LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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53 entries this month


17:23 Dec 31 2019
Times Read: 947

Finally, the conclusion of The Dakotah Challenge 2019.

The following VR Members were placed in the Spotlight as explained in the VR Special Edition video I posted a few weeks back which explains why the following members were given the Spotlight in addition to those VR Members already spotlighted.




05:33 Jan 01 2020

What did I do?

15:27 Jan 01 2020

@tr1n1ty01.....Hmmm, you should have watch the VR Special Edition Video...LOL!


21:04 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 970

So yeah, I'm Living The Dream!

Well, MY Dream.

8 Years straight where there has been more Positive than Negative.

There will be both. There has to be in order for the universe to remain balanced.

Not balanced in that there must be 50% of both experienced in life day to day or year to year. More like, there must be an opposite.

How much of each one experiences in this life before having to transition to the After-Life depends on one's own Karma.

Well, that's my belief.

Years back, some would asked since I achieved my Short-Term Goal of becoming a U.S. Marine and then my Long Term-Goal of Retiiring from Active Service 8 years ago....What now? What's next?

My entire life has always been about the next Challenge.

I was young and was always in the "I don't know if I can do it, but I won't know if I never try" mode. I was never afraid to fail at anything I showed interest in. I was never afraid to try. If I failed at something either I worked harder to conquer it or I accepted the reality that it just isn't for me and I lose intrest. I mean, to me, giving up is when one quits at trying to achieve something one really Needs or Wants in thier life. However, detaching one's self from that Need or Want in a way that it is no longer a Need or a Want is the path to Enlightenment rather than giving up. It's all about one's Perception in one's life.

So anyway, next for me had to top earning the prestigious title of U.S. Marine.

So my Short-Term Goal was to become a Phaorah-King who happened to also be an Ordained Pagan Minister Gothic Warlock Lord Sexual Vampyre Hedonist.

Yeah, I was one of those kids who they programmed to believe that with hard work and determination, why, I could become anything I wanted to be.

Soooooo, I became my True-Self.

My Long-Term Goal, well, I suppose to REMAIN Retired!

I feel I'm really good at it.

I suppose I'll know if I conquered it once I transition to the After-Life.

Until then....

I'll continue


My Path of Beautiful Darkness





17:37 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 971



00:23 Dec 30 2019
Times Read: 984

When I was in the military, I use to have to do an End Of The Year Review and always hated that the report was due prior to the year ending.

I'm like, what happens if something significant happens late night at 11:55 PM on Dec 31st? I mean technically, it still happened prior to the New Year in that Time Zone.

I sort of brought that habit over to my personal life, but this year, I'm going to wait until Jan 1st before I review 2019.

In other news, I really enjoyed my time with my Niece and her BF yesterday.

Unfortunately, she was denied SSI so they are living off of his SSDI only. No automobile and it is his SSDI that keeps them from living on the streets. They live in an Efficiency Apartment that is smaller than my entire Family Room and they still placed another person on the lease so in small quarters, my Niece is living with two guys.....Well, at least she has extra protection. The area they live in is low income and there are a lot of Street Walkers/Drug Users....in fact, they were telling me over some Hawaiian BBQ I treated them too after donating my recycables to them which gave them an extra $33 in addition to the other gift I gave them that they were mugged by some guy wielding a knife while walking back home from a party.

My Niece used the pepper spray I gave her and her BF faught the guy off using his own knife that he carries with him. He was able to disarm the guy and cut the guy deep enough to where the guy screamed and ran away. They then called the cops and reported the incident. The attacker failed to make off with my Nieces purse any except from some brusing they both are ok. Just a bit shaken.

I told him when a person is living below the poverty line where zero income is coming in for whatever reason and they don't know how or when their next meal is coming from or where they will sleep next without being chased away or told to move along...well, people will do anything to survive and not die....including hurting you or taking what's yours to pawn it or sell it for cash just to live.

He said he understand because.....He used to be one of those people until he was approved for SSDI.

So after taking them around to where they needed to go not having transportation and all, I returned them safely home and will check on them every other month.

Now time to listen to some copyright free music to see if I can include any new content as background music to my weekly Vlog videos.



