Dakotah's Journal


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15 entries this month

09:35 Apr 29 2017
Times Read: 1,135

Sitting here wondering how many people need to die on Facebook Live before someone realizes that maybe it's not such a good idea and closes that shit down. Just another reason for me to hate Facebook, I suppose! Going by Zuckerberg's history of tone deafness, probably millions of people will need to be snuffed. Though I think the police love when criminals record and broadcast their crimes.


Tue Apr 25, 2017 | 9:57 AM EDT

Swedish court jails three men for rape broadcast on Facebook


(Reuters) - A Swedish court jailed three men on Tuesday for up to two and a half years for the rape of a woman that was broadcast live on Facebook.

The rape, which shocked Sweden, took place earlier this year in the city of Uppsala, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Stockholm. Viewers of the live broadcast alerted police who swooped on an apartment in the city and detained the men.

Two of the men were convicted of rape and the third, who received a six-month sentence, of failing to report the crime and defamation for broadcasting it. The court did not give their ages but said they were born between 1992 and 1998.

The men had denied the charges, saying the woman had given consent to having sex with them. However, the court said the woman had been heavily intoxicated by alcohol and drugs and was in a very vulnerable situation.



10:16 Apr 29 2017

The world is becoming twisted and sick. Bullying and cyber bulling. Rape and cyber rape. Sometimes I do not even open the tv because I know the news will be bad. 2 years ago in a greek univeristy a student died because they bullied him nonstop and raised videos of him that they pranked him.

03:10 Apr 30 2017

Wow. This is horrible!! I just cannot believe this is happening. But like Lily said, the world is becoming twisted and sick. Or, getting more twisted and sick. Makes me want to just go off the grid and live deep in the woods....

06:18 Apr 30 2017

I actually think the world was already twisted and sick before...

Just that we didnt saw all the evil.

I think the human mind is not suitable for dealing with the whole world and all the people in their misery... we dont see their whole life, just a single moment, so we cant create a authentic picture and we dont get a solution. But that would be needed to deal with all this.

Facebook is maybe a good platform to stay in contact with people or share informations....but of course it has a very dangerous side too....people still seems not be able to use it responsible.

21:23 Apr 30 2017

I'm torn by your statement, as I am with most conversations that deal with the dangers of technology.

Obviously, this is absolutely something that needs to be addressed. I will not even be willing to play a devil's advocate angle on the fact that what is happening is just wrong. On a number of levels.

Where I'm torn is the idea that people are so utterly in need of something (be it attention, or a moral compass, or some discipline, or whatever) that this is what they are using the platform for. I would argue that shutting it down is not where the attentions should be directed. The fact that, as a society, we're even mildly entertaining the behavior in the first place is what is striking a chord with me.

So we close down every avenue for people to be genuinely terrible people using a media platform. Does that get rid of them? Or do they get pushed down further into the shadows and just continue to operate without the spotlight? Are these technologies enticing people to commit crimes in the first place, or were they just available while these people were doing what they would have likely done in the first place?

Technology is something that is used by people. It doesn't dictate their behavior to any degree that the person does not allow, at least in my opinion.

Perhaps what we really need to address is that many people are just out of control and out of hand. Recorded or not, we as a society are celebrating shock value and a downward spiral into a lack of self control. Maybe we need to address the fact that we first and foremost blame the platform and not the human element.

00:25 May 01 2017

they will not shut down a cam option because of how a few use it..and FB isnt the only platform with live streaming, youtube has it, I think you can even do live feeds on Instagram now..It is sad that people use it for killing or raping or other criminal behavior, and also as pointed out pretty stupid, unless you want to be caught. There was an elderly black man killed live on easter day, he has since been found and ended up shooting himself. But people were doing things on video even before the live feed came. The world has grown corrupted and technology just makes them more easily able to attract attention. A bigger concern is the site if they do not remove it as soon as known. I once reported a video that showed i think mexicans, A guy cut off the girls head with what looked like a hunter knife of some sort because she cheated on him. The response I had received from facebook was there was nothing wrong with the video.? Really? Showing a murder isnt breaking your rules of violence? yet I get a pic posted removed wit a viking and the words saying My God carries a hammer Yours was nailed to a cross any questions..


