immortalxkiss's Journal

immortalxkiss's Journal


Honor: 1,023    [ Give / Take ]


43 entries this month

08:13 Jun 30 2023
Times Read: 341

I can't say that I'm too impressed with the new season of The Witcher. Hopefully the second half will be more compelling. If not, well, that's a shitty send off for Henry Cavill as Geralt.

In other news, it seems summer is officially upon us, as we're going to have a high of 97 tomorrow. I think I'm gonna take a swimsuit and me and the kids will spend some time out back in the pool. Thankfully the house is one story, and it's all done in tile, so it stays cooler than here does, so even if we don't go swimming, it should be okay. But, I think a day out in the water will be nice, or at least a few hours. It's great that they did get a house with a pool, that was one of Kevin's must haves when they were house hunting. So, maybe after lunch we'll go swim for a bit. If nothing else, it should tire them out so they can sleep easier.



16:21 Jun 30 2023

I have not started the new season yet. Hate to hear this, as don't know if it will be as intresting without him.


01:23 Jun 30 2023
Times Read: 362

I swear to god, I really hate when Kevin and Liz spring shit on me last minute. "Oh hey, are you free to watch the kids all weekend? Kevin surprised me with a trip down to San Diego for our anniversary and we can't take the kids." Like, have some consideration. If you're planning a trip to San Diego, cool, but you know what you're doing in advance, and if I need to watch the kids, maybe ask me before you've already decided to go. Maybe talk to me so I have more than 15 hours' warning. They make it so I can't say no. Like, no, don't go have a weekend to yourselves away from the kids. That makes me the bad guy. I fucking hate it. And they pull this kind of shit all the time. Like, I have a life, I have things I need to do, you're not even compensating me for my time in any way... It's infuriating.




17:29 Jun 29 2023
Times Read: 400

Spending the day with the kids while Kevin and Liz go to a funeral. One of their classmates from high school passed away from cancer. It's really unfortunate when it's someone so young. Granted, you may not think 36 young, but it is. I've missed these little buggers, it's been over a month since I've seen them. So, it'll be nice to spend the day with them.



17:45 Jun 29 2023

That's heart breaking. One of my classmates passed away from some type of lung infection during covid.


02:16 Jun 29 2023
Times Read: 457

It's fun to be able to get back into Photoshop. I still don't think my skills are back to where they had once been, but I'm trying new things I wouldn't have tried before, so it's a tradeoff I suppose. But, yeah, this is what I made fore Cat.



03:02 Jun 29 2023


03:11 Jun 29 2023

It’s perfect thank you

03:14 Jun 29 2023

Honestly, I'm jealous, lol, i really miss having photoshop.

18:50 Jun 29 2023

Nice!!!! You still have that touch.


23:33 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 503

I've been feeling unwell for most of the day, between a headache and random nausea washing over me, it's not been that great of a day. I'm going to atribute it to the heat, despite the fact that for late June, it's really not that hot. Because otherwise, I have no idea what causing this feeling.



10:44 Jun 28 2023

OMG I am feeling the same way... since Monday.


17:46 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 542

We made some adjustments in Nocturnal Retribution and welcomed a new Coven into our Alliance. I'm super happy with how things have worked out. I'm doing my best to make this House a place people want to be a part of, and with the awesome members I have who help out as much as they can, I feel like that's coming to fruition. I'm thankful for the friends who have helped me out, even if it means joining because I asked. I'm happy, truly happy. I had a lot of doubts, mostly about myself and how I would be able to rebuild one of the Houses, but it's all coming together. All the work being put into it by all of us is really paying off.



17:51 Jun 27 2023


18:00 Jun 27 2023

I am very proud to have Shadowed Angels within the alliance this is my home!

18:42 Jun 27 2023

You have a wonderful House. And the Alliance is growing.

10:44 Jun 28 2023

Please let me know how I can help!


01:36 Jun 26 2023
Times Read: 630

Dating a dork who grew up on building web pages and coding and such has its perks. I'm having Logan work on some of my House pages, and the stuff he's coming up with is seriously awesome. Things I could never come up with on my own. I can't wait to unveil our finished House Staff page. It's not exactly different, but a lot of elements aren't something you see on VR, so I'm excited to share his work with everyone. I don't know if others will be as impressed as I am, but that's okay. It makes me happy, and that's all that matters in the end.