01:12 Dec 30 2019

Huge fist pump Your Niece and BF are truly in a tough circumstances. They will need to fight hard and together to get out of the current circumstance. DFQ and my prayers,


20:04 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 998

9 years!!!

It just dawned on me that I haven't been ANGRY as in haven't felt that emotion at all since 2010.




17:41 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 1,003

Time to eat and then sauna.




17:27 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 1,004

I save all my recyclables to give to my Niece and her BF who are living on his SSDI and is considered below the poverty line, but not too far since they are receiving something and they have a roof over their heads, fresh water, power, vice living on the streets.

Due to their mental health illnesses, they can't drive even if they could afford a vehicle, which they can't and they are apparently not employable with the illnesses they live daily trying just to survive.

So I'll be taking them 16 bags of recycables, dring them around to places they've had difficulty reaching, treating them to dinner and giving them what spending money I can afford to share with them.

They told me they have a late Xmas present to give me even though I don't celebrate Xmas, but I'd gladly accept whatever present they wish for me to have.

The struggle just to survive are felt by many, the blessed ones have others who can lend a helping hand out of compassion knowing it could easily be them in that same situation.

Be the Best Human you can achieve to be in this life.

Everyone on this planet....We are all we have until the Blue Aliens decide to make themselves known. ^_-




15:55 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 1,019

For some people the struggle is real and affording birth control is not an option, but not to worry, they still have their Personality as a effective Family Planning Option.



16:03 Dec 28 2019

Another great form of birth control...

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

16:09 Dec 28 2019

Maybe, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so there is someone for everyone, however,

Looks may Attract


Personality Keeps

16:22 Dec 28 2019


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

16:24 Dec 28 2019

01:14 Dec 30 2019

How do you get the gifs posted into the journel Do you think people would be ready for smudge the cat and the screaming woman LMAOF every time I see one.

03:43 Dec 30 2019

@Earthgrinder, copy the html link from wherever you've uploaded the picture to give you one
(e.g. Imgur) and then paste it into the journal box.


15:36 Dec 28 2019
Times Read: 1,022

I'm seriously an Introvert.

However, I do have Surrogate Family members that live between 45-1.5 hours away that I travel to visit and spend time with.

It just dawned on me as I was planning to visit one of my Nieces and her BF who lives 45 minutes away that I can't be away from home for long periods of time now since my Son and his family only has the one vehicle he drives to work and his GF is stuck here without transportation (other than me) 7 months pregnant and caring for 2 small kids.

When they move out next year, one of them will be a stay-at-home-parent and they will either have to go through the struggle of getting the entire family of 5 into their little vehicle every work morning to transport one of them to work and then do it all over again to pick them or the one that works takes public transportation/car pool back and forth to work while the stay-at-home parent keeps the vehicle or check to see how much it would cost to rent an SUV weekly.

Hey, we do many things to ourselves........Life choices!!! #Birth_Control




20:59 Dec 27 2019
Times Read: 1,050

Why do some females feel guys don't know what they want when they clearly express what they want and even post it in their profile?

Also, why do some Ex-Wives feel they still have a chance when clearly the guy said he doesn't go back to Exes.

For example, my Son's Mother wants to come visit him and the kids, but doesn't want to spend money on a place to stay and wanted my Son to bring up the possibility of her asking me could she stay in my home.

Hell Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

She can visit my home out of respect that she's my kids' mother, but I don't Fuck With Exes like that....They are Exes for damn reasons in which I haven't forgotten.



21:15 Dec 27 2019

This represents my ex and someone she'd try to set me up with; you decide which is which...

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

23:50 Dec 27 2019


22:56 Dec 25 2019
Times Read: 1,071

Brace yourself for the ultimate crossover mash-up battle of all time! MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, LORD OF THE RINGS, AVATAR, X-MEN, WATCHMEN, TERMINATOR, INDIANA JONES, JAMES BOND, GAME OF THRONES, HARRY POTTER, THE MATRIX… If you can name an absurdly expensive movie franchise, it’s here and it’s doing battle with every other! Over 100 characters - who will be the last one standing? Place your bets and fasten your utility belts for the rumble to end all rumbles!!!

