Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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26 entries this month

‘Nude Nuns With Big Guns...’

00:19 Dec 30 2010
Times Read: 860

On Wednesday afternoon I went a walk, the first in day’s, thanks to aching joints a full apathy due to a full tum and crappy weather.

And, as cabin fever had definitely been setting in, I truy needed the walk. As it was, I called at a friends, who’s film collection is certainly as eclectic as mine and, now I have a copy of a sequel to ‘Machine Girl’, albeit in it’s original Japanese audio and, a copy of ‘Nude Nuns With Big Guns.’

Now, there’s a title to conjure with.




a safe place?

13:21 Dec 29 2010
Times Read: 890

Am in pain, in my joints, in my head; and in my heart. When you’re alone and were bulled badly as a child, the sort of thing I’ve had to endure from the likes of Glinda Lynn, LadyK./Jia/Moonie Pie and their ilk, from the lies they have told has been enough to warp the world of VR, which for five years I have liked so much.

Since a series of betrayals in my Life, I have learnt the value of honesty and, someone somewhere is not being honest: and, I know it is not me, who did what she says I have done, which means that someone really does have it in for me, goodstyle.

In my naivety, I thought that if you treat people, as you want to be treated, that was the right thing to do. Yet recent events has illustrated to me that VR has changed and that the cliques I have avoided for years are Now thriving in VR and have finally done what I feared: made my ‘safe place’ a place I no longer feel safe within. And, that does hurt; it really hurts, both figuratively and literally.

And, if that was ‘their’ intent, it was successful. I cry as I write, as I know not who to trust, what to do… or, who is ‘safe’ to turn to… for help, from those I Now perceive as the bullies of my childhood.



13:35 Dec 29 2010

-hugs tight tight-

14:53 Dec 29 2010

Neil, in all walks of life , and different forumswe come across people who betray us and the thing is to just learn how to deal with it and move on so you do not feel threaten. Why stop enjoying something for the sake of a few people? We don't have to like people to enjoy something that is offered, and besides well you have paid for it also.

15:41 Dec 29 2010

Neil, I do understand what your saying yet I feel your safe within our humble coven, I also have seen how VR has changed over time and some is not very nice at all. yet when a place becomes more populated it is inevitable that rumors and bad seeds will be planted for any who will listen and join in, even if they have no clue as to what they speak of. I am sad with and for you that it has came to this, and that I do hope you will remain with us who love and respect you and know you as you really are.

Some, need to cause chaos in order to survive, some need lies in order to survive, some need to be bitter, and have their hearts filled with hatred in order to survive, for them I pity them because they are the ones who will pay in the end, Karma is a bitch and she will strike them down when they least expect it. I know this to be true I hae seen it many times.

So my dear friend please know we here love and respect you, your a very welcomed sight to us all. just sad that some feel they have to jump on the band wagon and do it blindly as well, trusting just one side of a story. To me there is always 2 sides to everything even life itself.

HUGS* I myself have been there when I first came to VR I was the new kid on the block and the bitch from hell, till years later the crowd actually found out I was an innocent party to victious lies. I am hoping the same will come around for you.

Stay strong and let us wipe your tears my dear old friend because we are much better than any of them who wish to be liars and cheaters in life, the true road to life is a hard one and only the true people who struggle and fight for life will conquer and win over all else in the end.


Hope this hekps you some.

a true friend indeed, Ronnie

20:42 Dec 29 2010

Neil I don't know what happened but I am so sorry that you are feeling bad. I know that you have had people misuse your good nature quite a lot.

I hope you will stay on VR, you do have friends here.

On another note, I am glad I was able to raise your spirits today.

Hugs friend.

00:27 Dec 30 2010

*hugs you tight*

Yep, i feel the very same Way now.

It is no longer a safe haven and I recluse even more here now.

16:09 Dec 30 2010

I do not know what has happened Neil... I tend to stray from the drama as you know, but just remember this... hold your head high and ignore the ones that make your visits to this place bad. The only people that can hurt you are the ones you allow to do so, and if you allow them to take your haven away from you then they've won. You are better than that, and will prevail over this obstacle. You have enough people here who love you to make it worth the visits and the good times to come. We've had many talk, and at this time when things look and feel down, just recall to yourself some of the things you've said to me in the past to bring me up when needed. You will see that the simple pleasures in life are worth it, and the drama can be ignored. Don't feed the fire and it will eventually burn out and die. :) *hugs* xxx


of all things…

18:44 Dec 28 2010
Times Read: 900

After watching ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’ late Monday night, I’d sent a request into Radio Merseyside’s Frankie Connor, asking him to play ‘White Rabbit’, a version of which had played over the films end credits.