He also adjusted some simple coding for profiles, so I've implemented that on all my accounts and I'm much happier with the results. It's nothing new, nothing others haven't already put into their coding, just something I never really sought to fix until he did it for someone else. While it may not seem like it, things for Nocturnal are getting done. I know the main page still needs to be worked on, but that is in the works, so hopefully when I go back out to see him in two weeks, we can get it all finished and put up. He has really big ideas, but the confines of working around VR's established coding is what's hindering things. I'm sure we can create something beautiful, I know he has the ability and talent for coding something truly magnificent, it's just working it in so it doesn't wind up overwriting everything Cancer has put into place. In the end, though, I have no doubt that Nocturnal Retribution's main page will be awesome. And even if he can't implement everything he wants into the House, he may be able to do it in a profile. So, that'll be something to work on. I'm eager to see what he can create.

This entry was edited, so sorry if I lost your comments in the process.




05:13 Jun 24 2023
Times Read: 691

I dislike California for a lot of reasons, as someone who was born and raised here, but there are some points where I can't deny the beauty of this state. Driving westbound down the 134 you hit a crest of a hill the overlooks Glendale, and in the distance is the Hollywood Hills and Downtown LA. At the right time, it looks beautiful. You have the hills on both sides, the sky painted with the last light of the sunset, and the city twinkling in the distance. Its these little moments that make living here worth it sometimes.

But now that I'm with Logan, I'm off for the weekend. Have a good one, VR.



10:16 Jun 24 2023

Enjoy yours.


03:11 Jun 24 2023
Times Read: 716




02:45 Jun 24 2023
Times Read: 731

Some people truly don't deserve the air they breathe.



02:58 Jun 24 2023

You know what Immy some people deserve every nasty thing they get and trust me one day they will answer for everything it might be sooner than later for some.


23:29 Jun 22 2023
Times Read: 846

This week has been a slog. I'm really just waiting for tomorrow night, when I can see Logan and spend a nice weekend with him. It's getting harder, this only seeing each other twice a month thing. After a year and a half of us being together, I would have hoped things on this front would have been changed. But, unfortunately, it isn't a possibility at the moment. And it likely won't be until next year. I can't really do much but grit my teeth and carry on. I don't like to bitch about the situation, because I know it bothers him just as much and whining about how shitty it is isn't going to solve anything. I just miss him. All the time. I want to be with my partner, I want to fall asleep and wake up next to him, I want to cuddle and watch stuff together, I want to have meals with him. We carve out time each night we aren't together, and when he isn't with Mina, to talk and watch something together, to get that time in, but it just isn't the same. Talking on the phone doesn't beat being with him in person. I just wish things could be different, that we could have our own place and be good. But, rent is stupid expensive anywhere in Southern California, no matter if you live in the IE like me or out near the coast like him. And it's just not something we can manage at the moment. He's going to need to get a new car by the end of the year, and that's a good chunk of change he'll have to throw down.

I'm just frustrated. A lot of it has to do with me and my current situation, not really with anything dealing with him. I'm annoyed and angry with myself and this is the thing my brain has decided to hyper focus on. I just need tomorrow to get here already.




21:44 Jun 22 2023
Times Read: 901

They're dead. The end.

Best case scenario, there was a breach and the sub imploded due to the pressure. Worst case scenario, they suffocated when the oxygen ran out. Either way, they're dead.

There you go.

A debris field has apparently been found, which means the sub likely imploded just a few hours into the dive. I guess VR's resident "psychic" was wrong about "watching the sub" or whatever nonsense they were spouting off. I find it really disgusting that someone would fake such things for some kind of precieved self importance. Truly disgusting.



23:32 Jun 22 2023

I believe this VR resident is just trying bring awareness. No reason for anyone to get defensive here. Everyone around the world is talking about this right now. “Spouting off” Everyone obligated to their own opinions and beliefs as long as it doesn’t harm others.

