Nightgame's Journal

Nightgame's Journal


Honor: 10    [ Give / Take ]


11 entries this month

The line of kings is gone

13:47 Aug 26 2009
Times Read: 923

Camelot is truly dead now at least the camelot I grew up with as an American dream come true.

As a small child the murders of first Bobby and then President John Kennedy, impressed me by just how many people it affected even those who didn't belong to their party, it offended all Americans in a way that just isn't seen today.

I remember seeing that family on the television though it was mostly black and white in my rural area still. Jackie and the kids watching that funeral procession broke my heart. The horror of Robert's shooting still reverberates with the loss of such potential.

Edward Kennedy was considered to be the least potentially powerful and good politician of the three brothers but in the end the cost of their lives and his own mistakes kept him in the US Senate until in many ways he was more powerful than a president. His words carried weight in a world of hot air.

I didn't always agree with his views or politics I'm a bit too conservative for that but I cannot help but admire a man who took so many knocks but always picked himself back up and carried on.

There are Kennedy family members that will still serve their country as the 3 brothers did but there will never be another age such as the Camelot that was of my youth.

RIP Ted Kennedy and thank you



19:07 Aug 26 2009

I don't know much about them, I do know that there are many conspiracy theories about the Kennedy family.

Oh yeah, Arnie is married to one of them.


20:50 Aug 26 2009

Perhaps Teddy seemed more "human" and "Flawed" to everyone because his errors, mistakes and acts of poor judgement were out in the open for all to see.

When JFK and RFK were alive no one mentioned JFK's affairs, particularly with Maryilin Monroe, or RFK's affairs - particularly with Jackie.

Teddy was basically "on his own" without his older brothers power to supress the media, and with the ever changing role the media plays in our lives.

19:04 Aug 27 2009

"For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die." RIP Kennedy


Thoughts out loud

03:22 Aug 21 2009
Times Read: 938

Was reading a forum question about What element would you be? and the responses came in varied and with some different well thought out reasons but for me it's not that simple.

I embrace all of the elements and lean on the strengths and lessons they give me.

Air from it's gentlest breeze to the fierce winds of a tornado blowing through serve to remind me of the swiftness of things. Beliefs, ideals, time and people can all be gone in an instant so I should enjoy them while I have the chance.

Water for the pure beauty of the world it reflects, the strength it has to wear away even the hardest rock to make it's way and yet is so soft to the touch. This tells me that one doesn't have to be a bully or swing a sledgehammer to make things happen.

Fire is an element that both destroys and rebuilds and is so very beautiful from the flick of a match to gazing deep into the open bonfire on a soft cool night. The answers to many of life's questions can be found within them or so it seems if you just look hard enough. Fire teaches me that no matter how bad things are, life can return and even better than before if I just make it my will to happen.

Earth is where my spirit takes shelter, within it's loving arms I can see all the wonders to behold laid out before me. Holding a handful of dirt feels so flimsly yet from that dirt grows everything including mankind. Without it's stability we would self destruct but in her great wisdom Mother Nature has allowed us to thrive and from the smallest pebble to the strongest cliff, we have a base to shelter and protect us.

I need all of these elements and hold sacred each of their bits within my spirit.



04:30 Aug 24 2009

Inspirational words, from a wise Wiccan, solid in her grounding. *huggles*

19:02 Aug 26 2009

It said element...not elements...now your being greedy having them all... ; )

19:05 Aug 26 2009

That's just it I'm not just one but a bit of all :)


Start me up :)

15:11 Aug 17 2009
Times Read: 960

I love the new Getting Started, it's just what a new member needs and not written in too serious a tone. My one and only complaint is I'm going to be visiting it a lot since it's now where the Who's Online was and I use that all the time to see which friends are hanging around to chat. Oh well at least I'll be real familiar with where to find it and what it says. lol



18:09 Aug 18 2009

You can get the Who's online, by scrolling to the very bottom of your screen, where the kismets are. In the upper right hand corner, there is a Member's online link. *hugs*

19:24 Aug 18 2009

Yes, I have read that too...it is very informative and in a warming way it is like a greeting from Cancer to new arrivals on the Site. I like it :)

19:49 Aug 20 2009

I hear you and have clicked on it many times now lol, it still counts as page counts ^^...sorry OCD kicking in again.


