Dakotah's Journal


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23 entries this month

21:56 Aug 31 2016
Times Read: 1,217

I'd've been happy if they'd left it at one season but I don't mind another one too.



21:58 Aug 31 2016

I so cant waittttt

22:39 Aug 31 2016

I like when you watch scary parts behind me hiding in my hair.

22:43 Aug 31 2016

I have to admit that they werent scary. Just very slimy and slippery. And you know that your hair are my favorite hiding place lol

03:22 Sep 01 2016

I will be watching!


Need Help!

01:03 Aug 27 2016
Times Read: 1,258

So I had a pet name for my girlfriend -baby- I know, not very creative. Anyho... I accidently called 2 other females 'Baby'

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Yes, Yes I know... HUGE BF NO NO.... so now of course my Girlfriend does not want me to call her Baby and I must come up with a NEW Pet name for her.... I know this wonderful community can help me do just that! Please list at least 3 possible new pet names for my Girlfriend Liliancat. Thank you!

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We got this!



01:07 Aug 27 2016

"chuckles laughing" You soooo cute love. And I do not mind the baby pet name



22:24 Aug 19 2016
Times Read: 1,312

Tomorrow is the day. And I STILL want to do this. I think that is half the battle. Tomorrow when I wake up I am quitting smoking. I will take the tips on caffeine-coffee and do it one day at a time. I know the first week will be difficult but--- One day at a time I can do this. I have support, the family and my girlfriend. I won't do the vaporing but I do thank you to those who suggested it. This will be tough.



22:28 Aug 19 2016

You can do it love. You have it in you and you are strong minded man.Tomorrow when you wake up you will say "I am quiting. Thats it. I stop it" Well at least Whst I did and helped me.

I know it wont be easy but I am here and your friends with your family and we support you. Im so proud of you love. We all are

22:37 Aug 19 2016

They say that when you have a craving for one to chew gum. That does work for some people, it did work for me while I was at work and stuff and couldn't smoke.

06:55 Aug 20 2016

I brought a few packs of gum and a bag of hard candy.

01:01 Aug 24 2016

you can do it brother :)


IBM's Watson AI saved a woman from leukemia

13:04 Aug 19 2016
Times Read: 1,335

What if Skynet actually conquers the world.... with love? This is amazing.

It discovered a rare illness that doctors had missed. IBM's Watson has done everything from winning at Jeopardy to cooking exotic meals, but it appears to have accomplished its greatest feat yet: saving a life. University of Tokyo doctors report that the artificial intelligence diagnosed a 60-year-old woman's rare form of leukemia that had been incorrectly identified months earlier. The analytical machine took just 10 minutes to compare the patient's genetic changes with a database of 20 million cancer research papers, delivering an accurate diagnosis and leading to proper treatment that had proven elusive. Watson has also identified another rare form of leukemia in another patient, the university says.


I wish House was still on the air so we could have a "John Henry" episode with House racing a supercomputer to correctly diagnose a patient. I've been rewatching House on Netflix recently and I just got to the one where he's trying to figure out how a cat in a nursing home predicts that people are going to die. I love that that episode starts with him setting up a Hot Wheels course with a shark jump in it.



13:12 Aug 19 2016

They have found amazing ways to find illnesses like that and be able to stop them or treat them fast. As many medical ways to cure them. The problem is that many are in first steps ways that need more experiments or others are to expensive to come to other countries for the hospitals to have.

But still technology made big steps than ten years ago and for that I am happy that many people were able to be cured.

House was and is an amazing series. I love his snarly bossy attitude

14:15 Aug 19 2016

That's pretty darn cool.


21:38 Aug 18 2016
Times Read: 1,379

After weeks and weeks of lots of TLC and Health Care ( and a ton of vet visits) let me introduce to you Angel! Angel will belong to Lili and by the time Lili gets up here she will be ready to ride.

