ThothLestat made me think of this. You can only imagine the exchange that spurred this little memory, something about bananas, hamsters and stuffing, but please file it under useless things you never wanted to know about Jo:
I once had a hamster who didn't want to soil his own bedding and cedar shavings, so he would do a handstand and hang his willie over the side of the lexan strip on the cage to relieve himself.
I discovered this some time later when we noticed that the varnish on the teak desk was eaten through...yeah, hamster pee would make a great chemical weapon. We staked out and caught Sunny in his cirque du peepee. I was kinda mad, but it was tempered with something I have to admit bordered on respect.
Morrigon is a Gemini, and enjoys photography and puppies.
Her turn-offs include poor grammar, atrocious spelling and ubiquitous myspace bathroom mirror photos.
Her turn-ons include...
She still looks cute .. in that demonic way!
Rum, the word "flaccid," birra, crabcakes, eating bad children, and testing Joli-science, like karate chopping running water to make it heat up faster.
Awesome :)
I like her
oooo cool!
This just in: ThothLestat has a flaccid ego!
film at 11
Your retort kinda just fell short and dangled there, Thoth. :P
that's... uh... never happened before.... I swear.
Oh, the banana jokes I could make...
Joli: the secret shame of my closets and junk drawers will be revealed
Morrigon: just say you're not wearing underwear
Morrigon: everything else will be forgotten
Joli: you're brilliant
Morrigon: s'what I do
Morrigon: or throw down one of those ninja smoke bombs
Joli: you will not believe this
Joli: I know the granddaughter of the man who invented the smoke screen
Morrigon: crazy
Joli: He was a rum runner
Morrigon: god I read that wrong
Morrigon: what is wrong with me?
Joli: he got caught and turned over the smoke screen to the government...then he became a secret agent and helped them catch other rum runners
Joli: pretty cool story
Morrigon: cool
Joli: how did you read it?
Morrigon: cum runner
Joli: hahahaha
Morrigon: I was distracted by webpage building
Joli: during the long Wanking Prohibition, cum runners made a fortune!
Joli: those were dark but simpler times
Morrigon: Bangkok was a less popular place, known for their lack of comfortable solutions.
Joli: Sri Wanka quickly re-chartered and hurried a name change through
Morrigon: and there was much rejoicing
Joli: but it petered out prematurely
Morrigon: haha gawd
Joli: you know..."flaccid" is kind of a one-pony word, isn't it?
Joli: I mean, you never hear it used in any other way
Morrigon: I enjoy using it to describe things
Joli Dy: Nobody ever says anything like, "On a windless day, the flag hung flaccidly from the majestic pole."
Morrigon: his performance of shakespear was flaccid and uninteresting.
Joli: nicely done
Morrigon: I'd salute a flaccid flag
Joli: We should campaign for the word, flaccid
Joli: Flaccid Day - Work the word, "flaccid" into as many sentences as possible-
Morrigon: you should write poetry about it
Morrigon: I'll make a flash document with your words and they'll slowly start to sag
Joli: hahaha
my ego has withered.
I sent Morri a little love poetry...a cute sweet little limmerick:
His Johnson was terribly long
And he couldn't stop admiring his wong
He rubbed it with acid
Because he was flaccid
Thought it was KY...but, man, was he WRONG!
18:53 Apr 09 2009
I'm glad I could help.
19:04 Apr 09 2009
Did her also leave presents??? o.0 Wow, odd behavior to say the least.
19:04 Apr 09 2009
Sorry I meant to say 'he'
13:54 Apr 10 2009
Interesting. I bet you couldn't train most hamsters to do that...
So where do the bananas come into play?
19:01 Apr 10 2009
... or the stuffing ?
20:25 Jun 08 2009
Bah....If he was intelligent enough to pee out side his cage, you should of made him repair the table. I would have : )