "straight" history lol

(And no "K" I didn't know you when I was molesting females so don't go telling my friends I cheated on you! ;) lmao)



11:37 Oct 27 2009

You whore, you. :P

12:14 Oct 27 2009

Note to self: Pick up lines that work on Xzavier - 'Bite me'

02:33 Oct 28 2009

Prophecy took my comment...*nods* yup...that sums it up nicely. ;)


23:04 Oct 24 2009
Times Read: 885

(Rant followed by relationship rules)

There's one thing I really can't stand and that's a whiny queer...or person in general.

So because I don't talk to you for a bit that means the world has ended and I hate you? Or better yet, it means that "sorry I'm such a looser. I can never keep anyone good." Do you have any clue how pathetic that makes you sound?

Sure I'm probably being rather mean right now but damn it, act like an adult. Every message I get from you is the same damn thing, it's annoying. Ever wonder *why* I don't reply?

Here are 15 rules to follow if you want a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend and you want it to grow and last:

1. Don't try to change someone.

2. Don't assume the negative. (that can end a relationship quick)

3. Think about the small things and ask "how was your day" or say "I love you" before it's said to you.

4. If a question is asked of you, reply then ask the same. Example, if I ask how your day was, tell me and then ask how mine was. Don't force a person to volunteer information, it's rude and can be annoying.

5. Don't say something unless you mean it and if you mean it, act like it.

6. Never try to control someone. If you disagree with something then try to politely come to terms but in the end, accept it or move on.

7. Take the person as they are, 100%. If you want to be in a relationship with them then work to be in every part of their life that they want you in.

8. Do everything you can to be involved. I like physics, coins, politics, philosophy, hiking...so learn those things and get involved. I don't like certain things, if you like what I don't like, don't push it.

9. Always reciprocate. If I do something do something in return and if you do something I'll reciprocate.

10. In keeping with "the little things" don't be afraid to buy random gifts or do something along those lines. You'd be amazed at how far a rose, card, sweet email, new pen etc will go.

11. Know your limits, your role and your rights (or lack there of) and don't try to exceed them.

12. Try to think about the things you do, say, how you act and ask yourself if it could be annoying, then act accordingly.

13. Always try to look at things from the other persons point of view.

14. Don't be "needy" and don't act like you're full of self doubt, even if you are.

15. In the end remember to be pleasant, honest and open. Admit your mistakes and limits, admit the other person may be above you, don't act like you're above someone (even if you are), don't be afraid of criticism, don't be rude, don't think the other person is out to get you, and equally work to make things better.

All of these things can be applied to just about every aspect of a relationship (friends, lovers, business partners etc). Remember to always think broadly, think personally and apply them. And don't forget that these rules go both ways.

Of course if you or the other person is mentally deficient or they're psycho and want to wear your skin as a coat these rules might not apply :) lol



23:11 Oct 24 2009

You trying to take on Dr. Phil??

01:14 Oct 25 2009

see thats why you will be single the rest of your life lol

16:12 Oct 25 2009

Ignore him doc... I agree its. The little things to let them know they are thought of is very sweet... hmm - I just sent that mean oleman of mine something sweet...


09:34 Oct 23 2009
Times Read: 921

So I just watched "The Messengers" and thought one of the actors was cute.

I Googled his name, Dustin Milligan, went to his site and look through some of his pics. I came across this one:


If you notice on his stomach he has a small mark, freckle thingy...well I've got one in the same exact spot. Just thought that was kinda interesting. Of course the most interesting part to look at isn't the freckle ;)

Just more randomness from my wee little brain :)



11:49 Oct 23 2009

He looks like he's in pain lol

23:42 Oct 24 2009

There apparently is a fine line between looking smouldering and "I gotta go to the bathroom I am holding it so quick take the photo!"

02:35 Oct 28 2009

Carnelian is right...it does kind of look like he's about to drop a load. LOL!

But other then that.....yummy. :O


02:11 Oct 22 2009
Times Read: 936

I just made mom and me a really nice dinner :)

It was seasoned Angus steak w/ sauce on rice with beans and buttered garlic grilled toast. Dessert was hot blueberry strudel.