At ten to twelve Frankie Connor phoned me, to tell me to listen up, as he’d be playing my record: it obviously fitted the sixties theme of his show and, I had put my phone number on my email, as I do. Either way, it had been a really good way to start the day and, I had a wallow in the bath, listening to my track and several more that had followed it.

Much of the afternoon was spent looking for one disc, amongst hundreds, in an effort to bring together my ‘Burn notice’ collection. The mission had been successful, but had taken hours to do, although I feel it was worth it.

Besides, it had been worth it, to note some of the interesting things that I have in my collection, like for instance, the pilots for ‘Caprica’ and ‘BSG’ and ‘The Spirit’, of all things…




... no trains!

16:30 Dec 27 2010
Times Read: 912

Bank Holiday Sunday was a good day, but highly frustrating. We had dinner and the remains of the the turkey. I went to the station, to go visit Karl, only to find that both the doors to Bromborough Station were closed and locked, which intimated to me, no trains. So I went home, to watch teevee with Dad. He and I had watched “All Quiet On The Western Front’, a brilliant film, that left me asking, “How would anybody want to fight in another war after watching this?”

And then, he watched, ‘MacArthur’, a piece of really trashy american propaganda that I despised so much I had left the room in disgust.

Come the evening I watched episodes seven and eight of series two of ‘Fringe’, then the film ‘Resident Evil: Extinction’, as I typed up a story: and I can’t help but wonder whether the young lady I wrote ‘dissitate this’ will like it?




‘that’ theme tune…

20:55 Dec 25 2010
Times Read: 918

Christmas is a time for family and, I’m lucky to still have family to share it with.

So it was with pleasure I helped prepare Christmas dinner, with him.

And, during the meal, we toasted Mum and those not there and, ate enough just not too much: filled with memories, sweet memories; like Mum saying “It takes hours to cook and minutes to eat” and Dad saying, “It gets cold quick, doesn’t it?”

They’re things I’ll miss one day, yet thankfully not yet.

This year, we bought crackers that were virtually indestructible: and, for Now, I still cry at the end of the Christmas Movie and, it’s a day of Family, I’m ever-so grateful, for all I have: and, at six I got to see the Christmas Doctor Who.

{{And, I still get those goose-bumps, when I hear ‘that’ theme tune… **Smiles**}}




as I’d hoped it might be…

23:50 Dec 24 2010
Times Read: 921

My cousin Karen phoned from Australia in the morning. And later, much later I’d looked out at the snow that had thawed a little, then frozen hard in places and decided to take my aching muscles out for exercise. Needless to say, thought was worse than the deed, as it were and, once I was out I enjoyed the walk, albeit my joints with the cold ached and every bruise reminded me of Monday’s journeying.

I got home to find my aunty Marion and, my cousin Lesley waiting there. Marion had brought mince-pies, which I had for Lesley, always have had.

Come the evening I finished watching ‘thirteen’, then saw ‘ticking clock’ and then began to watch the beginning of ‘devil’, as I finished a piece of writing.

‘thirteen’ was good, ‘ticking clock’ was excellent and boy, ‘devil’ was, as good as I’d hoped it might be…




"weird frellin lot..."

15:08 Dec 23 2010
Times Read: 938

I am here writing a letter and checking out journals and putting up new pics on profile and I had learnt that I am Now blocked by an Admin. LadyKrystalynDarkstar

[[well.. FUCK knows what I did to her.. always was polite to here, before Now.]]

got a journal entry out of it in Misc though....

weird frellin lot some of 'em are!




... and, my ‘taste of Christmas.’

00:06 Dec 23 2010
Times Read: 952

After the travails of Monday, I spent much of the day sore and saying “Ow” a lot; yet even so, I had to sign on and I got there about fifty minutes, getting a naughty-boy letter for my troubles: nevermind the falls, the aching muscles, or the piles of snow and, I was late and got a ‘naughty-boy’ letter, which I’ll concede, I laughed about, with the woman trying to help me find work through government sponsored jobs. And though I laughed about it, it’s hardly funny, when I asked about it, I had learnt that if you get two or more, your benefit will be affected, seemingly reasons irrespective.