And then check out the BIGGER, BADDER SEQUEL - SUPER-VILLAIN-BOWL: https://youtu.be/YMnAGN2gRsw

And then watch the epic conclusion - SUPER-SHOWDOWN-BOWL! https://youtu.be/S6yLGlqyBM8

(Video May Be Slow To Load)







01:36 Dec 24 2019
Times Read: 1,087

@ZombieMLegendre.....Damn it, Bro! Twice?




20:19 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,100

If I ever forget how long it has been since I've been Living My Beliefs and Living My Best Life, I only have to look at my Vampire Rave Batty...



21:24 Dec 22 2019

Knowing people like you makes life a grand thing, my brother!

22:21 Dec 22 2019


17:19 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,106

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Why Dogs Age Faster Than Us




02:54 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,128

Screw the box???

Uhhh, ok!

Oh, a different type of box.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Screw the box



03:17 Dec 22 2019

So you go from the box the world has put you in, through darkness, only to end up deeper in a tube???

04:09 Dec 22 2019

What I got out of the video is once one is able to break away from the social programming that keeps us in a type of box and now questioning everything one has ever been taught to believe or feel, there is the real feeling of stepping off into the unknown.

The Darkness.

But, how deep one goes is their choice.

There is the feeling of having to start over from scratch.

From the bottom.

There are levels to Darkness and to have the courage to explore each level stopping at what one chooses to be their bottom, as far as they want to explore the Darkness which is the point one feels they now have a solid foundation to then be free to take what they have learned from the Darkness and then soar as high as one chooses to on their journey towards Enlightenment.

For there is a difference between Knowledge and Wisdom.

There are many people walking around today with Diplomas and Completion Certificates of higher learning, but find it difficult to apply their newfound book knowledge in a way that will drastically benefit their lives and the lives of those they care about.

However, that's just one man's interpretation.

04:18 Dec 22 2019

Oh, I'm with you. I was teasing by the way. I meant to add the "lol", I had a brain fart. Personally, I don't trust the knowlege anyone has if they have a degree hanging on their wall. Or, if they brag about being to school for this or that. Especially, when it comes to religious education.


01:16 Dec 22 2019
Times Read: 1,137

So are you saying because I don't have Stress in my life due to Relationship Drama, Family Drama, Employment Drama, Drama coming from Strangers, or Lack of Money Struggles, that you feel I would not be able to relate to you and your struggles, therefore, we can't chat as friends?

Ummmmm.......First, that's not true......Secondly........Ok!



01:43 Dec 22 2019

LOL! What moron said that? I wonder if they are a Marine.

01:54 Dec 22 2019

Nope, no Marine would say such nonesense. LOL!

No one on VR.

Not sure what that was all about, but one comes across ALL kinds on the internet. Almost nothing surprises me now.


17:10 Dec 21 2019
Times Read: 1,143


(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Freedom Ain't Free - AMERICAN GODS - Orlando Jones




17:22 Dec 20 2019
Times Read: 1,169

I haven't watched the show, which is the topic in this discussion, but the topic is something that should be discussed, I feel, by everyone in a relationship or wanting to be in one.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Jill Marie Jones And The Creators Of ‘Monogamy’ Discuss Martial Experiments, Repairing Bonds + More




17:13 Dec 20 2019
Times Read: 1,172


An actual beach under the ocean among other things.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Experience the Underwater World Through the Eyes of a Free Diver | Short Film Showcase



17:31 Dec 20 2019

That's an awesome video!

17:36 Dec 20 2019


16:40 Dec 20 2019
Times Read: 1,176

Although I don't celebrate Xmas, I do celebrate those who show compassion and good will to others at least 1 out of the 12 months of each year.

It's as though Jan-Sep are learning and quizing months and then Oct-Dec is test time. Practicle application.

Show us how far you have advanced over 9 months in becoming the best Human being you can be not only towards yourself, but to other beings on this planet.

But then again my brain is wired differently.....LOL!



