Winner of the lamest profile this week. Ain't he cool? Newest graduate from the "If I Steal Pictures Of Satan Beating Up Jesus And Satan Is Cool Pics From The Internet And Paste Them On My Profile I Will Look Awesome" School.
Unfortunately, this kind of profile shows up a lot. I am SO tired of this kind of themed profile (and the "I Want You To Think I Look Like This Hot Anime Character" profiles.)
1. It's so overdone, it isn't even offensive anymore to most of us after the 27th Judas Priest and Ozzy album in the's just kinda sad; the kind of thing an 11 year old might think was cool for about 15 minutes.
2. WTF are you trying to say about yourself, or is it just, "My dark beasty god can beat up your nice sandalled god?" I love the upside down cross behind the table...that really sells it in cartoony excellence.
My comment and rating:
"Dumb. Nothing about yourself. One image that has no new idea, but attempts to be shocking at the expense of a classic work of art and presumably the beliefs of one group in favor of another "religious system" and a few other images that you nabbed from the internet. Not a single original thought on this page. -1"
I'm with ya. He left this comment on my profile:
Date: 10:01:13 - Mar 14 2008
Rating: 10
Comment: you are beautiful please im me on yahoo if you are single
Well... if he was that impressed he might have thought of reading my profile, where he would find I am married, and a link to my husband's profile.
And a Christian!
U r byooteefull plz to be yahooing me 4 the hawt cybarz i have THE DICK OF SATAN u will c. Hay I peed on ur god wit this intarwebz imige iz dat coo? BTW A/S/L PLZ.
I think it's a case of he's too lazy to actually put anything meaninful or interesting about himself, so he quickly went and got some vaguely gothic-style pictures to shove on there in the hope that we may actually think that they tell us everything we need to know about him.
Either that or he joined on a whim, shoved them on to make do and forgot about it.
Whichever reason, FAIL!!
after reading this, I had to check him out, 'as you do.' "no such user."
Lol no such user name.
But unluckily there are a lot like him, I meet often in real life.
Kids these days meh -_-
Do me a favor. Don't write, "I'm not into drama." You probably ARE. Nobody says that they are "into it.", yet everyone sees it around them. Trust me, if you breathe, there's drama that you're involved in.
Also, please...for the love of god...please stop writing ridiculously obvious things that you dislike on your profile. "Things I dislike: pedophiles, and people who beat up old people."
You are a moron. If I need to explain why, I'm going to spray you with pheremones, dress you in sleeveless flannel, and strap you to a boulder in South Carolina.
But.. they might enjoy that.
Hell, they might do it to themselves once in a while, you never know.
At least we'd know for sure whether or not they are into drama.
Typing it sounds so cool though. Makes ye' feel like Batman.
Hahahahaha... I needed a good laugh tonight. Thank you! ;)
why south carolina?...why not in...let me nvm I got to devious ideas I better be silent...could get me in trouble lol
Would be better to dress them up as a sheep and drop them off in New Zealand. :D
Also, I'm not into drama.
LOL thanks for the visual :)
I need a pep talk today. My mind is muddied up with worry and I need to think through some things. I'm the only one here, so, a refresher course for myself:
You cannot save people all by yourself and it is arrogant to think so until you have a superhero cape.
You know this and need to remember that people deserve your respect until they prove otherwise.
Respect means that if they make choices, they have the right to do so even if you disagree.
Do not depend on your own pain or worry being primary factors in other people's choices about their own lives.
Do not treat adults like they are your own children.
When you give a damn about someone, their choices can hurt. Be selective about where you invest your heart.
Once you make a choice, the consequences belong to you...accept them with as much grace as you can.
Remember, it is about your heart. One condition of the heart is pain. Don't run from it. Learn from it.
...and other people cannot learn from you mistakes. Does it feel like you care too much sometimes?
A very wise young lady you are! ;) thing knowing these things. It's a whole 'nother thing to act on them. Isn't it??
Pep...pep pep. Peppy pep pep-o pep!
All you people on my Favorite Journals list...WRITE SOMETHING! I check every day. Morrigon is doing all your work. Seems like I only ever see the "new" tag beside her nick and occasionally STABB's. And I can't complain about his because I've kept him so busy with the website that he doesn't have time to write anymore.
Some of you haven't written in months. I'm super busy and still get in a fair number of entries. I miss you guys. Entertain me. I have my clicky finger hovering over your journal and I want to grafitti my clever commentary all over your schtick. Don't make me trade you in for a working model. I'm hooking the cables and jump-starting you.
