Vann's Journal

Vann's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month


20:19 Nov 26 2020
Times Read: 488

Hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving.

I ate to much.

It seems that the SJWs don't even take a break on Thanksgiving.

Bitching about the 1973 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special being racist. The point of contention is the character Franklin, who is black, sits on one side of the table all by himself. So the eagle eyed SJW has labeled it RACIST!!!!

Gotto love the SJW, that wasn't even alive when it came out, sitting in their lofty abode of self righteousness dispensing judgement based on nothing but a lookie loo.

The character Franklin was added to the comic in 1968. A time that writers and artists could be fired for any show of support to anything Black related. Many had to walk a tight rope during that time. Couldn't just come out and say it.

For many kids back then and the following years, seeing Franklin in a mainstream, nationally syndicated comic was the FIRST time they ever saw anyone that looked like them depicted in a fairly normal way.

It never occurs in the mind of a SJW or WOKE person that maybe...just maybe...back in 1973 that was Charles M. Schulz's way of drawing ATTENTION to the fact that blacks were kept separate. To be able to draw attention to it and keep your job was tricky.

So before people make snap judgements....go research the man. Read and watch interviews he gave about that time in America.

If all you do is look for anything racist or hate speech then everything you see is racist or hate speech.




How to read the news.

07:20 Nov 26 2020
Times Read: 514

The way you read the news is wrong.
If you read every word of it is incorrect.
The proper way to read the news is just read what is in quotation marks.
Try it out with every news article you read and you will see a difference.

Here is a link to a article.


This what the article is about- Supreme Court late Wednesday temporarily barred New York from enforcing certain attendance limits at houses of worship in areas designated as hard hit by the virus.

Now just the quotes.

“single out houses of worship for especially harsh treatment.”

All the other stuff/words in that article is just a distraction/misdirection.

Now you know how to read the news like a spook.


a ghost

a spy.
"a CIA spook"

Posted the definition so no one will get confused about what I mean by "SPOOK".



04:16 Nov 27 2020


“a new Bretton Woods moment.”
“new Bretton Woods moment”
“made the world economy 4.4% smaller this year and (will) strip an estimated $11 trillion of output by next year.”
“take measures to prevent the build-up of financial risks over the medium term,”
“This is our moment!”
“supplementary international reserve asset”

03:03 Dec 04 2020


"human testing"
"biologically enhanced capabilities"
"There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing's pursuit of power"
"super soldiers"
"Captain America"
"Universal Soldier"
"clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats" (CRISPER)
"While the potential leveraging of CRISPR to increase human capabilities on the future battlefield remains only a hypothetical possibility at the present, there are indications that Chinese military researchers are starting to explore its potential"
"Chinese military scientists and strategists have consistently emphasized that biotechnology could become a 'new strategic commanding heights of the future Revolution in Military Affairs"
"When we start playing around with genetic organisms, there could be unforeseen consequences"
"The People's Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II"
"The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically"
"be honest"

They are just playing catch up.



06:25 Nov 24 2020
Times Read: 546

Don't get to excited anti-Trumpers. Not yet at least. When Biden is sworn in on 1/20/2020 then get excited.

Anyone gonna take the vaccine for Covid? Not I. For one thing I already had the virus. Also this vaccine will go out under a EUA.

EUA-It does not constitute approval of the drug in the full statutory meaning of the term, but instead authorizes FDA to facilitate availability of an unapproved product, or an unapproved use of an approved product, during a declared state of emergency from one of several agencies or of a "material threat" by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Finally it is a GENETIC vaccine. Ummmm no thanks. Ya know the "mRNA" part. Go read some medical journal papers about it. Interesting stuff.

Looks like it is already starting....the whole BLM movement has served it's purpose. Whole thing will just slide outta view in the MSM. They got your votes already :(

That whole thing got hijacked anyway. I saw a pic taken during one of the protests. It was a shot of the protesters walking by all crowded together. So I counted all the white people in it, 22 whites and only 2 black people.

