LORDMOGY's Journal

LORDMOGY's Journal


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69 entries this month

20:02 May 31 2019
Times Read: 1,199

Urban Dictionary: International Man of Leisure

"A man whose tremendous wealth, social position, grooming, and worldleness allow him to pursue pleasurable social, cultural, and athletic hobbies or pasttimes, rather than employment."

Well, I don't know about "tremendous" wealth, but I know what Leisure is. LOL!

So I joined the following:

The Society of International Men of Leisure




18:41 May 31 2019
Times Read: 1,200

I'm Winning at this thing called Life.

That's is all.





02:50 May 31 2019
Times Read: 1,200



22:49 May 30 2019
Times Read: 1,207

Now this is a "feel good" article and video.

Dr. Gupta: If you see someone struggling with mental illness, don't turn away




18:43 May 30 2019
Times Read: 1,213

Yesterday went so well for me.

I was reminded of the benefits of living a Solitary Lifestyle.

Don't get me wrong, having The Right partner that one is compatible with would surely enhance one's life, but personally, one's life should be at point where that is more of a Want than a Need.

One should already be whole instead of waiting for some other human to "complete" them.

How about Enhancing rather than Completing?

Let's be completely honest about one of the main reasons heterosexuals get together.......SEX!!!

Lets also be completely honest about what comes from a penis exploding into a vagina and a vagina milking the seed out of a penis.

- Pleasure
- Pregnancy (Positive or Negative event to happen)
- STD/STI (including Possible Death)

So, to be clear, when I read the many attempts of people to make others feel "Less Than" in someway by accusing them of not getting any vagina or penis I crack the fuck up!!!

I mean, so because I'm Living My Best Life, I'm in some way really NOT living my best life?

Why? Because I'm not routinely sticking my penis into some female's vagina which will result in up to 3 outcomes of which 2 of the 3 outcomes can really fuck my life up, bet yet I'm suppose to feel negative because I'm not fucking every female who wants to fuck.

Nahhh, Porn is Free and an Orgasm is an Orgasm regardless of how it is achieved.

So keep writing about how these guys aren't getting any pussy or these females must not be getting any dick because I'm thinking, they may be just dodging all kinds of bullets when they are not.

Seriously, if you live long enough to experience some of the different types of Personalities and Levels of Craziness that comes with those Vaginas (or Penis if you're a female), you may begin to see having intercourse as more of a serious life choice to satisfy a Want and throw the dice than more of a Need where one's life is just soooooooo horrible without it on the daily.




03:40 May 30 2019
Times Read: 1,214

Every year birds build nests around the Lair. 1 near the front high above the entrance way to my home and another one under my waterfall and debree from that one falls into my pool.

This year I moved the nest to a tree.

Then I found this birdhouse at the local thrift store to set in the back of my home.

Oh yeah, With the purchase of a total of 8 Bongs and Dab Rigs, I'm now the owner of 101 Bongs and Dab Rigs (not counting Hookahs, Vape Pens, Pipes, etc.).

Bandit said he too support the National Legalization of Cannabis. However, he does not partake...Directly.




16:32 May 29 2019
Times Read: 1,222

Finally, a good night's sleep.

No waking up having sweated all over my pillows, sheets and shirt (if I wore one to bed due to the seasonal temperature) due to struggling to breath during my sleep.

It took some time to get use to wearing a CPAP mask and using the machine, but when I discovered WHY I was sweating so much in my sleep and having auto-recorded myself while sleeping, I fell inlove with the CPAP quick!

It might not be sexy to turnover and see your lover wearing one, but knowing why would cause you to ensure they are wearing theirs each sleeping period.

Now to accomplish today's tasks.

- Pay all of my bills for June
- Go into town and purchase a Quartz Banger to change one of my Bongs to a Dab Rig
- Go...ugh..sighs...go...Grocery Shopping...ughhh!
- Edit, Save, Upload and Publish Wed's Video
- Take 3 Sauna Sesh Treatments
- Do laundry (Maybe)
- Clean my Altar (Maybe)
- Record Thur's Video later tonight




08:51 May 29 2019
Times Read: 1,224

Just finished recording Wed's video.

I'm High-ly Medicateed and feeling quite well.