Ya can't say I'm not a good house wife haha

On an unrelated note, I think my ankles are broken lol. They hurt insanely bad :(



02:39 Oct 22 2009

your making me hungry

03:30 Oct 22 2009

I just has some toasted sour cream and onion Ritz o_O

14:03 Oct 23 2009

well does that mean your gonna be our housewife ? hehe

02:36 Oct 28 2009

Make meh dinner woman! LOL


08:45 Oct 21 2009
Times Read: 950

I just watched "Drag Me to Hell" and it was NOT worth the $20 and 45min of blood I paid for it.

There were several continuity problems in it and the main actor was absolutely horrible. The supporting cast and graphics were pretty good though.


I'm really going to have to stop getting movies made post-2001, with the exception of a very few they all suck and I mean bad!



13:01 Oct 21 2009

Never watch movies made after 2000, never listen to music made after 1990, and never listen to opera....ever.

16:19 Oct 21 2009

Coulda asked me before you bought it.

any movie re-made from a Japanese horror movie is going to bed bad.even a movie remade from a classic horror movie is going to suck.


05:14 Oct 21 2009
Times Read: 969

You know they say that the smarter a person is the less common sense things they have. Today, I proved that :)

I bought a movie, ''Drag Me to Hell", and was trying to open it with a knife. Instead of using soft, direct slices I took a more barbaric approach. Pushing the knife (one which I actually sharpened last week) between plastic folds, the plastic opened up as easily as Moses and the Red Sea and then so did my finger.

The knife actually stopped at the bone and my index finger bleed for a good 45 min. It hurt not good lol

Before that I actually was have a very nice day :D Oh well, live and learn...maybe not.



05:16 Oct 21 2009

let that be a lesson to ya, never buy a scary movie and pick up a knife lol

05:24 Oct 21 2009

I know a few people like that online and off!! LOL

05:26 Oct 21 2009

*gives him a scooby doo bandaid*

06:49 Oct 21 2009

Heh. Did the exact same thing not too long ago.

My finger still hurts.


07:08 Oct 20 2009
Times Read: 982

Sorry I've been gone the last several days. I started having an episode Thurs and it didn't fully end until Sat, Sun and today I've just spent resting and building my strength back up.

It wasn't as bad as most but it still wouldn't have been the best thing to get online when I couldn't pick my head up out of the toilet lol.

Anyways I'm back, feeling good and strangely emotionally fit soo yay :)



07:55 Oct 20 2009

gees both my two favorite men in TN are sick as hell, glad your feeling better... i did start searching the areas today, operation rachy freedom is almost in effect !

10:27 Oct 20 2009

Good to have ya back hon...missed ya *hugs*.


08:44 Oct 14 2009
Times Read: 1,014

Ugh I hate my brain!

So I write that entry below, talking about feeling like I have nothing, have done nothing etc. Then I go to bed a few hours later.

I have a dream, a dream where a tornado hits and takes out everything I actually do have. I woke up very, very unnerved.

So perhaps it's more emotion than reality but still, I am freaking out over getting older with so few prospects. But, at least, it would seem my current position isn't as empty as I thought.



08:50 Oct 14 2009

Maybe this dream is telling you to appreciate what you do have, even if it's not as much as you'd like it to be.

08:53 Oct 14 2009

embrace the emptyness lol

09:02 Oct 14 2009

Well if you end up in oz.... please dnt land on my sister the lasttwister killed my other one and listen up bish da shoes are mine lol

13:55 Oct 14 2009

~grins~ Tornados both terrify me and thrill me. The power and destructive capacity is awe inspiring and horrifying.

What it mean? Dunno. Maybe look it up?

02:23 Oct 17 2009

awww dont dispair xzavier, just because the fruit of your youth is rotting on the vine is no reason to make those crows feet worse..*hugs*


22:14 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 1,034

Midlife crisis, reflections etc....

I'm 2 months away from my 25th birthday and I feel completely barren of accomplishments, future capabilities and relationships.

Yes I have DONE a hell of a lot, more than many accomplish in their whole lives but since I have done so much it only stands to reason that I continue...right?

I have no job, no car, no family of my own. I can't stand the thought of having to start all over at 25. Getting my pharmacy license back, going to school again, having to depend on gov checks (if I even win my case) and all this so when I'm 30 I'll have what I did when I was 20.

Then of course there's the whole thing of family. You know I may be gay but I'm also human. I want a family period and in this world there's little chance of that happening and I'm still having to deal with things I thought were simple and easy to overcome when it comes to having a relationship. At least they were in the past.

