Really? Really? REALLY?!
You can't be serious. You really can't. Eff this kumbaya suddenly crap.
You dug it, you live in it.
I just wanted to put the full size crest for The House of Umbrae Octo in my journal. And also, when you check out the house, the layout is different in Phantasm and the Classic VR layout. So take a gander at both!
Looks great!
I love that! Great job Moonie!
Thanks! 😊
Yessss bb this is great!
I really love you how managed to get the metal to reflect as if it were truly metal and the spider iridescent in the lights and shadows.
I agree. The light play alone is a true art work, much less the image itself.
You are a true artist and an awesome friend!
01:10 Jun 22 2023
Listen here, ho.

Sometimes I like to sit back and sing to thy lort of thy flies.
Oh wait, that wasn't at me...
Carry on, my bad. xD
01:16 Jun 22 2023
Kumbaya all up on dese nuts, ho. Keep your squirrel ass busy. :P
01:17 Jun 22 2023
Ohhh I like a challenge!
Time to go scuba diving!
01:20 Jun 22 2023
Clear your blow hole.. there's already flooding.
01:28 Jun 22 2023
Ohhh this is the way to live!!!!