Think I'll put on Loop, my YouTube Playlist appropriately titled 'VIDEOS THAT ARE LOOP WORTHY' and drift off to sleep as I try out this new CPAP Machine.




04:43 May 29 2019
Times Read: 1,233

Well, made it back from my Road Trip to Redlands, CA.

Let's see, what did I accomplish today?

I treated myself to Outback Steakhouse and ate Steak and Lobster Tail. Yum!

Thanks to the VA, I now have a brand new state of the art CPAP Machine. Looking forward to trying it out tonight.

Well, I was at 93 Bongs/Dab Rigs and the goal was 100......Today, I now have 101. LMAO!

Although I was in the grocery story, I didn't bother to buy groceries. I only needed to use the ATM, however, I did get a rack of BBQ Ribs and a Slice of Watermelon. ^_^

I purchased some more Meds.

I edited Tue's Video which is saving now.

I played with Bandit.

And now for the rest of the night......

I'm going to get in at least 2 Sauna Seshes.

I'm going to record Wed's video later tonight.

Yeah, that was my day and into the night I gooooooooooo.....



04:54 May 29 2019

welcome back hope you had a great trip

04:58 May 29 2019

Welcome back busy bee :}

07:11 May 29 2019

@DreamEscape.....Thanks! Enjoyed very much so.
@LZAPERVERT.......Thanks! ^_-


19:45 May 27 2019
Times Read: 1,236

Yard work completed while wearing my backbrace so all is well with that.

Now time to Shower, Eat and Sauna Sesh.




18:04 May 27 2019
Times Read: 1,237

Road Trip tomorrow.

Time to get my CPAP Machine either repaired or replaced.

I also plan to checkout the local Smoke Shop for new glass. ^_^




17:08 May 26 2019
Times Read: 1,245

Well, my life will change a bit by allowing my Son and his family to temporarily move in with me while they work towards their own independence while living in Southern Cali.

The best state in the union. ^_^

This will call for child-proofing the lair though. LOL!

Well, time to get my day started with my first of three Sauna Seshes.



19:15 May 26 2019

You are doing a really good thing. I hope it works out.


21:24 May 24 2019
Times Read: 1,251

So lastnight I recorded the Friday video, twice, because I wasn't satisfied with the first take for some reason I can't remember now.

Then I recorded a Bonus vide because, well, last face it, I was High!

This morning started out good. I had breakfast while taking my first of three Sauna Seshes.

Then I got tired of my alarm system notifying me about a Radial Failure or some crap and called Verizon who walked me through doing what was needed to resolve the problem.

Now time for

And then I have to edit two videos and upload them some time this evening.

I Love My Life!




17:11 May 24 2019
Times Read: 1,255




06:28 May 23 2019
Times Read: 1,261

I haven't laughed for so long in months. ROTFLMAO!!!

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





23:42 May 22 2019
Times Read: 1,263




07:30 May 22 2019
Times Read: 1,266




23:54 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,268




17:26 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,274

Yesterday went as willed.

Well, with my travels over and my returning home to a one day 'trip completion' celebration where I pigged out, I'm back up to 219 lbs. I regret nothing! LOL!

Ok, so no sugar today and time for my first sauna sesh.




05:53 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,277

and Tue's video.....Completed!




02:39 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,278

One good Vagina strike and these men passing abortion laws will end this craziness quick. LOL!




01:33 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,279

Monday's video uploading.

Choosing music for Tue's video.

Upon darkness, I will record Tue's video and complete my 3rd Sauna Sesh.




01:30 May 21 2019
Times Read: 1,280

Yes, that's true.

We all have different brains.

I'm so sorry about yours.




22:38 May 20 2019
Times Read: 1,281




02:14 May 20 2019
Times Read: 1,286

Eh, it all comes down to one's personal beliefs.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)

Satanic Hinduism!




02:00 May 20 2019
Times Read: 1,288

2nd Sauna Sesh completed!

My entire body is humming. Feels like a low constant vibrating.

I have the recording of Monday's Video and one more Sauna Sesh to complete my night.

Now I just have to make a decision on Wardrobe and Medical Devices.

Well, my new Kshioe Photography Studio Portrait Video Light Lighting Tent Kit Photo and Equipment arrived before I left on my trip, but I've since assembled them and placed them in 3 out of the 4 areas I record from in the Lair.