One black female and a black guy. The female was looking away from the camera. The black guy was looking more towards the camera. What I found totally hysterical was the expression on the black guys face. The expression said "wtf??!! who are all these white people??!!!". He was packed in so much he had no choice but to go along with the crowd. After laughing I just sighed. Seen this shit before.

Looks like gun control is back on the front burner. Why O why??
It isn't legal gun owners going around shooting people. It is criminals. How about some criminal control?

That reminds me of the dumbest shit I have ever seen EVER. Seems the insane left crowd is gonna put red light bulbs on their front porch to signify "this house is gun free". Really??? Why not just go outside and put all your stuff on the lawn and array the family there as well. Then anyone that wants your stuff or wants to rape you, can do so more easily or kill you. There are worse people out there than the gun control crowd.

Speaking of illness. I remember when Reagan just emptied out all the mental health centers and cut the funding for them as well. That turned out grand didn't it?

Doing catch and release with criminals now. Like fishing laws.
Sorry Bob gotta throw that one back. His/her crime isn't big enough or heinous enough. Sorry. But but this lil fellah has committed 64 robberies!!!! Sorry Bob toss it back.

Seems conversion therapy is still a thing. I thought that shit was banned ffs. If you don't know what conversion therapy is...google it.
If adults want to do that, fine. My problem is putting kids through it. It is straight up brainwashing. It is very damaging.

Now coming from the other end of the same stuff. All this crap where toddlers, in pre-school/kindergarten, are sitting in front of a bearded guy wearing a dress in clown make up pushing the alphabet agenda. Like conversion therapy lite. Sorry...if its wrong for the bible thumpers it is wrong for the alphabet crowd to do a lite version of it on toddlers via reading books and showing films.
Let kids be kids.
They can get their heads filled full of propaganda later. Much later.

In the immortal words of Rodney King "Can we all get along?"



13:12 Sep 18 2022

hmmm dates are screwy...oh well.


Gonna have to stop reading the news.

13:32 Nov 19 2020
Times Read: 564

Reading the news I came across a article about the first Filipino trans woman in a beauty contest somewhere. All the different terms confuse me at times. Call me old fashioned. I just can't keep up with all the terminology. Plus I just don't give a fuck.

Not being all that aware of the gender terms I looked up what a trans woman signified. The following is what I found....A trans woman is a woman who was assigned male at birth.

The only problem I have with that definition is the whole idea of "assignment at birth". Was there a group committee in the womb and it was decided you would be assigned a physical gender?

Sounds like a lot of mental gymnastics.
Considering there are only three possible genders to be born with....male , female and hermaphrodite.

Then there are all the different sexual orientation terms from non binary to pansexual and whatever else is going around right now.

When I was a younger some family came to town. Since it had been awhile one of my cousins was five years old. Last time I saw him he was a baby. Within five minutes of being around him I knew he was gay. 20 years later he is still gay. He was BORN that way. It doesn't bother me he is gay. Why should it matter?

I am just trying to understand the need for all these terms.
Also to understand the need for the thought train of assignment at birth. Do people feel like they got ripped off or something?

Ya it would suck to feel one way in every respect and your meatsuit doesn't reflect it. I get it.

To most people looking in, with all the terms, it all looks wonky after awhile. How many more terms are gonna be added?

It almost seems like a overdrive for acceptance.

Does everything sexual have to be complicated?

Be yourself.
Love who you wanna love.
Find acceptance with those that love you.
Last but not least.....accept and love yourself.

Everyone else can fuck off.



15:41 Nov 19 2020

Trust me, man.... I feel the same way as you do.


Bouncing red ball

19:32 Nov 18 2020
Times Read: 575

Does anyone remember seeing the old cartoons, that when a song was sung, a lil bouncing red ball landed on the words at the bottom?

That ball was for the morons.

Same thing going on now with the news. Follow the red ball.

Shut down Thanksgiving because we said so. Lock yourselves up in your houses because we said so.

Follow the ball Fido. Ya obey Fido.
It's part of your training boy, don't worry. That's a gooood boy.

Just keep right on chipping away at freedom of assembly.
Now all up in your house or trying to tell you how many you can have over for Thanksgiving.