Angel arriving to her new home. See how rough she looks. This lady has been though it and then some. Buddy greets her:

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My world is brighter because Lili and Angel are in it!:)

I only Green Break horses because I believe something once wild should NEVRER be fully tamed. I leave some spirit and wildness in them because it can save their lives someday plus I believe it’s a sin against nature to take all the wildness out. Angel was left by the prior owner to her brother when she passed who just basically ignored them and abused them. We only adopted Angel. When she was found By Animal Rights she had a gash on one of her back legs that had maggots in it. The Vet said though with the brothers neglect the maggots actually saved Angels life by eating the bad tissue in the cut. You can barely see it now and she gained a lot of weight. She was EXTREMLY under weight. She is spunky now and she has come back to life. One of the horses found with her was so bad they had to put him down.

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Angel meets Frogy! She loves making new friends:

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She loves having her picture taken now. I swear she poses:

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Some of the Hood members, they always show up at feeding time to get their share of corn:

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This little guy kept going under the fence and I kept moving him because I was afraid the horses would step on him. Finally I had a chat with him and he got it and hopped off to safety

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Clean and shiny! For like 15 min, after this picture they all three took a dirt bath. (That’s a family friend who keeps his horse at our place) Note Angel and her new bridle. We go bit-less because those actually pinch the inside of a horse’s mouth to make them obey. I have seen a horse’s mouth dripping blood from mouth bars. Owners who use those I would love to put one in their mouths and see how they like it.

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22:12 Aug 18 2016

Yay! Another rescued animal! You rock!

22:13 Aug 18 2016

She is a strong stubborn girl. In a few months she started have life in her and being the horse she should be. All thanks to you. To your family and everyone that was there for her. For buddy and pickles. They are blessed to have a friend and owner like you love.

And the field is so beautiful. The place is magical and ful of beauty.

22:21 Aug 18 2016

I had forgotten just how bad she looked when we first brought her home till I looked at the pictures today we had taken. She was really beaten down.

22:24 Aug 18 2016

But with your love and care angel healed and became stronger and back to herself. Se is a little rebelion that never gives up

00:57 Aug 19 2016

Awwwww!!!!! I'm so happy she is in your care! I know she'll love it there :)

01:20 Aug 19 2016

So pretty!! I too have horses.



16:06 Aug 18 2016
Times Read: 1,411

Saturday I have picked as my day to quit smoking. I will have my last cig Friday and when I get up Saturday morning not going to smoke. Anyone got any tips of quitting? I did it once before cold turkey and first few days were rough but after that it was ok. I do not smoke a lot, like 8-9 a day. hard part is I like smoking but I need to give it up. It's time. So tips please, help me.



16:15 Aug 18 2016

It wont be easy at first. I know i have been to your place. But you have a strong will love and I know that you will make it.

Well some put a plastic band on their wrist and everytime they want to smoke they pull it and hit their wrist making them forget about the cigars for a little. I just dint look at cigars. and whenever was next to me smoking I just changed place or leave.

I will be here with you on the prosses. Im so proud of you

16:44 Aug 18 2016

Some people saying quitting cold turkey is the only way to truly commit to quit smoking; luckily, it doesn't sound like you're even remotely a chimney smoker, so hopefully it will be easier for you.

I've been in this position MANY times; then of course there is the saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing to do; I've done it one hundred times." LOL

Seriously though, two suggestions I have:

1. Whenever you feel the urge to light up, reach for a piece of chewing gum instead; preferably not chewing gum that still contains nicotine but regular chewing gum, or else you will likely find yourself giving into the temptation to start smoking again.

2. Vaping! E-cigs are all over the place these days, and with you not being a heavy smoker, you could probably start with a low nicotine level in your juice; I would think you probably would not need more than 6mg. Then every week or two, decrease the nicotine level; go to 4mg, then 2mg, then 0mg. There are many non-smokers who vape 0mg nicotine levels; they just enjoy the millions of different flavors. Personally, I think this also has a placebo effect for former smokers; which is not necessarily a bad thing in this case. Whether you choose to vape permanently or only temporarily is entirely up to you.

If it wasn't for WW, I'd probably still be smoking two packs a day; she and SyntheticCyanide are good ones to talk to for more information on vaping.

Congratulations on your decision; you can do it!

19:09 Aug 18 2016

Wow! Best wishes to you Brother.

Since nicotine acts as a stimulant, which is any substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body; Adrenaline is a stimulant for the heart, and your body craves that, find a healthier alternative that will do the same thing. Any food or beverage that stimulates, especially coffee, tea or energy drinks may work. You can also try activities that brings about a rush of adrenaline.