Mon: Kitchen and Family Room
Tue: Sauna
Wed: The Gothic Warlock Lord's Corner
Thur: Sauna
Fri: BDSM/Hellraiser Dungeon Themed Room

Who said RETIREMENT is boring? LMAO!!!




00:02 May 20 2019
Times Read: 1,291




17:30 May 19 2019
Times Read: 1,294

To my Granny!

Today, my Granny reached the age of 85-Years-Old.

I wished I could have stayed longer, but my funds or "FINITE". LOL!

I just spoke to her by phone and she was in a happy mood since family from GA is down visiting her in the Rehab Center.

It's always nice to see or hear her laughing.




16:48 May 19 2019
Times Read: 1,300

Last night...Wow! The 3rd Sauna Sesh is the most challenging, but when I want to just stay in bed and say fuck it, years of military programming takes over and I empty my mind of all thoughts but that of accomplishing the task and I just grab my shit and do it!




07:01 May 19 2019
Times Read: 1,307




03:25 May 19 2019
Times Read: 1,311




01:14 May 19 2019
Times Read: 1,316

Working on ME Daily!

I'll never achieve Perfection

While imprisoned in this Human Form

But, it's so much damn fun trying



02:14 May 19 2019



23:47 May 18 2019
Times Read: 1,324

Hmmmm.....Can I get food poisoning for eating meatballs that have been sitting in the fridge for 3 weeks even if I deep fry them just as a precaution?

Fuck It!


In other news, just returned from driving into town for resupplies.

Now to bring on the Heat!




16:42 May 18 2019
Times Read: 1,328

Another day huh?

Well, you know I'm going to just keep Living My Beliefs and Living My Best Life

So, keep them coming.

I'll put them to some good use.




05:25 May 18 2019
Times Read: 1,340





02:28 May 18 2019
Times Read: 1,345

Let's Do This!!!




01:44 May 18 2019
Times Read: 1,350

Well, so far this year all my plans have come together except for one.

Damn, why did Luna Cobra have to get himself arrested?!

I was so close!




20:07 May 17 2019
Times Read: 1,352




19:34 May 17 2019
Times Read: 1,354




04:13 May 17 2019
Times Read: 1,368

Me and my Son

Me and my Mother

Me and my Sister

Just Me



04:19 May 17 2019

You, your mom, and son- all look incredibly alike.

07:02 May 17 2019


08:28 May 19 2019

great pics, Blessed Be!

16:11 May 19 2019


00:23 May 17 2019
Times Read: 1,374

No, I'm Not Done Yet!

Bring It!!!



00:36 May 17 2019

LOOK AT THAT ULTRA INSTINCT! I swear that DBZ Super had some of the best fights in a long time.


21:51 May 16 2019
Times Read: 1,376

Let's Get It!!!!




15:58 May 16 2019
Times Read: 1,384

You know their story is going to be epic when it starts off with, "So, I was watching Porn right?" ROTFLMAO!!!



16:52 May 16 2019

o.0 did someone say PORN? Hahaha ooo I wanna watch wif ya:-p

16:58 May 16 2019

17:48 May 16 2019

Oh and i forgot to tell you welcome back Mogy :::huggs:::
Missed ya!

18:20 May 16 2019

Hehe ..I wonder if boobies were involved?

19:39 May 16 2019


15:07 May 16 2019
Times Read: 1,385

I did indeed wake up while it was yet still dark.

I recorded the Wed. Video and soon will be enjoying the first of three Sauna Seshes and a meal without meat.

Will edit both Wed's and Thur's videos, and publish them today.

When I record Friday's Video tonight, I'll be all caught up and back into my daily routine.




06:49 May 16 2019
Times Read: 1,387

Is Complete

Tuesday's Video is Uploading and will be Published soon.

Wednesday's Video will be recorded in the early mourning hours while still dark.

Thursday's Video recorded and awaiting Editing.

With that I say....Dark Dreams to you all.




02:30 May 16 2019
Times Read: 1,395

So many of my purchases I made prior to my travel have arrived and I've just assembled the new lightening in three of the four areas I record from.

Trying to edit a Tuesday video and need to record a Wednesday and Thursday video.

Gonna be a busy, but enjoyable night.




22:56 May 15 2019
Times Read: 1,406

Bring On The Heat!!!



