MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 848    [ Give / Take ]


6 entries this month

19:23 Jul 21 2019
Times Read: 796

This right here is what I missed about the honor system:

I loved leaving/receiving the most weird and random comments. It was fun and funny. It gave people a laugh along with just the random 'hey, good job kid' feeling.

People are going to use it how they want to use it. That's just how certain features go.

You can use it for fun.
You can use it to show appreciation.
You can use it to show your displeasure when someone acts dishonorable.
You can use it to get back at someone because they pissed you off.
You can use it to be a human dumpster fire and spread your toxic filth around because you're a 'badass' and all that garbage.

Use it how you want, but don't be surprised if you use it for the last reason and people form a shitty opinion about you.



19:31 Jul 21 2019

I did/do still like to see funny comments left in Honor logs. Morrigon is brilliant at that. Personally, I have yet to ever give out negative honor to anyone. I prefer to give honor to make people happy. Yeah, the naysayers will scream, "It's just a number on a social site!" True as that may be, it might brighten someone's day. And that's pretty cool.

20:05 Jul 21 2019

20:47 Jul 21 2019

I've given out both positive and negative honor over the years. I much prefer to give out positive, but that can't always be the case when you have people that act dishonorably.

20:49 Jul 21 2019

All the feature's we have been gifted by Cancer, what I miss on VR is/was the humor this site had when I first started. I said it many times and still will, the Vamp Box, the post you, Cancer and others had, kept me laughing. The Monkeys. Cancer when he would posts some of the off the wall messages he would get and his response in his journal. I wish all that could be brought back to VR. Funniest post I saved was from you Moonie when I was joking with Erinyes about recruiting hookers and your reply. I miss the Vamp Box being where it use to be due to I forget it's even here on the site because of where it is now. Change is good sometimes, I do like 2.0 for the most part, I just miss some things and I guess more so, I miss the community that was here when I started. Not a day would go by when I would log in I would not laugh over something that group did. It made me want to be a part of this site.

20:57 Jul 21 2019

Noted, Moonie.


05:27 Jul 16 2019
Times Read: 867

I was just going to show images my mini deck...(that sounded dirty), but then I figured it'd be fun to go through all my cards and share the ones I have. Her passion for tarot has sparked mine again. When I went into my box I realized how much I missed them.

These are the Goddess Knowledge Cards. They have information of all the Goddesses and what they represent. KInda Tarot.. Kinda not.

I've had these cards forever. They got wet one time. I couldn't throw them away with being all sentimental and junk.

I've only used these a couple times. I just can't 'connect' with them.

These are the Dark Angel Tarot. They are just crappy. So they are one of those 'random' decks.

The Oracle of the Radiant Sun are just kinda.. whimsy and different. These were just a random find. I got them because they were cheap.

lol I do have a Rider Waite Tarot. I totally forgot I had these. They are in Spanish. I picked them up at a local discount book place.

This is my mini deck. The ones I was going to show images. I love this deck. For being so small it's super pretty.

Here is a comparsion to a fullsize card to these..

The Vision Tarot is different. These are more 'real people'. Some of the images are neat. I can't remember why I bought this. For a minute that feeling that I liked them was there. Then I came home and tried to read with them and meh.

The Winged Tarot are ones I need to be in a certain place mentally. These I can connect with pretty well when I'm in that headspace.

The Goddess Tarot is uniquely pretty me to. It isn't super flashy.

The Vampire Tarot is another deck I can only use when I'm in a certain head space.
I'm not too fond of the graphic work on them.

The Lover's Path Tarot is really good to read for those that are asking about relationships. It also has a neat scroll that gives different layouts for reading.

The Faeries Oracle is amazing. It's one of my favorites. It is beautiful and fun to read. You have to read them a little different than typical cards, but they are stunning.

The Gilded Tarot is beautiful. I love the artwork in this deck. It was one of those decks I fell in love with when I first seen it.

