LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


85 entries this month

23:08 Aug 31 2018
Times Read: 2,290

Well, I'm just saying, if I'm going to have an 'Internet Crush'

Why not an Exotic Princess Lycan?

For a Gothic Warlock Lord Sexual Vampyre



23:52 Aug 31 2018


03:11 Sep 01 2018

This makes me so happy

03:29 Sep 01 2018

Awww ... congratz ... o.O wait .... O.o .... I have seen .... eh .... oh ..... isn't that me?

LMAO! you meanie! ... you put my pic .... lol .... frame and all .... lol ....

03:31 Sep 01 2018

15:23 Sep 01 2018

Oh snap!!!! lol........Nice pic Cubby


16:37 Aug 31 2018
Times Read: 2,300

Imgur is over capacity!?




18:28 Aug 30 2018
Times Read: 2,276

The Story of Ebola

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09:34 Aug 30 2018
Times Read: 2,285

The challenge was to determine which should be a higher priority in a relationship, Trust or Communication?

I'd have to say Trust is a higher priority than Communication.

According to the Better Health Channel, "Good communication is an important part of all relationships and is an essential part of any healthy partnership. All relationships have ups and downs, but a healthy communication style can make it easier to deal with conflict, and build a stronger and healthier partnership."

One earns trust by one's actions.

If one can not trust the other's actions which causes conflict, it doesn't matter how good at communicating both are when what is being communicated, hurts!

One person telling the other person very clearly that they cheated and that they clearly understood what would happen if they ever cheated, but still chose to act upon their urges and desires outside of the relationship. Then goes on to say all the right "I'm Sorry" words because they are great at communicating.

Another way of looking at it is by imagining yourself being thrown in the same jail cell with someone who is mute. If you can not sign, then Trusting that your cellmate acts appropriately, especially when you're sleeping is now veeeerrrry important.

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02:11 Aug 30 2018
Times Read: 2,305

Well, I survived yet another trip into town.

So here is how it went:

Traveled to Dispensary for Meds
Traveled to Pool Store to purchase chemicals for the pool
Traveled to two different stores for groceries
Walked around the stores choosing supplies
Placed groceries in the shopping cart
Chose the shortest line to stand in to pay for groceries
Took groceries out of shopping cart to be scanned
Paid for groceries
Placed groceries back into the shopping cart
Took groceries out of the shopping cart and placed them in the vehicle. (This was done twice since I shop at two stores)
Traveled home
Took groceries out of the vehicle and took them into the house
Put groceries away including breaking some down out of their packing to store in the refrigerator
Took out the trash
Brushed the pool and spa walls down
Poured chemicals into the water

And how long did this evolution take?

6 Fucking Hours!!!!!!

If you didn't know already........I.....HATE.....GROCERY......SHOPPING!!!!!!



02:26 Aug 30 2018

I am right there with you. I hate grocery shopping but love food..

05:49 Aug 30 2018

LMAO. Okay that made me giggle.

08:26 Aug 30 2018

Unfortunately, what would some of us do with Grocery Stories and Open Food Markets? Imagine if we all had to grow our own foods and hunt our own meals. Catch your own fish. Making your own sauces and spices. Making everything from scratch. Milking animals for milk or somehow getting it from plants. I may be a survivalist, but my food variety would be very limited. LOL!


20:52 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,315

Ok, time to take that trip into town for food and meds......I Can Do This!!! LOL!



21:14 Aug 29 2018

I am rooting for you Brother! Yes, yes you can! Don't forget Bandit the Awesome's treat's.

08:30 Aug 30 2018

Thanks, Brother, Bandit is VERY happy with the three (3) types of treats of different flavors and variety I got him.
He's a 'Good Boy'! 😁


18:35 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,336

So VR's World Visitor Map reflects members in Fallbrook, CA and San Marcos, CA and then me North of them in Murrieta, CA.

However, I thought there were some members further south in San Diego, CA.

Does the World Visitor Map only reflect who is currently online or all VR Members I wonder?



18:38 Aug 29 2018

Who is cu

18:39 Aug 29 2018


18:46 Aug 29 2018

@XbluesandX Huh?

20:29 Aug 29 2018

People that are online

21:16 Aug 29 2018

Unless you use a proxy; then it does not show the true location.


16:08 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,343

California eliminates cash bail in sweeping reform:

"California will end the cash bail system in a sweeping reform for the state. Rather than requiring defendants to pay in order to be released before trial, their release will hinge on an assessment of their risk to public safety."





15:22 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,350

You know when you've hit someone's nerve. LOL!

Well, one of the YouTubers I'm subscribed to did a prank on another YouTuber that I am also subscribed to pretending to have "hooked-up" with her Ex while talking to this guy.

Now, let's put this in perspective, my Generational Programming and Upbringing taught me that potential intimate relationships progress as follows:

- Stranger
- Acquaintance
- Friend
- Close Friend
- Best Friend
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend
- Fiance'/Fiancee'
- Husband/Wife

Chino's point was that if he and someone else is "talking/dating" and they are at that stage of trying to take it to the next level of becoming officially BF/GF, then he nor they should be fucking around with someone else. If they do, it's over!

Boots point was that even though two people are "talking/dating", if they BOTH have not communicated that they are to be "exclusively" dating each other, then why should the other person feel as though they have the right to get upset if they are "talking/dating" with other people?

Chino's way of thinking is that it should just be known...just a given that you don't do that even if you're not BF/GF.

He also, in my opinion, acted rudely towards Boot's friend.