Yes I could live until I'm 80 or 90 but who wants to begin life when they're already 1/4-1/3 of the way through? I've made a lot of mistakes in life, one of them is not ending things when I should have, another not using self discipline but still I feel like I should be so much further than I am now.

Maybe I'm thinking like this because I'm in a position where I either have or think I have little control over, maybe it's because I haven't worked in 2 full years. There are times when I get full of energy and drive, do a lot of things and prepare to do more and then I get slapped down from sickness. One day I was getting my transcripts ready the next day and 3 more beyond that I was throwing up and wishing I could go to sleep and not wake up. Is that how it's going to be from now on? If it is I don't see how I can really advance and *live* life.

If I have to start a new I want to start out completely new, with nothing holding me back from the now or past. But, I'd prefer to just pick up where I left off and move forward, that doesn't seem probable.

Perhaps I think to much.



22:36 Oct 13 2009

No dear you don't think too much. And I know just how you feel... Starting over at 36 is no easier ya know. That feeling of no control can be very overwhelming as you very well know I am very familair with it. Family.. yes that would be nice, but I have all but given up hope on that. I think for me with the cold shortly to arrive it just makes me feel awefully sad, I do believe I need some warm sun therapy. Ya know Doc, if it were not for some of the talks you and I have had, I really would feel hopeless.

23:56 Oct 13 2009

Yes, you think too much. ~grins~

00:07 Oct 14 2009


03:30 Oct 14 2009

Wow, this is depressing.

Not to make light of it. i feel almost the same way. Except, i'm not as far along as you. . . .


10:03 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 1,056

Is it weird that I find Patrick Stewart incredibly sexy? Well him and Tim Gunn lol



10:41 Oct 13 2009

I would find it weird if you didn't think Patrick Stewart to be increidbly sexy

Seriously - The guy is awesome - He is distilled AWESOME

11:02 Oct 13 2009

Nah, it is how he carries himself and the accent man, it is all in the tone of voice ;) If I was gay i would think so as well, but because I am not he is really cool and someone to emulate for 'presence'.

17:15 Oct 13 2009

I ♥ Time Gunn. He is fabulous.

17:16 Oct 13 2009


I love him so much ; He makes me tremble. ;)

00:58 Oct 14 2009

Both are sexy guys. You have great taste!


01:54 Oct 13 2009
Times Read: 1,073

Here are the rings I was talking about.

This is a sliver band with channel set diamonds about .15ct. Retail is around $120 but I got it for way less.

Here we have a 10kt yellow gold mens ring with .25-.30ct of diamonds. It's retail is $150

And this sexy thing is a genuine black pearl 11mm in size with diamond accents with silver band. Retail $220

I had the chance of getting them super cheap so of course I couldn't say no. If anyone wants all 3 or just one feel free to let me know and you can have it for the amount of my expenses.

They are loverly ain't they?



02:33 Oct 13 2009

These are gorgeous. I am interested in the pearl ring, and would like to inquire about it's price. :)

08:29 Oct 13 2009

I'm looking for 'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'.

12:58 Oct 13 2009

Ohhh sparlies very pretty Doc ....=P

17:17 Oct 13 2009

The pearl ring is absolutely stunning!


21:09 Oct 12 2009
Times Read: 1,094

If anyone's interested in a genuine black pearl ring with diamond accents let me know. It's taken up space and I can only wear so many women's rings before people start asking questions lol. Seriously though it's beautiful and obviously I have no use for it.

Last nights fall really did a work on my shoulders. Thankfully though it hasn't sent me into a depressive state so I'm still all happy and bouncy :)



21:17 Oct 12 2009

Sounds nice ;) The ring that is, not the fall :P

22:50 Oct 12 2009

You should definitely post pictures of the ring. I love black pearls. :)

23:24 Oct 12 2009

nah you should justs sends it to me hehe =P pearl is also used for june babies ya know lol

23:27 Oct 12 2009

i dont want your cracker jack box ring silly lol


06:10 Oct 12 2009
Times Read: 1,109

Arg! What a day!

Around 4 PM my brother called me asking if I'd go to Nashville with him to pick up a car and bring it to his house so he could fix it for a friend (who had kindly left it, jackass). Thinking it would take no more than an hour I said sure.

