Dakotah's Journal


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10 entries this month

20:39 Jun 18 2020
Times Read: 573

Sean still shut in stuff:

I possibly MAY, MIGHT start back to work in July!!!! Not that I have not been working from home, I have.

So my lady friend squirrel has left me for good it seems. However, a new one has taken the role.

Today he came close to the house. He grabbed a walnut. Got about two feet and he managed to eat it. Came back for 2nd's, and 3rd's and so one. Dude is also a tripod (missing front right leg) and my new hero. That's some impressive skill.

There is also one that comes to feast and this one is tailless. I call 'him "Stubtail." Not a huge deal, just a little quirk of mine. I like to name them.

I am guessing these guys must of had a run in with this cat that is all over the neighborhood. My roommates dog chases the cat out of the yard which is funny to watch because the cat is bigger then Ripley. So, I am thinking they know my yard is a cat free zone plus I serve walnuts every morning. It's a win win for them.

Hope everyone is doing well and are safe.




21:35 Jun 18 2020

15:21 Jun 20 2020

Yes, it is possible that I will see my office in July. It will be interesting since I've never seen it and don't even know where in the firm it is located. LOL! I started a new job on 3/30 after everyone was already working remotely. It is strange to have been at a new job for almost 3 months and to have never seen your office!


22:25 Jun 16 2020
Times Read: 622

I lost Liliancat to diamond painting! How this all began is Cat started posting about Diamond painting. I had never heard of it before so I looked it up on YouTube. I spoke to Cat about it and it looked like it would be a fun project. I did one. I was hooked. As a thank you to Cat I sent her one as a gift. Then I order Liliancat one. At first Amazon, Global said it would take a month to get to her. Then Lili gets a call from Greece Amazon to confirm the address and wham! She got it today! She tells me she is going to start working on it tomorrow. Then silence. When she does come back to skype she tells me she started the painting. Informed me she was hooked already. We spoke a little more and then that is the last I heard from her so far.

Liliancat starts radiation Monday. She went and got the tattoo spots where they will focus on. She picked up the cream which helps patients with tradition burns and the pills for her stomach.

I am so happy these painting will help her occupy her mind. She is scared. I will be sending her more of these diamond paintings. Anything to make my girl happy.

I love you Liliancat.
Thank you Cat for tipping us off on these. You no idea how happy Lili is.




22:35 Jun 16 2020

I am glad I could give you both something simple to bring smiles. These kits make stress easier and I love them

07:33 Jun 17 2020

I cant lie. I am so hooked up. May the painting crystal froce be with you. Welcome to the dark side and all that hahah

07:33 Jun 17 2020

Thank you so much love I just love it. I cant stop it. Its the best gift ever

07:34 Jun 17 2020

As long as you and my family are next to me all will beok. You give me strength

07:34 Jun 17 2020

Cat thank you this idea rocked. Its total awesome

21:45 Jun 18 2020

I am glad I could help


21:10 Jun 15 2020
Times Read: 657

Ring of FIRE!!!!!!! June 21!

The Most Dramatic 'Ring Of Fire' Solar Eclipse For A Decade Will Strike This Weekend

What is a "ring of fire" annular solar eclipse?

It’s a special kind of partial solar eclipse. It occurs when a new moon is furthest away from Earth on its elliptical orbit — basically the opposite of a "supermoon" — so it doesn’t cover the sun’s disk completely. Solar eclipse glasses must be worn at all times to avoid the threat of blindness, so it can be a dangerous event if you’re not properly prepared.

The Lore:

Many cultures explain eclipses, both solar and lunar, as a time when demons or animals consume the sun or the moon.

More Lore:

A group of gods wish to create an elixir of immortality, so they enlist a few demons to help them churn the cosmic ocean (using a mountain for a churning stick). The ambrosia eventually emerges like curds in milk. This process also leads to the creation of the moon and the sun, among other enchanted things. The gods promise to share the elixir with the demons, but when the task is done, the god Vishnu disguises himself as a woman, enchants the demons and steals their portion of the elixir.

The demon Rahu then sneaks into the camp of the gods and manages to steal a swig of the elixir, but the sun and the moon spot him and blow the whistle on him. Vishnu cuts off Rahu's head, but because the demon is immortal, this doesn't kill him. He's angry at the sun and the moon for ratting him out, so he chases the two objects through the sky. Every once in a while, he catches up with one of his betrayers and swallows it, but because he's just a severed head, the sun or the moon slips back out through his disconnected neck. Nonetheless, the demon continues his pursuit indefinitely.



21:20 Jun 15 2020

I'll be honest, when you yelled ring of fire, I though you had diarrhea or something lol

21:40 Jun 15 2020

22:58 Jun 15 2020

23:39 Jun 15 2020

Don't eat all that taco bell lol.

