Dakotah's Journal


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7 entries this month

18:40 Sep 19 2017
Times Read: 988

Gooood Morning VR!!! I hope everyone has a good day.



18:43 Sep 19 2017

Goodmorning my love!! "hands you a cup of fresh hot coffee snuggling to you watching the rain"

19:01 Sep 19 2017

good afternoon

20:01 Sep 19 2017

GM Bro...Hands you a blunt. ^_^

21:29 Sep 19 2017

rubs eyes..... looks for coffee..... good afternoon dude.....


18:43 Sep 18 2017
Times Read: 1,048

Yo Murderkidd.... You call MY wife.... a raciest....... Lily......... a raciest... Alls cos she won't take you back into her mentorship when you made the statement you plan to take a gun and shoot up your school..... Ok Kiddo' You crossed a line.... and then some.... I am sending your message about shooting up your school to the local police here in Canada and I spoken to two I know personally and they told me send the message and the VR website link and they handle the rest.. They will contact the States and will be telling the Police/Agencys that need to be told and can find you and bring you in because they take this shit serious... there two things that are a a No No to post on the internet: 1. That your a terrorist and plan to blow something up. 2. That you have thoughts or plans to take a gun to a school and shot people. And Kiddo' they can find you.... HUGE mistake calling my wife a raciest and HUGE mistake saying the crap you say since you been here, rather your just attention seeking which I suspect is what your are doing... The Police have been told about the school shooting plans.

Original Message:

FROM: Liliancat

1:06 Sep 18 2017
I told you i was sorry for snapping, don't be such a baby !...sheesh ... So can we talk on here about my problem ...?...by the way dwaynemcriff said he knows you. He said he is black and that you are racist ... That's not good Lilian ... Your kinda mean

08:36 Sep 17 2017 (-0 GMT) Liliancat wrote:

Bad mood?
No I am stating the facts. Only one person has my personal info an dtht is my husband. And if I remebr well you snapped at me have you not?

02:48 Sep 17 2017 (-0 GMT) MurderKidd wrote:

....someone's in a bad mood

10:08 Sep 16 2017 (-0 GMT) Liliancat wrote:

I am sorry but I do not give my personal information such as phone number and adress to people in a network site. I am sure you have other close friend that you can descisue your personal issue with

08:19 Sep 16 2017 (-0 GMT) MurderKidd wrote:

well...you were my first friend on VR...and i feel guilty ; for saying those things to you...do you wanna talk on the phone...that way i can tell you something



18:58 Sep 18 2017

I'm sure he'll be picked up in a black van and never seen again soon.

19:11 Sep 18 2017

He is a fucking moron...dont stress the trolls guys focus on your love and hell with everyone else

19:23 Sep 18 2017

Yeah the thing that has been playing on my mind though even before he called lily a raciest was that what if.... what if he was not just attention seeking and did plan to shot up his school... the what if... because really with people today there always that chance they do plan to do what they post... there been people who post on FB they plan to kill there family and then they do it.... I mean... its a crazy world and I got to thinking that if this kid did in fact take a gun to his school and I had read a message of his intent to do so and I did nothing.... well, that would be rather hard for me to live with the fact I did nothing. So today when he message lily again well... it was the push I needed. My cousin here too who is TP said I did the right thing. TP Is Tribal Police we have here on the Rez they are real Police officers. My cousin said I did the right thing.

19:28 Sep 18 2017

Well report him to the proper people then have her block him she doesnot need the stress

22:40 Sep 18 2017

Lilly is not and has never been racist towards others. This kid needs to shut the fuck up!

08:03 Sep 19 2017

Racist? Lilly? WTF is this person on? This has got to be some sort of Trolling gone wrong.

11:46 Sep 19 2017

Lily? Racist? *bursts out laughing* you have to be kidding me! Get Lily to block him. And Dwayne would never had said such a thing. Ridiculous!

14:03 Sep 19 2017

Lilith is no racist. You both are really cool and understanding.

17:32 Sep 19 2017

Its the fact that he used the " dont be such a baby seesshhh" and the "dwaynemcriff said he knows you. He said he is black and that you are racist ... That's not good Lilian ... Your kinda mean" That made me angry. The fact that he talks to like we are old friend and that he try to pull some one I know to his lie. I know Dwayne since he first joined as he was a pupil of my in my mentorship thus I know he would never say that and because i wanted to be cleared we talked after i recieved that message. One other thing that bothers me is that he presure me to tell me a personal isue he has problem wile I kindly said i am not interested. He asked my phone number or to say his problem there in an im.

The people who know me and they are my firends know that i never block anyone and i am barely angry ro mean to anyone but he crossed the line.
Thank you all for being amazing and my friend. I am grateful that you are all by each other side and help and protect each other. And thank you love for protecting me. You are trully my knight and my warrior.