23:32 Jun 22 2023

To be fair I Was watching the internet and reading it all just like I read you're dumb ass shit on the internet Calling me out like that saying I cant have self-importance makes you sound like a bitch calling me out like that for you VR Residents psychic I know you always got to talk shit about me don't you just because I say there are more important things then you're stupid fucking depression problems?

maybe you should seek help as I stated in the Journal.

you really got a problem with me speaking my mind you have been talking about you're coven why not you get back to it and be a good admin and not learn to trash other peoples name on VR like you always do and same goes for Tiktock

23:34 Jun 22 2023

Like you say to me don't like my journal don't fucking read it that fucking simple isn't it but you let depression get the best of you and same with PTSD.

23:36 Jun 22 2023

I really do not believe that this event needed any awareness brough to it. It was all over the news for the last few days. And no, stating that you were watching the sub, and that you "made contact with the living pilot" is disgusting. There are no if, ands, or buts about it. That is something you said in your journal. That's fucking gross. End of story.

00:49 Jun 23 2023

Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. If they believe they’re psychic let them be. “Made contact with the living pilot” This person obviously didn’t mean that in any negative manner it was all good intentions. Anyways have you seen twitter right now? It’s insane! Some of the most dark jokes are on there about this topic. Way worse. And this wasn’t even bad.

00:55 Jun 23 2023

Nah dude, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. It's gross to play pretend psychic for funsies.

01:11 Jun 23 2023

Now you just deserve to be punched in the face.

01:23 Jun 23 2023

Not to mention I'm not pretending that I'm Psychic I said I was spiritual, not a psychic dummy.
I don't charge people for readings I just spiritually connect to people whom I feel like helping,
you fully took it out of contacts

You need to go back to school.
Did I put the word psychic in my journal no I said Spiritual.
Spiritual people don't charge people money for psychic bullshit.

They help others because they want to and I won't help you happy Drama ass.

you just want to cause me problems over 1 journal entry or a few journal entries just because I say I'm spiritually learning my spiritual paths grow the fuck up

01:39 Jun 23 2023

And here we are again....

Sad they died. Its a lost of 5 lives, the families will never be the same. Best case I hope they find out what happen, and address the safety issue.



10:30 Jun 22 2023
Times Read: 907



17:29 Jun 21 2023
Times Read: 959

It's taken me some time, but I think I'm finally making my mark on Nocturnal Retribution. It's not been the easiest for me to figure everything out, I've been struggling with the main page since taking it over in January, but I've made leaps and bounds in other areas. I'm happy with my forum and my member participation. I've got some truly wonderful people on my admin team, and in my.general memberbase. I've got our Alliance up and running, with two Covens now taking part, though I do still need to write out the Alliance page. Logan is going to help me get my thoughts together this weekend so we can finally get the House main page done. I don't know why I'm having such a difficult time getting my thoughts together, but I'm sure I can come up with something good with his help. I've got another page in the works for my admin team, so that'll be another project for this weekend. Overall, I'm happy with how things are going. I know it's taken me a long time to get things done, I've been hesitant to make any big changes, but now that I've started, I'm excited to get it all done for all of VR to see.



18:03 Jun 21 2023

It looks great.

18:17 Jun 21 2023

It will take as long as it needs...

01:38 Jun 23 2023

Cant wait to see it too.


03:41 Jun 20 2023
Times Read: 1,038

I've given certain things a lot of thought recently, and maybe not all is lost. Things are broken, yes, and whether or not they can be repaired is yet to be seen, but I think we owe it to ourselves to at least try. We're vastly different people now than we were just a few years ago, when everything started to fracture. I take equal blame for the damage that was done, I know I could have handled myself a lot better than I did. But my trust was shattered, and trust, when broken, is sometimes impossible to repair, but I'm willing to try. You don't throw away over a decade of friendship for... Whatever all of that had been. Hurt feelings. Miscommunication. Assumptions. Misplaced anger.

I'm not certain what the future holds, I'm not certain if enough time has passed, or if old wounds have fully healed. But, I can say that I'm willing to put in the effort, to try and fix things. It may not work, we may decided that we just aren't compatible as friends any longer, who knows. But I shall try. That's all either of us can do at this point, try.