00:12 Apr 24 2017
Times Read: 1,229

I just simply do not understand something. I have recently read some journals and some comments people make and they seem to seriously not like this site. They bash aspects of it be it the leveling system... the data base... the community, rating system. Just all around negative about VR. I have to wonder then why do they stay here. I admit I have had my days I have not liked certain things but all around I like VR. I like the community. I like making friends here. I like trying to gain levels. I look at the levling system like a game in which many MMo's I have played doing the grind to gain levels.... The day I stop enjoying this site I will simply say goodbye, share my contact information with some that they can stay in touch with me if they like but I am surly not going sit here and bash and trash Vampire Rave and say how bad this and that is and how stupid I find the system in making friends. I have respect for what Cancer has worked so hard to create here. Why so negative... if you find this site worthless then just quit.



00:57 Apr 24 2017

If this is regarding the posts ive been putting u0 regarding clarification of certain aspects of the site, i apologize. Things Im asking about are things ive seen on the site and in the VR manual. I wasnt trying to judge the way things or done or leave it open to other peoole to be negative about these things.

02:57 Apr 24 2017

jessilove this post has nothing at all to do with your journal. :I have read your journal and its good seeing someone new asking question on things they are not clear about. :) As I said in your journal... welcome to VR and if I can be of any help let me know. I use to be a mentor and I like to help new people.

05:33 Apr 24 2017


07:14 Apr 24 2017

I can kind of understand it in some ways, especially if it comes from people who've invested time and/or money into the site. I was here 10 years ago under the old leveling system, when popularity wasn't a factor - you leveled up by database submissions, rating, forum posts and viewing pages, and spending time on the site. Which of course all still count, but the added element of penalties for not having enough friends or blocking too many people (for example) are a relatively recent addition.

I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the newer elements. The amount of messages I get which just say "added rated favored" instead of any attempt at conversation are kind of irritating. And the overblock penalty on a site which offers no other way of dealing with assholes doesn't feel like a great system.

The site is also very outdated (sorry but it really is, in terms of UX and UI) and although the premise is enough to attract people, the rest isn't enough to stop them complaining about the bits they don't like - which people will always do even on the best site in the world!

08:10 Apr 24 2017

Well some people just seek attention. Some of them make drama and some of them complaining about site.

10:29 Apr 24 2017

@Pseudologia I agree the message of ‘added rated favored’ go beyond annoying. I have gotten 3-4 message alerts and I think ‘oh someone wishes to chat’ only to see that all 4 are the contact add request. And seems to level you have to have a certain amount of friends so people add friends and then you never hear from them again and if you do attempt to start a friendship you would have better luck with a snail. I do try to make friends here though. This is a community and there are a lot of people who will talk to you and with more than just the two to three word conversations. Never quite sure what people mean by ‘popularity contest’. I have noticed the majority of the ones who complain about VR are extremely anti-social to the point you even attempt to start a conversation with them in there journals the delete your entry and make some rant how they hate the human population. I noticed too these are the ones who say they don’t care about the levels or hitting Sire and that the numbers mean nothing to them and they could less if they got blocked by 50 people and given negative honor yet they are the first ones to post when someone does block them and rant about it. So, truly a lot do care about the 1’s and there honor taken from them and what level they are or how things affect there levels. Sure the system is not perfect but it is what it is and its set up how Cancer wants it to be. Some just complain, complain, complain and honestly I think they look for things to complain about.

I like to ask too what you think about the upcoming Revamp. The site is getting a complete overhaul and there is that new mark coming out too. So yes the site is very outdated but soon Cancer will release a whole new format. Do you like that he has done? Have you looked at it yet?

@VR I really think you wrapped it up in a nut shell. They are 100% attention seekers.

10:32 Apr 24 2017

The @VR was suppose to be @QZ llol I truly need more coffee

12:55 Apr 24 2017

I have seen the beta, and...I'm not blown away by it. That said, website UX/UI is an integral part of my day job so I'm probably much less forgiving than average members!

As an aside, thanks for posting this entry as it's such an interesting discussion!

