So, the message. Here it is in all it's rude glory.
Let me be clear about something and this is a blanket for everyone- I don't care if someone wants to smack talk me as a person or listen to people who spread gossip and misinformation about me (which was done and I know the telephone, tele-friend line that 'wheelchair' gossip was passed person to person to). I don't care if someone wants to give me negative honor or to rate me whatever they want to rate me. Those things are subjective person to person. These are things that members can do freely here. They are not against the rules. So, have at it. If choosing to do those things make your time more enjoyable, then go forth and enjoy. How a person chooses to act, conduct themselves, use the features of VR will play a part in a members user experience.
What I am not going to tolerate is the undermining of my position, another admin's position, Vampre Rave or Cancer. I will stick up for those things- no ifs, ands, or buts. Vampire Rave is a Cancer-tatorship. Which means if you don't like the way that Cancer chooses to run his site, then you can either go with the flow or find another social site that fits the experience you want.
Jesus Fucking Christ. I rarely hide honor comments, but I am so tired of the garbage. I get it you want attention. But really, up yours. Thank fuck I don't have to deal with you anymore.
I'm not 'customer service'. I'm not paid to deal with the assholeness. I don't have to take it. You act like an asshole, guess what? You get treated like one.
21:58 May 07 2022
23:11 May 07 2022
05:20 May 08 2022
He's been messing with everyone including myself. Last Month or so now he's going at you and Cancer.
20:47 May 11 2022
Sharing messages is corny
21:02 May 11 2022
So is being an asshole. It is what it is.