Some say nicotine has an opposite effect and calms them. So try Yoga, Meditation, or any other calming activity.

The bottom line is replace with something healthier whatever your body derives from smoking.

You Can Do It!

19:12 Aug 18 2016

When I quit smoking 4 years ago... this is how it went:

I told myself "You are going to quit TODAY." I WANTED to quit.

I bought a starter vaping kit with pina colada liquid.

Vaped the hell out of that thing all day long.

For the first year, I had urges every once in awhile. I'd just count how many days I had already gone without smoking. Peppermints were my friend too (my dentist hates me for that one though...I chewed them like crazy). By that point, the smell of cigarette smoke grossed me out. Still does.

I still vape. Love it. Vanilla bean ice cream, blueberry cheesecake, chocolate covered strawberry, etc.

When I first started, the nicotine level was 6. I am at 3 right now. It's just what I prefer. Anything higher than 3 makes me nauseous.

There are SO MANY different batteries and tanks out there. I'm here if you have questions... if you decide to go that route.

22:09 Aug 18 2016

Thanks for the tips and yeah I love coffee and will drink a cup or two more the first few weeks. I am not sure I want to get into vaporing. And yes I have stocked up on chewing gum and hard candies. The last time I quit this is how I did it too, just got up and did not smoke. I would tell myself just for today I am not going to smoke and I did that everyday. The first week from what I remember was hard but I smoked more back then. This was when I was 19 and I quit for like 4 years. So I know I can do it. And the thing is I WANT to quit so I got that going for me.


00:35 Aug 17 2016
Times Read: 1,450

I am a lucky Man. My Beautiful Girlfriend. She has cancer. Count your blessing for your good health.

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06:57 Aug 17 2016

My beautiful little sister!!! ♥

Love you, honey bee!!!

08:34 Aug 17 2016

"Blush fixing the scarf on my head snuggling to his side" I am the luckiest woman having a man in my life that loving and caring. You give me strength and I know that everything will be ok. You are my heart and world.

I wish no one would have to suffer from any illness in this world. Thats why i pray for you all to be well and safe.

Aww "hugs Asgardareid" I love you too sugar cupacke.

Thank you for being my "sister"

10:58 Aug 17 2016

You are so beautiful.

17:05 Aug 17 2016

My little sis is sooooo beautiful!!!! I love you sugar pie honey bunch! TACKLE HUGS!

17:28 Aug 17 2016

You look amazing Lili! The two of you seem so wonderful together. I wish the both of you happiness and many blessings!

00:26 Aug 18 2016

You make me look that beautiful Hun.

And you are so very handsome yourself.

"Tackle hug you Ww down hugging tight" you are the sweetest sis

Thank you wings. You are so sweet and kind "hugs"

18:55 Aug 18 2016

Ahh...My sis is such a cutie pie....Keep fighting it. I hope my Brother is working on his Passport. ^_^

21:46 Aug 18 2016

Lova ya mucho my sweet little vampy..you truly have the most beautiful heart and strong spirit i have ever seen...kisses

23:55 Aug 19 2016

I will keep you in my prayers. You are one of the strongest people that I have ever met Lilincat.

01:04 Aug 24 2016

awwe my prayers are for you lili1


11:35 Aug 16 2016
Times Read: 1,494

My girlfriend is beautiful. She has cancer. She lost all her hair. She is a warrior. I am just the lucky guy to be by her side. I tell her she is the Long Ranger. I am Tonto. I am very proud of her. I tell her I have enough hair for the both of us. I really do.



14:48 Aug 16 2016

I am SO happy for you two! Maybe I should call you guys Frick and Frack? :P

You both have lots of love to give! I'm glad you found each other. :)

Hugs and lots of love to both of ya!

15:02 Aug 16 2016

It was just meant to me. We hit it right off and found out all we have in common and you can't shut us up. Thanks Wicked, we are lucky to have friend like you and Payne here and quiet a few others. Got to mention my bro Von. LOL we are like Frick and Frack.

16:20 Aug 16 2016

More likely Starsky & Hutch without the car. Together in good and in bad times. Thats how love is. You give me strength to be a fighter and a warrior. I think I am the lucky one. I am trully blessed to have you in my life. And I so love your hair. One day I will have longer than yours. Wait and see

17:02 Aug 16 2016

-hugs you both- I adore this. You two are priceless.