That isn’t funny.

On Wednesday, I got back from shopping, with a few packets of ‘goodie’ in my bag, as I’ve done for the last week or so and, Dad asked, “Why so many?”

So I told him quietly, as I left the room, “They’re a little taste of my Mother…” All of them tastes I associate with her, the sorts of treats she used to get for us all, each year, a little something, suiting our own individual tastes: and, my ‘taste of Christmas.’



03:50 Dec 23 2010

I think the little goodies are a wonderful idea.


... the day and, the night

11:32 Dec 21 2010
Times Read: 968

I got in Monday night at about 10:30 p.m. after some interesting journeying.

I guess it all started when my Mum got rid of her bake-ware, as she no longer used it and, I decided I wanted to bake my cake that’s a fruit-bread for Pete ‘n Vicki.

Then, deciding to travel to deliver the cake and Mandy’s thingie braved the weather, calling on Andy on the way, Vicky’s younger brother. Needless to say, something had to go awry with my plans: Andy had gone to the jobcentre, in Liscard. Well, on my wanders I met Peter, then got to Andy’s and had a pretty good time, although the pavements weren’t cool ~ well, that they had been, covered in slush and snow.

I then went to Pete ‘n Vicki’s and, by then the air had got cooler, as I walked, nay trudged as the Bright Full Moon sat in a dark blue clear sky. The snow had impacted and frozen. In places it had been just sheer ice and, I’d fallen.

Well, Peter and I talked of films, the cats were okay with me and, I chose to wait long enough to Meet Vicky, who I’d not seen properly since their wedding.

I then went to Mandy’s, having learnt from P&V that Mandy may still be away with her daughters at Euro Disney. I fell hard on the way there.

At Mandy’s, her fella Steve told me she was still away, so I left the thingie and left, my mission successful, in a long-winded way.

Then it was homeward bound and the fella who at in the opposing window seat to mine, above the heater had bad hearing loss in his left ear, two much change, as evidenced at the bus-stop, when an alcofrolic scabbed pennies of him, bad teeth and a damn loud voice; and no papers, for a smoke later, it seemed.

Well, needless to say, my shoulder bag was packed with most things I’d need, so he’d got his skins, for his evening, of music, beer and a smoke.’ I even got several “thank-you’s” and the change, as mentioned.

He also talked rather to loud, which dew the attention of the pretty young emu-babe type goth chic, collar turned up.

I got off the bus at Hamilton Square and after a smoke actually made it to the platform with two minutes to spare before my train arrived.

The Mike took care of the meal left for me; then as I sat and typed, watching episodes of ‘K-9’ the Australian children’s series set in a near future London, wit John Leeson doing the voice for K-9, the robot dog from ‘Doctor Who’, in a regenerated body.

I liked what I was watching with the first, so let the disc run, as I continued typing, as did the days adventures.

From the sheepskin where I sat typing on one laptop and watching the show on the other, on the lower level of the trolley, Ii heard a sound, a something; so I went to check, as you do.

Initially, I just looked out the curtain, peeking. And, I’d been sure that on the other side of the road, behind the green wheelie-bin, in front of the bungalow my Dad was watching, was what appeared to be a body on the floor and another smaller figure standing nearby.

Well, me being me, I opened the front door, to looksee further. Realizing quickly that the smaller figure was dragging the bigger one underarm, I said, “Hello.”

She had been about fourteen, to seventeen and living local, he came from across the water and well on the other side of Liverpool it had transpired, from a brief conversation we had, as I had initially offered to phone an ambulance.

And time passed into about ten cold minutes at the door, I kept her talking, even mentioning the police, reminding her that he’d probably only respond to her.

As it happens I was write and shaking his shoulders some more, she encouraged him to stand, mentioning ‘he fella over the road’, as she encouraged him to stand,

The last I saw as I closed the door was him draping his arm across her shoulders, after rising from a second fall, stumbling down the road.

That’s about when I returned to my room, to finish writing of the day and, the night.



22:37 Dec 22 2010

You're a good man- any man that can cook is good in my books...lol

Seems you had quite the day, and well done-

And no good deed goes unpunished...lol



11:17 Dec 21 2010
Times Read: 970

I was up early Sunday morning: but took about three hours to get ready and out, as I kept looking out the window at the iced-up snow and thinking ‘I don’t want to’… but a mission had been on, so I had to get out.