23:03 May 15 2019

Welcome home, Brother.

00:24 May 16 2019


United States Department of Veterans Affairs & Veterans Benefits Administration

22:38 May 15 2019
Times Read: 1,408

So back on the 18th of April, I traveled north to keep a medical appointment at the Loma Linda VA Hospital. I was told to submit a Travel Claim for Reimbursement on the 1st floor at the help desk. The gentlemen assigned to assist by handing out the forms didn't seem to really be that interested in doing anything but sitting behind his desk and handed me what was suppose to be a Travel Form to fill out only to have given me an already filled out form. Once I gave it back to him and told him of his error, he simply took it, crumbled it up and threw it away and then handed me a blank form. I filled it out and returned it to him and he simply set it aside.

Having not yet been paid, I called the hospital and confirmed he had not submitted it. Seeing that it was almost 30-days since my appointment, they processed it over the phone so I should see the funds within the next 2 weeks.

Speaking of the VA, I also received a Medical Bill from the local hospital which contains the local VA Clinic. In all my years of being a Vet, I've never received a bill for a Service Related Condition and knew someone had made an error. I called them and spoke to a person who attempted to tell me that they were not a VA Hospital. I explained to him their office is downstairs from a VA Clinic and patients are sent to them for service and all bills should be sent to the VA for processing. Once he realized that someone had not noted the fact that I was a Veteran, he inputted the required information and said that he will send back to the VA.

Wow! Well, I don't blame the VA, but I do blame some of their staff who aren't really proficiant at their jobs.



23:02 May 15 2019

So, whats the pay for the dude sitting behind the desk who passes out filled documents then when given them back tosses them in the trash and then hands out unfilled forms? Also, I wonder if the paper crumbling has to be done a certain way.

00:21 May 16 2019


18:05 May 15 2019
Times Read: 1,414

217 lbs today!

Let's Bring On The Heat



21:21 May 15 2019

I have missed u lordmogy

22:11 May 15 2019

Greetings, mrandmrsimpaler4ever



16:53 May 15 2019
Times Read: 1,420

I'm posting a video covering my trip later today, but I'll journal the highlights here.

Trip to NY
Flew to NY and met my Son and his little family. I finally had the chance to meet my first biological Grandchild (8-month-old Granddaughter). She is so beautiful. I won't post pictures of any underage child without the permission of their parent(s) for privacy reasons, but believe me; he has the cutest little family. I treated them to a basket full of groceries, 3 outfits each for both my Granddaughter and her older brother who is 2-years-old and my Son considers him his son since he met his Girlfriend when she was pregnant with him and was there for the delivery of both kids. My Son and I went to see Avengers: End Game (my second viewing), I treated them to Lunch and a Dinner. We traveled to a mall that had an indoor race track and my Son started to talk a lot of smack about how he would leave me in his dust and blah, blah, blah, so we raced and he took his "L". LMAO!!! I had a chance to chitchat with his Girlfriend and assured her that whatever happens between her and my son, that because she is the mother of my Granddaughter, she will be family for life. I consider her my Daughter and her Son my Grandson now. I took pictures and videos and the visit, although short, was a very positive and loving one.

Trip to FL
Flew to FL primarily to visit with my 85-Year-Old Grandmother who is living with Alzheimer's & Dementia. My 70-Year-Old Mother was attempting to care for her at home, but even with Nurse's Aides assisting her, due to her illness, excessive weight, inability to walk since she had a full knee replacement either out of fear or the illness or for whatever reason, it was readily apparent that she could not be cared for at home any longer. Just trying to move her from her bed that is similar to a hospital bed with guardrails and something to help her lift herself to a portable toilet was an evolution that resulted in me almost passing out. I had to support her full weight while the aid attempted to clean her after her complaining that she couldn't remain on the toilet due to her sciatica nerve pain and she just started transferring her full weight onto me by my trying to support her and not allow her to fall on her knees and I was able to get her sitting on the bed. The strain had dripping sweating, the room was way too warm due to her constantly feeling too cold one minute and too warm the next and while people were trying to talk to me, it sounded like my ears were muffled and when I set down on the nearest bed all I can do was lay back and try not to pass out. There is more that happened, but I'm not going into it all. I convinced my mother that she just could no longer care for her at home. She couldn't be upset at other family members not being able to come over at the drop of a dime to help lift my Grandmother each time she managed to actually fall while attempting to walk to the bathroom or simply move from the bed to her portable toilet. She was also talking to people who weren't there and just wasn't always in the present. We got her to a hospital and from there to a Rehab Center while also waiting for placement into a permanent Nursing Home.