But I want to believe that this journal is a way to make others ot understant that people try their hardest to cause problems to others who want to help and are kind. Always have your eyes open to issues like that and never give personal info to anyone. You dont know that person no matte who is what might cause. There is a lot of evil in this world.


01:26 Sep 18 2017
Times Read: 1,087

It astonish me sometimes when a person joins this community and they play with people in that they lie, and some how manage to get people to believe them. There have been a few pop up here like this and with a little google search is clear and easy to discover that 90% of what the person is posting is all made up lies. What bother me about this is that 4 year I have been here I grown to care about this community. I guess you could say I feel protective of this community and I hate seeing people here taken for a ride. I am a caring person and like I said I have grown to give a shit about people here and it breaks my heart and makes me so very angry when a person cons the community here. I know sooner or later the truth comes out because in the long run it always does. Then when the person is exposed they just delete there profiles and I suppose they move on looking for another community they can do the same thing too. It really there loss in the end because as much as this community has changed over the years, yu all are really good people and the dishonest souls are missing out on getting to really become a part of a pretty cool community. Google can be your friend folks. Use it.




05:40 Sep 17 2017
Times Read: 1,113

Puerto Rico may not exist come Thursday, newly minted Tropical Storm Maria is forecast to be a major hurricane by the time it reaches Puerto Rico and the center of the forecast cone is smack dab on the island.

What a month, eh?



15:23 Sep 17 2017

All we can do is pray and hope.

22:07 Sep 17 2017

Oh well, plenty of other places to go haha.

Thing is... this is nature, its going to happen somewhere and at somepoint on this planet, so no point in folks worrying about it because its going to happen no matter what your emotional and mental state about it is, never understood why humans worry about things they cannot control. One cannot stop nature nor should humans try. Survival is all one can hope for

....also preparing can help. build bunkers etc. Folk should think about doing that if they are going to live in locations more likely to have a natural disaster.


06:13 Sep 14 2017
Times Read: 1,167

Oh the lies and cons and bullshit some post here and then there are those who buy into there bullshit. . At least be truthful with yourself if you're not going to be honest with us. I wonder what it's like to be that fucking stupid.



06:45 Sep 14 2017

They say if you tell one lie it get followed by another lie and another lie and then there is a rolercoaster full of lies that you dont remember where it started and where it ends. Its sad when someone would like only to be admired loved pittied and cared.
Being truth to yourself and true to others makes you a better person and you are admired by your true self and words
Unfortunatly our community and world is based on lies and dishonest people who get believed.

06:59 Sep 14 2017

I don't buy bullshit...That crap is expensive. -snickers- And we have cars to pay for...LOL

07:40 Sep 14 2017

Lol Ohhh Payne. I agree with you. Lets not forget the expensive gas for the cars and the house fees

08:09 Sep 14 2017

So very true...


17:04 Sep 06 2017
Times Read: 1,261

Hey MurderKidd, I admire my wife for kicking you out of her mentorship when you sent her a message how one day you plan to shoot up your whole school. Dude, that's NOT something to even joke about. Now, leave her alone. Its not hard to find out where you live and pass these message to police how you plan to shoot up your school.



18:08 Sep 06 2017

that kid needs to be kicked off VR for that shit

19:21 Sep 06 2017

Give his message to the police ASAP! Even if it is a joke, it is not a chance to take!

19:21 Sep 06 2017

Wow. That is not even anything to joke about. Lily did the right thing. I do wish we knew his real name and where he lived, because the police do need to know about this. I am concerned. Truly concerned!!

19:33 Sep 06 2017

Look at his profile all it says is "School Shouter.' and he voiced that to Lily when she had him in her mentorship. This guy has issues. Yeah I serious consider alert police. I mean with all the school shootings who even says something like that. Then when Lily kicks him from her mentorships the things he said to her... well its er place to share that not mine but I read the school shooting part in the messages and I had to say something.

14:42 Sep 08 2017

Perhaps he needs a visit from the God-King, I think being forced to eat his own spleen might make him change his mind on violence.

02:32 Sep 09 2017

I would report that ASAP. I agree with the rest of you on this one.


05:28 Sep 02 2017
Times Read: 1,279

Let's give this 6+ billions-years old alien civilization a warm welcome once they get here!!!


But seriously, this is extremely cool.



19:57 Sep 02 2017

I have always been a firm believer in advanced extraterrestrial life and the topic of UFOs ever since I was a child. We have been sending signals into space for many years now with the hopes that something or someone out there would answer our calls. So far, out of all the signals we have sent into space, we have not received a response...or at least not to the majority of the public's knowledge. And with how humans treat each other and the planet we live on, is it really any wonder why any intelligent life would try to avoid mass attention from this planet. Scientists would want to experiment on them, the world's governments would want weaponize them, and the people would generally respond with hostility out of fear of them.

02:33 Sep 09 2017

I do not believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe.

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