People are fully aware of the virus.
They can make choices and accept the results good or bad.

Am I the only one that sees the direction all this bs is headed?
Once you, as citizens give the Government a power it didn't have before, even temporary, it rarely gives that power up.

Some will say "you should think about the others in public."
I do. I wear a mask in the stores. I social distance. I also stay away from visibly sick people.

All be cause of a virus ffs. OMG the world is gonna end!!!

Anyone remember AIDS? Ya that ongoing epidemic started in 1981 here in the US. As of 2018 the death toll since it all started is 700,000. About 13,000 a year die from AIDS here in the US a year.

You can get HIV from contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. Another common way of getting it is by sharing drug needles with someone who is infected with HIV.

Yet I don't see ass fucking being banned. Where are the ass police?
No laws making it mandatory to wear a condom and a vagina condom.
No strict tracking of needles.

Guess drug addicts and gay men don't matter. Before any of you start. I am aware AIDS cuts across all sections of society.

My point is that AIDS is a virus too. Yet the powers that be are kinda like...meh, so what. They can't use it the way they can Covid.





08:01 Nov 18 2020
Times Read: 585

Walking across my living room I glanced at the tv. It was showing a Etsy commercial. Little two second flashes of people and the whatever they made. A few flash by. One goes by and it took me a few seconds and a wtf to grasp what I saw.

A "hand of glory" had flashed by. Granted the fingers were out stretched but still qualifies. Even had one of the fingers lit. Plus it had the appearance of a living hand.

I laughed and wondered how the censors missed that one.

Old cabalistic/witch magic. 1200s-1300s for year range. Depending on what trail you wander down.




Virus 2

21:16 Nov 16 2020
Times Read: 608

The 1918 Spanish Flu killed 675,000 people out of a population of 103 million in the US. The percentage death rate is 0.65%.

If the same 0.65 percentage of deaths to 2020 population of 330 million occurs with covid the number of deaths would be 2.1 million.

If you used confirmed number of cases which is 11 million vs the number of deaths being around 250 thousand the percentage is 2.3% death rate. Which is the percentage rate they are using to scare the crap out of everyone. Keep in mind if the number of cases go up and the death toll stays close to same that 2.3 percentage goes down.

The percentage rate of death to population with covid is more like 1.3% as it is twice as deadly as the Spanish Flu.
That would give you a 2020 death amount of 4.2 million.

Yet we are at only 250k here in the US.

Keep in mind there have been stories that non covid deaths are marked as covid deaths as the hospitals get more money for a covid death.

Sorta like how prisons get 45k on average for a prisoner and there are a lot of private prisons.

There should be way more dead people after almost a year.

Using their number of 2.3 percent and the time frame of two years duration of the pandemic and deaths being equally spread out per year....there should be 3.5 million dead for the year already based on 2020 population numbers.

Personally I think the amount of dead from a preventable virus is unacceptable.

Yet it seems it is being used to make people accept some BS down the road based on fear.





18:02 Nov 14 2020
Times Read: 634

Fauci is hoping that Americans will follow guidelines and stresses that ... Dr. Fauci said that the “independent spirit” of Americans has gotten in the way. ... “I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you're told.”

Comply annnnd comply. Spare me all the virus this and that for a reason. Next will be....you will be punished for NOT doing what you are told. Fined. Movement restricted.

Onto BLM and George. They aren't really talking all that much about any of that lately. Per usual. Nothing will change. Later it will be said that George would have died anyway as he was ODing before they even got him in the SUV he later left. Now that the election is over the Dems are having their own lil internal civil war about socialism. Now that they got the votes from the far lefties...those same lefties will be cut loose. BLM bye bye. All the SJWs with even a hint of socialism/marxism buh bye. Sure they will toss a bill or two into the House of Rep. but when it doesn't pass they will blame the Senate and then say "see we tried". Well unless the Dems. win the Ga. runoff for senators.

Oh and the cops charged in George Floyd case....nothing really will happen to em. Ya they will get sentenced and then on appeal three years later get slap o time and or time served and poof gone from memory.