17:20 Aug 16 2016

"Hugs payn and WW back" Thank you both. You are amazing. We love you a lot

21:49 Aug 18 2016

Awwww... love...❤❤❤❤..happy for both of you so freaking much

01:08 Aug 24 2016

makes me want to cry brother ;( and sis lilli much love for u both and I will send prayers always. My brother in law going through cancer too so I know what is like sis!


20:35 Aug 15 2016
Times Read: 1,513

On the way home from work I almost hit two kids (mid 20s) who stepped into the road in front of my truck.

Playing Pokemon Go.



20:46 Aug 15 2016

They should call that stupid game "How To Win a Darwin Award".

21:56 Aug 15 2016

Stupidity never won any goals! Think they'd know better.

23:37 Aug 15 2016

Or "How many times you will get hit by a car"

This madness should end with this game. Or someday something worse will happen to someone

07:47 Aug 16 2016

Probably the dumbest thing created honestly.

14:40 Aug 16 2016

I aply it, but I am not dumb or stupid lol I know my life is valued more then a game, so I play but I use my head and I pay attention around me, I also do not go on private property NEVER, I also do not do it in places that would be disrespectful, like cemetenry and such NEVER EVER.

I do it simply cause it allows me to get out, with my health issues I can't really do much outside so this is a way for me to do a bit without being or feeling like a useless piece of flesh, its less boring.

Plus there is always going to be a reason why the darwin will make ppl do things, it was texting while waking in the begaining, then it was talking ont he phone while driving and facebook while driving and texting while driving, and alcohol and such, ppl with always find and excuse. Sadly.... ppl who are dumb will remain like that, no matter how "smart' thingas get around them will end up being used by their surounding. While those intelligent will use their brain to use the surounding in a common sens way.


16:30 Aug 14 2016
Times Read: 1,597

VR consensus over the weekend, Lana needs to cut out message people for re-adds (Never going to happen) and wearing diapers in the cam is a bad thing.



16:32 Aug 14 2016

Amen to than!!

Its getting tiring

16:41 Aug 14 2016

Hey, maybe he just looks older than he actually is. >:P

17:18 Aug 14 2016

Amen!! I am so sick of Lana asking for re-rates and adds. I just cant do it anymore. I can understand a name change right after you create a profile and you decide its not for you or if you have had the name forever and decide its time for a change. But when you are changing names like people change their underwear, you have a serious problem. Diapers on the cam.....EWWWWW! DISGUSTING!!

17:25 Aug 14 2016

Haha I havent thought of that Zombie

And you are right John

17:45 Aug 14 2016

The thing is Lana is always going to be Lana. She always going to name change. She always going to random send message to re-rate her. Even if she swears she will stop, she won't. It is what it is. Now, the diaper in cam... Here is HOPING that some new rule on attire for Cam is put into place. Diaper wearing is just wrong.

01:14 Aug 15 2016

Man in diapers scared me 😱 lol jk but really i was in shock.you don't see that everyday lol


17:55 Aug 13 2016
Times Read: 1,626

Police Heli footage of police tracking a car driving suspiciously that turned out to be a guy hunting Pokis. If you want fast forward to the last minute as it ends with one of the best, most deadpan sarcastic comments I've ever heard.



17:57 Aug 13 2016

Its getting ridiculous.

I dont know how many got hurt by chasing pokemons

00:53 Aug 14 2016



23:07 Aug 12 2016
Times Read: 1,677

Hey! Mom, I read the Bible.

I never felt any good could come from reading the Bible, till now:

The author of SMBC just came out with an abridged Bible, part of his Religion: Ruining Everything Since 4004 BC . Seems pretty accurate and only takes about 5 mins to read. Before this I never got through the first part of the Bible because it reads like a fucking telephone book.


God made everything, but humans

keep screwing it up; some Jews

move to Egypt, which seemed like a

good idea at the time.


Pharaoh tried to kill the Hebrews,

but he blew it, so they left, and then

everyone accidentally worshipped a


2 Samuel

David kills a bunch of people,

which is great, but then he sleeps

with a married woman, and WOW is

God mad about that. On the plus side,

they have a kid named Solomon.

