Dakotah's Journal


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10 entries this month

16:23 Oct 20 2017
Times Read: 1,087

A LOL moment at Lily. So we are watching a live space walk from NASA ( https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive ) and ground tells the astronaut: Turn the bolt 8x counter clockwise. And Lily comes up with this:

NASA to astronaut:
NASA: now fold the underwear clock wise and do a double fold
astronaut: roger that

Also they use Velcro, I herd NASA tell the astronaut 'Now undo the velcro.' which is used to hold in place some spare parts on what they are working on. But Lily's comment had me laughing which OMG just having the operation on my colon and staples in my stomach I don't want to laugh.



16:27 Oct 20 2017

Haha Im sorry baby but I couldnt help. It pop up in my head thinking that the Astronaut is folding his cloths by the help of the Nasa on the space. I hope the stomach didnt hurt too much "snuggles"

Above the funny momment its amazing to see all this. The photos of the space. The sky. The stars. The diamonds. The space is trully magnificent. Thank you for sharing this beauty with me my love.

16:30 Oct 20 2017

If we EVER do find a planet with life on it... I am going send the planet folks a warning. Don't let white man land! They will say they want to be friends but they will steal your lands and its resources! Then move you all into a Reservation on your own planet!

16:33 Oct 20 2017

I can see that happening. You and me running and with signs saying "go home back to space. Save yourselves" lol

17:09 Oct 20 2017

Cmon .... under garment folding is very important. They cant wear wrinkled under garments when they meet aliens! Need to make a good first impression :p

17:25 Oct 20 2017

Too true cubby I didnt hink of that

17:27 Oct 20 2017

LOL you two are so funny. Please don't make me laugh.


00:22 Oct 20 2017
Times Read: 1,096

I bet Space Programs are already trying to make crafts to harvest diamonds in space. But this is why I love space. All the mysteries we uncover up there. I love the NASA site:

It rains solid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune:

The gems form in the hydrocarbon-rich oceans of slush that swath the gas giants' solid cores. Scientists have long speculated that the extreme pressures in this region might split those molecules into atoms of hydrogen and carbon, the latter of which then crystallize to form diamonds. These diamonds were thought to sink like rain through the ocean until they hit the solid core.

*From: washingtonpost.com Aug, 2017/.../it-rains-solid-diamonds-on-uranus-and-nept...

Black Diamonds: A Gift from Space

Black diamonds have always been different than other diamonds, not just in color, but also in composition. Conventional diamonds are mined from the Earth, formed by explosive volcanic rocks known as kimberlites that transport them from the Earth’s mantle to its surface in a very short amount of time. No matter the area in which they are found, traditional diamonds are virtually identical in their makeup. Known as Carbonado diamonds, the makeup and formation of black diamonds is not compatible with any of the conventional diamonds. Not only that: around 600 tons of conventional diamonds have been mined since 1900, but no black diamonds have been discovered within a mine. Scientists have long been considering where these diamonds have come from. Two Florida International University scientists in combination with two Western Reserve University researchers began to explore the idea that there are diamonds in outer space, and that this is the origin of the carbonado diamond. And new data supports that theory: carbondo diamonds formed in stellar supernovae explosions. They have also determined that these black diamonds were once the size of asteroids, a kilometer or more in diameter, when they first landed on the Earth.

Scientists were able to prove many of their theories about diamonds in outer space when the Almahata Sitta meteorite fell to Earth and exploded over the Nubian Desert in Sudan. They were able to recover many of the meteorite fragments and examine them. The fragments contained diamonds that were much larger than any the scientists had previously seen, leading them to believe that the diamonds come from a planet that existed when our solar system was forming, and has since shattered. Scientists believe that the diamonds are formed when asteroids collide, where the heavy impact crushes the carbon to form diamonds.




16:11 Oct 19 2017
Times Read: 1,112

RIP Gord Downie :(

Sad time for us Canadians. We lost a treasure. To give those an idea who he was and how much we all loved him, last summer after Downie announced he had inoperable brain cancer, CBC aired a final live Tragically Hip concert nation wide. The Prime Minister attended live. There was a food festival in my town that day, and the organizers put up a giant screen at the end of the street and projected the concert for everyone at the festival. Estimates were that almost 12 million Canadians watched it, which is more than how many watched the Men's Hockey Gold Medal Game in 2002. I still have that concert on my PVR.