Personally I think the death of George was actually a HIT. A sacrificial lamb. Look at all the ensuing crap and the fact alllll those rioters and protesters not following social distancing rules and stuff.

Come on Dec. 8th. The date all the votes gotta be settled and any disputes about the election or Congress steps in to solve it. Hopefully it all gets settled before the 8th of Dec..




Ya induced false fear

17:59 Nov 12 2020
Times Read: 661

So tired of seeing the talking heads on and on about the virus.
Do this, do that.
Comply with our orders.

Little comparison and common sense.

The 1918 Spanish Flu killed a lot of people here in the US.
The death rate percentage vs population at the time is 0.6%
Little over half a percent of the population dead.
The amount dead was 600,000ish.

Using the same method for the Corona Virus. The percentage of dead, based on current number, vs population is 0.07%.
Do you understand how small a percentage amount that is?

Just based on numbers and common sense....it seems it is not really as bad as all the talking heads and factions in the good ole Guvmint want you to believe.

They want your fear so you will COMPLY. OBEY. So they can ram through more laws and acts that will strip you of even more rights.

Patriot Act was supposed to be temporary. That was made in response to 9/11. It was supposed to be ONLY AGAINST terrorists.
Terrorists have no rights. Then Obama came along and made it easier for US citizens to be declared terrorists.

The whole Snowden and Assange mess was because they showed that the NSA and others were actually gathering Intel on US citizens.
Tisk tisk. They weren't supposed to do that.

I just understand how the game is played.
It's simple.
Straight out the INTELLIGENCE playbook.

Create the PROBLEM....provide the SOLUTION to arrive at the RESULT that is desired.

A little more perspective.

The hunger rate globally was 10.9% in 2017.
The estimate is 9 million die a year lately from lack of food around the world.

Starting from the point of Jan. 21st till now the global death toll from Covid is 1.29 million.

Gee I think that hunger thing is deadlier than the Covid Virus.

So. Keep right on buying what they are selling. Fear. Comply if ya want. Just don't cry later down the road about how you woke up one day and stuff was fucked up even more than now in the US.



19:04 Nov 12 2020

So do something about it

19:18 Nov 12 2020


22:25 Nov 12 2020

I did do something about it.
You read it.
Also I don't comply.

23:13 Nov 12 2020

It's easier to control scared people

01:04 Nov 13 2020

@ Nikki What's even crazier is how easy it is to do.


A movie.

05:39 Nov 12 2020
Times Read: 674

After just having watched the move called "American Ultra" I was going to write about how the MK Ultra stuff and vampires relate/connected.

Instead I will write about something from it instead.

This will be basically about the psychic end of things.

The only assumptions are you can see energy whether in your mind's eyes or your flesh eyes or both. Also that you can feed via energy.

It's just a fight.

You find yourself heading into a physical fight with whoever.
IF you have enough time. You only need a few seconds head's up to shift.
Besides you should have felt the grrr from whoever anyway.

Facing your opponent, stay about four feet away.
Moving as they move to maintain the distance.
In a long blink...see the energy you yank from your opponent in a very large stream to you. Just like a feeding.

Now see transposed but transparent the energy you are pulling from the other.....over your normal sight. Like a HUD.
Use your hands and scoop more energy to you from the other's energy body. Keep doing it. Keep moving.
You will know you are doing it right as the other's anger and movements start to slow.
Take their anger as well. Energy=power. Use it.

Now make eye contact.
Press your will into the other and override theirs. Push IN through their eyes.
Don't be gentle in none of this.

When you start to see/sense the other getting all glassy eyed and dull.
Move in for the kill.

At this point I need to unpack a lil info before continuing.

How you experience TIME can be altered/changed by you.
Just change your perception of it.
Normal time lets say is perceived like a stream flowing.
You change YOUR perception of the flow by making your self a rock in the stream of time.
You let it flow around you. Bubble yourself within it.
The way you can tell you have achieved it is easy.
While your immediate awareness of your own movements appear normal.
Everyone else's will appear to you....vastly slower.
This is some of where the whole SPEED of the vampire comes from because the reverse is.....to other's you appear insanely fast.