So I shared my opinion by commenting that I thought Chino behaved rudely towards the other young lady and I also agreed with Boot's point of view. That if one wants "exclusivity" in a relationship that is not "official" yet, then fuck! Say it!

Well, I must have hit someone's nerve....The comments are below the video.

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11 hours ago (edited)
Chino took an 'L' this time. #1, He does owe Loops an apology for being rude to her with the shush hands and #2, Nothing should be "Assumed". It's those 'Unspoken' Expectations that contributes to people suffering in relationships of all kinds.

Sitha Nhem
10 hours ago (edited)
Gtfoh. She had no bizz instigating. Chino doesn't need to apologize for shit. They the one pranking him but they mad at him cause he got upset and did what he did?? Yall say hes rude but they were the ones ganging up on him making it seem like it's ok to smash somebody when ur talking to somebody? Like what makes it right? Get the fucc on with that bs

Josh Chao
10 hours ago
+Sitha Nhem couldnt have said it any better

9 hours ago
I don't know who 'Yall' are, but I know who I Am and yes, it's rude to shush someone in that manner and yes, one must communicate with others since the root of much suffering comes from Un-Met Un-Spoken Expectations. There is nothing set in stone as far as appropriate conduct and morality if one does not believe a certain way due to let's say cultural upbringing or religious beliefs. However, one thing is for sure regardless of how one was brought up or one's personal beliefs, Communication works! Maybe those 'Yalls' are mind readers who were all brought up the same way and believe the same way, but I was brought up and believe in Respect and Good Communication. So no, I rather stay here and continue to read more BS replies.

Sitha Nhem
9 hours ago
+LORD MOGY Just stop. Kill yaself. Bye

9 hours ago
Nahhh...I rather not! Live Your Best Life....I Know I Am!





02:26 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,359

My Lil Buddy Bandit with his fresh cut.

Bandit follows me to the toilet and then peeps in on me while I'm doing my business.

You Know What They Say About 'Payback'



11:18 Aug 29 2018

He looks too cute!


00:15 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 2,369

Dear FeverDreams,

I told you it wasn't me!!! LMAO!!!

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01:52 Aug 29 2018

-.- you a different sort of marshmallow!

02:10 Aug 29 2018

If you say so.......Brat! LOL!



17:31 Aug 28 2018
Times Read: 2,376



15:42 Aug 28 2018
Times Read: 2,384

The principle of Yin Yang.....Every Day Won't Be Perfect. Prepare Yourself By Accepting That Simple Fact.

- So woke up and attempted to disarm my home security with my fob and failed to check the alarm pad to notice it didn't get the signal so I set off my alarm again letting Bandit out. LOL!

- So my backup battery to keep my home security alarm working regardless of a power outage has to be replaced..again...after 4 years. *sighs*

- So I have to go Grocery Shopping....again. *sighs*

- So Imgur is down. *sighs*

Bandit is scheduled for the Groomers today so I'll be out and about among the Mundanes. I'll buy some food and maybe even some meds from a local Dispencary in which my Home Delivery guys failed to have.

Then I have to search for a Radio Shack or some other business that sales a replacement battery.

Today is going to be "DRAINING"! *sighs*



18:12 Aug 28 2018


18:14 Aug 28 2018

Thank you! ((Hugs)) back.


06:17 Aug 28 2018
Times Read: 2,394

Into the Badlands Dark Ones

The Gift is a name given to the vaguely explained dark chi powers that some people possess. People that wield The Gift, are known as Dark Ones.


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17:51 Aug 27 2018
Times Read: 2,399

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"An esports participant who lost during a Madden NFL 19 gaming tournament in Jacksonville, Florida, Sunday returned with a gun and fired shots into the crowd. Police said David Katz, 24, of Baltimore, killed two people and wounded nine others before shooting himself dead. CBS affiliate WJAX-TV identified the two who died as 22-year-old Eli Clayton and 27-year-old Taylor Robertson."



Gen Y: "The Millennials" Born between 1980 and 1994
The Millennials grew up and began their careers in a time when:

Almost every home (except 3rd world countries) had an internet connection and a computer
2008, the largest economic decline since the great depression
911 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
The effect of 20+ years of offshoring of American jobs is finally felt
Enron - energy trading scams and corporate fraud on a national level
Global warming becoming obvious with unusually severe storms, hotter weather, colder weather, more droughts etc
President G. W. Bush, Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney deceived the entire nation about weapons of mass destruction of the nuclear and biological type and the subsequent invasion and occupation of Iraq
The explosive growth in online companies such as Google, Facebook, SalesForce.com, LinkedIn, EBay, PayPal
A revolution in the way we work, including widespread acceptance of flex-time, work from home, freelancing
The US is divided 50:50 with different and opposite fundamental beliefs and values
** Way too many crazy people are shooting their fellow Americans with weapons of rapid destruction
Congress becoming dysfunctional
Housing prices growing beyond most young people's reach





17:01 Aug 27 2018
Times Read: 2,402

Between the President's call for a Space Force and the US Marines finally changing the female dress blue coat, one of my favorite Sci-Fi series

'Space: Above and Beyond'

seems to be coming closer to a reality. ^_^





16:27 Aug 27 2018
Times Read: 2,410

It's Make Someone Smile Monday

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Dear Lily and Dakotah,



16:32 Aug 27 2018

That did indeed make me smile. Lily and me are very blessed to have you as a close friend. Thank you Mogy for always being there for us. I can only hope we are as a good a friend to you that you are to us. True friends like you brother are a gift.

16:37 Aug 27 2018

Yes, you both are....I'm grateful to have you both in my life. For some, little acts of kindness keep life worth living. Thanks for always just saying hello, checking up on me and chatting.