And, as it was the anniversary of my mother’s death, I needed distraction.

So, I got out and, got a train to Wallasey, to deliver a presents, to my penfriend of many years, who up until Now, I’d not met.

“Can I say who is calling?” her Mother had said, when I’d rung the bell.

And, when I gave my name, she’d said, “Ah, I’ll go get her for you.”

The look on her face had been priceless, when she realised who I was.

It had been good to see Jill: and, well worth the journeying.

Then, as I got to Birkenhead and traipsed up the road to visit Karl, all my preparations for the day went to nought, as I went tits over arse and landed hard on my tailbone.

Heck, at least I got home early for our evening meal, for a change.

Then, in the evening, Dad and II had watched the new documentary by John Pilger, in which he spoke of how the press has manufactured lies to justify wars, from World War One and ninety million dead, to the lies told by Bush and Blair, to justify their illegal war, in Iraq.

And, though I’m no pacifist, that documentary really got me thinking goodstyle: if the truth were known, about how these ‘people’ lie to us as they do, getting many good men killed in the process, then maybe, just maybe, we the public wouldn’t allow it: “yeah, maybe.”

And maybe Julian assuage is actually guilty of the crimes ‘they’ say he did?

Yeah, sure…

[[Like I really believe Sweden and my government aren’t being manipulated… Of course they’re not… after all, politicians and the like never lie, do they!?!]]



16:40 Dec 22 2010

I am saving his page on wikipedia for further combing a bit later when I do not have the sounds of someone trying to play backup guitar assaulting my senses. Was it the documentary titled The War you don't see?


... and, I liked it!

00:38 Dec 19 2010
Times Read: 981

After tea on Saturday we had a slice of cake with a cup of tea: not the bought fruit cake, or the slice, or the.. but mine.

"Nice," I was told, "but it's not a cake."

I felt like saying, "Cheers Dad, nothing in to use as Mum through it all away, as she stopped baking before she.. there weren't enough ingredients.. and, I combined two differents recipes!"

But, I smiled an, said to him, "It's fruit bead."

And, as a fruit bread, it was rich 'n fruity ... and, I liked it!



23:37 Dec 19 2010

this bread sounds awsome and all I know is, i wanna try some...


Fruity bread.........


and, I made it!!!

00:22 Dec 18 2010
Times Read: 987

am off to take a photo of a fruit cake, rich in red wine and sultana's, apple and cranberries.

it looks great...

and, I made it!!!




How boss is that!?!

00:18 Dec 18 2010
Times Read: 988

Though alone, I didn’t feel lonely Friday. I had given myself enough distraction, to distract an army and, it worked. Come to that, the cakes I made in the evening looked real nice, as they sat on their trays, slowly cooling, as I wanted to bite into it, every minute that followed their removal from the oven.

I’d taken two recipes and mixed a whole lot of fruit with red wine, then made my composite fruit cakes, which smelt simply gorgeous, throughout my home, as the snow fell again outside and, this time it was quite thick indeed.

And then, as I’d considered the journeying I would make on Sarurday, I sat in my room watching the best Christmas show not on British televison, a Christmas Episode of ‘Warehouse 13’

It was superb, right down to the fairytale book closing, with the text on the front, ‘Happy Holidays – From Warehouse 13’

How boss is that!?!




... cold & alone

16:03 Dec 17 2010
Times Read: 995

Thursday night I was heading for bed at 1:00a.m. with cold fingers and toes, thankful for video tape and double episodes of ‘Family Guy’. The last of the two, where Stewie and Brian get locked in a bank vault was really touching, in a ‘family Guy’ sort of way. I put the milkbottle out, pleased I had two pairs of socks on, the weather had a chill in the air, a clear sky and a dusting of snow on the drive a pathways: the night felt still. It was all such a change from the night of rain from Wednesday.

And yeah, content I was: people had been fed: and though I’d chatted with a few interesting people on VR, I still went to bed feeling very alone, cold & alone.

I just couldn’t stop thinking of the women I’ve know and, the couples they are now part of; of my Mum; and of friends who I just, no longer know…

Yet, that said, there’s few I’d tell that to… and fewer who’d ask about it.




and.. a couple of thank you's.

23:55 Dec 16 2010
Times Read: 1,001

It was the christmas dinner on the project.. people got overfed.. I gotta couple of thank you's and, while the others stayed for a bevvie.. I got home to my Dad...