Moving in for the kill.
All bubbled up.
At this point it is rather simple.
You beat the crap out of the other.
End them in whatever manner suits you.

Underneath all the feeding tantric and whatever....dancing through the tulips haha....vampires are apex predators. :)



19:18 Nov 12 2020

Interesting I'm gonna have to watch it.

22:46 Nov 12 2020

Just keep in mind that outta the whole movie only a few things are true.

The fact that the memory of training isn't remembered.
Trigger phrases were used.
Idea was to create a "super soldier" mixed with "manchurian candidate" traits.
Use of drugs as part of the process.

The rest of the movie either the info is missing or it's just for entertainment purposes.

Besides the whole point of the movie being made is for deniability. It has a few bits of truth in it. Basically anyone that pops up and talks about it will get this reaction "oh you are crazy.....been watching to many movies". Kill the messenger shot.

Sorta like how "twilight" the movie came out in 2008 and pretty much killed off the OVC. Back before that movie there were tons of different vamp sites. Even real houses online as well and real covens. "Twilight" movie like "American Ultra" was a kill the messenger shot.

The vampire subculture is connected to the black ops programs of the late 60s all the way up to the early 2000s.
80s and 90s being a peak.

The twilight movie did as intended. Maybe some of you remember this "do you shine and glitter in the sun?"


Wally world

21:06 Nov 10 2020
Times Read: 685

Ya went to wally world and did a little people watching.
Saw a lady that reminded me of a co worker.
I used to open a restaurant with a lady named Dawn.
One morning she just talks talking.
"I got job security."
"How so?" I asked.
She precedes to tell me she fucked the boss is why.
Then she asks me "Why haven't we had sex yet?"
I just chuckle and walk off.
What I really wanted to say was "Because you are a dirty nasty cum dumpster. That's why."
Four days later the boss fires her.
A week later she comes to get her last check.
"I thought you had job security?"
If looks could kill, hahaha.




Just wow.

19:43 Nov 10 2020
Times Read: 689


Excerpts from the above.

AOC being Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in case you have been living under a rock lately.
In a subsequent tweet she intimated that she was seeking to hold Trump supporters “responsible for their behavior over last four years.”

“We just launched the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did,”

The Trump Accountability Project vows that “those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.” It appears to advocate a blacklisting of Americans who worked for the Trump campaigns, “those who staffed his government” and “those who funded him.”

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, meanwhile, tweeted on Friday afternoon that “any [Republican] now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society.”

“We have a list,” she added.
WOW. Really? Send em all to the Gulag eh?

Anyone not sharing the same opinion as a Democrat is blacklisted from making a living, shunned and bullied? Look in the mirror and check your own behavior over the last four years.

Btw the reason Trump has not conceded is because NONE of the State election vote totals have been certified.

That whole list thing is straight up out of the Stalin playbook.

Lil nugget for ya.

Modern data for the whole of Stalin's rule was summarized by Timothy Snyder, who concluded that Stalinism caused six million direct deaths and nine million in total, including the deaths from deportation, hunger and Gulag deaths.

Stalin was leader of the Soviet Communist Party from 1929-1953.

He had lists too.

The goal of Marxism and Socialism is Communism.

Marxism wants to burn it all down and rebuild it to their vision.
Socialism wants to work from within the existing system and change it from within.

Gee sounds like Democrats hahaha. Well at least the far left ones.

Oh man it's gonna be so much damn fun the next four years!!!!

I am giddy with excitement.




Is it over?

16:26 Nov 10 2020
Times Read: 696

Ffs I will be glad when Jan. gets here.

Now it is the ACA on the block and the screeching commences.

I am not against healthcare being provided for the masses that can't afford it or isn't provided by a employer.

The ACA is crap.
The main reason I say this is because there is a whole section of people, based on income, that are more or less left dangling in the wind. No help at all with that ACA premium.

In my case when the ACA passed my yearly income was 20k a year before taxes. My income amount was just above the cut off for my insurance through the ACA to be subsidized. My premium was $762
a month. Keep in mind my gross monthly income was pretty much $1600. So if I had been forced to buy this shit insurance I would have been left with $838 a month for all my bills. HA. Ya right. Luckily for me they removed the penalty for not getting it.