13:05 Apr 24 2017

The site itself is more or less fine but the community is the problem, look at the drama and the journal wars going on over the last few months, that is down to the members, which is what makes up the community. Some Admins then turn a blind eye to some while going after others, so there is some incompetence/bias going on too which is no wonder why most of the old members have become inactive or otherwise completely left via deletion.

A site is just a site at the end of the day, it is the members that determines what it is like.

22:41 Apr 25 2017

VR is and always has been what you make of it. I suppose there is the very real potential that some come here with the sole purpose to complain, rant and place blame. In that case, perhaps that is just the way they use the site, and thankfully, there are others who imagine this space as being so much more. So we attempt to take it farther, and make it what we want to see.

On the topic of the new updates, I am really looking forward to seeing the new site come online. I've done a little testing, not as much as I would like, but I am pretty confident that the way I use the site will not be affected in any way that isn't positive.

10:16 Apr 29 2017

I have too Lav, love the look of the new site and I have played around with it.


19:25 Apr 22 2017
Times Read: 1,261

And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no further use. And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried: "Look at this awful mess." Now what?



09:03 Apr 23 2017

Every time when im back in the states, im shocked how much plastic you get especially in the supermarkets.. :(

You buy 20 items and get 7 or 8 of this nasty plastic bags.

I started to tell them not to do that, i bring my own bags out of cotton or put everything in a big shopping box in the car...

In our supermarkets here in Austria or Germany you dont get plastic anymore at the cash desk. You get recyling paper bags...and you pay for them...not much, but enough to value them enough to use it again...

Start to charge 1 Dollar for every nasty black plastic bag at walmarts and the people will rethink their behaviour... sad, but true...


15:06 Apr 20 2017
Times Read: 1,291

This broke my heart to see this kittens dumped on a Island and then these fishermen rescue them! Can you imagine how desperate these kittens were to JUMP in the water and swim to boat to get help! Why do people do this. Why, oh why.



15:08 Apr 20 2017

To answer your question to why is because some humans are worse than animals. They do not care they dont give a coin about the innocent souls. They breed and they throw away. They buy and we leave in the streets poor pets to starve and die.

Because some people have no heart love

15:10 Apr 20 2017

Miles from any homes... those kittens have guardian angels over them because some animal could have ate them.... Creator watches over these babies; gave them the courage to jump in that water.

18:13 Apr 20 2017

it is hard to watch. but yet, there is a few good people in the world.


14:58 Apr 20 2017
Times Read: 1,299

Lily.... I asked Robin send me -all- Booboos babies. OMG so much cuteness... baby can I have 5 new kittens?



15:00 Apr 20 2017

I knowwww I sawwww

Bad Robin

we can have 6 kitten

4 puppes. 2 ponnies and a doxxen of swans

15:02 Apr 20 2017

I want, I want!!!


04:27 Apr 20 2017
Times Read: 1,322

To My Lily.... do you know soon we will be together a year! We are doing it baby... I love you....



09:20 Apr 20 2017

My beautiful knight you are my everything. You gave me so much this year that I could ever ask. Having you in my life and yin our heart is the most amazing feeling and gift. We are each other it. I love you so much my soul.

Hot as a fever

Rattle of bones


We're the ones, what's to transpire

13:28 Apr 20 2017

The two of you are meant to be together forever! True soul mates! Congratulations, to the both of you:) Ray and I love you both dearly, and miss you terribly!! Hugs to you both!!!


04:22 Apr 19 2017
Times Read: 1,372

Alright, time to come clean. I am Cree. I hunt in the woods. I ride my horses in the woods. See many spiders out there and when I do.... I go the other way. I even .....owned one before. I let him crawl on me. I put him in bed with me sometimes. However, I knew that look in his eyes. He was waiting for the moment when he could bite me, wrap me in silk and suck out my body fluids like he would do to the little mice I would drop in his glass house. When my nephew asked me if he could have my spider I could not say yes fast enough. You see this BIG Grown Cree Injun Warrior is...... well, spiders are this to me:

 photo 17190567_1302120336567259_6863383769208044896_n_zps9d1zesyr.jpg

Yes. I have a fear of spiders. There.... it's out now. I feel so much better.