Yeah, AND I've been sick. So what's their excuse?
Well hell, by the time I've thought of something clever to say you've moved on.....lmao
I wrote two inspired, if I do say, journals entries yesterday JUST to entertain you! And then of course I realize I am not even on your favorites list. *sheds a single tear* evidently reads my ramblings, or cares to..
**sits 'n sulks**
hi, i write everyday in mine usually.....
but then again, i bore people constantly.
LOL- well alright then.
Just to update you, I thought you might like testicles, so I wrote about those.
See, and I add to my journal even when traveling, and yet I'm somehow NOT on your favorites list...
I don't perform on demand. YOU'S NOT TEH BOSS OF ME!
Anyways, I haven't gotten any VRTards contacting me with poorly spelled demands and/or top persons threats. Apparently, I am not mean enough to merit further Tasha's. Maybe I can change my front page to mention that I can't have an orgasm unless I kill an orphan born of low-IQ parents?
Birra and Sevenn, you are now officially in the Entertain Jo business!
OK, STABB and all my British friends on VR. I present your countryman, boldly proclaiming his prowess of the English language. How pleased I am to have the Motherland to rain her linguistic beauty upon our colonial collective. How often you have poked at us for bastardizing the mother tongue? Thank you for pointing out our shortcomings. I can nearly hear in my mind the lilting strains of this budding linguist.
And let's hear it for another VR "poert." God bless you, young man.
"name robin like writing poerty and writing songs am not so good at writing happy ones but I am better at writeing sad ones I all usally on my own casue I am anti-social and I love make me laugh I am about 6'4 and I do karate I hate our royal family"
Ockham, help! It burns!
It's probably an immigrant. We have a lot of those...
..or a University student.
(Gawd knows how they get in!)
Wow, we've been doing it all wrong. Let us learn from our empire-building masters', as it is obviously our place to emulate those intellectual behemoths who invented the very foundations of the language:
aftr all i wud hate to do dis worng i r jus a bcakwatah colonis t afer all obvyusly punctyouashn is out of styl wit r british lords lets nevar forget r spellin iz obvyus wrnog to and we colunist r dum
You have Tasha:P I rest my case.
I once saw a show where a monkey reached into a jar to get a cookie. His fisted hand was now too large to withdraw and he began to panic. Suddenly, his whole world was different and nothing was more important than freedom. But he never thought to release the cookie.
If you want to be free, you have my blessing. You are unimportant to my day, no longer even a line on my To-Do list. I applaud your desire to seek happiness. If it is truly the freedom you claim to want, free. But, how will you ever find your dream if you greedily hold onto my cookies? Let go for chrissake.
I just read Morrigon's entry about yet another childhood book being made into a movie. This is a topic dear to my heart, too. My mom was a first grade and kindergarten teacher and my dad was a high school English teacher. As you can imagine, I grew up in a world of books. When I had children of my own, I inherited my mom's collection of children's books - 2 bookcases full!
My kids and I read everything, from Dr. Seuss to Rudyard Kipling's deliciously rich writing like Rikki Tikki Tavi, The Elephant's Child, and Jungle Book; and eventually we read novels, like Where the Red Fern Grow and the series of Harry Potter books. We read together at night and in the car on the way to vacation spots.
My earliest memories are of my mom singing Mother Goose rhymes to me. I was as captivated as any child by the rhythm of words and repetitive sounds. My imagination was larger than the universe that could never contain it.
I have been blessed to watch my children incorporate a love of books and words into their lives. My youngest, Caitlin, is an amazing writer in her own right, attending summer Writer's camps and Writer's Tea at her school. My oldest would get so caught up in a story that outbursts like, "Run, pig...RUN!" were common.
I worry about our world becoming a total service industry. Everything we want or need done - there is somebody willing to do it for us for a small, convenient fee. Do we really want the magic of our childhood books sucked out, boxed, and squirted onto the big screen for us? As Morri pointed out, that hems the story in. It can only ever be what that Director saw. But when you read it for yourself, the possibilities are as wide as infinity.
When I taught High School English, I had a Freshman class one year. We were studying Romeo and Juliet. I wanted them to read the play, but it actually IS written to be seen, so I struggled with how I could best teach it without my kids being lazy and letting the movie do it all for them. They LOVE when you pop in that video!
I worried that if they read it, the archaic language would lose its power and they would be lost and end up unfairly hating a work of literature on my watch. I compromised and decided we'd listen to audio tapes and read along as a class.
Periodically, I'd stop the tape and get the class involved, asking them to predict what might happen in the next scene. As we came to the famous balcony scene, I stopped the tape and asked for predictions. One of my sweet but dim bulbs raised his hand enthusiastically and I called on him.