07:08 Jun 16 2020

All these kind of amazing things are so awesome

07:09 Jun 16 2020

Youi scared the people love

07:09 Jun 16 2020

Kidding hun

07:10 Jun 16 2020

Bring the tacos


16:31 Jun 14 2020
Times Read: 689

Few journals down I posted that my brother and his wife came down with Covid19. They are doing better. The whole family got tested and everyone else has come back Negative. Though my Mom (she is a RN) is going to have everyone tested again in a week. She said 30% of the test will show a false Negative or a false positive. Seems they had a mild case of covid. My brother still has shortness of breath and low energy but he has not had a fever in 4 days now. During this time ( And Liliancat please forgive me) I was stressed, had a very bad day, was missing my family, just a lot of stuff going on and this is NO excuse, I brought 1 pk of cigs. I only smoked three then I threw the pack away. They tasted nasty.

About racism, for now I am not going to write about my personal experiences. Though I would like to share this poem written by Lois Red Elk.

Mile Marker 608

These wheels under my spirit are speeding
Me into rising East where Elk bugles the first
rays and lays my road a dripping red, full of
uneven heart beats, stories that have survived
because of their death songs. I’m in no hurry,
injured stories need time, time to tell, time to
heal, and these times are marked for unfolding
in this deserted place. Following railroad ties
will help me count out all the heart pain, black
and blue knees and lost voices filling prairie
suns and moons. It wasn’t easy remembering
the first mile, the ride that turned into a rope
that dragged my koda around and around among
sage brush where only hawks heard a pleading
voice, where only dust devils cheered for the
noose that was meant for a sun burnt neck but
settled for fragile knots of bone connecting to
feet that couldn’t carry the damaged brain toward
saving decisions, toward escaping directions.
So I leave the first scarred turnoff where stagnate,
unhealed air shuts down any further inquiry.



19:14 Jun 14 2020

Hang in there, Brother!

17:55 Jun 15 2020

I hope they feel better and I'll pray for ur family

07:15 Jun 16 2020

You have a strong family my love and I know mom is super careful with the whole virus. They are strong. Like you. All will be ok

07:15 Jun 16 2020

I am with you sweetie

07:15 Jun 16 2020

And as you always tell me positive thoughts

07:15 Jun 16 2020

And keep smiling


18:49 Jun 12 2020
Times Read: 728

LordMogy posted a journal a few days ago about his experience with rasism. My own experiences came flooding back. I will share some of them. For those who do not know I am Native Indian, Cree Nation. When I was little my parents did not live on a Reservation. My Dad had a good job and our house was in a mostly white neighborhood. When I started school I was teased a lot because of my long hair. Also, other kids would snicker as they would pass me saying things like 'Injuns belong on the Reservations. A lot of racial jokes, name calling went on. These were kids. Do you know that kids pick racisum up from home? Well, they do. So they stuff my classmates were saying to me was stuff they picked up from their parents. I remember once as a kid I saw a small bike laying on the sidewalk two houses down. I walked over to it and picked it up and rode it just right in the area. Then I took it and placed it back in the same spot I had found it. A boy my age came out and grab it and yelled at me for riding his bike. He then walked it to the hose in front of his house and washed it off because I had rode it. I knew why he was doing that. It hurt my feelings at the time. An Indian had touched his bike so he felt it was know unclean. I told my Mom about it and she began to teach me that this little boy has been taught this from his Mom and Dad and that I must forgive that boy in my heart. My Mom was amazing. Soon after my Dad lost his 'good' job and we moved back to lands my grandparents owned right outside the Rez. As I grew up, got my first car I worked hard for, brand new. I can not tell you how many times I was pulled over to check if the car, MY CAR, was stollen. In all my experiences though the ones that always hurt the most were when young native girls were found dead in the cities around Canada and the RCMP would do nothing. Or how many native girls were missing and again the RCMP would do nothing or list them as runaways. I have gone to hundreds, yes hundreds of vigils for the missing or dead. I am going to stop for now on my story because I have tears. I will close for now with this.

On June 5th, 26-year-old First Nations mother in New Brunswick was shot and killed by police.



19:05 Jun 12 2020


19:12 Jun 12 2020

Yes, it is. I have more to post about it but it's hard to even right out. And it's true, rasism is a learned with in an environment that kids learn at home. Then they grow up, have kids and if they do not unlearn this, their kids pick it up. The cycle is passed from generation to generation. Maybe now, this is a wake up call to the world. It's time that we all see past the color of skin color.

19:12 Jun 12 2020

write, I mean.

19:17 Jun 12 2020

Racism is one of the most stupidest flaws of people. Skin color does not matter, hair color does not matter, the gender of who you bang does not matter.. and yet people find this reason enough to be cruel.

Bigotry finds its root in such a simple thing, "difference". Because of group mentality, anyone different from the others is treated in low regard. Bigotry isn't even limited to racism or homophobia, it can be as petty as diferences between classes or even wage differences.

20:26 Jun 12 2020

It's some people wanting,....... hell, NEEDING to feel "better-than-YOU" in order to feel good about themselves, but can't unless they convince themselves that YOU are less than they are in any way shape or form and it doesn't stop there, they have to not only tell, and show YOU that they believe this or that they are in some way, but they must spread that mental thought to others so they too can validate their illness.