04:25 Apr 19 2017

Lmao...i feel better too....except gut, the priceof a good laugh lol

04:45 Apr 19 2017

I feel the same way Dakota!

05:08 Apr 19 2017

Even tiny ones like if its in the house..... and how you only see IT when you sit down... and you get up to get a weapon and wham! They have Super Powers like.... They can become invisible until you sit back down again. And they are always on the wall your pc desk faces in MY room. They could go any where in the whole damn house. But Nooooo, the little bastard has to come into MY room. Spiders are very smart.

08:42 Apr 19 2017

You can say you were only fond of your own spider although the fact that you said he was looking at you wile you were sleeping ploting to cover you in silk is scary. Now ill have to protect your nephew from the scary spider.

17:15 Apr 19 2017

I know the feeling.

01:57 Apr 24 2017

I own 2 tarantula, 6 slings, 3 scorpions and two wolf spiders. :) All cute and awesome!

01:52 Jul 05 2022

ive gotten over my fear of spiders. i own two tarantulas (was 3 but one of them passed away). unfortunately one of my spiders cannot, i repeat canNOT, be handled. its bite is like that of wasp's sting (so if you are allergic to wasps he may just kill you), but he's still a good boy


01:58 Apr 16 2017
Times Read: 1,400

 photo wabbit hunting_zpsdfe3co12.jpg



09:30 Apr 16 2017

The poor bunny and the chocolate eggs

Happy Easter my love!!

May all your following Easters be healthy and happy!!

Next time ill color the eggs.

03:10 Apr 17 2017



21:47 Apr 06 2017
Times Read: 1,468

So there is Lily timing every 10 min when I have to drink the prep for the colonoscopy exam. She did good too.... Thank you Baby. And me drinking 8 oz of crap every 10 min. Then....an hour later the fun begins. 4:45am I was still going to the bathroom. Now I know the colonoscopy is an important test for EVERYONE to get. They can find early stages of colon cancer. Everyone should have it. Google colon cancer sometime. But Christ on a cracker the prep for that exam... Really????? They can not come up with like one or two pills to swallow that will clean you out in heck even 3-4 bathroom visits??????? Let me tell you its not a pretty thing at all. And why at my age did I have to have one? Well they were doing the scope looking in my stomach with a cam and felt why not since most times people have those done together. Thank Creator I do not have to have another till I am in my 40's. All I want to do now that horrible horrible prep is over is celebrate.

Lily, you seen the best of me and now experiencing the worse... telling your mate to drink stuff ever 10 min so he can start to poop and he is running to the bathroom all night.....



21:56 Apr 06 2017

Lord Mogy have you had one of these yet?

02:05 Apr 07 2017

Dakotah, while I am sorry you had to endure that horrible prep and the exam on top of that.. The humour you added to this entry made me crack up laughing (out loud I might add) .... And I am at work lol.....

13:13 Apr 07 2017

You have to admit I do an exelent nurse. Plus you would do the same for me too. Especialy now that I am sick with flu in bed. You are there for me worrying and carring for me. Thank youfor be so amazing my love. I still waiting for you to dress in a doctor uniform "wink" kidding.

I am so glad these two days left and are far behind us. One day with prep and one day of the exam. But I am glad all is done. Now you relax and enjoy the days that will follow. I admire you. You are the strongest and most stuborn man. More likely I would prefer I scary rolercoster if I had to do the same exam. You are amazing my love.


15:40 Apr 05 2017
Times Read: 1,532

I have to have a colonoscopy tomorrow. The procedure itself is a breeze cos they put me under. But Christ on a cracker the prep....UGH. Why can they not have one mighty pill you swallow and then sit on the throne and it clears you out, one shot.... but NUUUUUUUU.....This:

At 10:00 A.M. – Take all 4 Dulcolax tablets with 8 oz of water

 At 3:00 P.M. – Mix the entire bottle of Miralax powder with 64 oz of Gatorade, Crystal Light, or


Shake or stir until clear. Drink 8 oz every 10 mins until you have consumed the entire 64 oz.

 You may now continue your clear liquid diet until midnight.