15:12 Aug 27 2018
Times Read: 2,419

Just A Friendly Reminder....



15:42 Aug 27 2018


Monday, Monday, can´t trust that day
Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday mornin´ you gave me no warnin´ of what was to be

15:46 Aug 27 2018

Nooooo.....Keep it Positive.


22:10 Aug 25 2018
Times Read: 2,429

So I just watched 'The Originals' final season. Wow! Such an emotional ending.

I also enjoyed the endings to 'The Vampire Diaries' and 'True Blood'.

All were very well written.




22:05 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 2,467

I've been on VR for 7 years and I know I have not taken advantage of all its features and I may not know them all, but I still find it humorous to see VR Members arguing Publicly using multiple profiles and reflecting actual names of the VR Members which says that they are at least Acquaintances.

There are 4 ways to argue PRIVATELY and 2 additional ways to at least argue SEMI-PRIVATELY.

However, when you take the VR BLOCK function and use it on a VR Member that REFUSES TO BE IGNORED, well that's why it spills over to the PUBLIC Arena.

And of course, they know the fact that in PUBLIC Opinion, if one DOES NOT address and ALLEGATION made against them, even vaguely, then the Accused must be GUILTY and the assumed Victim going PUBLIC must have stated the Truth.

That is the Work-Around for being BLOCKED and REFUSING TO BE IGNORED.

Hey, it's true, if you don't want to read the Public Drama, don't! I mean, why are we getting upset at what is being displayed to the PUBLIC if still within VR TOS?

That's like getting upset because you can overhear other people arguing while out in PUBLIC. Seriously?!

Also, what is EQUALLY humorous is fighting using a PUBLIC feature and then getting upset when someone leaves their comment. LOL!

That's like when you hear people in PUBLIC arguing and feel the need to interject to either Support, Protect, or Troll the individuals making a PUBLIC scene and they get upset with YOU...A member of the PUBLIC in which they are acting a fool in. LMAO!

Then, if a VR Member reads their PUBLIC posts and makes a PUBLIC post in their own Journal referring to the PUBLIC post they just read, it's funny to see the other Member get all BUTT-HURT that they are "in their business". Ummmm, YOU made YOUR "business" EVERYONE'S "business". WTF?! LMAO!!!

That's like seeing a fight in PUBLIC and then commenting about it on your social media or telling whomever you speak to that day about what you witnessed in PUBLIC.

Hey, if you CHOOSE to fight PUBLICLY and I actually decide to interject PUBLICLY....Just as if we were Physically in PUBLIC and not just digital.....If you're feeling froggy, Jump! Do what you feel you have to do digitally, but I'm still going to LMFAO!!!!

If you want to take it beyond that....Well, just view my Profile.


PUBLIC (That means ANYONE on the internet. Beyond Just Vampire Rave Members)
- Vampire Rave Journals
- VR Chat
- Kismet
- Member Webcams
- Journals
- Honor

- Coven Forum
- Society Chat

PRIVATE (Or Contains A Option For Privacy)
- Message Center
- Vampire Rave Journals with ENCRYPT ENTRY
- Private Chat
- Blast

I'm not saying Cancer and Administrators can and do read your PRIVATE Communications, I don't feel they would invade members' PRIVACY and may have even designed ways to ensure even they can not intrude on the PRIVACY of others. Even if faced with a Court Order to do just that.

However, it's not YOUR website.

YOU didn't build it.

YOU don't know all its design capabilities.

YOU just don't know.

So don't be STUPID!



16:26 Aug 24 2018

Yelp, yelp so true. Two people have a fallen out. Person A blocks person B. Person A journals how they blocked person B. Person B blocks person A and also journals they blocked person B. Then next for a day each will hit the others honor with negatives and message with there 50 profiles each, how each want to be left alone. Then comes the journals because each will have 50 profiles so person A will journal all the blocks they got with the names of all the profiles they were blocked on. Then person B will start the journal bashing of all the wrongs person A has done to them. Person A then make a flaming journal post explaining each claim by Person B; defending there actions and of course claiming most are all lies. Then both will journal how 'No one here likes you' 'Everyone here hates the other and knows the other is a liar, user, bitch, cunt ect ect' And both will continue to claim to speak for everyone on VR how the whole community wants the other to leave. This will continue for a few weeks then there will be silence. Then both will make a post how they have made up and create profiles how now they both are Sisters, brothers ect ect. Fast Forward 6 months to a year and this will all repeat again. Oh and I left out how each will claim they called the police on the other one for online bully and random other members will post laws about online bully and where to call if you are a victim of such a crime. Did I get it right? Duh, sorry and I left out each person will flood the VR Admins message due to the other dare used there REAL name here when each have posted there real names on the profile and in there own journals about 100x. There, I think that the whole process.

16:35 Aug 24 2018

@Dakotah, Bro, let's not forget the recruitment of others into the argument for backup by name dropping someone and saying this person said this or knows that to be true. Oh, and the self-deleting of one of their many profiles when it starts taking too much heat and seems to be losing the argument. LMAO!!!

16:37 Aug 24 2018

Oh I forgot to add how each will have given the other passwords to a couple of their profiles and then lock each out of said profiles (change the passwords on the other) and then claim in journals or /and kismet's that the other hacked said profiles or stole said profiles and of course journal about this and contact Admins how the other hacked them; stole profiles from each. Random members of VR after reading this will post what law enforcement to contact if you are hacked.

16:40 Aug 24 2018

Oh yes! If one is losing the battle on a certain profile, self-deleting of that profile is a must!