17:15 Dec 20 2019

The only way I truly celebrate any holiday is by watching movies. I don't decorate (except maybe a few things on Halloween), buy stuff or visit people. I have specific films I watch depending on the holiday. That's my limit. lol

17:26 Dec 20 2019


I give out candy on Halloween and if invited, I may accept a Thanksgiving invitation (but not always), but yeah....beyond that, it's just another day.

17:35 Dec 20 2019

On Monday I will gas up my truck and drive to our Council Hall where I will meet up with co-wokers and other members of our Community. We will then load up the back of 9 trucks with 250 Food boxes: Turkey and all the trimmings, a couple hundred wrapped gifts for kids who otherwise would literally get nothing for Santa Day, and 2 dozen brand new PS4 a local business owner brought out of his own pocket to sneak to some Mom and Dads that they can put under a tree on Santa Morning, Boxes of oranges and other fruits, nuts, candy, and about 5 dozen decorated cookies, and some trees with boxes of decorations and spend the day delivering all this stuff, helping single Moms set up Santa Trees and I will BEAM with pride of the awesome community I belong too. Some families will also get Bank checks to help with rent, gas and water bills. We spend all year adding names to a Santa list of Familes though the year who need on the list. This is how I celebrate Santa Time. I am not into the baby Jesus stuff. But I DO the Santa stuff and I come BIG with it. :) Happy Santa Day, Brother. Love you.

17:39 Dec 20 2019

Seeing the big eye and awe on those kids faces when we pull up= Princless.

17:41 Dec 20 2019


Woooooow!!!!! Bro, that is TOTALLY

You deserve more positive Karma each year than the year before, Bro!

You Are....

21:57 Dec 20 2019

I can not even put into words what it feels like to see those kids faces. Just gold Bro, pure gold. It's a community effort that enables us to show these kids, these familes the true meaning of: It takes a village.

23:06 Dec 20 2019


06:40 Dec 20 2019
Times Read: 1,190




22:53 Dec 19 2019
Times Read: 1,194

Alrighty then...Sauna Sesh treatment is done annndddd I'm too medicated to now hang my posters. I didn't plan this out well, huh? LMAO!!!

Well, suppose I'll listen to new copyright free music on YouTube for background music until I fall asleep and when I wake, I hope it's night time. Like dark..dark.




20:38 Dec 19 2019
Times Read: 1,197

Time to eat, sauna sesh and then hang up some art.




18:40 Dec 19 2019
Times Read: 1,198

Time to edit then publish my Thur video and then start my day off.

I say "day" loosely. I rather it be "night", but, sadly, some things can't wait to be done during hours of darkness that I love soooooo much.




18:01 Dec 19 2019
Times Read: 1,200


My Son is now allowing me to confirm that 'Yes' he and his GF are expecting their 2nd child (a Boy) (her 3rd child) due in February 2020.

They said they were unaware of his GF being pregnant until a checkup back in August that confirmed she was 3 months prego. So when they arrived here on July 2nd, she was already 2 months prego.

Their date to have their own place was by July 2020, but I have extended it until Oct 2020 since my Son obtained employment in October so that will give them an entire year to prepare themselves to launch back into Independency by obtaining their own place to live.

So yeah, they have Transportation, Employment, so now they are in their last Phase. Phase #3. Obtaining their own place.




01:38 Dec 18 2019
Times Read: 1,218




22:43 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,219

I love this content.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

...Who needs wingsuits??!!




18:42 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,220

Alrighty then, video is almost done uploading and soon to be published.

Then time to eat and sauna sesh.




15:52 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,227

The world could be burning down around me, yet I wouldn't know. I'm in my room and in my Cal-King bed, nice and warm, blinds closed, surfing the internet. I haven't even left out of my room yet. Well, it's not yet 9 a.m. If I'm going to go out, I try not to get out of bed beyond my nature calls until after 9 a.m. I've spent years waking up wayyyy earlier than that soooooo...yeah....I take advantage of my Retirement....LOL!

Working on publishing Tue's video. I love my new glass pieces and other purchases I made.

I just love surrounding myelf with well, expressions of ME and my Lifestyle.