Thank Creator for my beautiful Lily who going help me though this prep. Lily... I don't wanna.... :(

So me and Lily got us a theme song for today:



15:49 Apr 05 2017

We got it love. Its only one tiring day and your last ordeal tomorrow. We so got it. An in two weeks you can rant to me about not wanting to go to do the ct scan and drink that icky liquid before that.

I am by your side all the time. I am so proud of you. You are so strong my love. We can do that together.

"sings like Elsa"

15:50 Apr 05 2017

I will be... letting it Goooo and Goooo and Gooo..... lol won't be able to hold it baccck.... *he sings*

15:51 Apr 05 2017

I almost fell of my chair reading your replay. Im sorry love but it was so smart funny. And lets sing together. Let it goooooooooooo

I love you my smart man

16:15 Apr 05 2017

From what others have said - that stuff is fucking NASTY. Apparentky there are tablet options but they are much, much more trouble than they are worth - because you have dehydration as a major factor and cramping and... yeah. Bad. :(

16:26 Apr 05 2017

So true Owlish this stuff is so nasty. I got it too before my surgeries and they brough two glasses filled till up and said "drink it up now. Botoms up" I swear the ct scan liquid taste better than this that Dakotah has to take. We will do what the old years did. Close the nose and down it goes.

Although it will be one tiring nusty in taste day he will make it. He is the strongest stubborn man I know.

16:43 Apr 05 2017

I got orange gatoraid so I hope that cuts on the flower some of the powder. and 64 oz I got mix it in and drink every 10 min start at 3

13:30 Apr 06 2017

Been there/done that - and unfortunately woke up from the Demerol during the procedure O.o...

21:55 Apr 06 2017

Images, they knocked me out complete for it. That part was wonderful. But the ONLY part... OMG that prep... HORRIBLE.

22:16 Apr 06 2017

They had to hurry up and pump more Demerol into my system when I woke up... then I was out for longer than I should have been.

02:06 Apr 07 2017

lolz...... Imma die laughing because of you two lol... Good luck.


07:25 Apr 05 2017
Times Read: 1,557

This is my Lily, my Eagle.



09:31 Apr 05 2017

That was such a beautiful song!! I couldnt stop listening to it!!

I am an eagle because you made me one. As Parton said I was a sparrow when I was broken But now I am an eagle when I fly and you are next to me.

You make me stand up to my fears and my worries and you show me how to spread my wings and fly up to the sky where its serene and beautiful and all of this only with your love.

To me you are my warrior. My spirited wolf. You are smart. Strong. Loyal. Unique. Brave. You are my connection my everything my soul my heart. You are my other half.

I love you so much my love

Forever yours

Your lily and your strong eagle


00:52 Apr 05 2017
Times Read: 1,613

Some people really don't know how to post simple condolences on Facebook or the Internet for that Matter.

(Things like this is why I left FB years ago, and my mom making a profile.)

Story - an online friend of mine posted a few days ago that her SO was in ICU with acute pancreatitis. Wasn't doing well and she posted early this morning that he'd passed away. String of people posting condolences. Except that one person. Friend's husband passed away suddenly in late 2014, leaving her with a young son, and she'd just been in this relationship for not that long, it seems.

 photo GZu1KCB_zps9dqv3bz5.png

The "there is someone out there for you" is maybe okay in like, 3-6 months. Not the day of death. The SO isn't even cold yet and she's like "you'll bounce back, chin up! A simple "I'm sorry for your loss." or just not posting is usually the best thing to go with if you're one of those "all part of God's plan" jerks that need to contextualize every damn death. I also can read it as "Your dead husband killed him from beyond the grave, so it's for the best."



01:01 Apr 05 2017

sighs, it seems we are getting to the point in our lives what i feel we are more becoming like the borg, then humens......

21:27 Apr 08 2017

seems the lady was not fond of the widow's late husbend

and wanted her to find someone else


03:52 Apr 04 2017
Times Read: 1,642

Thursday I go in the hospital outpatient as they look down my stomach with a scope and make sure the operation I had a few weeks ago is all good and things are healing. I truly hope this is the last of my issues. Thanks to my friends here who knew and supported me thought it all. To Lily, you are amazing. Here I am going though some minor stuff compared to your health issues and you are always there for me. We have had each lately health issues and I am glad mine are coming to an end. Now lets get you well. I know the next round of chemo's is coming up for you soon and I will be right there by you. I love you. We got this.