16:45 Aug 24 2018


Let's not forget STRATEGY....How one would use one of their profiles to somehow infiltrate the other's Coven or Alliance, get some power and then delete content, kick members and disband the coven if that CM falls for trusting that person that much. They get behind enemy lines, cause chaos, self-delete and watch the fallout from their other Spy Disguise. LOL!

17:17 Aug 24 2018

And also we forgot to mention on the infiltrate the other's coven the stealing of all the codes and designs before content is deleted. How could we have forgotten that one. I do think the ability to get across enemy lines as a 'friend' is rather clever.

17:30 Aug 24 2018

Hell, I may not track ALL the Drama on VR, but what I do see is hella Entertaining.

The only change I've seen over the years is fighting has shifted from entire Covens/Alliances waring with other Covens/Alliances and now just a few Members vs a few other Members. The wars got scaled down. It played out without only the features found on VR, but now law enforcement and other non-digital tools of war are being utilized.

The Level of Butt-Hurt from losing an online fight is off the charts these days....LOL!

00:43 Aug 25 2018

Yeah there have not been a Coven vs Coven war in awhile. I think that is due to most covens are dead. One thing I have noticed that is new is the Public Announcements : ATTENTION ALL VR and then start off like 'I will no longer... or *person name and there offense to the other person* . I do like these public notices alerting me as a member to the drama.

01:12 Aug 25 2018


19:57 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 2,471

So, you still support that HILARIOUS Wall idea even when people are now flying to Canada and then sneaking into the US?

And then, of course, there is this....LOL!

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18:25 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 2,476

Carrying over from my Military days, I do enjoy reading news from multiple sources each morning.

Crime is Crime regardless of the Gender of the perpetrator.

I personally feel one has the right to fuck whomever they choose to as long as it's LEGAL and is not harming anyone...unless they are into the BDSM lifestyle.

I always say and firmly believe if one is going to do something in secrecy because if discovered there will be negative repercussions, then they had better do it ALONE and keep their own mouth CLOSED. To have even one other person in on your deviant behavior or telling just one other person about it......Well, consider your secret no longer a secret. ijs

Maybe it's my Dark Nature, but I absolutely find amusement and delight when LIERS are EXPOSED thanks to RECEIPTS.

I want to see how this one turns out.

Don't Throw Stones People....And Don't Air-Out Someone Else's Dirty Laundry If You Have Some Of Your Own And People Who Don't Particularly Like You That Knows About It And Has Receipts or Is Willing To Give You Up To Save Their Own Ass.






17:40 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 2,489

Is it just the Extreme Right Wing White Nationalist blowing out of proportion what is being stated as random ordinary crime in the country or are targeted attacks really happening on a scale much larger than what happened during the many years of Apartheid and Karama has now come to pay a visit?

"Land is a complex issue in South Africa. Racist policies of the past forcefully removed black and non-white South Africans from the land for white use."

"Killings of farmers at a 20-year low."

"Despite Trump's claims about the "large scale killing of farmers," research published in June 2018 by AgriSA, one of the country's largest farmer organizations, showed that killings had reached a 20-year low.
Forty-seven farmers were killed in 2017-18, according to AgriSA, marking a steady decline from the 153 farmers who lost their lives in 1998."

"Crime is a serious problem in South Africa more broadly. There were more than 19,016 murders nationwide in 2017, according to police statistics, a slight increase from 2016."

"The New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said it was "extremely disturbing" to see Trump echoing "a longstanding and false white supremacist claim that South Africa's white farmers are targets of large-scale, racially-motivated killings by South Africa's black majority."

"In a statement Thursday, the ADL called on Trump to "understand the facts and realities of the situation in South Africa, rather than repeat disturbing, racially divisive talking points."

One thing that seems for sure is more "Don't Look Here, Look Over There" coming out of Washington.

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(An Additional Source)




18:03 Aug 23 2018



14:43 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 2,495

So I woke up at 6 a.m. and wanted to use my fob to disarm my home security, but couldn't find my keys.

I actually got a little excited.....Treasure Hunt!!!

Of course, this would have been a different story if I was running late for work. Blessed to be RETIRED!

As soon as I located them, I remembered thinking to myself that I will forget that I threw them on my bed and they bounced and fell between the footboard and mattress and I heard them land on the floor.

So yeah, that was fun!!! LOL!




17:25 Aug 22 2018
Times Read: 2,502

Tichina Arnold

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15:59 Aug 22 2018
Times Read: 2,516

To: FeverDreams (a.k.a. Cubby)
From MOGY, Lily and Dakotah

Cubby, sometimes it feels like, we're gonna break
Sometimes this world, gives more than we can take
Sometimes, sunshine gets lost in the rain
And it keeps pouring down
It just keeps coming down
This life would kill us If we didn't have you
We couldn't live without you Cubby
We wouldn't want to
If you didn't love us so much
We'd never make it through
'Cause this life would kill us
This life would kill us if we didn't have you

We Love You Cubbyyyyy ((Hugs))



16:17 Aug 22 2018

I so totaly agree.

16:23 Aug 22 2018

Awww there is even a heart .... im all emo now!

17:12 Aug 22 2018

Emo? Wait, What?! LOL!

17:15 Aug 22 2018

@Lily ((Hugs)) 😊

17:45 Aug 22 2018

hugs brother back. Group hugggg


15:33 Aug 22 2018
Times Read: 2,524

Vehicle is working and I'm awake in as good as health as I can be under the circumstances.

So, let's see what Karma, Destiny, Fate, and Living My Beliefs and Best Life have in store for me today.