‘Walking, not Stalking’ etc...

23:33 Dec 13 2010
Times Read: 1,020

Went out to take some more cards to the Post Office, after making the labels; then after a filling tea of cheese ‘n onion potato casserole, I made a couple of video’s and put one on dailymotion, ‘Thawed Snow’ and it’s sequel ‘Walking, not Stalking’, both of which I also put in my poetry section, on VR before I went to bed…




"... new Warehouse !!! ... and 'Eureka'. Better still!"

15:35 Dec 13 2010
Times Read: 1,023

My Dad spent much of Sunday before I went out trying to sort out the power issues with the Packard Bell laptop, doing his best with the power pack. Then it had transpired that the output from the power output was wobbly. I spent my day helping him, as I was writing poetry and some of the new story and, getting some new warehouse 13 and Eureka from my friend Karl.



00:07 Dec 14 2010

ooo i just love warehouse 13, they stoped the series here now though!


Needless to say...

09:13 Dec 12 2010
Times Read: 1,066


had my first toke inna while yesterday.. a very pleasant cheese hybrid.

and, woke up with no backache.

hells teeth.. I'd almost forgotten quite why I like the stuff as much as I do.

Needless to say, I was then writing all night...



22:20 Dec 12 2010

No backache is a good thing! Right on! :P *hugs*

Yay for no back pain!

00:16 Dec 13 2010

coolness for now backache.

*gently kisses cheek*


too interesting…

00:24 Dec 11 2010
Times Read: 1,094

The snow had dissipated to nothingness come Thursday and my travels, though the drizzle and the dank weather was positively bone-chilling as I’d got the Pyramids in Birkenhead and a training centre run in by Wirral Met Collage, that I’ve just become aware of.

The dole had sent me there for an induction to a work-based training course, seemingly unaware that my actual induction wouldn’t be until January. In other words, except for filling a form, it was a wasted journey.

Come the evening, the beginning of the high winds accompanied my travels to Liverpool, where we had a pretty good night; although, it was that cold, I’m glad I went, as it had me feeling useful. Yet, that said, I was shattered goodstyle on my return home and, except for talking someone to death on the train I’d have fallen asleep.

The dank drizzle continued Friday, to accompany our trip to the Azda shopping.

The afternoon was made interesting by the fellow over the road, who has bought the house of the lady who went into a home with senile dementia, who’s daughters caused such a problem with their parking.

While I went shopping for something, my Dad watched the so-called tradesmen, renovating the front of the bungalow. We had watched them for awhile, thinking them cowboy’s, as they ‘worked’ away. Now my Dad was ‘in the game’, as it were, for well over fifty-odd years and, on my return he looked at me with as much as a smile you can get off him, as he said to me, “I’ve missed all my programmes. Watching them is too interesting…”



00:08 Dec 14 2010

sounds like a very interesting day1


... journey's and 'Inception'

13:12 Dec 09 2010
Times Read: 1,109

On Wednesday I went a walk in the cold, with ice underfoot, to acquire coffee, as there’s be no trip to Ellesmere Port with Dad.

On the way to the village, I went to the Post Office again, to post some cards and, as I knelt to look at the papers my left knee went crook on me. And, as I’d put my hand to my knee, to help myself stand, I said to the lady next to me, “I can get down alright, it’s the getting up I have problems with…” And, this Lady, in her early sixties and well-spoken, offered to help me up.

Needless to say, I refused politely, but was sure to thank her. Then, on my way out of the shop, a young man, a bit of a scally by his attire, held the door open for me.

Neither was expected, but each had been kind.

I then trundled off on the rest of my walk, struck by the fact that some people can be right kind…

And, though cold, I progressed with my journeys, as I wanted my coffee, getting back home with enough time, to prepare tea.

Come the evening, Lucie called round straight after work and, after feeding her as well, we sat down to watch ‘Inception’. Although it had been the third time I’ve seen it Now, I still think it’s one of the more original movies I’ve seen, in quite awhile…



22:15 Dec 10 2010

It is good to see that people still think of others... It is missing too much these days..


A fan? .. that's weirdness.

23:55 Dec 07 2010
Times Read: 1,115

I spent quite awhile on Monday afternoon, trying to find the right words, to tell my Mum’s friends that she was dead. And, by the time I had finished the letter, I had been feeling quite maudlin and rather weepy. So, seeking distraction, I turned off the PC and went to finish the Christmas cards I intended to send abroad.