We got to the car at 5:30ish and after going over it we found it's belt broken and water pump busted as well. This meant that we had to fix the car where it was...35 miles from home and sitting at a gas station.

After a few minutes it looked like he could fix it by himself so I took my nephew to a nearby store. We got back to the car 45min later or so. My brother had fixed the pump but for some reason the belt was being problematic.

The design of the engine made it very difficult to do a simple belt change. It took us until 9:20 PM to finish. We had to disconnect the engine block, remove guards, raise half the motor (or 400lb worth of dead weight, just the two of us) and get all nice and bloody.

During a low period I spent some time with my nephew and was walking up to him when I fell. I have no clue what happened, I didn't trip, wasn't pushed, I just fell. I actually skid on my hands and landed on the side of my face. So now I not only have the cuts from the car but cuts, shredded skin and bruises on my hands, knees and face.

The reason my falling is so important is because it fits into the progression of symptoms of my condition. The last 2 months I've been having a really hard time remembering words, spelling, putting together thoughts and now I have a fall to add to it. For the longest time I was presenting with highly atypical symptom clusters and progressions, usually neurological issues like memory loss and lack of coordination come first but not with me, now it seems I'm right on track.

I'm in a lot of pain but I really don't mind. It was an interesting but good 4 hours with my brother and nephew....he's such a great kid.

And I'm pushing 124lbs :)

So that was my day.



09:13 Oct 12 2009

hugs the fragile x man ...its gettin too cold here for me the snow is coming soon i plan to be out of here before it hits... imma think a nice place someplace warm whats ya think ? Meh what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger right ?

14:14 Oct 12 2009

All I fucking read was Nashville and then I realised you were a fucking hick

You're such a fuckin' hick!

19:49 Oct 12 2009

*looks up at Viridian* Now get it right. He is a gay hick. Sheesh!!!

All I could think, while reading this, was "Welcome to my world." I have times where my leg doesn't support me and I fall. Just walking along and boom, on the floor. I have a hard time saying words that I know, but I can no longer pronounce. Like someone with a stutter, trying to get the word out. Each time you start, it doesn't sound right. Or to look at something and can see the name of it in your head, but unable to verbalize it. You can describe it, but you can't name it.

At first you believe your mind is going, or that Alzheimer's is hitting you way early. But its part of the disease, its part of the progression and all we can do is deal.

I'm here if you need to talk, it sometimes helps to be able to talk to someone who can say, "Been there, done that." *huggles*

20:17 Oct 12 2009

I may be a GAY hick mister sister Viridian but at least my IQ is greater than that of the total number of US citisens! lol

LadyC, I don't wanna deal dang it! But I suppose I must. Thanks and *hugs*.


03:51 Oct 10 2009
Times Read: 1,120

Yup, my brother has lost his mind and may or may not be on the road to either a casket or prison.




05:10 Oct 07 2009
Times Read: 1,130

Well the site for my coin company is up and running.


Right now it's just a basic set up but it keeps costs down and serves it's purpose rather well.

Over the next few days there I'll be adding A LOT more products. So take a look, buy something and make us both happy lol.

The last few years I've just been doing this off and on as a local thing but now I think I'm ready for much larger base of operation.




04:24 Oct 06 2009
Times Read: 1,145

Ok, I get it. I forgot something pretty big. Sorry.

We did go over the whole brain damage thing with me right?

At least I don't "toon" out when I ask you about your interview an hour later and you have no idea what "how'd it go?" means! :D

You think you're upset, annoyed? I deal with issues like this, though generally smaller admittedly, at least once a day with your butt.

You'll survive.

I love you now stop switching schools every other week....or year! lol



04:38 Oct 06 2009

lol gay peoplez, gotta love them


22:05 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 1,156

Last night was a living hell.

I went to sleep around 1 AM and then woke up at 4 AM with the most intense pain I've ever felt.

Apparently I had tried to stretch out my right leg and when I did that something happened. For the next several hours it felt as though my leg was being broken along the joints and torn out my hip all at the same time. I cried for a nice long while.

The muscles and nerves down my back and into each hip are still hurting but the major pain has gone down for the most part.

It was horrible. I tried to walk around a bit and with each step it was like I was jabbing uber large needles straight up, upward in the bone. On a scale of 1-10 it was a 9. My usual pain level w/o medication is a 7, and during this I was on pain meds. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like w/o any meds.