15:39 Aug 22 2018

Only the good things are store for you


14:47 Aug 22 2018
Times Read: 2,532

You showed me you don't give a fuck

I showed you I was better at it




00:13 Aug 22 2018
Times Read: 2,541

Now I don't feel like going into town. I'll go tomorrow.

Food Delivery it is and since I don't have to drive anywhere, I can medicate!




23:38 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,543

The Principle of Yin Yang always reminds me that the pendulum swings both ways.

There will be days when all is Positive.

However, to have those type of days, its opposite must also exist and show itself.

Today is one of those days when something Negative happened.

I finally groom and get dressed to go into town and go to start my vehicle and the battery is dead.

I then remember that I had left my front camera on and running while the vehicle was shut off and it had been sucking up juice for two days or more.

Then I connected my portable charger up to the battery, but I hadn't charged it lately so it didn't have enough juice to power the battery so now I have to wait until it charges.

So I've trained myself over many years to just prepare for Negative events to happen in life.....because they will....they must!

Things are made to one day break or stop working and nothing last forever, but the annoying part is when Negative events happen at what seems to be the worst possible time or when you have to come out of pocket for unscheduled repairs or replacement.

But, that's all apart of life and Negative events will continue to test our character. How we handle what should be considered stressors says a lot about our beliefs and the lessons we've learned in life.

Now, to go get this thing started....




20:02 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,552

On everyday Life, Loyalty and being Grateful

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18:52 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,554

Rose McGowan facing backlash for urging 'be gentle' with Argento


Wait, What?!




18:18 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,556

Cooper: Trump's people are assaulting truth

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18:09 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,557





17:15 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,565

So a group of people who all went to the same school and some who met through mutual friends all decided to stay in touch by joining Facebook to interact with each other's daily lives since most could not meet up face to face.

However, you can't expose different personalities to each other for a prolonged period of time and not have friction. There will ALWAYS be one or more among the group that isn't all there mentally and will operate as a virus seeking to infect the group with maliciousness.

Why? FEAR!

FEAR that SOMEONE is in SOMEWAY BETTER than they are and that OTHER people might start responding to that by paying them LESS ATTENTION or treating them LESS in some way than the other person or people.

They become ANGRY, start HATING and so SUFFERING begins for them and the entire Group.

The plan is to first either Create a Problem where there was none or Over Exaggerate a minor negative situation that could have been easily corrected. To do this though, they first need to draw Attention to the Problem and then to themselves as either the Solution to the Problem or the one that Exposed the Problem.

You see, in group dynamics, there will ALWAYS be a desire to either be the Alpha or not really wanting to be the Alpha, but hate on the person that is for some reason. So they attempt to split the group and have people choose sides. Just playing out that whole Christian story where one individual was jealous of another then chaos commenced and everyone took sides. All because of some Fucktard with FEAR!

Have you ever been tempted to track profiles to see who is beefing with whom on VR?

I'm too RETIRED for DRAMA Tracking...LOL!



20:14 Aug 21 2018

I honestly don't care lol. But sometimes I put my feet up, grab a popcorn bag and laugh.

20:17 Aug 21 2018

I might not track, but I do look in every now and then for additional Entertainment for my life....LOL!


16:00 Aug 21 2018
Times Read: 2,575

The time has come once more.

The decision is upon me once again.

Do I starve or leave my home and go fetch food and supplies..... from in town..... among the Mundanes?




06:27 Aug 20 2018
Times Read: 2,602

FeverDreams....Cartoon Tag, You're It!!! LOL!

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04:23 Aug 20 2018
Times Read: 2,619

Has I, oh, excuse me, I mean to write......As I sit and medicate, I wonder why chicken meat is called chicken, duck meat is called duck, rabbit meat is called rabbit. But why is deer meat called venison, cow meat called beef, and pig meat called pork?



04:34 Aug 20 2018

So the Anglo-Saxon pig became the French porc, which was Anglicized to pork; the Anglo-Saxon cow became the French boeuf, which became beef; and sheep became mouton, (later mutton).Jun 27, 2018

04:42 Aug 20 2018

Ahhhh...and Yum!!! But, that's just me. ^_^

07:42 Aug 20 2018

Chicken, is also poultry (I'm not sure if it refers to all birds, but I think it at least also covers turkey, unless I'm mistaken.) I think that has an Old French root, too.


01:48 Aug 20 2018
Times Read: 2,639

It's those little Grammar error quirks that expose profiles for who is behind them.

But it's the internet. If doing something you think is sneaky under another identity profile is your thing, fuck it, have your fun...Just know, the more you write, the more you give yourself away.

I swear VR members keep VR entertaining. So many different real and pretend personalities.

Oh, and people don't be STUPID! Don't be fooled by Bait messages attempting to get you to post something or reply stating something that could be reported to law enforcement as evidence that could be held against you in a court of law.

Remember......You Are Being Watched!



03:05 Aug 20 2018

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

13:49 Aug 20 2018

This is so true.


06:51 Aug 18 2018
Times Read: 2,649

They are too crazy!!! LMAO!!!

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09:21 Aug 18 2018

this is really crazy! I would have totally freaked out ... and go Lycan on his ass! Arggh!

15:03 Aug 18 2018



18:43 Aug 17 2018
Times Read: 2,675

So many journal entries about heartache and struggles in relationships. Why? Because we tend to tie our Happiness and Sense of Well-Being to the acceptance of others.

Then, if enough people say you are this or that, you start seeing yourself through their eyes instead of your own damn eyes.