16:43 Jun 14 2020

I am 34 years old, and I still face racism. It just never goes away.... it's like a demon on my back, forever haunting me. I just do my thing and be myself. I don't have to please anybody. As long as I hold my end of whatever bargain, I will survive.

All lives matter. Genocides are the extreme cases. Just be nice to others. See them as beings, not colours. See them for their characters, not skin colour. However, certain prejudices still colour - pun not intended - our judgments.

If it is personal, I totally understand... because when I am being a racist, it's due to personal experiences. I try not to let that rule my head. Give the other person a benefit of the doubt.... sometimes, they might prove you wrong!


17:22 Jun 09 2020
Times Read: 766

I was outside this morning and saw these in the sky...

And this one....

It puzzled the crap out of me...

Then I noticed the time and realized that Lord Mogy must be medicating over there in California.



19:02 Jun 09 2020


00:46 Jun 09 2020
Times Read: 797

What a insane day!

1. My Mom contacted me to inform me my brother and sister in law tested positive for covid19.

2. My Liliancat and me are waiting on her latest test results and of course the doctors take their time to inform us.

3. The house next door that recently became empty a couple was over there doing some yard work just now and chopping down a HUGE tree. I heard this big thump and notice one the tree branches they sawed down hit the top of the fence and now there is a good two feet dent in the top of the fence.

Now I am going to have a beer. I hope you are having a better day then me.

And clearly I can not type right today.



01:33 Jun 09 2020

07:02 Jun 09 2020

"Tackle hug her sweetie and her brother"

07:03 Jun 09 2020

Love hugs hehe

07:04 Jun 09 2020

Your family is strong and you are the strongest. Honestly I cant wait for you to come back home. I know how much you miss home and the family

07:04 Jun 09 2020

And because i can i will give many comments in here.

12:58 Jun 09 2020

Sorry to hear hope things get better have a blessed day,

15:21 Jun 09 2020



00:24 Jun 08 2020
Times Read: 841

Just my thought's.

I have lost many fur family members in my life. What has meant the most to me during these times of grief has been when people simple said Deepest condolences. Some other things people have done that have meant a lot to me is... a card! Yes, they make those now for when someone looses a fur family member. Or as we call them in my culture: A brother, a sister, a child. My horses are brothers and sisters to me as are my cats, dogs, even Mrs. Duck. Point is they are family members. Friends who have had the same loss I view as they too lost a close member of their family. Thus that is how I treat it. I have sent flowers, cards even food baskets. I would never send a stuffed anything. Now, if I had sent something that hurt the person then I would be all over that saying how sorry I am. I would with all my heart explain that was not my intention at all. I would learn in the future that this type of gift is NOT what one should send someone who lost a furbaby. I sure would not attack the person for not receiving my gift in the intent I meant it to be and call them names and tell them to fuck off. Also, I would not post liees how they ask me to send it trying to cover my ass. I would own my shit, and do my best to make amends. I am just saying...

She just lost a member of her family, a close member. Have some decency. Ok, I need to end this here.



00:26 Jun 08 2020

We are expecting Lana to know what the word decency means now we need to focus our efforts into finding a dictionary for dummies for her

00:29 Jun 08 2020

True, I know. I do sometimes expect too much out of some peeps.


17:09 Jun 02 2020
Times Read: 863



23:12 Jun 02 2020

IKR?! I went out in town today and more than have the people I saw didn't have on a mask. WTF?!

23:13 Jun 02 2020


03:33 Jun 03 2020

And I think that we skipped right by the Murder Hornets!

04:12 Jun 03 2020

Let's not forget Godzilla vs Mothra lol.


01:27 Jun 01 2020
Times Read: 729

When you have a country or government that has systematically failed you, failed a large portion of the population, has ignored the people who stood up peacefully said this is not right and ignored time after time after time but you don't speak up until it turns violent and tell those people that were failed that they are in the wrong then you are part of the problem. No person should have to beg for the right to not fear those in power over them. When a person stands up against their abuser it's self-defense. Make no mistake, I don't condone these violent acts but I have enough foresight to see when it is warranted. In the end there's no definitive good and evil side. There are good and evil people. Any large cause will bring out the evil people who are in search of an excuse the be violent but we have seen this on both sides. You need to find the forest through the trees. Quit being stagnant only outing your opinion when you feel like it or when you feel personally attacked. Check your privilege. What do you do if you see injustice after injustice that is consistently ignored? How far would you go if it were you? If it were your children?

A black man was murdered by a sadistic white cop on video that we all watched while he cried for his Mother.



01:44 Jun 01 2020

21:42 Jun 01 2020

This is what happens when you have a president that is ignorant and a racist...doesnt give 2 cents about the majority of the people in this country. Only thing he cares about are the rich ..and the economy.
He only promotes hatred..since hes been in office this country has gone straight to hell .
I need some sage ..time to clease!!!

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