And then finally this is 'my deck'.. The Gothic Tarot.
This is the deck that I use all the time. I love, love, love this deck. You can tell by how worn the sides are. lol

I've had all my decks for well over 15 years. But that Gothic Tarot has stood the test of time. It has been put through the shuffling ringer.



05:45 Jul 16 2019

I have the Vampire Tarot as well, it was a gift from my brother and sister-in-law one year for Christmas, I've never really been able to connect with it, and I'm also not the biggest fan of the art. But, I am absolutely in love with The Faeries Oracle, which was a gift from a friend when I was in high school. It's such a gorgeous deck, Brian Froud is an amazing artist.

05:48 Jul 16 2019

I am glad I'm not the only one that's felt that way about the Vampire Tarot. It's just.. odd for me. I thought I'd like it, but not even close.

I agree with Brian Froud is amazing. I love using that oracle. There is just a feel about it.

06:43 Jul 16 2019

06:52 Jul 16 2019

That's a nice collection :) One day I will make a post showing mine- I haven't gotten enough to really do it yet.

There are some decks I look at and wonder if I want them or not. I have added, deleted, added then deleted again a few different decks I'm on the fence with- I'm thinking I shouldn't bother with any other those, if I can't really decide. I'm glad you both said about the Vampire Tarot. I bet a lot is exactly that- the artwork. It's really too bad because that theme sounds kick-ass... but people can make or break it with the art. Then there are some with incredible art that don't really jive with the meaning of the card.

Those mini decks are great too. I can imagine keeping one in my purse all the time. I only have one so far, and I'm glad I picked it for the first mini I've got!

09:12 Jul 16 2019

"I was just going to show images my mini deck." I have to be honest, I thought you said something else then lol I Just woke up so my vision was still adjusting and I actually thought you said dick instead of deck. lmfao This is why coffee should be already made for when you wake up.

15:37 Jul 16 2019

Few weeks ago when I decided to take the Tarot journey and before my Rider deck arrived, I was looking on You Tube of all the decks people had. I saw this one deck that I just loved but I forgot the name of them. Seeing your collection I saw them!!! They are Gilded Tarot. That deck is just amazing and once I takle this noob stage of Tarot I plan to order the Gilded Tarot deck.

20:03 Jul 16 2019

Dakotah, I highly recommend The Gilded Tarot. It has a great book that comes with it and the visuals are just beautiful. If you want it go for it and get it. Even if you just randomly use it and learn with the other deck, you'll have The Gilded to connect and flow with. Don't let being a beginner stop you from expanding.

lol Mord. I read the same thing when I reread it to fix a few things.

Images, I cannot wait to see the cards that you get and the ones fit you. I don't think I've ever came across a Vampire Deck that I really loved. The ones I've seen just don't capture that beauty I think of when I think vampire. I really don't need another deck, as you can tell lol, but I've been itching to get a new one.

20:18 Jul 16 2019

I love that deck. I am not sure why but when I saw it on YT I wanted it out of all the deck's people showed. Ok, then I will order it. I sent you a message to ask what spread do you recommend I start with?


17:54 Jul 15 2019
Times Read: 889

I think the neighbors are grilling... either that or it's so hot the friction of my thighs is making the house smell like grilling sausages.



18:05 Jul 15 2019

20:09 Jul 15 2019

Lmao! So glad I wasn’t in the process of drinking or eating.


18:08 Jul 14 2019
Times Read: 943

How I feel anytime I write an entry that involves my time in these parts...



18:45 Jul 14 2019



03:58 Jul 14 2019
Times Read: 980

I was supposed to go to an open house today, but I just could not muster the will power to do it. Between it being so hot, muggy, being uncomfortable. There is just so much to unpack with all of that. And now I can get to what I really wanted to spew..

If it takes a village to raise a child, then shouldn't it take a village to end the destruction? turmoil? toxicity? of it as well?