Sure Obama expanded Medicaid to cover just the situation I was in. However the States had the option to expand it. Many didn't as the State would after, I think it was five years, have to fund it themselves. So a lot of States balked at paying for a expansion of a FEDERAL program. Basically Obama created something without providing funding for it after a short period of time. Doomed to fail.

Let's say I was forced to buy into the ACA. Then I went to go get help as I no longer had any money really. Social Services would have denied me because they would have based any help on my gross income. See the fuckery?

Then there is the whole problem of being forced or face punishment for not buying a product. In this case insurance. Why not force everyone to buy American made cars and if they don't punish them with monetary fines till they do.

In the end all the ACA did was drive up insurance costs.

The simple fix is to fund expanded Medicaid. It is a federal program so fund it and stfu. I personally would be more than happy to pay a national sales tax just for this purpose.

Every one else can afford private insurance. Have a income cut off, starting at the bottom, for a single person of 30k a year. Then increase the cut off based on family size.

Like I said before.

Will be glad when Jan. gets here.

I PROMISE I will stfu about all this political stuff once the Prez is sworn in.

Well other than to say "I told you so" hahaha.





11:35 Nov 09 2020
Times Read: 718

It is amazing the double standard that Dems have around this election.

They were telling Biden NOT to concede the election if it was close and he was behind in votes. To take it to court.

Now the same ones want Trump to concede before the electoral process is even over.

Then the Trumpers are told to stop crying and accept it. hahaha.

Ya right. Juuuust like the Dems did for four years? Did everything cept throw the sink at Trump to get rid of him. Ironic.

My life isn't really gonna be affected all that much if Biden or Trump wins. My emotions aren't invested in either candidate for President.

I detest the extreme left and right that seems to be squealing the loudest at the moment.

The thing affecting me the most is this damn virus. The virus some dumbfucks decided to shut the economy down over and it didn't change a thing. All it did was knock people outta work. Per usual the bottom third of the workforce took it up the ass.

There is a lady I know that got the virus in Nov of 2019. I got it in Feb of this year. Let that sink in about the lady....NOVEMBER of last year she got it!!!!!

The attempt at a lockdown and all the mask stuff was a little late.
USELESS. To late. Also I worked at the airport here. Guess how I caught the virus??? Airplane passengers spread viruses around the country nicely and evenly.

If Biden wins I really hope all the BS both sides are doing stops and maybe some stuff gets settled/solved.

Pretty much the same hope I had when Obama got elected. Now in that one I was emotionally invested. I actually thought "thank god, maybe now shit will change."

It didn't. Everything gradually got worse. I was very disappointed.

Since it was a topic in this election cycle.
It should be legal.
The war on drugs that started first with weed....is a RACIST policy.
The main ethnic groups that smoked weed in the late 30s when they decided to make it illegal.....blacks and mexicans.
Also they had to have a way to put blacks back in slavery...I mean prison.
Ya slavery is alive and well and legal in the good ole US of A.
Hey Biden fix that slavery thing first and thanks ahead of time.
Then get rid of this Biden "qualified immunity" for cops.
Then get rid of "no knock warrants".
Then get rid of bail for non violent suspects as it totally wrecks poor people's ability to keep anything. No bail would be the ideal. Use trackers.
And finally..once again...make weed legal.
Just some things Biden should work on first.
Thanks Biden!!!!





19:23 Nov 08 2020
Times Read: 726

Today I was doing some genealogy research on my grandfather, specifically his middle name. Up until recently people tended to use the middle name to keep track of the mother's maiden name in male names. Sometimes using four names to keep track of it all.

I was surprised that his middle name traces back to old Norse.
Ásketill- the Norse words "god + helmet/cauldron/kettle".

Vikings settled in northern Scotland and also in north and east Ireland. Which is where both sides of my family came from.

Some dots connected unexpectedly or should I say some psycho dots did.