I was able to spend time with my Daughter (well, former Step-Daughter now Surrogate Daughter) and her two young Boys, my Grandkids. First was a Dinner at Olive Garden where her Mother (My Ex) showed up to get a free meal. LOL! I roasted her ass and she tried to roast me back, then she and our Daughter roasted each other and even the server got in on the fun and joined my side in roasting my Ex. LMAO! He got a good tip for that one. I again treated my Daughter to breakfast, but this time without my Ex showing up. I'm looking forward to seeing my Daughter and the boys when they are able to visit me in Southern California.

On Mother's Day, I allowed my Mother to control my day. Whatever she wanted to do, Wherever she wanted to do, When she wanted to do it, for whatever reason, it was her day the entire day and she didn't have to worry about a thing. I shared my plans with my cousin who I and my other two siblings (older Sister by 2 years and younger Brother by 2 year) and she wanted to come. I told her how my Sister would respond to that and sure enough my Sister started roasting my cousin, but in the end not only did my Sister decide to join us, but my Brother and my Sister's Oldest Daughter and her family (Hubby and 2 young Daughters 6 and 5). My Sister even officially sent out a group message bestowing the title "Sister" on our Cousin noting the date and time. LMAO!!! Crazy doesn't run in our family, it strolls around giving people hugs and fist bumps. LOL! I treated everyone to their mills and they were allowed to order whatever they wanted.

I was also able to attend my Nieces Graduation from Law School and discovered she had 2 other BS-Degrees in addition to this 3rd Degree. Wow! But the ceremony was fucking way too long. I ended up missing the after luncheon having to keep a dinner date with my Daughter though. I also missed a celebration luncheon since I had to assist my Mother in getting my Granny cared for and relocated from home to the hospital with the help of paramedics who ended up leaving one of their medical bags in the apartment and then asked for us to remain there while they send other medics to retrieve it.

I did, however, manage to make my Niece's Dance Recital and it was a lovely performance.

Unfortunately, in keeping with the Principles of Yin Yang, everything couldn't go perfectly.

One of my Brother's Sons became a victim of Gun Violence and was shot in the head. Sadly, he didn't make it and there hasn't been an arrest yet. WTF?!

I purchased for my Granny a little mechanical female dog that looks like it's laying down and breathing. Too cute. She loves it.

I also treated my mother to a basket full of groceries prior to my departing.

The return journey home was a total Shit Show by American Airlines.

The flight was delayed arriving in FL which resulted in being delayed in arriving in NC for a connecting flight, however, the pilots to fly the connect flight was on the same flight that was delayed arriving in FL so the pilot told me not to worry about it. LOL! Then there was a delay departing NC and while enroute to San Diego, we were told that the San Diego Airport had a midnight curfew and was completely shutting down the airfield and we had to be diverted to the Los Angeles Airport. They initially tried to tell us that there will be transportation for us which would take us on the 2-hour trip back south to San Diego. Hell, I've worked in logistics long enough during my time in the military to know that was not true. There was no way they were getting a plane full of passengers and all the luggage on buses and transporting us down to San Diego. Of course, I was right. We landed at LAX and was told to either leave from their at our own expense and request to be reimbursed or wait 7 hours (turned into 8 hours) to be flown later that morning to San Diego.

My Surrogate mother, who had been house sitting and caring for Bandit developed a gum infection and had to leave Bandit 24-hours prior to my arrival to seek Dental Care (that's an entire other story I won't get into) so with food and water, Bandit was just fine and I was able to check in on him via my security cameras.

So from all of the text messages, it seems I infused into my family, Serenity, Happiness, Love, Caring, Support, and Blessings in which all were very grateful for.

I lived my Beliefs and Best Life and surprisingly enough, even with my Gothic Appearance and sporting Occult Jewelry, no one gave me shit. When I wore my 'Retired Marine' cap, I got many thank yous for my service, special treatment, kind words, stories from other Veterans, requests to share my beliefs, and I was flirted with by a number ladies both in NY and FL which really feeds into my ego. LMAO!!!