Once finished, I took as many as I could afford up the road to the post office, being sure to walk carefully on the icy pavement. When I got there, the queue was more than a little on the long side and, I knew I’d quite a wait in store and, I had an onion to cut for the mince Dad and I intended to do for tea.

While I was in the queue a fella came in, all smart jacket ad black swept back hair, tan and a smile, for me: “Good to see you” he’d said as we shook hands.

He then spent awhile telling me how much he and his twenty-nine year old sister name of Becca like the video’s I have on dailymotion.com


Heck, he even has me in his favourites and, his sister has my Dad dancing on her phone: how warped is that? I have fans, as he assured me, being certain to tell the woman behind him in the queue that I was a poet, ‘as good as Jeggsy Dodd.’

Come the evening, I decided to clean the silver ‘for Mum’, as I do at least twice a year and while I did so I watched the remake of ‘A nightmare On Elm Street’, which I’d expected to dislike, having already wondered why they bothered to make the remake of ‘Halloween’. As it was, it wasn’t too bad at all.

Once the film had finished I still had some more pieces of silver to clean, so decide to watch the third episode of series two of ‘Misfits’. Now, there’s a show that became an instant cult classic and, I like it: bunch of juvenile’s in orange jump suits, with super powers. It was well entertaining and, was pleasantly distracting as I finished my task.



11:55 Dec 09 2010

Ahhh c'mon Angelus...you have more than just a few fans lol *winks*

You rule! You're freaking awsome! :)


.. darn awkward

13:17 Dec 06 2010
Times Read: 1,128

.. just got a Christmas Card fom someobne who didn't know of Mum's death & Now, I have to think of a good way of responding. Gawd, this is going to be an awkward letter to write...



13:30 Dec 06 2010

Oh very awkward indeed

i'm sure you will think of the right words

being the man of many...

just take your time ~hugs~

14:44 Dec 06 2010

I am sure you will do well, a verbal genious such as yourself

19:57 Dec 07 2010

*sighs* You can do this...



Saturday and 'Daywatch'

00:54 Dec 06 2010
Times Read: 1,132

Saturday I’d got my act together late in the day, but when I had, it was worth it.

I went a walk, writing in my head on the way, as I listened to music and the way of my day carried on in the same fashion, as I acquired the inks my Father was getting me for Christmas and then, I’d called at a friends and acquired some ‘Misfits’ and a copy of ‘Skyline’ and, was able to see those missed twenty minutes or so, I’d missed when I went to the flicks with Karl. Later, much later, I went on VR awhile, before retiring to the gloom of my room, to see the marvellous ‘Daywatch’, as the rain fell hard outside; the sequel to the incomparable ‘Nightwatch’ and, it had compared, well.




... not thought the thought.

00:20 Dec 04 2010
Times Read: 1,144

I went to the project with a sore stomach, after resting much of the day, so I could go. Then on the journey, from the station, up the hill, my bones and joints were aching to hell and back. Needless to say, one annoying punter on an already busy night: and, for the first time, in many years, I nearly lost it, so went a walk, away from the situation.

Come the Friday morning I woke at ten, feeling somewhat better, but more than a little guilty, as with the weather as it was, my Dad had gone to the Azda on his own: that hunter/gatherer mentality perhaps? Either way, I tried to make up for it a little, by seeing to my brothers birthday card for him, a little miffed to find that Ian’s bithday present was way more than mine. Although, I’ll concede, that was churlish of me and, I do wish that a) I’d not seen the amount and b) I’d not thought the thought.




01:21 a.m.

01:43 Dec 02 2010
Times Read: 1,153

..bedtime soon. last part of sydney incident went up.. so, I'm shattered.




... for my Need.

12:53 Dec 01 2010
Times Read: 1,156

I spent much of Monday doing as I’d expected that I’d have to and, reinstall XP on the HP that Karl got going for me.

And though the rest of the country has had a thick layer of snow all we’ve had so far is a lighting dusting, which looks lovely to look and a damn good reason to stay indoors, if you don’t need to go out, that is.

So needless to say, other than a trip to the bin, I didn’t go out at all; although that said I did the unthinkable, I had a bath.

Come the evening it was back to the HP, to tidy up a few programs that were still needed, for my use; and now it’s as good as it’ll ever be, for my Need.



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