But strictly speaking she wasn't married at the time, right, because David sent the husband out into battle and arranged for him to get killed?



23:13 Aug 12 2016

Yeah, that's not how it went at all. Sounds like someone is seriously confused.

23:27 Aug 12 2016

What part is wrong?

01:43 Aug 13 2016


God made everything, but humans

keep screwing it up;

This part has always been accurate. Kudos!

some Jews

move to Egypt, which seemed like a

good idea at the time.


Pharaoh tried to kill the Hebrews,

but he blew it,

Pharaoh wasn't trying to kill the Jews. He needed workers so, the Jews were slaves of the Egyptians.

so they left,

No, they didn't just up and leave one day. They were slaves. Probably should read the story, it's far too long to explain.

and then

everyone accidentally worshipped a


They chose to make a golden calf with the intent of worshiping it. This isn't done by accident.

2 Samuel

David kills a bunch of people,

Yes, he most certainly did. With God's help, according to scripture.

which is great, but then he sleeps

with a married woman, and WOW is

God mad about that. On the plus side,

they have a kid named Solomon.

But strictly speaking she wasn't married at the time, right, because David sent the husband out into battle and arranged for him to get killed?

This last part is riddled with issues. First, David was to be at the war as God instructed him. He did not go.

Second, he lusted after another man's wife and did in fact sleep with Bathsheba before the death of her husband Uriah.

Third, David got her pregnant and then tried to cover it up by trying to send Uriah to his wife. Hoping they would have sex and everyone would think it's Uriah's child.

And lastly, David sent Uriah to battle, in the worst part no less and instructed everyone else to back away from the battle so that Uriah would be killed.

God had GREAT reason to be angry with David.

There's a lot more to this story but, I wanted to hit on these points specifically.

17:19 Aug 13 2016

And here they have been saying his book is spot on.


18:43 Aug 12 2016
Times Read: 1,695

In case you were thinking of trying the new Swedish Fish Oreos

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Don't. DO NOT. It tastes like a pharmacy took a shit in my mouth.



19:22 Aug 12 2016

That sounds very creepy and nasty...

23:44 Aug 13 2016

Someone brought two bags of these things into work last week for everyone to sample. The general consensus was the flavor was akin to cough syrup mixed with shame.

14:50 Aug 16 2016

I need to taste this and crystal Pepsi.


15:47 Aug 11 2016
Times Read: 1,704

Dr. Strange in ONE Month!!!




10:00 Aug 11 2016
Times Read: 1,726

You will always be my morning desire



10:05 Aug 11 2016

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

It's just one of those days

When I wana stay here with her

And watch her while she sleeps

And listen to the rain fall up on the roof

And the thunder sounds like horses hooves



16:06 Aug 09 2016
Times Read: 1,750

I have no nice way of saying this so I'm just gonna

Men's synchronized diving is literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen. And So apparently Olympic BMX is now a thing. Also, Saw reports earlier of a sailing/ rowing athlete who flipped when he hit a couch in the waterfront . And I got ask this: WHY ARE THE NUMBERS ON THE TAGS IN COMIC SANS???



16:17 Aug 09 2016

What the Olympics needs is ThunderDome! Like back in the old school days of the Olympics.

16:18 Aug 09 2016

Olympics from games that were full of hope and you would sit and admire all the hard work of the athletes and feel like you were one of them have turned the past decade to games full of money muscle drugs and bad publicity.

Even the reports prefer to film and write about the accidents and who won who because they used to have a suppose heater.

Sometimes I miss the old Olympics where I would sit with my parents and watch them and be proud of every country that would won.

Now I see even silly games that they event. They even want to put Beach Rackets as a game for the next time

17:56 Aug 09 2016

Olympics lost its flavor after the USSR disbanded. Now it is just a bunch of running, swimming, and weird activities I've never participated in.

17:58 Aug 09 2016

Too true. I couldnt say it with simple words


21:37 Aug 08 2016
Times Read: 1,758

Women's Rugby is now my 2nd favorite olympic sport.




20:46 Aug 07 2016
Times Read: 1,781

Don't go hunting Pokemon in minefields sounds like advice that shouldn't need to be given.


Out of all the fads I've missed, this will go down as the one I'm most glad to have missed.