All the way back to when I was younger. One of my first sexual urges showed itself when I saw a nun. She was wearing the traditional nun uniform. Upon seeing her the urge more or less was to ravage her in a very rough/violent manner. My thought was "What the hell is going on?"

Over the years I would have this same reaction every time I saw a nun. Fucking nuts it was. So I just accepted I was maybe a tad psycho. That urge thing only happened with nuns. The uniform.

So when I read this whole Norse name thing this morning. I laughed my ass off. Something clicked in my brain.

I have a past life as a nun raping, rampaging and pillaging Viking?

They did do a lot of raping of nuns back then. Burning and looting churches and such things.

On another front. The name also led me to this- In Norse mythology, the patriarch god, Odin, drank magic blood from a cauldron of wisdom to obtain divine power.

In the vampire origin thing a black chalice involved, with blood of course, as I was told/shown. Cauldron/chalice?

I will have to test out this nun thing later. To see if that urge has gone away. That maybe it was all some kinda spooky whatever to get my attention about the whole Viking thing that may be in my bloodline. :)




Oh ya lol.

07:25 Nov 08 2020
Times Read: 749

I know people on here are tired of all the "political" shit being posted.

However you have to admit it is much better than all the wah wah about honor this and that or boo hoo who stole what crap.

Personally who is President doesn't really matter. It is whatever agenda behind who is President that is the problem.

Little trip back to the democratic primaries. If you remember after a couple dropped out there were maybe five or six left plus Biden. Then all on one day the rest dropped out. Biden was the MAN. The chosen.

This headline is from Oct. 9th of this year.

"Pelosi introduces bill to create a commission on presidential capacity under the 25th Amendment"


"WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., introduced legislation Friday that would create a bipartisan commission to determine a sitting president’s ability to carry out the duties of the office.

At a press conference unveiling the legislation with its original author, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., Pelosi said the measure is not intended specifically for President Donald Trump, but she suggested he was the impetus for it."

Of course they say it is about Trump as a reason.

Riiiight. lol. More like a cover reason.

Now I myself have seen plenty of Biden's durrrrr moments on TV.
The man isn't all there.

All you people thinking you voted for Biden actually voted for President Harris. hahaha.

Ya know it's to be expected from donkeys. :) Sorry I couldn't resist the jab lol.

Just to be fair..peanut eating elephants aren't cool either.

I have said it before....they ALWAYS tell you what they are gonna do.

Harris and Pelosi are both from California. Look how well that State is doing. Now imagine it on a bigger scale. People leaving that State like lemmings off a cliff. I know because they are all showing up here where I live in Texas.




Not over yet hahaha.

18:04 Nov 07 2020
Times Read: 773

On election night, the media uses results that are already in and voter surveys to name winners. Election night calls are largely accurate; however, vote counting goes on for days or weeks after that so that states can get a full count of the vote. And that full count is the official, certified result.

To comply with the timeline of the Electoral College process, all states must reach certified results for presidential and vice-presidential races by December 14 — the day electors cast their ballots. The electoral votes will be counted in a joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021.


Then there are the different certification dates that range from 11/10 to 12/8 for the States.


All this "OMG BIDEN WON!!!" are just projections. Totally cracks me up.

Then there can be conflicted "electors" when they cast their vote for President. hahahaha.

Yes it "appears" Biden has won. However until he actually gets sworn in all kinds of stuff can happen.

To repeat. Biden has not officially won anything yet.



00:16 Nov 08 2020

It's certainly going to be interesting

05:10 Nov 08 2020

Next couple years gonna be fun.


The election

00:49 Nov 03 2020
Times Read: 792

I am actually excited about this election.
Has a Super Bowl feel to it.
The only time I vote is when I feel like the candidate I am pulling for may come up short in whatever state I am in.
Going to be fun seeing people on both sides losing their minds over whoever wins or doesn't win. Awesome.

Just keep in mind the fact elections in the US aren't decided by a NATIONAL popular vote.
It is by State where you have to win the popular vote for each State.

Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy!




30 years ago on the other 9/11

18:25 Nov 02 2020
Times Read: 810

George H.W. Bush made a bold pronouncement on September 11, 1990.