To make things even better my carpel tunnel has been acting up the past few days as well.


So, anyone know what was going on with VR last night?




15:56 Oct 03 2009
Times Read: 1,207

I'm sure Ill get slammed for this and my "Friends List" will drop by 100 but I don't care.

I watch the news, read blogs, listen to people talk on this subject and the vast majority of the time it's a bunch of pseudo-religious and overblown attempt at forced morality (as in they're trying to hard to look like a "good person") when it comes to this issue.

The issue, consensual sex between an older and younger person.

Now, first let me say that any coerced, drugged or any otherwise forced attempt at sexual relations with anyone of any age is wrong. Why is it wrong? Because it violates a person's right to choose and for free individuals (which we all are today) there has never been a culture which allowed this, at least not any major culture.

An age of consent I feel is a very good thing and if some nations and their people feel that it is best for it to be 18 then that's just fine. There should be a minimum age which sexual behaviour is and isn't appropriate, but it should be based in science not opinion. However, if it is 18 then 18 year olds should be afforded every right available, not just some.

But, and do not misunderstand a single word of this, there is ZERO medical or evolutionary reason why the age of 18 *should* be an age of consent over any other age in that area.

For the vast majority of human history sex and reproduction has been the right of every person, physically and mentally able/appropriate (a person in and past puberty). In fact, for example, if pubescence was the limiting factor then males shouldn't be allowed to have sex until the age of 23, when they have fully developed..of course for females it's anywhere from 16-18.

The only moral outrage comes from those who have some religious stand point (forgetting all the 12 and 14 year olds who bore children in the Bible) or a false sense of ethics.

Morals come from god, but which god.

Ethics come from society, societies have made it ethical to kill races, babies, imprison the mentally handicapped, and a host of other things.

So, on the issue of sex where do we turn? We turn to science, to logic. Science says that an "AOC" of 18 is completely arbitrary.

Now, I'm not saying it's right for a 45 year old to have sex with a 13 year old, though that is really just based on my own sense of morality. But I am saying that we place far to much importance on something as arbitrary as age.

True there are a great many 15 year olds who haven't the mental or physical capacity to engage in a proper sexual relationship but there are also many who can.

And in this world of "individual rights" and "freedom through humanism" it's really rather hypocritical that so many get in such an uproar over it.

Of course I am not a humanist by any means but I do think we've overstepped our self-appointed power over the species.

Why am I writing this? Because I'm bored and tired of hearing people moan about it.

It's only been the last 100 years or so where this issue has really become such a big thing and it's only become that due to the influence those of a single religion. I happen to be part of that religion and I've never read anything, actually, about a specific age for reproduction or the ability to marry based on the age of 18. Most actually agree that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was younger than 18.

The ability to begin a family or begin their steps into adulthood should only be limited to the individual's physical and mental faculties. If I'm not mistaken that's the law in Bolivia.

Just because our ever changing society says something is right or wrong doesn't mean it actually is. This goes for a great number of issues not just this one.

We need to be much more aware of our own history and development when handing down rules that may have zero basis in reality.

Again, I am not advocating anything I'm just saying this particular thing is one example of laws going against human nature.

*Now, let the "perv" and other hate mail begin*



16:09 Oct 03 2009

I believe that to have sex you have to be mature because sex is not only a physical pleasure but a responsibility, therefore being 18 doesn't necessary give you maturity.

However a certain religion allows adult men to marry 6-7 year old girls. That is wrong morally and scientifically.

16:12 Oct 03 2009

My point exactly. Yes having sex with a 9 year old is wrong, because fact/science says it is. And plenty of 18 year olds have no clue about responsibility.

17:08 Oct 03 2009

i agree wholeheartedly with you. There's too much emphasis on age, and for the wrong reasons.

i saw all this happen here, over someone mentioning his local age of consent was 15, i believe. . . . For the longest time, here in Canada it was 14. That doesn't make anybody a pervert. In fact it would probably be interesting to look into it and find out how exactly that conclusion was made. Knowledge is the key.

18:32 Oct 03 2009

I'd like to expand more though, in the old times it was legal to marry a girl at 13 with a man of 50 even in Europe.

Honestly I don't like the idea that nowadays people are having sex at 12, 13, etc... and brag about it.