03:43 Jun 20 2023

I hope everything works out I really do


06:10 Jun 19 2023
Times Read: 1,085

Well, Diablo IV's campaign was very...lack luster. The ending was the most unimpressive ending I've played in a long while. Like, the battle with Lilith was just so underwhelming. But, at least it's all done and Logan and I can just do the endgame shit. Yay.




05:51 Jun 18 2023
Times Read: 1,133

I changed up my Mark in Nocturnal Retribution. I'm stil trying to figure out what fits me best, but I like the new one better than that previous one. At least you can make it out better. It's just so limiting working on a 50X50 canvas.




03:39 Jun 18 2023
Times Read: 1,169

I guess I was wrong. While I'm not necessarily bothered by the actual person, a lot is tied to that name. It's hard to see it here again and not feel... Something.





03:11 Jun 18 2023
Times Read: 1,172



01:12 Jun 18 2023
Times Read: 1,190

I'm debating making one more account, since Wallflower has asked if I would like to rejoin Caomhnõir-an-Eolas. That would have me with one profile in all seven of the Houses. But, I don't know, since I already have more than I can handle with the six I do currently have. I want to help a friend, but I also realize that I can't be 100% active on all six of my current profiles and adding one more is a lot. Bah. I'll think about it and see if I can feesably make it work.




03:51 Jun 17 2023
Times Read: 1,271

I actually made a thing! Granted, it's by no means my best work, but I put it together. It's the most I've done in a long while.



03:52 Jun 17 2023

I love it

04:57 Jun 17 2023

Nicely done, I knew you still had it in you.

05:02 Jun 17 2023

I love the crest she made my new coven

10:02 Jun 17 2023

It's great.

11:28 Jun 17 2023

Thanks, guys. Like I said, not my best work, but I'm glad Cat likes it and is finding a use for it. It was fun getting back into making things in Photoshop again outside of basic stamps and such for my profiles.

13:44 Jun 17 2023

It's beautiful.


02:35 Jun 17 2023
Times Read: 1,288

Remember when paying for a premium membership here meant you didn't have all the advertisements? I sure do miss those days. The ad that keeps popping up at the bottom of my page every time I load one is really starting to annoy me. It makes doing anything a hassle.



03:15 Jun 17 2023

I agree that new ad that rises from the bottom of screen is the worst. Hard to even interact with it because exit link is at bottom where my tool bar appears when mouse goes down there so just can't do that now. I think ads are important part to play in paying for internet, but some are just too invasive and work counterproductive to selling a service or product.


10:58 Jun 16 2023
Times Read: 1,345

Nocturnal Retribution has an Alliance, Draconem. I decided I wanted to be more open with Nocturnal, or as open as a House can be, so I figured an Alliance would allow for that. I don't want Nocturnal to be a closed off House, where only those who seek membership are allowed. I feel like the Houses should be welcoming and open to any Coven that wished to align with them. So, Draconem was born. The current Crest is merely a placeholder (which is why the text is a bit off and not clearly defined), as I've asked the amazing FALSExCURE if he'd be willing to create something for us. It's actually pretty cool, as I used MidJourney for the Crest and the rep images, with some minor tweaking in Photoshop. I don't want to like AI art, but the more I use it, the more I can see the benefits of it.

So yeah... Right now the Alliance page is still a work in progress, but I'm impatient and wanted to get things set up quickly.

Anyway, here's the images so you can see what MidJourney can create.





12:33 Jun 16 2023

It really is pretty cool.

13:25 Jun 16 2023

I love it!

06:23 Jun 17 2023

Bah, I changed the Alliance Crest to what FALSExCURE did so it changed here as well. Here's the original one I quickly threw together.

13:47 Jun 17 2023

Both are stunning. Glad you are creating art again. False has a talent, no denying.


20:58 Jun 15 2023
Times Read: 1,387

Here we go again.



21:13 Jun 15 2023

That was my exact thought as well.

15:51 Jun 16 2023



23:11 Jun 14 2023
Times Read: 1,414

I managed to find a Pyro build I actually like in Diablo. It makes it so I can at least hold my own when playing with Logan. All I need to do now is grind until I get the staff that the build Is based around to drop for me. I don't have much luck with legendary drops, but hopefully I can get my hands on it soon. Not that it makes that big a difference, but it would be good to have. I'm still not the biggest fan of the game, but it kills time.