The man was an outspoken social activist and a hell of a musician, and his music was a significant part of my growing up. If you wanted to draw a U.S. comparison it's IMO like losing Bruce Springsteen.



16:19 Oct 19 2017

He was trully amazing even though he wasnt that known in greece he was totaly awesome. He shall be missed thats for sure

18:58 Oct 19 2017

very sad


00:02 Oct 19 2017
Times Read: 1,144

So I had an operation and am stuck in the hospital and I want to go home and my doctor says maybe next week. 0.0 Why do the nurses have to wake me up when I am sleeping to tell me they putting meds in my IV. why, oh why. They tell me to check on me. If I am breathing I am fine. Lily, I want to go home. How did you do this, stay in a hospital so long? I admit the IV pain killers work but.... and they won't let me eat yet. Not that I am eager to eat hospital food.



02:21 Oct 19 2017

Hang in there Brother.

02:28 Oct 19 2017

I'm so sorry. I know how it is to be in a hospital. I wish you speedy recovery

04:01 Oct 19 2017

I am so happy that you are wanting to go home! That means you are feeling better:) We are praying for your speedy recovery:) Hugs and love you!!

06:53 Oct 19 2017

I remember I was complaining because they wouldnt tell me when they will let me go home and yet you were there telling me to be patient and its all for my own good and my health. You gave me strength at my hardest days. I know you want to go home love trust me I want nothingmore that to know you are at your own bed resting but we will be patient a little more. The worst tiring part of the operation is over and soon you will be home. You are so strong my love

15:10 Oct 19 2017

Could be worse brother, I could be there giving you enemas and just about any horrific unnecessary medical practises >:)

You will be fine, if you want to pass the time just torment the nurses. XD

16:18 Oct 19 2017

Thank you all. :) @Mort I am sure you would use a good whiskey but I will pass on your enema offer.


15:57 Oct 10 2017
Times Read: 1,161

I think anyone who openly admits to breaking the VR ToS in a journal, there profiles should be suspended for life. They are admitting they have no respect for the rules here and normally someone like this will break the rules again.... Just my thoughts....



16:04 Oct 10 2017

i agree with you on that

02:26 Oct 19 2017

You found loopholes, cat. If I cared and had your time, I'd screw you right over


15:21 Oct 10 2017
Times Read: 1,169

Does anyone here do personalized Star Charts? I would like to get one done for me and Lily. Contact me or leave a reply here. I am sure someone here does.



15:26 Oct 10 2017

Yes please!!


17:10 Oct 09 2017
Times Read: 1,238

Why, oh, why do people do this. I reported the profile. We have teenagers here should not have see this. I do not want to see this. I go to rate the profile and.... w t f. Ummm the penis.




17:18 Oct 09 2017

And of course no staff on so it will stay up awhile. We need more staff here on VR, active staff.

17:22 Oct 09 2017

I nominate Dakotah for the position of VR Sentoran *Runs away really fast laughing and then hides behind Lily*

17:27 Oct 09 2017

And I thought you were my friend Mogy.

17:33 Oct 09 2017

I am Brother...But I couldn't resist. Just too funny....LMAO!!!

17:55 Oct 09 2017

MooniePie to the rescue! She took care of the profile.

18:19 Oct 09 2017

I have to say one thing and i never cuss. Move your butt and nusty hands away from others people relationship.

18:20 Oct 09 2017

This was funny, Necksucker message me she bites me and she message me sending me a kiss then very next message is Mooniepie message she took care of the profile. Perfect timing. Moonie is a GREAT Regent.

18:22 Oct 09 2017

Its ok baby, she is gone now. :) Calm down. Draw in those claws.

18:24 Oct 09 2017

Hishhh loud
I dont get why she things she is wanted by the way she acts and put things. I mean a mens member on the pic? Seriously ? and she says she is 17. and the heck who you sent kisses too????? you barely know the other and you sent kisses. Its not because we are together love its because now days people do NOT respect that makes me mad

18:27 Oct 09 2017

That is true. A lot have no respect for others in relationships and will flirt like this person did. But I think she may have seen my journal about her and was sending those message on purpose. She is gone now from this site until she brings her profile to standards of the ToS.