07:56 Apr 04 2017

Wishing you both speedy healing.

08:50 Apr 04 2017

Yes we got it we are both stubborn and we dont let anything ruin our mood. And I know that this will be your last ordeal love. You are strong and positive and always look the things with the bright side no matter what. You always give me strength and warm my worries. I am so proud of you and I respect you so much. You are an amazing soul and heart. A true kind sweet man.

As for me having you by my side already made me stronger and healthier. We might have some harsh road to walk but soon all these... bith yours and mine health isues.... will be just a nightmare in our sweet dreams and far away ordeals that will never bother us. To my amazing man and boyfriend Dakotah. Thank you for always making me smile and making me so strong that I feel that can face a titan and win. I will always be by your side no matter what. You are my rock and you are my strength my happiness and soul.

I love you always. We can make it. You are strong.

Your always Irene

Thank you to everyone for being close to us and always making us smiles and cheer us. You rock guys.

12:25 Apr 04 2017

Well said Dakotah, And my thoughts and prayers are with you both as you heal.


19:04 Apr 01 2017
Times Read: 1,681

Lily has never herd of the show The Walton's. I love watching old shows like that. I have so much 'culture' to expose Lily too. When I asked her what shows 'do' you all watch in Greece? She tells me: little house on the prairie. That explains a lot.



19:06 Apr 01 2017

Ha ha very funny mr smart guy lol

We have shows in the greek tvs but to see the new ones you need to have a cable and let me tell you that i refuse to spent way to many money for a cable because here you have to pay a lot per month.

But I am more in crime shows "tackle hug you" Ill need to put you in greek culture too

19:13 Apr 01 2017

I have to admit that show was funny. I loved this couple:

Harriet: Nels?

Nels: Yes, dear?

Harriet: Can I ask you something?

Nels: Yes, dear.

Harriet: Am I fat?

Nels: Yes, dear.

19:15 Apr 01 2017

chuckles that reminds me of the funny couples that wife is so stressed wile the husband to try and rlax is like "yes dear" "whatever you say deaR"

21:08 Apr 01 2017

haha the Ingals were real, little house on the prairie takes place about 5 miles from where my family is from in Minnesota, Walnut Grove /Plum Creek..my grandma tells me her grandma use to write letters to Laura Ingals Wilder.

Oh and good night John Boy! lol

21:35 Apr 01 2017

Seriously? I remember I couldnt wait to come to house when i used to be at school so i could see the next episode. That is so excited Baty

03:52 Apr 02 2017

:) 'goodnight john boy' LOL :D

The walton's wasn't my favorite of fav's of shows. i was into little house on the prairie more way back when.


02:38 Apr 01 2017
Times Read: 1,429

So...this is an important conversation we should be having.... Think again when using that sex toy. Someone you do not want too, could be watching you.

(What the heck is an internet-connected vibrator??) 0.0


Sex toys and smart robots: Who's liable?

A wave of shock went through the audience of one of the panels at the RightsCon event in Brussels on Thursday (30 March), as technology consultant Ken Munro demonstrated that the camera on an internet-connected vibrator can be hacked.

The images of the camera feed, shown on a screen, were remarkably sharp.


There is a market for remote-controlled pleasure devices, which could be in demand with couples who have a long-distance relationship, or if one of the partners travels frequently.

“What happens when you think you are interacting with your partner, but someone has man-in-the-middled [hacked] your sex device?,” said Amie Stepanovich, of Access Now, the main organiser of RightsCon, a conference on human rights and the Internet.

“What happens when you find out that the person on the other end of that isn't somebody you know whatsoever? What are the legal implications, what are the security implications, what are the policy implications when you can start hacking into sex toys?”


In the above-mentioned examples, there is still a human involved that could be considered liable for the malevolent actions.

But what if the sex toy is self-learning? What if sex robots with artificial intelligence become predatory?




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