01:49 Aug 08 2016

What's worse then a Nuclear, world war three? Countries fighting each other with Pokemon Go!

21:05 Aug 15 2016

Maybe it's not advice that should be given but here's what I heard of that people have done playing this game:

Walked into traffic and got hit by a car because their eyes were on their mobile device.

Played while driving and got careless driving/assaulting a police officer charges when they hit a parked police cruiser.

Walked off of a cliff. Yes, a cliff.

Clearly some of those playing this are not very bright.


19:19 Aug 07 2016
Times Read: 1,792

Before I even read the comments on this song I thought 'Damn, This is a Stalker Song.' Creepy.



19:25 Aug 07 2016

Its the first time I have heard someone say that about this song.

LOL Its a nice song though.


21:35 Aug 06 2016
Times Read: 1,878

Yo, Paganwillow. I have no clue what you are talking about. I think you're hitting up the wrong person. Peace out. :

Original Message:

FROM: paganwillow

Hi just for the record how dare you slag off kyrs to fangs when you should be her friend !saying stuff about het to him what bloody rigjt have you got to say bad stuff about her when you know fuck all about her she is better of without a fuckin dick.like yoy



21:39 Aug 06 2016

what the heck did i just read.......

ok, odd person there......

21:40 Aug 06 2016

Uhm...Can I get the translated version?

21:41 Aug 06 2016

Huh 😐

21:51 Aug 06 2016

How......sweet of her. Not

22:11 Aug 06 2016

Fuckin dick. like yoy...... isnt that from a menu? Believe it cums with sauce, thats optional of course, just like peoples typos before sending a message.

22:11 Aug 06 2016

What the hell did I just read? Also someone needs to make friends with the spell checker.

00:02 Aug 07 2016

is that even english?

06:47 Aug 07 2016

according to her profile she is training to become a nurse.... I wonder what patient will end up with the wrong medication.. I mean with this type of spelling, can you imagine the hospital work she will do?

I usually don't judge on stuff like that, as I am a french speaking person so therefore my english is not that good, but usually a nurse should have impecable writting spelling and all, because a wrong letter and you give either the wrong meds, deadly or what not, to the wrong patient

07:40 Aug 07 2016

Who says she's really a nurse?

I could say i'm a millionaire that doesn't mean jack squat.

She sounds like an immature child esp with that kind of spelling.

That, or her schooling sux balls. Just saying.

14:28 Aug 07 2016

What in the world is that mess?

21:48 Aug 07 2016

I am told she had not been on in awhile. She logs on yesterday. Sends me that, which I have no clue about. Blocks me, I could not ask her what she means. Logs out. Drug use comes to mind.


21:46 Aug 05 2016
Times Read: 1,935

In 666 ways i love you

And my heaven is wherever you are.

I'm here for you

I'm for you!



21:56 Aug 05 2016

Love Ville ❤

22:09 Aug 05 2016

I`m for you - and I`m dying for your love

I`m for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever you are

I`m here for you - I am here for you

In 666 ways I love you

I do

22:11 Aug 05 2016

Awwwww lurve in the air! ❤

22:25 Aug 05 2016

I do.

22:29 Aug 05 2016

What more beautiful than love


22:57 Aug 05 2016


23:03 Aug 05 2016

;) :*

01:19 Aug 06 2016



20:45 Aug 05 2016
Times Read: 1,953

It's Friday. Work is done. Got the house to myself. Some friends are coming over. And its early. Hope the neighbors don't mind the music tonight. If they do. Fuck em.



21:02 Aug 05 2016

Lol I used to feel that way too!

21:28 Aug 05 2016

Sounds like a great night for a hang out :)

21:36 Aug 05 2016

haha yeah Theme song for tonight...

21:36 Aug 05 2016



20:25 Aug 05 2016
Times Read: 1,956



20:56 Aug 05 2016

I love that song. Such a beautiful baland

21:58 Aug 05 2016

Those 2 guys are hot..damn it..😍

01:18 Aug 06 2016

Frozen, you are such a girl.

08:28 Aug 06 2016

Can't help myself when i see a man with long hair.. hahaha..it is more then words ..lol lol

01:36 Aug 13 2016

love this song i used to dance to it as a toddler

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