21:45 Oct 09 2017

No surprise that Dakotah has been nominated. Lol

10:28 Oct 10 2017



13:52 Oct 07 2017
Times Read: 1,264

Two friends went on a camp over in the woods; one was a PHD graduate and the other was an ordinary American Indian. They planned this camping trip, for weeks and now were set on their way. The day has come where they put up the teepee and fell asleep.

Some hours later, in the middle of the night the ordinary American Indian woke up his friend, " Hey, wake up and look up at the sky and tell me what you see..."

The man with the PHD replies,"I see millions of stars."

The Indian man asks, “What does that tell you?”

The PHD guy ponders for a minute, “Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Satan’s in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately 03:15. Theologically, it’s evident the Great Spirit is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorological ally, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?”

The Indian looked over at his friend, "You can be a real dumb ass."

Silence came over the smart man for a moment, "What do you mean?"

The Indian says, "Well practically what I see is the Teepee has been stolen…"

So remember; be educated in what you know and see; because the right way to apply is where its applicable…



13:55 Oct 07 2017

I was reading the theory of the plannets and i must say the end made me roll off my chair laughing

15:03 Oct 07 2017

LOL ...


00:04 Oct 07 2017
Times Read: 1,296

As a world, if we all lived the words of this song, could you imagine how this world would be? A world of Love. Would not that be amazing. I plan to start in my world living the words of this song. Reaching out to my fellow man and woman. When I see someone down, rather it be a friend or a stranger reaching out to them and offer comfort.

When you're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all)
I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you (ooo)
I'll take your part, oh, when darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
Oh, if you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind



00:25 Oct 07 2017

Beautiful song.


00:33 Oct 03 2017
Times Read: 1,365

Hey! USA!

There is no legal right to possess arms in Canada. ... Canadian civilians aren't allowed to possess automatic weapons, handguns with a barrel shorter than 10.5 cm or any modified handgun, rifle or shotgun. Most semi-automatic assault weapons are also banned.

My personal thoughts: a handgun in a home or car for protection, registered, np.
Hunting rifle shots 1 bullet at a time for Hunters, np.
Semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles belong on battlefields NOT for private citizens. Yes, I watched the news. Yes I know he altered the assault riffle to shoot more rounds faster... but this dude had 11 assault rifles and more at home like some crazy shit of 40+ guns. Why are these legal in the USA????????



03:16 Oct 03 2017

The 2nd amendment is heavily guarded here. It is an incredibly controversial subject, even more so than tribal land rights. I respect other people’s views on this subject. However, I am not sure that we can find a reasonable measure that both sides can agree on.

03:30 Oct 03 2017

I believe owning a gun in any form is a right of ours. Many see it as that. However, many DO use them with repect to they are powerfull items to have and treat them as such. Many have many kinda of guns for many reasons. hunting, protecting, and defending. that covers most people.

then you got the few idiots that just don't care that messes it up for the rest of us... as ussual. I have alot more thoughts about many things about this, but won't put it as a journal comment lol

what it frys down to. most of us own guns rightfully, respectfully, and law abidingly. and also just plain and simply, we have the right to own them, and use the laws here to say we are aloud to own them, and we use it and for the reasons i said above. even if the guns some people own are assault type guns. personally, i wouldn't mind owning one or two myself if i had the money to get them. but thats just me. :) idk if my rabblings helped any or not lol

08:35 Oct 03 2017

XRobin3X you hit the nail on the head.

00:37 Oct 06 2017

Guns are just tools, if that idiot in Vegas was unable to get the firearms he would made ANFO bombs which would've caused just as many or more casualties. Evil lies in the heart not the object used to commit an act.

01:40 Oct 07 2017

I agree I own 3 my brother I live with owns 4 and we use them for hunting and protection . Our property is marked Private property , if someone crosses over onto our property they better have a good reason. You can wish we live in a candy cane world and wish to live like words to a song but it will never be that way . The government is already wanting to take our guns and sometimes I think things like what happen in Vegas has been created to be able to have a law that to take our guns. I am not understanding why a 32 story building didnt have a metal detector or a device to scan what goes through doors being able to see whats inside of suitcases and boxes like at the airport . Why was there not armed security guards throughout that building ? When you have a place where so many gather like this concert why wasnt all the surrounding buildings have armed guard's . In the past people have been shot down at the Olympic site, movie theaters and other events where large groups of people attend. Wise up people this is not a safe world we live in .

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