I also thanked fellow Military Veterans for their service and I thanked First Responders, Doctors and Nurses for their service to their communities.

In conclusion, regardless of the Negative events, Positive events way outweighed the Negative ones.

Excuse any typos, but this is just too much to proof read so I'll correct stuff later. LOL!

Speaking of proof reading, my Surrogate Niece was given a B+ on the thesis paper I assisted her with. She was so proud of it that she sent me a text message when she received her grade. I'm so proud of her.

I also loss weight (3 lbs from what I weighed before my trip) during the trip and believe me, I was not following my eating routine. Wow!




05:47 May 15 2019
Times Read: 1,437

Finally, Lord MOGY, The Gothic Warlock Lord has returned to the Gothic Warlock Lair and Bandit.

Need to get back into my home routine so I'll journal more later.

Time to bring the Heat!!!



06:36 May 15 2019


07:37 May 15 2019

Welcome back brother dearest

07:37 May 15 2019

Mogyyy in the houseeee

07:47 May 15 2019

12:01 May 15 2019

Welcome back.

13:33 May 15 2019

Welcome Home. I hope your trip went well and that you enjoyed your time.

15:06 May 15 2019

Welcome back!

15:45 May 15 2019


09:06 May 04 2019
Times Read: 1,464

We are stars experiencing life until our sentence is complete when we once again return to the cosmos as a star.

This I Believe.

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





05:51 May 04 2019
Times Read: 1,469

I seriously lose track of days if nothing very important is scheduled.

So I went into town today to get cash and buy some ice creams sandwiches. 4 in a box.

I returned home and my Niece came over to catalog 200 more comic books.

I paid her and shared some of my meds with her since she too consumes cannabis for medical purposes.

She left after a short Sesh while listening to music and just chilling while she waited for her ride.

I took a 2 hour nap and woke up feeling drained. I feel like that when I don't wear my CPAP Machine. I can't get a replacement until after I return from traveling.

Well, after 15 minutes to recover, I went down stairs and cleaned the kitchen and finished the dishes.

Now to fold some laundry while doing some laundry.

My Mom is traveling from up North in the L.A. area to house sit and watch Bandit for me while I'm on my travels so that's Awesome of her. Gonna take her out for an early Mother's Day gift since I'll miss it with her.

Well, I may try to squeeze in at least 1 Sauna Sesh before bed.

I'm looking forward to seeing new sights, but me enjoying the journey is what I'm willing to happen.



07:12 May 04 2019

Safe travels to you!

07:24 May 04 2019

Have fun dude.


22:54 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,472


I want some more!




18:36 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,479

Alrighty, time to get this party started.



20:49 May 02 2019

Flamer lol


18:30 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,480

Well, no CPAP Machine for my trip, but did get an appointment for the end of the month for a replacement.

There are going to be many sweaty nights between now and then. smh!




17:27 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,486





10:13 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,493

One of the Best movies of all time.

(Videos May Be Slow To Load)




09:34 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,496

23-Page paper reviewed and edited and now I'm going to sleep and hope my body forces itself to continue to breath while I'm in the place between Life and The After Life.



09:43 May 02 2019

18:14 May 02 2019


06:50 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,498

Well, at least I got both videos published and 1 Sauna Sesh in.

However, now that I have to proof read a 23-page thesis, maayyyybe taking a Sauna Treatment whle medicating with an Indica strain wasn't the wises choice to make.

Well, I think there was a Hybrid in the mix so I should be good.

No problem.

I Got This!!!




04:01 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,503

Let's Get It!




03:28 May 02 2019
Times Read: 1,504

So one thing I really think makes no sense is that Active Duty Military Medical Records don't automatically transfer over to the Veterans Affairs.

Prior to retiring, I was advised to make 3 copies of every single page in my Medial and Dental records so that I can give copies to the VA Rep. who was assigned to me.

However, even now, when speaking to the VA pertaining to my Medical History, they don't have access to any of my military medical history other than what I can show them paper wise. smh!

So it was no surprise when I called the VA and informed them that I need a replacement CPAP Machine. As expected, they were having trouble locating my medical history when I first obtained it. But since the VA requires that whatever service connected issues are being claimed, one must be re-evaluated by VA or Associated Doctors. So tell me why they couldn't even readily find their own records going back to 2013?