Much more mobile

22:21 Aug 16 2009
Times Read: 978

Went to the doctor yesterday and the boot was removed from my right leg so I'm getting around much better and can drive again. Went out for Pizza with my family to celebrate then to walmart for groceries. Yipee ain't I exciting.

The results of my bloodwork were back so I got some butt chewing about my insulin usage (so I forget sometimes) but then she approached me about using the insulin pump as a better way to control my levels. It's probably true but the expense is pretty wild. They cost around 5 grand and only part of that will even be touched by my insurance company and that's after jumping through some hoops with more tests and such to see if I'm eligible for it. lol The doc seems pretty sure on that one.

But it's money I don't want to have to spend and at a bad time too. :(

But things happen and you just have to deal with it. At least I'm still kicking with options yet.



23:43 Aug 16 2009

glad that the boot is off and that you are able to get up and going again. But do take care of your self hon.

00:56 Aug 17 2009

Glad the boot's off love but....*best nurse voice* Do I need to come down to KY and track your sugars and insulin myself Miss?!

Take care of yourself love, you don't want all the nasties DM can do and I'd hate to see you go through it.

03:32 Aug 19 2009

Damnit girl, I'm coming down there with FM and I'm bringing my glucose meter.

I won't stop till your fingers are sore and your HbA1c is 6.0!


I good lesson

04:03 Aug 16 2009
Times Read: 1,000

At my age one of the best lessons I have learned is that when I don't have all the facts and don't know the whole story to keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself.

It's one of the finest ways to avoid stupidity ever found!

PS. This isn't about VR stuff but a family member that's got my goat!



05:32 Aug 16 2009

Is that suppose to be 1 good lesson? :P

Definately a good one, but sometimes you end up biting through your tongue, in the effort.

05:37 Aug 16 2009

LOL yes it should have been one good lesson but that's what I get for trying to type and talk at the same time.

13:07 Aug 16 2009

Learn that lesson and most of the rest are a piece of cake...cake ?...where the cake ?....

18:13 Aug 16 2009

Oh yeah, cake and honey...yum

I often think of that quote though, that our greatest stupidities may be very wise."

14:54 Aug 17 2009

Better to sit there and look like an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it? Been there done that sugar- I's wit ya


Oh it's so good :)

17:38 Aug 14 2009
Times Read: 1,015

I've been having such a sweet tooth ache! I've wanted sweets for 2 days now but have fought it off but today I finally lost the battle and enjoyed some good honey and crackers, oh it really hit the spot.

I wish I could go out with my friends tonight but I had a fever last night so I'm afraid my nephews strep/scarlet fever may have spread to me. Lucky I go back to the doctor tomorrow about my leg so I'll have this checked too. But in the meantime I can't chance passing it on to Rat and Birdy. Have fun you too!



01:18 Aug 15 2009

Sometimes you just have to give into those cravings. I hope you and your nephew feel better soon. Take care of yourself, please. *huggles*

18:29 Aug 15 2009

If it is any consolation - the food was bad and we were both pretty tired too!

01:05 Aug 16 2009

*Looks up*...they told me they partied the whole night away...*nods*.

18:02 Aug 16 2009

I love honey, and it'd good for you as well.


Oh what a morning

18:24 Aug 11 2009
Times Read: 1,040

I thought it was starting off to be a good day when my nephew slept in not coming out of the bed until 9:30 this morning. He came up to me in the living room and crawled up on my lap and snuggled up. He's a hot box so just sleeps in his underwear and I noticed pretty quick that he had a rash all over his arms. I got to looking and it was also on his legs and sides and back and spreading.

It didn't look like a normal allergic contact reaction which I've dealt with on both kids but something totally new. I called his mom at work who immediately called the doctor and headed home to get him since I still am unable to drive.

2 hours and a visit to the pharmacy later he has scarlet fever! He's on antibiotics for 2 weeks and they say it'll get worse before he starts getting better! Oh joy! He tested positive for strep and the only good thing is at least he should be better to start school since his isn't for another week.



19:40 Aug 11 2009

I think he may have a good case for argueing missing a week or so of school, hope he get better soon though.