16:16 Dec 17 2019

After working my butt off fr weeks, I am off work till after Christmas. My plans are pretty much your days of sleeping in my huge bed, nice and warm, playing SL with my Liliancat, catching up on my Mogy YT videos, enjoying the time off, playing with my neices and nephews and this weekend going on a horse ride out to our cabin which is about a 10 mile ride from the house. So I will be taking semi- retirement for a few weeks! Hahaha

16:43 Dec 17 2019


02:12 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,237

It's that time again!!!!



16:19 Dec 17 2019


01:49 Dec 17 2019
Times Read: 1,238

No matter what I force myselft to accomplish during Daylight hours, it's the Nighttime hours that I get excited for, that I enjoy, and that I love accomplishing things during.

Today was much like all the rest of my awesome days, filled with Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex and Magick.

Whether I'm partaking in it or watching it..........It feeds my Spirit and nourishes my Soul.




15:35 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,247


What day is it here?

Ha, oh yeah.....




02:41 Dec 16 2019
Times Read: 1,258

Well, it's that time of the night I do enjoy.

Ritual Shower




21:39 Dec 15 2019
Times Read: 1,261




15:21 Dec 15 2019
Times Read: 1,275

Sometimes it's not WHAT you did exactly, it's HOW you responded after you were confronted that escalated things.

So get back to the basics.....

Learn to Respond, Not React



17:32 Dec 15 2019

This was amazing. If more people applied this in their lives, it would be SO much better. Loved it!!!

17:52 Dec 15 2019

I have used the proper apology before! Own what you do and make it right. It will get you far in life and respect from others.

17:56 Dec 15 2019


Thanks my friend!


I agree, Bro!


07:12 Dec 15 2019
Times Read: 1,288




16:59 Dec 14 2019
Times Read: 1,292

So Bandit is just find. His eating the crayons worked its way out of his system and didn't really do any long term harm.

Going to hit up Hobby Lobby for some ruby red lens type material to further modify my Gothic Mask as to not have to wear it over my shades.

Also, I was so impressed with the crown-mask style, I'm in search of more on eBay and Etsy and anywhere else I can find them online.....within my budget.

So yeah, I'll be traveling back into town to shop to replinish my supplies.

Who else has to take a piss and shit....Every damn morning!? First thing! Ugghh!

I know...TMI and Random...LOL!




18:39 Dec 13 2019
Times Read: 1,301

Takinng Bandit in to be seen by the Vet today.

Apparently, sometime last Monday, crayons got a little too close to his little area and he decided to have one or more as a snack.

So Tuesday morning my Son wakes me to tell me that he had heard Bandit vomiting and then saw the vomit and something that looked like either a big ball of vile or a watery piece of shit.

So I checked him out and he seemed fine, but I said if he vomits again or doesn't have an appetite, I'd take him in to be check. He played as though nothing was wrong with him. He ate a small amount of snacks, drank water and so I fed him his regurlar meal at 5 p.m. when my Son and his family eats.

Wednesday, I noticed he had only eaten alittle and there was a samll amount of vomit. A LOT less than on Tue. However, it was vomit so I scheduled him to be seen. The only open was for today (Friday). Wow, just like human hospitals. If it's not an emergency, you'll be waiting to be seen.

Well, he played well on Wednesday and on Thursday. Also, there was no vomit on Thursday and he ate all of his meal, but hey, I'm keeping that appointment just to be sure and I pay too much on Wellness Insurance for him to not take advantage of it.




21:09 Dec 12 2019
Times Read: 1,315

So I just tried Popeye's Spicey Chicken Sandwich.....Eh...It's ok, but I'm sure by now after everyone went crazy for the sandwich thanks to an outstanding marketing scheme that people know, it was wayyyyy over hyped. LMAO!

Crazy people out there comitting homicide over this?

Another reason I don't follow crowds or be swayed by advertisement.



00:41 Dec 13 2019

00:41 Dec 13 2019


00:53 Dec 10 2019
Times Read: 1,335

I love my 1-yr-old Granddaughter sooooooo much.

She's standing and walking now and loves to walk over to me and holds out her arms for me to pick her up and when I do, she cuddles me.