However, after I finished speaking with them telling them to allow me to search my paper files and will call them back, I left to pickup Bandit from the Vet Clinic. I get there and they are so busy that I had to wait about a half an hour before they were able to process him for release. He's in good health and his teeth are looking just great!

So I returned home to a message from the VA stating that they found my 2013 info and to give them a call tomorrow to schedule to be seen for a CPAP replacement. So I don't think I'll be getting one prior to my trip. Fuck it, I've felt tired for years waking up prior to being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea so it'll be just like old times. LOL!

Now to edit, save, and publish Wed's video.

What have I not gotten accomplish today as of yet?

- 3 Sauna Sesh Treatments
- Dishes
- Laundry
- Proof Reading a 23 page report

Looks like tonight will be a long night.......Eh! Whatever.....I'm RETIRED! Fuck Time!




23:25 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,516

Congratulations to Liliancat!!!

The 7th Recipient of MOGYOLOGY's "Bless Program"

(Video May Be Slow To Load)





22:27 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,523

Some members wonder why it doesn't bother me when the 1 Rates and Blocks shenanigans that happen on this site make their way to my profile.

Ummmm.....Trust me when I tell you this....But in the larger scheme of my life and what I do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.....a stranger's online shenanigans on a social site only gives me pause to be Entertained.

Most things on social sites don't even register on my Annoyance Radar.

I mean.....I have too much living going on.

To whom much is given, from them much is expected.

I may have a higher intellect and more spending cash than the next family member or close friend, but that also means there is a long line of people who I feel it is my Purpose to assist in this Life as they have the honor of knowing me on a more personal level than strangers and acquaintances. So in a way, they themselves are blessed as well and as I'm able to bless them, it is my hope they they bless others. Pay it forward as the term goes.



23:02 May 01 2019

Right on! 👆


22:07 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,525

So much is going on right now and it all started late lastnight.

My neighbor failed to return money he borrowed from me. First it was suppose to be returned yesterday morning and then this morning and he as since pushed it back to sometime this afternoon. It was a very small amount, but it's now about the amount, it's about keeping one's word. That's how one gets placed on my 'Do Not Help Out' list.

My Surrogate Niece who is writing a thesis ask me to proof read and edit her paper as I did for her mom when she was in college. So I told her to tell her mom to stop spreading rumors. LOL! The woman gave me so much work to proofread that I thought I was back in college. Anyway, I agreed to help out my Niece who needs it done by this Thursday. Turns out it's 23 pages long.

My mother sent a request out lastnight for money to pay for an overnight Nurse to stay with my Grandmother who suffers for Alzheimer's Dementia. Know that even the small amount she asked each of us to give would place a financial strain on my siblings and the few adult kids also included in the message, I simply covered the entire amont of the request and added a little extra to it.

While my family was still in a Group Chat, my Brother informed us that his 21 year old Son, who is a Father to be, was a victim of Gun Violence. He was shot in the head. He is currently on life-support and is expected to live.

Then when I went to strap on my CPAP Machine, it started blinking with a 'Needs Service' notification so obviously I couldn't weart it to bed resulting in a rough night of sleep.

I woke up at 7:25 a.m. feeling very, very exhausted with my cell phone still on vibrate that failed to wake me at the appointed time to take Bandit to his 7 a.m. Dental/Medical appointment. I called and was told that as long as I make it there by 8 a.m., they woud accept him.

I made it with 10 minutes to spare.

Then my Brother called and asked me to assit him in creating a GoFundMe page to help cover his son's medical expenses. I spent about an hour over the phone assisting him and his family in creating the page.

Then my Mother called to inform me that she emailed me a letter to give to the Hospital where my Grandmother is currently recovering from illness and wanted me to proofread and edit it for her.

Then I found out that there is no way I can get a replacement CPAP machine prior to my travel next week. Ugghh!

My Daughter texted me to say how much she loves me for financially assisting her this month.

I paid all my bills for the month of May.

I'm now trying to edit Wed's video and the Bless Program video so I can save, upload and publish them.

I still have to pickup Bandit later today and while out, stop of to get cash to give one of my other Surrogate Nieces who I have hired to work on a pet project for me in order to help her out every month while her only source of income is collecting recycleable bottles for cash. However, November will be the last month she is hired to work on the project and hopefully her SSI has kicked in by then.