Even though Iraq had recently invaded Kuwait and the collapse of the Soviet Union was still more than a year away, Bush proclaimed the imminent dawn of a “new world order” that would be “freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace.”

All the way back in 1985 the US military changed the old helmet to a new version.

New version


The interesting thing is the fact that it is pretty much the same helmet the Nazis had in service during WW2.


The point of showing all this is they ALWAYS tell you what they are gonna do before they do it. Doesn't matter if its 20, 30 years later when the actual doing happens.

The whole helmet thing is a way of telegraphing intent of building the "Fourth Reich" here in the US.

They don't teach history anymore in school so good luck hahaha.




Can we stop with the fear mongering now?

21:16 Nov 01 2020
Times Read: 845

Title just seen a few ago for a news article.

'How Are Americans Catching the Virus? Increasingly, 'They Have No Idea'


Excerpt from the article- “It’s just kind of everywhere,” said Crystal Watson, a senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Cracks me up as I have said this already somewhere in my journal.
Common sense.

Maybe now all these screechers will stfu about masks and lockdowns as IT WILL DO NO GOOD.

You lockdown the sick not the healthy.

Basically all this crap economically and people losing their jobs didn't have to happen.

The lockdown. All of it. Pointless. We still arrived later where we could have been sooner. Closer to being on the down slope.

So now as a result, in the middle of winter, say around Jan./Feb. the next big thing is gonna be all the people getting kicked out of where they live. Why?

Because of the stupid earlier lockdown that's why. Don't forget all the small businesses that won't reopen as a result. It all just snowballs. Then the real screeching will begin. They will try and lay it all on Trump. When from the get go he was against lockdowns. Just fucking amazes me again, all over, the sheer lack of common sense among the bleeting sheeple.

All told, there were 1.3 million claims for unemployment compensation last week, and 84 million claims have been filed since mid-March.

There are 219 million adults out of 382 million total in the US. Another 3 million more adults get knocked out of work that will be a even 40 PERCENT of adults out of work. Sure they added a whole whopping million jobs back recently. Actually the percentage is higher. There are 45 million retirees. Would be closer to 50 percent.

Yet all the talking heads are just worried about a damn virus that will eventually run its course NO MATTER wtf is done.

Don't ya think the BIGGER problem is those 84 million without jobs?
Can you see how that could lead to a hell of a lot more death than a virus?

Homeless people all bunched up in shelters and camps. Ya that's gonna for sure knock that virus out.

There have been people that have tried to go on TV and say the exact things I have said here and get shouted down, ridiculed and censored. Fucking insane.

Just to remind you. Wayyyy back when the whole virus thing could have been handled....the DEMS were to busy trying to get rid of Trump with the impeachment over a damn phone call. Yet NOW all the same people and the media wanna ignore a LAPTOP full of shit about the Bidens.

Ya that was a lil bit of a rant lol.

Just tired of STUPID all up in my face.



21:31 Nov 01 2020

You get it. I think this thing was planned all along to screw up the economy and create fear and division

22:14 Nov 01 2020

I agree. All those houses and buildings that will get foreclosed just snapped up on the cheap later. Also I think the whole mask and social distance thing is just a training exercise. Ya know to see how much the people will comply and give up their rights for a perceived safety.

02:27 Nov 02 2020

I agree completely. Everything happening right now seems to be a plan to get us to accept whatever is coming to bring their NWO plans to completion...
The riots and government that allows them to go on, the statues getting torn down, us being pounded mentally daily to accept this "new normal", the constant fear being perpetuated...it's crazy. I'm actually pretty worried but I try not to think of it

03:49 Nov 02 2020

I heard on the interplanetary news that we've been invaded. By an alien force from Mars.

04:14 Nov 02 2020

@ Earthgrinder- myself I was never really into that whole ALIEN stuff. However here is a link that may be more of a fit for you than here. Here being my entry. https://www.lightquest-intl.com/articles-ashtar-command/

04:17 Nov 02 2020

@ Ylvax- fear is the mind killer. There is always gonna be someone pushing division for some kind of agenda.

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