08:45 Jun 14 2023
Times Read: 1,421



09:54 Jun 13 2023
Times Read: 1,460

I wasn't too impressed with Diablo IV when I played the beta, it's just a reskinned Diablo III, and Diablo III annoyed me on a lot of levels. But, Logan didn't see Mina tonight, so we got in a lot of time to play together. And, it's fun. I'm running a pyromancer sorcerer build, because of course I'd have to do fire, and he's running a lightning sorcerer build. I'm still not impressed by the gameplay, again, very much like a Diablo III, but I'm enjoying running through things with him. We got me into the mid-20s in just a couple of hours of running through things. I'm not sure what the endgame looks like, I'm just working through the stupid story so I can get a goddamn horse, but yeah. I think the next class I'm going to play with will be a necromancer. I had fun with the necro in Diablo III when Joe and I fucked around with them for shits and giggles.

I'm just not a big Diablo fan, I guess. They're fun to play, but they get so repetitive. Go here, clear this dungeon, run all the way across the map to clear that dungeon. Everything just starts looking the same and it gets so tiresome. Setting things on fire isn't what's going to keep me playing a game. I can set shit on fire in a lot of games. But, for now, it's okay. I don't think I'll play much on my own, but I'll play with Logan for sure.




09:05 Jun 12 2023
Times Read: 1,507

It's been such a wonderful weekend, I hate that they always come to an end so quickly. Though, I think Logan and I got a lot accomplished. He bought me Diablo IV, so I'll be playing that with him during our evenings together. We also managed to get Nocturnal Retribution's main page layout done. I really like how it looks, and we'll be doing more when we have the actual text done for it. It's going to look really nice when it's all finished. We also talked a lot about Texas, we'll probably be moving out there sometime within the next three years or so, I know he said his mother and her husband would probably be moving out there by the end of next year, so it'll just be seeing what's going to be done with the Hidden Hills house and everything. We talked about what kind of house we'd like to have built on the land, he showed me a Victorian style first, but I think for where we'll be moving in Central Texas, an Antebellum style farm house would be really good. Something with five bedrooms, at least 3 and a half bathrooms, though ideally I'd want no less than 4 and a half, a three car garage, cover front and back porch a dual-master set-up, a real master for us downstairs, and another master for Mina, when she comes to stay. I'm excited for this next chapter in our lives.

We went to go see Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse on Saturday, and while we were waiting for the movie to start he told me he had already figured out how he was going to propose to me, so that's something. I sent him a link to an Etsy store that has some amazing settings. He knows who he's going to for the ring, but it's nice to have an idea on what kind of stones I prefer, since I hate diamonds, and what kind of setting I like. He doesn't have a ring yet, but soon. That makes me giddy. I mean, I knew we'd be getting married, we've talked about it a lot and honestly, I couldn't see myself with any other person, but it's still amazing to hear it voiced by him, it's like reassurance that I'm not alone in this. Not that I've ever felt alone in this relationship, but you know what I mean.

We went out for Korean for a late lunch today, and he did good, found a super authentic place, the food was delicious! The Koran place I used to go to all the time out here by me has apparently temporarily shut down and I don't know when or if they'll be open again. It's a shame, because they had the most amazing tofu soup. But yeah, it's been such a lovely weekend. At some point, we're going to have to figure out how to make it more than just the weekend. But, no rush, I can't make it happen right now, and neither can he, so I have no choice but to be patient with it.



11:00 Jun 12 2023

Sounds like a great weekend!

16:47 Jun 12 2023

Glad you had a great weekend


03:26 Jun 12 2023
Times Read: 1,544

Well, cut to about two hours later, and we're finally done. I think it looks good, the colors are cohesive and tie in with the images in use and with the Crest. It's streamlined and subtle, which is what I wanted. He even managed to clean up the coding itself, which is just a Frankenstein's monster of coding hobbled together over the years that, by some miracle, worked. So now everything is simple and in it's place and adjusts what needs to be adjusted. I just need to work on the words so we can get that all sorted out, but I'm going to have him help me with that as well, since it's been really hard for me to get my thoughts together.