My wish is for people to start taking control of their own lives. Taking responsibility for their own actions. Realize it's their choices that continue to interact with their reality, thereby shaping the world they now exist in.

Put it to the test. Write down just a few thoughts that you 'ACTED' upon and then at the end of the day, list whether each 'ACTION' returned to you Positivity or Negativity.

Then just remember your ACTIONS contributed to whatever the outcome was. Own that shit and keep it moving.



18:57 Aug 17 2018

a good piece of advice. thank you. much required. :)

18:58 Aug 17 2018


19:27 Aug 17 2018

Of all my complaints... that's not one of them. It is true I have been married almost 21 years- but that's never been an area I have felt that if I didn't have it I would be "incomplete". I feel complete when my finances are in order and I'm doing things that are fulfilling. Icing on the cake is always fine but doesn't "subtract" from my life if not present.

23:05 Aug 17 2018

Congrats on such a long marriage. 🤘🏾

23:13 Aug 17 2018

There is that saying you can not love others till you love yourself first. Or something like that. I think those who bounce from relationship to relationship is due to that. They are putting all there happiness and self-worth into what others think about them. Then when the relationship end they blame themselves and post about how terrible they must be. It took me a lot of soul searching and working on myself to get to where I am; 100% comfortable in myself. I do not need to be in a relationship to feel complete. I notice a lot of people here do put there self-worth into what others think about them.

23:32 Aug 17 2018

@Dakotah, if a person is a chronic Dater or they have been in multiple relationships, well that in itself is not necessarily a Negative thing. Relationships are going to succeed or end due to all sorts of reasons and it doesn't mean it was that person's fault. However, to tie one's Happiness to another is not healthy in my opinion. Happiness comes from within. Either you are a person that generates their own Happiness without the need of another or you're not. Other people can contribute to creating opportunities and building an environment conducive to the Happiness of another, but it is always unfair to place the burden of "making" someone Happy on someone else.

I can give all I can afford and be the nicest person, but still, have No Power to "make" a Sad/Depressed person Happy.

Contributing to the Happiness of another and 'Making' or 'Forcing' someone to be Happy are two different things.

Happiness is a Solitary effort. How can one be truly Happy with another if they're not even truly Happy with themselves first?


02:12 Aug 17 2018
Times Read: 2,684

Having an Outro and Banner done for my YouTube videos as well.



13:58 Aug 17 2018

I saw it .... and it looks fab!

14:38 Aug 17 2018


01:16 Aug 17 2018
Times Read: 2,693

Just used PayPal to pay one of the YouTubers I follow to create a video Intro for me.

However, I did have to invest in Video Edit Software as well.

I added the new Intro to the last short video I uploaded of Bandit.

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22:01 Aug 17 2018

Awesomeness prevails!!


15:54 Aug 16 2018
Times Read: 2,700

Annnnnd The Fuckery Continues

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15:06 Aug 16 2018
Times Read: 2,709

R.I.P. Aretha Franklin




15:12 Aug 16 2018

Thats so sad. Dakotah and I were talking about i the past days that she wasnt well
May she rest in peace and may she will always be remembered

15:45 Aug 16 2018

Damn.... Another legend gone. May just have to watch the Blues Brothers again.


02:26 Aug 16 2018
Times Read: 2,712

Cracking Me Up Weekly....LOL!!!

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20:27 Aug 15 2018
Times Read: 2,728

Warning: Vague Post Ahead

Aaahhhhhh.....That Shit Is Funny As Fuck!!! (Points To Random Journal Post)

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Awaits For Someone To Take This Personally



20:47 Aug 15 2018

ROTFLSHMSFOAIDMT (Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco)

20:54 Aug 15 2018

I personally give this journal post two 👍's up.


17:57 Aug 15 2018
Times Read: 2,742

I'm not here to be liked by anyone......But Shit Happens!



18:05 Aug 15 2018

Sure does. You done gone and made me and Lili like you. Shit happens. Just evil brother; evil.

18:35 Aug 15 2018

Wait, What?! In what manner? lol

19:09 Aug 15 2018

In the Good Manner. haha!

19:43 Aug 15 2018


01:37 Aug 15 2018
Times Read: 2,749


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19:14 Aug 15 2018

Sarah 's covering her ass with that statement. I have been watching all this with that book coming out this weekend by Amarosa. I am tempted to get the book now. And talk about a great build up for her book, lol its going to hit #1 first week out.

19:51 Aug 15 2018

I just can't bring myself to even be given that book to me for free........Amgotdamnrosa???!!!


19:57 Aug 13 2018
Times Read: 2,762

"Do not wish for my Present Life and NOT the Past that got me here." ~ LordMOGY



21:33 Aug 13 2018

Pretty good there, sir, with the quote.

21:45 Aug 13 2018


19:32 Aug 13 2018
Times Read: 2,764

VR Controls My Workout Today

Having Exercise Intolerance due to my military career resulting in a Respiratory disorder and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.....Sucks!!!

But, I refuse to give up. I will fight against my ever slowly creeping increasing weight gain.

So, who will be the first to choose what I will do first?

I know VR has some Sadists. LOL!

- 15-minute pool swim
- 15-minute treadmill walk
- 15-minute exercise bike ride
- 15-minute weight lifting
- 15-minute sauna treatment



21:34 Aug 13 2018

Walk, then swim. Cardio, cardio, cardio.