So yeah...........LIFE!



22:37 May 01 2019

And yet manage to give us inspiration in the little things you do, because you're fricken AWESUM!!!


don't ever stop...thank you!!!

22:39 May 01 2019


19:08 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,540

Congrats to our 7th recipient of the Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY, Liliancat! $30.00

This makes her 3rd blessing and twice in arrow. Wow! Talk about Positive Karma.

Sis, you must be doing something right.

Video coming soon!



19:12 May 01 2019

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! It's becaue she is IMO the one who needs it the most. Bless you Brother fo doing this.

19:14 May 01 2019


19:15 May 01 2019

Thank you.... i am in awe.. stll

19:25 May 01 2019

It truly is the will of he Universe based Sis' Positive Karma.

I don't control which Bingo Balls are selected and that's why I record it and give the wheel a good spin.

So keep storing up Positive Karama.......I know I do!

19:28 May 01 2019

And thanks, Bro! A few of you remain on my Alatar of Positive Wishes, Well Wishes, Blessings, Positive Energy and Positive Vibes.


07:20 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,394

Wed's video has been recorded so now....

Bring On That Heat!!!




05:16 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,378

Who will be the next member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY to be Blessed tomorrow?

The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY has assigned the following Coven Members with their assigned numbers as follows:

#64 Chupacabra
#57 TheGildedGuardian
#17 Dracool
#62 Rurukoshyvarghese
#22 Shala
#70 Liliancat
#21 Dakotah

As previously stated, the cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

Winner failing to claim their prize within 3 days (Sat, 5/4/2019) forfeits their winnings.

Serenity & Happiness To You

~ LM

The Path of MOGYOLOGY Ministery continues to look at unique ways to share the results of living a life focusing on whatever contributes to the 5 Elements of Warlock Awesomeness: Serenity, Happiness, Love, Sex & Magick.

The Path of MOGYOLOGY is active when it comes to "Giving Back To The Community" or "Paying It Forward".

Therefore, it is my honor to share with you the first "Giving Based" program designed to directly "Bless" the lives of individuals from around the world.

The Program has been appropriately named, "The Bless Program of MOGYOLOGY".


PROGRAM DESIGN: As the Gothic Warlock Lord Minister and Coven Master of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY, EACH MONTH, I will be Randomly selecting a Member of The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY and 'Gifting' that member between $25-$50 USD.

A Random Member will be chosen using a Bingo Spin Wheel. Each Coven Member's name will be assigned to a Bingo Ball and placed in the Spin Wheel for the chance to be 'Gifted' for that month.

The cash amount to be 'Gifted' between $25-$50 USD will also be chosen by Bingo Spin Wheel method.

*** Any Sire is welcomed to Join and then Leave The Coven Of MOGYOLOGY each month at the chance of being 'Gifted'. You are also welcome to stay.

The drawing will be video recorded and posted to my journal the 1st day of each month.

DISCLAIMER: The Ministry currently only utilizes PAYPAL, VENMO or ZELLE accounts to transfer funds. No, I am not endorsed by them, work for them, or getting some sort of kick-back from them, I just don't want to pay a Transfer Fee and I'm not trying to connect every Cash Transfer business to my bank account or providing other financial information.

Yes, I'm aware that I will be sending money to strangers, but I will not be looking at attempting to recover and have refunded back to me any money. This will be a 'One-Way' transaction only. What they do with the cash after I send it to them is their business and has nothing to do with me or the Ministry.

The Ministery is not Tax Exempt nor is the money going to a charity so there is no tax write-off. The Ministry is simply "Gifting Cash" to people on a "Monthly Bases" and for LIMITED TIME (TRIAL PERIOD) starting on 11/01/2018.

Serenity & Happiness To All

~ LM




02:03 May 01 2019
Times Read: 1,336

I must have done something or said something

That had you convinced that I was

Simply Amazing!!!

For that

I Apologize

The TRUTH is


Now Join The Fucking Club!



02:06 May 01 2019

If Mogy's awesomeness could be put in a movie, it would look something like this...

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

02:11 May 01 2019

03:54 May 01 2019

:::watches the awesomeness:::

I am diggin it!

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