16:47 Jun 12 2023

The font brown? Copper? Color is beautiful

21:02 Jun 12 2023

Right? It's a burnt orange color that we tried to match to the Crest as best we could without going into Photoshop and pulling a color from it directly. I think it looks really nice. I didn't expect to like the gray/orange combo, but as we were playing with it, it looked so good together.


02:32 Jun 12 2023
Times Read: 1,562

My poor Logan. I'm currently working with him on the coding for Nocturnal's main page, and it's driving him nuts. He's a very skilled programmer, makes some beautiful web pages, but having to work in the confines of someone else's coding isn't the best for him. He keeps calling it old and outdated. Some of it's confusing him as to why it's set up the way it is and why what he writes out doesn't work. He wants to override everything. I don't blame him, VR coding drives me nuts too. But, we're getting there, slowly. Hopefully we can make it look good.



11:01 Jun 12 2023

Can't wait to see it!


00:14 Jun 09 2023
Times Read: 1,612

One day, I swear, I'm going to own myself a Gypsy Vanner and a Friesian.

I was a horse girl growing up, never owning any of my own, but I did a lot of riding with my mom. And, while I grew out of most of that, I've always loved the beauty and majesty of a horse. The Friesian has been a favorite of mine since I was a child, and the Gypsy Vanner has been my dream horse since my early teens. Logan grew up showing horses, so he knows that life, and I want to jump into it. Maybe when we move to Texas, we can have a small stable.



03:40 Jun 09 2023

I miss having horses! I had my own horse as a teen and loved her so much.... I miss horseback riding. They are such pretty animals! When the day comes you have your horse/horses... I wanna see ALL the pics!

14:46 Jun 09 2023

I'm still looking for any horse owners who will let me take photos of them, in my area.


08:08 Jun 07 2023
Times Read: 1,675

Talking to Logan tonight and he tells me that when we finally live together, we'll have to shift our dynamic. Right now, we don't have much of one, but he talked about considering a 24/7 kind of thing, if I'm interested. So, now I have things to think about and look forward to.



14:44 Jun 07 2023

Oooo that will be fun if I am thinking the same type of dynamic



23:47 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 1,714



09:00 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 1,767

I'm not going to lie, it's a little infuriating to think of a name to switch HisFelina to, only to enter it in and be told it's already been used and is locked away forever. This has happened at least fifteen times now. I understand why names are locked once they've been used, but it makes name changing far more difficult than it should be. Granted, I could always add superfluous numbers or letters to the names, to make them acceptable, but I'd rather not have it come to that. I want something simple, something clean. Not xXEphemeralXx or whatever. Bah. It's back to the drawing board I go, I'll think of something eventually. It really doesn't help that I personally have used all the names I really like before, and thus, fucked myself over.



17:53 Jun 06 2023

This is, of course, the reason I exist. Too many names have been taken, wasted, and locked. I hope that I have managed to save a name or two but who knows.


02:49 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 1,816

Unblocked some accounts on all my profiles, regardless of what others may think of me or feel about me, I'm over it. I don't like having people blocked on this account anyway, since I'm not a fan of someone not being able to reach me If they need help and no other admin is online. I like to feel as though I'm approachable should you need something.

I'm also going to step back from comments and entries that may seem like I'm starting drama. That's not who I am. Granted, I'll call anyone out should they be saying things about this site that is just misinformation, but I'm not going to react should someone mention me and say how much they dislike me. You're entitled to your opinion and your feelings, I'm not here to change your mind about who I am.

In other news, I'm going to talk to Logan this weekend and see if he can help me with a new layout for Nocturnal Retribution. While I appriciate the work Cat has put in on the current layout, I think something a little more streamlined and classic would fit me better. I'm also going to see if he can help me with the words, as I'm having a hard time sorting out my thoughts. Might just make that our weekend plans as his car has been having issues, and mine isn't in the best shape to be constantly driven around. Older cars are a hassle, but at least mine still runs, can't say the same for his right now... But yeah, I need to really get to work on that main page, no more dragging my feet.



03:48 Jun 06 2023

Oh umm ok

17:43 Jun 06 2023

Can't wait to see what you decide on. I believe they have learned from being blocked, left me alone.