Who is me to judge? No one, but most of the time sex is had at that age to conform rather than because of a personal choice.

Even people over 18 can be that much immature. I like to think that sex has to be done with responsibility and with love, if not love at least a little respect for yourself and your sexual partner. But it seems these kind of words are seen as a fairy tale nowadays or old fashioned.

What I'm saying is, that to me, it's like nowadays to be accepted you have to brag about how much sex you have, if you do it at a young age the better. It is like a competition of who does it the most and at the youngest age.

People value more the quantity than the quality.

In all honesty, I don't like mostly who is an adult and brags about sexual engagement with teenagers. If he brags about it, then he doesn't see the quality of it, but uses his sexual act as a trophy. It is different to say: ''I had sex with a teen because we wanted to,'' rather than:'' it's cool to f___ teens.''

I know it's not your topic in this journal entry, but these things anger me and still my point was about sex anyway.

19:53 Oct 03 2009

Hey your comments are related to the entry so make em all you want. I really do value what people have to say.

And I agree. I think that because there is such an emphasis on age, some people who do have sex with "minors" see it more of a conquest than for any more respectable reason.

Making laws against certain activities with little no legitimate reason (for example smoking pot) does nothing but make the banned object (be it a weed or a person, they become objects in this case) something to be sought after and more prone to abuse.

I've heard several highly respected and educated individuals talk about this very point. That having such an arbitrary law on such a serious matter is a driving factor in child abuse, sex slave, human trafficking etc. I feel that if we were to reconsider how we govern, things like child trafficking would almost disappear.

We can never fully protect everyone, it's just not possible. But you don't protect something by making it a prized object in a $3 BILLION a year industry. The only reason why it's such a huge thing is because of the law. People have desires and curiosities and you keep those from turning negative by providing a logical frame work of guidelines for behaviour.

There are bad people and they are going to do bad things no matter what the law is to "minors" AND adults, you can't prevent that. But what you can prevent is an innocent 21 year old from having their life ruined by jail and offender lists because they met a wonderful, mature 17,16 year old who entered into a mutual and consensual relationship with them.

20:02 Oct 03 2009

Very true.

We can't protect everyone, and we can't decide when one is mature.

04:02 Oct 04 2009

hell ive had to protect mbk for years from you xzavier and your butt hunger lol

21:19 Oct 04 2009

You read the news??? *Removes from friend list*

The average age of puberty is now 12.5 years of age. it used to be 16 only a few generations ago. Say what you will as to why, but humans are becoming sexual earlier in their development. As yet, law has not recognised this.


04:51 Oct 03 2009
Times Read: 1,216

Well I've started to build an online store through eCRATER. It seems simple enough and hopefully it'll help me out a lot.

I've also decided on a name and working on the logo. "SSR Coin Company" the SSR stands for "Southland Strategic Reserve" given that I'm in the South and want to build up a reserve of bullion for various reasons and purposes and to use that as a means of building a huge and diverse inventory. Also because Xzavier's Coin is to hard to spell for most people and Jay's Coin has been taken by no less than 45,000 other folks :) lol

Remember if anyone wants to buy silver or gold for investment or any other type of coin for a collection, gift or just for fun...let me know. There's really no limit to how much or little I can get for ya. (shameless plug I know)

Other than that..I've gained another pound, so 122lbs now :) And I was able to walk all the way to the Courthouse, first time in 2 years. I had to take several breaks along the way but the weather was just too nice to stay inside.

Also, if anyone is looking for a really nice ring, let me know. I know of a local place, going out of biz, who has an awesome selection of rings for uber discounted prices. (it's where I got my cameo) They should be closed for good by the end of next week BUT they are holding some of their inventory for me. My friend Jenn gave me some money to get her a ring. It was less than $120!!!

Silver band, huge clear pink sapphire, diamonds on the sides. The two dark areas are actually proof of it's clearness and reflections of the camera.

I had something else to talk about but I forgot what it was about...me gettin old! haha



08:26 Oct 03 2009

im telling ya forget about the coins and get into realestate xzavier....now is the time.

16:14 Oct 14 2009

Don't listen to him doc I am supposed to be his grasshoppa...0.-... That ting is beautiful though...your not getting old when you get to 1/2 Ayw's age then we will call you old and senile.

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