- Ever since being initiated in the mysteries I have found the inadequacy of words to express things clearly but music accompaniment helps fill in the gaps. In my mind I can work things out with symbols or concepts with depth with spiritual substance rather than abstract thought alone. But expressing them with words just doesn't encapsulate them clearly to me. Its kind of like how people compare themselves with others and though there are vast differences weather lacking or abundant as an example it is so easy to not look at the compete picture of their spirits before and after this life. Just because it's not clear as day doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
On top of this inadequacy I know damn well my grammar sucks. Been trying to perfect it over time but my body's telling me there's not much time left for that. Just have to suck it up and let it out. I'm strangely reminded of canines right before a shit. Why do they spin in circles? I know they are more prone to instinct and emotions and try not to anthropomorphize which can be misleading but my best guess is the closest reasoning for this behavior equates to nervousness as they are quite vulnerable to attack at that time. Yet since scent is such a big deal to them a fresh load hitting the air carries quite far. Like when the shit hits the fan. I can identify in my own way. ;)
- Toxic??? That's what my girlfriend says about this site and wants no part of it and I've heard from others here and now a long standing member. Yeah I see it or more accuratelty feel it but I have occult things in my life that allow me to deal with it. Hell, I've been suffering from chronic health issues of late and though racked with pain and unease can still cope largely in part because of that same spiritual force that is a constant. Don't fret you who throw your judgement around in your treatment of others or lack thereof in ignoring them as it is just in any society and I still feel it to some degree. Thought there'd be other HLV's around that could identify that centered beyond their own egos. Well I'm recording this here for others or the time when those who are here now can understand as everyone goes through it at some point even if it spans to other lifetimes-I'm sure we'll meet again in eternity even if it is read after I'm gone for whatever reason. Well as long as site remains and my participation in it exists.
The internet is a tool. I try to take care of my tools. Whats the axiom about the lever? Ah there just looked it up. Archimedes said give him a lever and fulcrum and he can move the world. Links truly are the most powerful aspect of the internet to me and is just such a fulcrum to lever between other sites. Been wanting to buy own domain to create a site which is best case scenario for my cyber-fangs. Problem is I take my time but it seems to be running out so got to make some sacrifices to finish them.COMMENTS
And if I press my pinkie down on that lever, right...about....here.
Freewill!?? Yeah, that's an illusion. It's more about how one thinks when they aren't in the know. There are definitely states of mind that are better giving one options and freedoms where others don't. It's also worth mentioning how when they are going relatively well for a person, they tend to think a certain way of themselves when others question things taken for granted by them because of hardships.
I lost that innocence when I saw through the illusion but it hasn't really done much for me in present circumstances. Because of this I'm not too motivated to share otherwise it can spoil others. Perhaps in a different society it would have more purpose.
While I can agree that it is illusory, there is still scope to utilize that will to make decisions within the scope of possible realities that exist in anyone's future. The real trick is in finding a way to shift the paradigm to create a new set of possibilities, which of course means the elimination of those that were available prior to the adjustment.
For lack of receiving a reply from someone I must seem like a joke to them. I suppose based on what time and energy I've put into the site then I've been lacking of late. I've been like a sharecropper letting the fields go unproductive. Although I most definitely carry my burden of shame, I also have passed some elaborate trials in life especially when it comes to understanding truth. I have suffered being without and know what it's like having plenty. There is a kind of stalemate to it though.
Hope you walk through this and find your own way. Thoughts, especially those of someone else, can never contain who you are
Is everything alright my friend?
Thanks. I try not to let another's actions define me...much; But it does have its place in their place otherwise you'd be tempted to be uncaring with consequences in certain social circles. Kind of like the theory of relativity.