Bad poetry returns. Our newest installment...The Cannibalism Nursery Rhyme. Our re-imagined verse followed by its original inspiration. Don't forget to check out Requiem's journal!
Hungry Sir Monart
Puffed on his blowdart
Felling his sweet, young wife.
He sauteed her cute nose
Then deep fried her ten toes
And dined with his new fork and knife.
Little Miss Muffett
Sat on her tuffett
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffett away.
~dies~ love it
Thanks :)
Well it gave me a laugh!
its so much better than the original :P
I LOVE IT. Absolutely love it. "then deep fried her ten toes" hehahahahah like little people trotters!
I love playing this game with you, woman. =)
Well you used the word 'captivate' so no reason why I can't use it too as I was captivated.
Yes, so many reasons why I come back here.
I want to know if this was inspired by something that has happened to you as I'm sure it must have been witnessed to be so 'spot on'? always, I am captivated by your words.
Beautiful picture :)
Oh oh you paint the loveliest things with your words! "All good now 'sha'." ♥
You paint the loveliest word pictures.
You should be published my dear.
Thank you. Encouraging words are so appreciated.
Our next installment of Bad Poetry. I present you with the Bacon Haiku Challenge. Don't forget to check Requiem's journal. And Captain Globehead got in on the action, too!
Oh oh oh oh you win! I concede! These are fan-fucking-tablous!
I love you. :)
Let's do more!
No, Requiem...bacon wins. Bacon wins, my friend. ;P
You captured the very essence of Charcuterie.
It is good and bad at the same time.... you win. :)
How you possibly see good in there, I'll never know.
She said trotters... oh sexy bacon (I know you are in fact my favorite vegetable)
Requiem and I were goofing off one day and somehow ended up challenging one another to a bad poetry-off. We gave ourselves rules to follow:
1) Joli: It must have rhyming couplets - Hallmark style!
2) Requiem: It must have five stanzas, four lines each, 20 lines total
3) Joli: Meter must be iambic pentameter
4) Requiem: The topic must be: Lemmings vs Aardvarks
5) Joli: EACH stanza must have one onomatopoeia.
6) Requiem: The only foreign language flavor words we may use must be in Italian. At least one must be used.
We vowed then to unleash our festival of pain upon you gentle folk. So, without further ado, I present you with this poem which I hope that you will find truly bad:
♥ Oh, how I adore thee!
holy crap...I only did 4 stanzas. No wonder I was editing everything. Aww damn. Oh well.
♥ I dig your poem.
It actually isn't THAT bad... a comparative sense.
hey, that's not so bad after all! Made me giggle ;)
Jo, still have a link to SkyVlad's page? ;)
How I wish, Liam!
my google-fu is strong
muradvamp dot tripod dot com slash sky dot html
05:31 Aug 24 2011
G7... it's "like a G6" but without Ke$ha!
08:34 Aug 24 2011
Not sure on that!! lol
13:08 Aug 24 2011
.... Does it tend to make you like a ferret with a double espresso? 'Cause if so ... When I get to Louisiana you HAVE to drink a few. o.o
14:38 Aug 24 2011
I'd have to read the ingredients before I would trust it... lol the foodnazi has spoken (hangs head in shame)...