03:41 Dec 10 2019

Smiles just a proud grandpa

14:21 Dec 10 2019

Yup! ^_^


16:35 Dec 08 2019
Times Read: 1,366

Seen that I was missing some pics of my tattoos in my Portfolio so I added more.

I think it's time to document all my tattoos, but there are over 100 of them so I'm going to convience my Son to help. LOL!



20:07 Dec 08 2019

That doesn't sound awkward at all lol

00:56 Dec 09 2019


03:21 Dec 09 2019

Do you get nervous about selecting the place of your tattoos on your body?

07:56 Dec 09 2019

@Morrigon, in the very beginning I did, but after my first tattoo session, nervousness went away.


04:22 Dec 08 2019
Times Read: 1,383




04:35 Dec 08 2019

I am all good.

04:45 Dec 08 2019

Yup yup can I get a Amen! LOL! So damn true:)


02:42 Dec 07 2019
Times Read: 1,407

From Fantasy

To Reality

Is How I Live My Life

Because I'm



18:27 Dec 07 2019


22:12 Dec 07 2019


03:22 Dec 09 2019

They look great!

07:57 Dec 09 2019

Thank you!


19:07 Dec 06 2019
Times Read: 1,421

That moment I realized that it were my Choices and Actions that would contribute to how Negative Events made me "Feel".

I Was Doing It To Myself!

I mean, any Negative Events generated by an External Entity (e.g., what someone said or did negatively about or to me), well, if the 'Event' (e.g., whatever happened) didn't physically harm me or prevent me from paying my bills, then whatever mood I'm in during or after the event is ALL of my own making.

So with that knowledge, I started treating myself a whole lot better.

Many events just don't Qualify to put me in or keep me in a Negative Head-Space.

So remember, EVERY Choice you make, EVERY Action you take, EVERY Word you Speak is YOU creating YOUR REALITY.

Personally, I've been LOVING my Reality since Retiring in 2011 at the age of 42, Converting to Paganism in 2013, and then adding Cannabis as one of 4 Spiritual Lifestyles under the MOGYOLOGY Umbrella in Jan 2017.

My Reality May Not Be Perfect To Others


Neither Am I

But Then Again

It's Perfect For Me


I'm Perfectly Me!


And I Love Me!!!




10 Ways Tattoos Are Being Used As A Form Of Therapy

16:02 Dec 06 2019
Times Read: 1,426

10 Ways Tattoos Are Being Used As A Form Of Therapy
March 10, 2016 | By Nneka Samuel

You’re well aware of traditional therapy (and its alternative, distant cousin, retail therapy), but what about tattoo therapy?

In many parts of the world, tattoos are used as cultural symbols to denote rank, accomplishment, spirituality, heritage or simple decoration. Today, at least in the U.S., we think of tattoos as a form of self-expression, and each and every tattoo tells a story. But tattoos can also help people heal and find closure. Not a cure-all but rather a means to an end, tattoos are also being viewed nowadays as recovery art. Would you get a therapeutic tattoo as part of your recovery process or to help you maintain your mental health?


The Mastectomy Tattoo Movement
Following breast cancer treatment, some women opt to get artistic tattoos to not only cover mastectomy scars, but to reclaim their bodies. There’s even an organization, P.Ink (Personal Ink), that matches breast cancer survivors with tattoo artists with mastectomy experience.


Mental Illness
Some people living with mental illness like bipolar disorder or depression get tattoos for motivation – to remind themselves to take each day as it comes. Or, they get a tattoo to claim ownership over their illness.


Ink Shrinks
A reality show on Spike TV, Ink Shrinks, paired clients with psychologists and tattoo artists who came up with an ink design created to remind them of their progress in whatever they were going through. The kicker? Clients didn’t know what their ink would look like until it was permanently tattooed on their body.


Overcoming Fear
Ink Shrinks was also based on the idea that because the body releases endorphins to cope with the pain of a tattoo, people getting fresh ink would be more open to therapy. It worked for one client on the show who overcame his fear of needles.


Some recovery tattoos reflect sobriety and a dedication to continued recovery.


Some tattoos are designed in remembrance of a loved one and aid in the grieving process.


Some tattoo designs, like sak yant, are thought to have protective or mystical powers.