There are always people who are going to cause conflict in society. Some people can't live without it. They need it like they need a fix. It's their addiction. It's how they survive in a world where they are just another bag of fleshy bits.
Who is to blame, the people causing the conflicts or the people not taking the steps in order to change it?

I used to blame, I use blame loosely, the people who caused it. Now, I don't blame them. I blame the ones who let it happen after multiple years of it being the same from the same individuals. The community, the individuals who form it, have let it get to what it has become.

Countless times people have made comments along the lines of 'it's changed', 'it's not the same', 'people just want to start drama'.

Why wouldn't they?

They haven't been given any reasons to change their behavior. They are getting positive honor, positions in societies, pats on the back and all the reinforcements. Most importantly they are getting friendship, trust and some semblance of loyalty. No matter how many times they have shared information publicly, said horrible things in a journal or comments(sometimes about a person or their family), flat out lied, brought those into things they had no part of, shattered trust, so on and so forth, they keep getting taken back into peoples life to do these things over and over again.

Shouldn't you as a person hold yourself in higher regard than that?

Should you be shocked when it happens to you after you've watched the same situation play out with numerous others?

It is hard to maintain respect for those that one minute state how much they hate drama and they want things to change and then the next minute be up in the offending parties space offering them praise, friendship, etc.

The same goes for those that want to play both sides of the coin or be a 'double agent'. You are friends with both parties. You know that one party is in the wrong, however, you don't stand up and say it. Instead, you relay messages about what that person said about the other person. That isn't friendship. That is being shady.

You cannot blame the overseers for the problems you allow yourself to be tangled in multiple times. You cannot blame headsman since he doesn't want the them involved in personal disputes. You cannot blame the person with whom the dispute is with because you have once again let them into your life and your space. You cannot be a victim if you allow yourself to be one time and time again.

I don't expect people to get it. I expect the 'she's being uppity' or 'there she goes running her mouth again'. And that's fine because those are the ones I don't expect to get it. Really, it's just ramblings. In the end, it doesn't matter because if it did, things would be different.
I don't see it being different. Those that claim changed, haven't. Those that want change, won't take the steps to make it happen.

It will always be an endless cycle of the same.



04:08 Jul 14 2019


18:46 Jul 14 2019

We should absolutely be concerned with both sides of this coin and not just try and assist at one end.

19:11 Jul 14 2019



02:24 Jul 07 2019
Times Read: 1,049

Back when I was in my early 20's, I was so inexperienced and dumb, I had a fling with a dude that said he was a vampire. I remember he spun some story about how he had to file his teeth down because if they didn't they'd be pointy and he wanted to 'fit in normally'.

When I see the girls/guys around here spin their b.s. tales of being a real vampire, having vampire babies, being almost two centuries old (and in this time haven't picked up how to spell) I can't help but laugh and wonder whatever happened to that crazy bastard I had a fling with.

Watching batshit crazy people brings back batshit crazy memories.
Ahhh, the joys of people off their rocker.



02:33 Jul 07 2019

I'm ignoring it

02:43 Jul 07 2019

No you aren't. You're right up in it.

03:00 Jul 07 2019

lol Moonie

03:15 Jul 07 2019

Batshit is spot on LOL

03:17 Jul 07 2019

04:32 Jul 07 2019

I am headed for the mountains bat shit crazy yup.

05:13 Jul 07 2019

If role playing is what passes the time for these people and it makes them happy, then rock on for them. You do you and all that jazz. Don't try to pass off the cockamamie as truth and expect people to believe it. People aren't dumb. People know you're not kin to some old crazy dude or Lord Fuckall From Fuckitville.

A person might like to dress up as a pony, neigh, have people ride them and shove carrots down their gullet. That doesn't mean they're a real pony. A fun Saturday night, maybe. A real pony? Hardly.

Speaking of dumb..

I am a Regent. I can see who is who and all that jazz. Don't bust up in my journal trying to act all innocent when I know you aren't. I've got eyes. I can see what's going on. That don't fly with me.

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