21:28 Aug 11 2009

My mother, love to tell the story of me being sick and going to the doctor. While in the doctors office, I bloomed with the rash of scarlet fever. I was in for a sore throat, turned out scarlet fever and strep. They sent me out the back door, so I didn't infect any of the kids in the waiting room.


03:27 Aug 12 2009

Wow.....so NOT my fault this time as I have not been around you guys. Poor boy....ice cream and Gatorade for him.

09:02 Aug 12 2009

Poor kid, hope he gets better soon.

01:29 Aug 13 2009

Aww the poor kid. That doesn't sound fun at all.


Won't be dancing this week?

04:36 Aug 09 2009
Times Read: 1,050

I'm a lucky person in that I have a doctor that keeps saturday hours for his regular patients and so it's a lot easier to see him then. There's very little crowd there at all so it's easy in and out and 15 people are not coughing in your face.

They removed the boot from my leg and the doctor checked it over and the swelling has gone a lot and I have much more movement in my ankle. He then said the worst thing I could have heard, he wanted me to wear one for another week to bring it own down farther. I agreed and since the alternative is seeing a surgeon for an operation I'm trying anything else first.

This thing is uncomfortable but totally non-invasive so yipee bring it own for another week of itchy fun!

Bad part of it is I cannot drive with this thing on my leg since I cannot switch from gas to break pedal good enough. :(



16:06 Aug 09 2009

Anything beats surgery.......


Oh wow

22:20 Aug 08 2009
Times Read: 1,066


"1.5 days until the next VR update."

Man this is got me so busy trying to figure out what it could be!



00:40 Aug 09 2009

You won't have to wait too much longer :)


Just too weird

17:47 Aug 05 2009
Times Read: 1,083

My 4 year old nephew has been playing on NickJR.com this week (a lot) and he's become very fond of a show there Ni Hao, Kai-lan which speaks a lot of Chinese for kids much like Dora the Explorer did with Spanish. So now he's constantly using these words that only he knows the meaning of.... Making the rest of us nuts when he yells out something that sounds like torch-e-ah! Then laughs madly. If I didn't know better I'd think he was calling us all names.



19:11 Aug 05 2009

You don't know better.....he really is calling you all names. :)

00:49 Aug 06 2009

lol....kids are getting smarter these days.


Dag Nabbit

20:48 Aug 01 2009
Times Read: 1,114

Just got back from the doctor and seems I'm going to be off my feet a bit this week. When I described the pain I've been having in my lower right leg, he checked it and now I"m in this wrap/cast for a solid week from toes to knee.

There's about 8 layers of gauze and a medicated wrap followed by 2 ace bandages and I get to take 600mg of Motrin 3 times a day.

I get to go back next week and it'll be removed and hopefully the swelling will be gone and the lymph fluid flowing again. Weird I know!

But a whole week of taking sink baths and no nice hot showers! boo hoo...

On the other hand I ought to get to spend some quality time on VR. :p



20:51 Aug 01 2009

Damn I hope you better very soon

21:14 Aug 01 2009

OMG I can understand, the pain and the whole having the leg wrapped in this heat and no shower. The wife has been going through this. The heat melted the tape. It was like gum. You have our hugs and wishes. Get better soon

21:44 Aug 01 2009

Holy crap. Hope it gets better sis. And what??? You could not say something about this last night Miss "Just a usually check up" when as about why you was going to the Dr?


You just wait till Birdy reads this....

21:45 Aug 01 2009

Hope you feel better soon!!!

01:16 Aug 02 2009

Hope that you get better soon hon. You are in my thoughts.

04:45 Aug 02 2009

Birdy HAS read and is NOT a happy camper. After you are better....there WILL be an ....intervention on keeping secrets and withholding information.

NOW - STAY OFF YOUR FEET!! And drinking lots of water wouldn't hurt to help get things flowing again....

09:15 Aug 02 2009

without being able to take a shower, it's probably better that way....LMAO

14:59 Aug 02 2009

What if....the Rat and Birdy hold you upside down and dip you in and your the bath a few times ?....just an idea....lol..seriously, I hope it gets better soon.

22:27 Aug 05 2009

OMG you smell ; )

22:24 Aug 08 2009

I hope you feel better soon, I know that feeling :(

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