Perhaps having a well-known verse tattooed on your body can serve as a constant reminder of your faith.


The semicolon tattoo, made popular by Project Semicolon, actually represents a commitment to life.


Therapeutic Approach
Some tattoo shops, in addition to providing the ink, will approach the tattoo process in a healing way, incorporating breathing, reiki, coaching or meditation into the experience.





03:46 Dec 06 2019
Times Read: 1,435

So this is my vision for my 16 finger tattoos tomorrow.

The tattoo artist has confirmed the appointment so tomorrow....






04:10 Dec 06 2019

Awesome 👍



07:39 Dec 05 2019
Times Read: 1,443



23:48 Dec 04 2019
Times Read: 1,456

So Friday I'm getting finger tattoos.

16 total of letters and symbols.

Ending 2019 at 51 years old with body modification. Sweet!

I purchased 2 new area rugs so that my Granddaughter can practice her walking without fear of hitting the blue-stained concrete floor that she and her brother has chipped up throwing their toys on it. smh....Well, my expensive stained floor in that area was nice while it lasted and if I ever miss them when they move out, all I have to do is lift my rugs and look at the damage. LMAO!!!!

Then I went to Lucille's Smokehouse BBQ to use my B-Day Gift Card. Yum!

I'll be ordering more meds later, but first...Sauna Sesh!



01:30 Dec 05 2019

Tattoos are always fun

02:25 Dec 05 2019


You sound as though you have a bit of Masochism in you, Rose! Haha!

10:29 Dec 05 2019

Nah, I'm just always in pain from working out. So stuff like that is nothing lol.
My finger tattoo hardly hurt.


17:44 Dec 04 2019
Times Read: 1,468

So all of my December bills are paid including the HUGE Property Tax bill.

It's raining outside and I will be leaving to go into town. I need to purchase 2 more area rugs for the Family Room since my Granddaughter is walking more now and I'd hate to see her tumble on the blue-stained concrete floor.

I also recevied another gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants so I'll be stopping by there instead of going grocery shopping today. I try to put that event off as long as I can. LOL!

In addition to recording my Journals, what else has the Gothic Warlock Lord been up to?


Living My Beliefs


Living My Best Life




03:00 Dec 03 2019
Times Read: 1,478

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Tears For Fears - Shout (Official Video)

Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels (Official Video)




17:35 Dec 02 2019
Times Read: 1,485

One more thing to love about VR is how long it retains Journal entries.

I love reading my past journal entries to see how much I've changed or if I kept my word about something planned or did a spell manifest.

Here is a little gym I found when I was sitting alone in my barracks room on Okinawa, Japan designing my Post-Military life. Whatever that life was going to look like, I was sure it was going to be AWESOME!





20:30 Dec 01 2019
Times Read: 1,504

Congratulations to TheGildedGuardian!!!

December 2019 Recipient of "The Bless Program Of MOGYOLOGY".

Blessing: $33.00 USD

Arkasia - Angel (feat. CoMa)


(Video May Be Slow To Load)


The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY has assigned the following Coven Members with their assigned numbers as follows:

#21 Dakotah
#70 Liliancat
#64 Chupacabra
#57 TheGildedGuardian
#73 MoonlitSong
#17 Dracool
#22 Shala
#62 Rurukoshyvarghese

As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days forfeits their winnings.

Serenity & Happiness To You

~ LM


The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministry continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month at the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All




14:39 Dec 01 2019
Times Read: 1,512

Well, on my end, it's the 1st day of December.

The 1st day of the last month of 2019.

For me, it went pretty fast with more Positive Events than Negative ones so I'm hoping it finishes out the same way.

Well, time to get into wardrobe and see who Karma will be using me to Bless today.



17:14 Dec 01 2019

You know what I find just way cool? The fact that even when there is a "negative" you always make some positive come from it. You don't let it ruin your attitude on living your beliefs. I find that amazing and you inspire such wonderful positive vibes, I am very thankful you are still around from waaayyy back in the day:)
*huggs* I am positive the year will finish off with your kinda spunk lol 💥🎇

17:20 Dec 01 2019

Thank you my friend!!!

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