08:47 Jun 05 2023
Times Read: 1,875

While I don't have the best memories of this group... For a number of reasons that stem from a past relationship and birthday tickets... I do still enjoy listening to them on the rare occasion. I think Matthew and I used to bond over this song way the fuck back when. Anyway, I forgot it actually existed until I went through an old playlist I had made on YouTube. It still makes me giggle.

And no, this isn't directed at anyone, though I know some people might think so. It's just a funny little song by a band I somewhat enjoy. Is Wednesday 13 even still around? I'm sure I could look that up, but meh, I can't be bothered. I saw them live at the Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood in like, 2006 or 2007 and that was enough.




02:00 Jun 05 2023
Times Read: 1,917

My Nana, my maternal grandmother, was a very skilled seamstress. When she was married to my grandfather and they owned his curtain business, she did a lot of the sewing and such for clients. And, she carried that love of sewing over when it came to me. Some of my favorite memories are from when we lived with her and she'd make costumes for me. We'd go pick out the patterns, the fabrics, measure and cut everything out together, and then she'd sew it all for me. And these were usually renaissance gowns, because even as a child, I liked what I liked. I still have the one she made for me for Halloween when I was in middle school. And, I have an unfinished dress in my closet that she had started working on years ago before she passed. One day I'll get it done. But, I always liked sewing and making things.

Unfortunately, when my Nana passed, my aunt Sue took one of her sewing machines, and Liz took the other. I could have fought for it if I really wanted to, but back then I wasn't too interested in it. These days though, I've really started to want to make my own clothing. It mostly stems from the amount I've had to pay for garb. Simple circle skirts have set me back $60. And, there's nothing to them. Take a couple of yards of linen fabric, use two or three panels if necessary, and sew it all together with some elastic in the waist. It's not exactly hard to make them. It's the same thing with a chemisefront and back, two sleeves, and either elastic or ribbon to gather up the neck and the arms. It's easy if you know how to do it. I've also been watching a few YouTube creators who do sewing projects, and it's just lit a fire.

I think I'm going to look into getting a nice sewing machine, nothing too fancy, but something nice and easy to work with, and start making things again. Maybe even finish off that last gown my Nana was making for me.



14:37 Jun 05 2023

My father was a sewing machine mechanic by trade- schooled by the Pfaff company which was the best sewing machine company in the world then (the 70s) still amongst the greatest machines you can get. My mother has always been an amazing seamstress and doll maker (unfortunately also a horrible person I don't associate with). I feel like it's in my genes to sew... but I haven't wholly gotten into it yet. I bought myself a cheap machine a few years ago at Walmart just to try- and it's crap. As a beginner plus not having the funds to invest, I went that route- but it's far too frustrating to learn on a machine that sucks.

When I am in a better place financially I can definitely see myself investing in a proper machine and learning. There are so many YouTube tutorials out there. I made a couple pillowcases before I gave up on my piece of trash.

18:55 Jun 05 2023

Yeah, that's what I worry about - getting a machine that is just garbage. I know the basics, I took home ec in high school and I retained that information when it came to sewing for some reason. My Nana had two Singer machines, and they were both really good. So I think I'll likely look into those.

19:05 Jun 05 2023

I have my grandmothers sewing machine... it is from the 50's and HEAVY... I can use it, but I am not proficient and really need to practice a lot... me sewing a straight line is apparently impossible. lol! I think if I had a lighter machine I could get out with ease I would attempt to sew more often, so I may one day look into purchasing one so I can get better... I need A LOT of practice. LOL!


23:05 Jun 04 2023
Times Read: 1,971

Dafuq? I haven't done anything to anyone and yet, there's my name being dragged through the nonsense again. I even removed blocks yesterday from all my accounts because I thought we were done with this. I suppose I should know better. Some people will never grow out of this idiocy. Silly me.



23:08 Jun 04 2023

Damn you for trying, right? Of course you will be the bad guy with this journal entry.. you will be the one victimizing said person for it... no fault of theirs for dragging you into things when all was quiet and put in the past... OH but we bring up the past all the time don't we? lol. *shakes head* c’est la vie....