His prediction: "Is this the part where she lets down her hair?"
I began to leave this in response to a friend's comment, but it became a whole thought, so I've placed it here instead.
She probably hopes that more attention will come her way. Sadly, this will supply her with material to use for a good pout. I had hoped I might be wrong about her reaction. I wasn't. She missed the point in a spectacular way. For her, it wasn't a moment to remain anonymous and do some self-reflection; it was a time to get defensive.
I never named the young lady, but she recognized herself. Why didn't I name her? Because I'm not interested in attacking her. This was not a one-time tantrum by her. The behavior I cited happens again and again. I wanted her to take a look at the way she presents herself. Maybe I planted a seed here. We can hope. Once again, when you put yourself in a public forum, you are subject to public opinion. We all are.
As a side note, her dislike for "judgemental views" is interesting because she seems quite pleased to vomit into her journal her own judgemental views of others and how they do not serve her angrily fingerpainted list of wants and whines.
To the young lady: I hope this point isn't lost on you - this has been a comment about behavior, not who you are. I do not know you. I do, however, know the behaviors I specifically cited. They were your own, taped to the refrigerator door of the world wide web. This is not an attack. It is a public comment made based on your own words about your own behavior. Your name was kept anonymous in respect to your privacy. The reflection is as relevant to myself and anyone who reads it as it is to you.
So, if you live life with the model, "It's not about me," a valid, THE valid question should follow, "What IS it about?"
It is about the way we live and the choices we make. Words and behaviors matter. Be genuinely helpful to enough other people, and you'll get everything you ever need in life. You won't even have to focus on them. You may miss out on a couple of wants, but you won't wonder why your friends have gone silent or why a woman who rarely ever puts a negative commentary about others in her journal saw reason to do so when she encountered your words.
Taking personal responsibility for the actions you choose is an outdated concept, much like carriages hauled along by animal labor along dirt roads or waging war with metal sticks. The new way of dealing with our actions is to foist off the blame upon others, absolving one's perfect worldview of any obligation to deal with the aftermath of one's ill-considered words and deeds. Duh.
Regardless of what is going on here,this is some good reading.Sure as hell wish I could write like that.
..sometimes, you try to hard to be fair 'Teach' cited an opinion. Thats as valid as anything written and if people can't take the criticism, they should write.. and am I not paraphrasing Oscar?
I am, arn't I?
Member recognized herself and messaged. In the cause of fairness, her unedited words on the subject and my response:
On 13:02:33 Mar 01 2008 (-6 GMT) (name withheld) wrote:
Wow the fact you would like to attack me on here is just amazing! Your right you don't know me. Most of VR I have met. People who matter to me anyway. Maybe you think I am selfish, and stuck on myself. Which is partially true, but most know how I am, and what I put in my journal is for all to read. You make your own perception of me, and you can put it in a box, wrap it up, and tie it down to your judge mental views of who I might be. Than again did you ever try to get to know me?
I am ok with me, and the fact that you wasted time on a journal entry about my problems that you don't know of is hilarious. I am not a bitch. I can be a CUNT! We all can. I am not gonna tell you to fuck off. I am just responding to your journal entry.
Thanks for showering attention on me.
My response:
Message To: (name withheld)
You misunderstand. It isn't an attack. If it were an attack, you would have been named. It is an observation. An opinion like your own. I am as entitled to it as you are to your own.
You call it an attack as I imagined you might. I haven't tried to get to know you for the reasons I expressed. You come across as surly and self-absorbed to the point of a tantrum-ridden child.
Since you have now messaged me twice in defense of your ability to be selfish and a self-labelled "cunt," I can only conclude that you enjoy those traits. My musing over them should be flattery, and indeed by your last line, "Thanks for showering attention on me," I see that it is.
Yes, your journal is public. That is obvious, hence my public observations about it.
Did I call it or what?
I told you it would only be viewed as an attack...
Amazing how some peeps flatter themselves.
Doesn't this person know that you and Ockham are friends?
Hey, surly and self-absorbed is my gig. People need to stop stepping on my territory, before I form a Grease-esque street gang and go sing songs while we cut their brake lines.
No, you are not listening. This is not about you being sweet and simply being tired of fake friends. This is about you. YOU. It is about you in the way that it is about us all. You are still pointing your fingers at others. Point them inwardly. Watch; I'll show you how by using a real example in my own life.
I hurt a friend accidentally by reacting to something she said. She reacted to my reaction.