21:51 Aug 13 2018

- 15-minute treadmill walk (Done)
- 15-minute exercise bike ride (Pending)
- 15-minute pool swim (Pending)
- 15-minute weight lifting (Pending)
- 15-minute sauna treatment (Pending)


17:37 Aug 13 2018
Times Read: 2,767

Man who shot father in Florida 'stand your ground' killing charged with manslaughter





18:19 Aug 11 2018
Times Read: 2,776

How Did The American and Iran Beef Start? Ohhh....smh! *Sighs*

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21:36 Aug 13 2018

He is sooo funny. Did you see his comments about the French Spider-Man? Omg!!! Funniest skit he’s ever done!!

21:52 Aug 13 2018

Not sure. I'll go look for it now. lol

21:58 Aug 13 2018

ROTFLMAO!!! That guy cracks me up!!!!


15:54 Aug 11 2018
Times Read: 2,780

I Enjoy Early Morning Levity....LOL!

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17:09 Aug 11 2018



15:41 Aug 10 2018
Times Read: 2,797

I sit in bed with my laptop in my lap and then I look around my room smiling at the stuff I've collected over the years that give me positive energy.

I smile at the fact that I don't have to wake up and go anywhere and be there by a certain time or suffer the ramifications.
I smile at having everything in my home that sustains me until I have to go out for resupply.
I smile knowing I can leave whenever I want and stay away for however long I wish, enjoying hobbies and socializing with family and friends.
I smile knowing if I lost everything due to any type of disaster, I'll be ok. Things are just stuff meant to be enjoyed, to be damaged/broken, to be repaired or replaced......nothing last forever.

I'm just an eternal Soul living a temporary Human existence living my best life.



15:44 Aug 10 2018

I bet if you would put all the tings you got all these years a shop would be filled brother :P

15:46 Aug 10 2018

IKR?! I'd make a pretty penny if I held an auction of some sort. LOL!

15:49 Aug 10 2018

Do you need a shop assistant?

15:53 Aug 10 2018

Nahhh, I'm not selling my stuff. I wouldn't mind having a Play Partner though. (Wink, Wink ^_- )

18:10 Aug 10 2018

We can be assistances and we can find a hding treasure map. Let go for a pirate huntingggggggg

18:40 Aug 10 2018

We can pirate hunting in Greece. I don't have anything collected from Greece. (Hint, Hint) ^_^


19:54 Aug 09 2018
Times Read: 2,800

Bring back 'Space: Above and Beyond'

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03:29 Aug 09 2018
Times Read: 2,813

Wow! Soooo Who Didn't See This Coming?

I'm sure some Federal Judge is going to slap this down quick...LOL!

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18:29 Aug 08 2018
Times Read: 2,816

I was that skinny kid that was teased and bullied up until the 5th Grade when I had finally had enough and took out my rage on this kid who thought by bullying me he himself wouldn't get bullied. After I beat his ass, there was no more bullying.

I also enrolled in martial arts and knowing I could protect myself helped increased my confidence. By High School, I was actually wearing martial arts uniforms to school which I'm sure most kids thought was an open challenge to bullies. Oddly, kids were more curious than confrontational. It even caught on with some other kids wearing their martial arts uniforms. However, yes, there were two incidents that happen, but it was over really quick and those two kids decided they would rather be cool with me than an enemy.

Although I refused to join cliques and gangs, I was cool with anyone who was cool with me and kids who were being bullied would try to hang around me since no one would mess with them while they were in my presence.

However, lacking a car to get around and not really being one to run the streets, I had a total of 3 friends that I chilled with within my neighborhood.

I graduated from HS and joined the military. When I would return to my old neighborhood, either those friends would have moved away and started their own life or stayed, but couldn't be reached while I was visiting.

The military provides the opportunity to make friends who become like Brothers and Sisters. However, it can be a challenge due to the rank structure dynamics. Upon retiring, I counted 3 guys who are as Brothers to me, but only 1 lives locally and is married with adult kids.

The Path my life has taken resulted in keeping my circle really small and if I trust you, that's something you really earned. Yeah, I have trust issues. Not everyone who smiles in your face is loyal behind your back. People compare their lives to yours and often time Envy gets in the way of building a solid friendship. I've encountered people who turned out to be Users, Deceivers, Liers, Cheaters, Haters, and those that were just not compatible enough to be considered more than Associates.

I may not have 1 person I meet up and chill with weekly, but that doesn't mean I get lonely or that I can't go out and socialize.

It's not that I don't like people, it's just that they drain the fuck out of me.




01:23 Aug 08 2018
Times Read: 2,826

As The World Burns

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20:09 Aug 07 2018
Times Read: 2,835

The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministery continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month at the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st week of each month, however, the amount 'Gifted' will be left up to the Receiver to share that with whomever they chose to.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All



20:19 Aug 07 2018

You are too damn nice dude but I totally respect it :}

20:30 Aug 07 2018

Giving brings me Positive Karma

00:23 Aug 08 2018

The awesomeness continues!!

00:27 Aug 08 2018



15:48 Aug 07 2018
Times Read: 2,841

It is what it is....Some people's children

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He Just Keeps Piling It On





18:31 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,845

Well, Dayum!

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17:43 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,848

I Accidentally Worked For A Scam??? LOL!

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17:12 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,849

Go ahead and send that text. Post that message. LOL!

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15:41 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,852

I heard it was MONDAY!!!! Awesome!!!



15:45 Aug 06 2018

Well alrighty then!!


02:36 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,857

This Guy Is Killing It! LOL!

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02:12 Aug 06 2018
Times Read: 2,861

My favorite YouTube Couple be wild'n...LMAO!!!!

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23:23 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,865

This Guy....LOL!

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21:58 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,872

Women's Rights and Public Safety will always beat out Religious Freedom within a Democracy.