21:54 Jun 03 2023
Times Read: 2,010

I've been working on leveling lately. I got Nike up to 32 by going through the Database. I'm not even close to being done with it, but I feel that's pretty good for now. I'm going to start working on Incendiary next, get that into the 30s as well. Then I'll put some time on HisFelina and try and get that up to the point where I can take the Acolyte test on it. Rating is boring and I dislike it immensely, but it needs to be done.

Ideally I would very much like to get all three accounts up to Sire, but knowing me, that might take a bit of time. But, as slow as it may be, I'm sure I'll get there eventually.



22:28 Jun 03 2023

You'll get there! :) I have accounts I need to level up as well.

01:55 Jun 04 2023

Add some stuff to the DB. ;)
I can give you a list of sections needing fattening haha

02:24 Jun 04 2023

I look at my three, don't know how I ever got them to Sire. Well, one I bought from VR charity sale. The other two- gosh, the time spent.

04:30 Jun 04 2023

You can do it

17:40 Jun 04 2023

Yeh, I feel you. I hate rating, but it does get you there. I have been considering trying to level this account. Ugh.

20:05 Jun 04 2023

is the database a quick way to level up rating 10's and stuff


05:48 Jun 03 2023
Times Read: 2,042

Well then. That certainly was...something.



18:10 Jun 03 2023

*eye twitch* It was.

19:29 Jun 03 2023

What did I miss?


20:10 Jun 02 2023
Times Read: 2,070

I've spent the last three weekends with Logan, but this weekend he has Mina, so I'm on my own. With Faire being over, I don't actually know what to do with myself. I was going to go see the new Spiderverse movie, but I realize that seeing it opening weekend probably isn't the best idea, it's going to be packed. I don't really know how to keep myself busy anymore. There are no games I've been playing, nothing I've been watching.

It's going to be a long weekend.




08:23 Jun 02 2023
Times Read: 2,111

You'd think there would be a point where a person outgrows the childish mindset. Especially when they're in their late 20's and early 30's. But, sadly, that is not the case. You have to wonder though, when the fuck do these people finally grow up? It's got to get so old to be an adult carrying on like a 3 year old, throwing a tantrum because they can't get what they want. At what point do you look at your life and realize how utterly sad it is?



12:13 Jun 02 2023

Some people do not have the ability to be even the littlest bit introspective.

15:38 Jun 02 2023

Some never outgrow it.


08:39 Jun 01 2023
Times Read: 2,174

It's not been a good day for me. I went out to dinner with John, to catch up and hang out since it's been like, a year and a half since we've done so. Dinner was nice, we went to a sushi place by his house that we'd been to a number of times before when we were dating. It's really good food for a reasonable price. And, it was nice just to talk and catch up with each other. And then, towards the end of the night, he tells me that he would really like to sleep with me. And, nope. I'm in a relationship. He knows I'm in a relationship, we've talked about Logan plenty of times before. And, he's in a relationship. We'vee talked about his partner plenty of times as well. So, like, saying such things are just not acceptable on any level. If you don't respect your own relationship, you should at least respect mine. I got up and left after that. It's just infuriating, you know? John's a good guy and I appriciate his friendship, but then he has to go and say something stupid like that and ruins everything. I came home and promptly told Logan everything that happened, because there are no secrets between us. I never want to give him a reason not to trust me.

On top of that, I've not been feeling the best. My left hand is acting up, and my right wrist is really starting to kill me. I broke the growth plate during a soccer game when I was in 8th grade, and it has never been the same. I've lost a lot of range of motion. But, now I'm almost certain I have arthritis in the wrist, and it's just been flaring up something awful lately. Makes doing even the most basic tasks hard. I can't move it without hearing it click, though that's nothing new. It's been like that since high school, but it's just getting bad now. I may have to go in and have X-rays done, see what the damage is in there. Because, it's definitely not normal, and I should not be feeling the kind of pain I've been feeling.

So yeah... It's just been a crappy evening and I'm pretty much over everything right now.



10:53 Jun 01 2023

I'm so sorry. I hate it when male friends make things about sex. It really can ruin what you thought was a friendship.

14:30 Jun 01 2023

Hope the hands get better. And what a male ho. 🙄

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