1. My first thought, "Oh no, why is she acting this way about/to me?"
2. Corrective thought (Pay attention here as it seems to be the part getting by you), "Let me look at what I said/did and see where I may have gone astray. Oh, I see...right there, I could have done/said something differently."
3. I apologized privately and took responsibility publicly...all without drama and pointing fingers at my friend.
Result? Still have friend. Adore friend more and more every day. Appreciate the forgiveness. Offer her forgiveness and a safe place to be herself.
How are your results coming along?
Here's another rare moment where I feel a need to comment on a VR member negatively. I've read this member's journal a few times, and for an adult, her childish tantrums never fail to impress me.
If I' ve been in her journal 6 times in my year and a half here, it's a lot. But of those half dozen times, I remember her:
1. whining about another VR member,
2.whining that it was her second anniversary of being either on VR or a sire (I forget which, but what caught my attention was that she expected gifts) and that while she did get a few, she didn't get cool enough gifts like she'd gotten the year prior
3. actually pasting a pay pal button for people to donate to her (I think it was her birthday.)
4. a coven drama
5. a vampirika drama
6. and today's entry - "You know what if you were my real friends, you all would have stuck around, but since I am getting the silent treatment fuck you all!"
I'd noticed her blurb under the journals preview a few weeks ago. I didn't click on it because she's so unpleasant to read, but it said something like, "where are all my devoted readers?" I suppose today's entry illustrates how well that worked.
What is surprising is her consistency. She just doesn't ever think to say, "Am I the problem here? Perhaps I should learn to be someone that people enjoy knowing."
If she is indeed like the person conveyed in her journal, that's a sadness. What must it be like to be so truly self-absorbed that you EXPECT others to give to you? Go learn how to BE a giver. Expect nothing from others while hoping that your heart, behavior, and choices will allow you meaningful connections with others.
Friendship is a treasure, an exception to the uglinesses of the world's constant. Treat it as though it has the value of something precious that can be lost at any moment. Guard it with your life. Stop being manipulative and inciteful. Recognize that if people are not moving toward you, the fault lies in you, not in the ones you tell to fuck off because they aren't showering you in attention. Take your own attention off of yourself and go find out if maybe THEY have needs, hurts, fears, etc...
I implore you to consider this good counsel and not to be reactionary. I'm not inviting your drama. I'm telling you the truth. Someone needs to. Can you hear it? Will you? My gut says you probably cannot, that instead, you'll think I am the problem, will point and yell that I don't know you and am arrogant and think I'm better than you. Then I imagine you'll say that I should fuck off, too. It's your pattern. It's old and tired, but I'm hopeful... I hope I am wrong.
FINE! Since you hate me so much. Poop on you, you stinkybutt poophead!
...and I'm bi.
stinkybutt poophead? I am shattered!
*sniff sniff* no one gave ME presents when it was my third anniversary on VR!
All of my friends are fake because they won't buy me stuff. -.-
A friggin pay-pal link for presents? Surely you jest...
Sadly some people do genuinely expect something for nothing.
Nuh uh. Now gimme.
What is the old proverb?
If you look at all your dysfunctional relationships, the one consistent element is you.
08:40 Mar 29 2008
Bloomin cheek....I think your wonderful so there x
08:45 Mar 29 2008
ooops too early in the morning...thought he was being rude to you Joli....mind you Sevenn is probably laughing fit to bust. x
14:40 Mar 29 2008
..she likes to create a fuss & relishes attention: quite puerile really.
16:12 Mar 29 2008
I disagree with your comment, Angelus. I think she has personality, style, and intelligence. She almost always makes me think about things in a new way. I'm glad she's here.
18:01 Mar 29 2008
I also firmly disagree with Angelus. I find that it is quite the opposite in fact- that 'atyourwindow' has the puerile behaviour and likes to start unnecessary 'drama', particularly with members of the admin team.
In my opinion, he's a fuckwit. That about encapsulates it for me. I may throw retarded in there also.
18:05 Mar 29 2008
What I find funny about this is that he went back and re-did his original journal comment because the issue was so important to him. For my part, I could care less. I don't like him, I don't have to. I can rate any way I want to, and if he wants to make a big garish issue about it by publicizing it in his journal, I would hardly call that ME creating a stir. As to Angelus, I don't know the man at all aside from several NICE comments he has made to me so that left me a bit confused, but not surprised. At the end of the day, the fact is, I am on VR in an administrative capacity for the most part and that will always stir resentment in some. It's petty and silly, but luckily my self-esteem is just fine. Very few know me personally, and I like it that way.