Denmark fines woman $156 for wearing face veil after banning burqa, niqab. (2018)


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Burqa Ban: Muslim full-face cover now crime in France (2011)

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Around the World: Burqa Ban Goes Into Effect in France (2011)





21:25 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,874

More Proof Of Global Warming

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20:58 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,878

Explains A Lot On Why Trump Hates The Media and More...






20:55 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,880

By Eli Watkins, CNN

Updated 2:27 PM ET, Sun August 5, 2018

"Trump attorney blames 'bad information' for his false statements on Trump Tower meeting

"Washington (CNN)Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said Sunday that he made a mistake by denying Trump was involved in a misleading statement last year on Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting at Trump Tower with a Russian attorney.

"I had bad information at that time and made a mistake in my statement," Sekulow said on ABC's "This Week." "I've talked about that before. That happens when you have cases like this."
Last year, Sekulow denied Trump had signed off on a statement responding to revelations in The New York Times about the meeting Trump Jr. and other top Trump campaign hands had in June 2016 after being told about the opportunity to receive Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton. That initial statement from Trump Jr. said the meeting primarily concerned "a program about the adoption of Russian children." But after further Times reporting revealed the motivation related to Clinton, Trump Jr. then issued a new statement acknowledging an offer of allegedly damaging information on Clinton and the Democratic Party, and he ultimately published his emails related to the meeting.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders later admitted last year that Trump "weighed in" on the initial misleading statement about the Trump Tower meeting, and Trump's legal team sent a letter to special counsel Robert Mueller in January acknowledging that Trump had "dictated" the initial statement.
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said in June that the legal team's previous denial that Trump was involved in the statement was a mistake.

"I swear to God, it was a mistake," Giuliani said."







19:33 Aug 05 2018
Times Read: 2,899

Annnnd The Fuckery Continues

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22:23 Aug 04 2018
Times Read: 2,903

Our Government has become a Reality TV Show as the World burns around us. smh

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18:20 Aug 04 2018
Times Read: 2,916

When you're grocery shopping too fast because you hate it and think you've grabbed toilet paper and paper towels,
but discover you now have 48 rolls of toilet paper.




22:04 Aug 04 2018

Shit is right.... 48 rolls full of

22:11 Aug 04 2018


05:27 Aug 04 2018
Times Read: 2,925


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01:43 Aug 04 2018
Times Read: 2,930

So yeah, I had to leave the Warlock's Lair and travel into town.

Why did it have to be the hottest day so far this year when I have to leave out? LOL!

Luckily, I wasn't in the heat for more than a minute since the places I had to go to had a/c and so does my vehicle. ^_^

Bandit got a NEW Treat today. ^_^



11:27 Aug 04 2018

i love that mirror shot!


16:56 Aug 03 2018
Times Read: 2,944

First of all, do average, living paycheck to paycheck, American Citizens really understand Politics and the working of the Federal Government beyond what they hear or read from news agencies?

Secondly, one of the Top Priorities for humans is to be Entertained!

So as I see it, what's really going on is people are saying fuck the establishment, let's shake up Washington because it's Broken and Drowning in Partisan Politics and placing the needs of the majority of the people behind everything else.

Well, sure, the antics coming out of Washing are VERY entertaining, but what most people don't know and probably haven't felt yet is that these "Antics" WILL have and ARE having Real National and Global Consequences.

Are those consequences more Negative or Positive for 'You'? You Be The Judge.

Stay Tune......


"The message being sent by Republican voters is clear: They want more Trumps, not fewer. The President was the leading edge of a movement fueled by anger and disappointment with Washington, not its conclusion. Even with him now in the most powerful political office in the country, Republicans remain unhappy with the sort of leadership they are getting out of Washington -- and are ready to penalize anyone with a "Rep." in front of their names.

This shouldn't be terribly surprising. Poll after poll shows that Trump is among the most popular modern presidents among his own party. While only 40% of the overall population approves of the job Trump is doing in Gallup polling, 87% of Republicans are on board with how Trump is handling the presidency. Republican voters love how much Trump is willing to freak out the establishment -- even within his own party. Every time Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell or House Speaker Paul Ryan tut-tut at something Trump has said or done, his base loves it. It's exactly why he won the Republican nomination back in 2016."





16:12 Aug 03 2018
Times Read: 2,951

Really? Yes, Really! More Fuckery... *sighs*

Some people's children I tell ya!

I don't care how angry you are, keep your fucking hands to yourself!

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15:28 Aug 03 2018
Times Read: 2,961

Annnnd The Fuckery Continues

Same Shit, Different Day *sighs*

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18:00 Aug 03 2018

Dam!! She made me cry.

11:28 Aug 04 2018

For eating lunch? o.O


01:04 Aug 03 2018
Times Read: 2,974

You know your circle is small

when the only person that has texted your phone today

was your Plug

informing you about some weed deals

My circle is small because I'm into Quality, not Quantity.



12:11 Aug 03 2018

Your corpsman here will always be loyal to you Mogy ;)

15:25 Aug 03 2018



18:56 Aug 02 2018
Times Read: 2,977

This guy cracks me up...LOL!

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16:45 Aug 01 2018
Times Read: 2,990

Well, I have my annual Eye Doctor's appointment on Friday so I'm not really trying to leave my home until then, but I'm out of comfort food today and not planning to grocery shop until Friday soooooo.....Delivery it is. LOL!




04:02 Aug 01 2018
Times Read: 2,557

That Ending....LMAO!!!

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02:10 Aug 01 2018
Times Read: 2,559

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Ohhh, Nooooo...Not The Silent Treatment...LOL!!!



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