Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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34 entries this month

Rant: How most days start for me within the past three weeks.

04:38 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 1,118

What a goddamn week...I'm so glad that it is over! (I work Mon - Thurs)

The good thing is that I get paid tomorrow - thank God for direct deposit!


To help out - without being asked - I've been going in about 30 minutes early, as Big Momma takes forever to set things up in the morning. (Mai was suppose to open in the morning with her, but she got out of it some way. Can't say that I blame her).

Big Momma makes the coffee - that's it. She ignores rolling out the chip racks, putting out the snack baskets, getting out supplies, etc. She won't roll out the cleaning cart to its spot, and forget about her retrieving a trash can...anyway, you all see where I'm going. I'm also cashiering, while continuing to make pot after pot of coffee, as it sells like crazy in the morning. When I get in, I'm running around like a goddamn field hand as soon as I arrive. I'm usually very tired and sweaty by 10 am...and all the while, that bitch is standing at her station, watching me, or getting a bakery item to snack on, (if she isn't nodding off).

The only good graces are: the bosses are aware of her lack of work, and I'm burning a lot of goddamn calories - lol!

Anyway - I'm not sure, but Big Momma may be on probation or maybe even fired. She is nice, but she can't do what the job requires (there is some climbing, reaching, carry boxes up to 20 lbs, etc).

And - she is lazy as fuck. She almost had a stroke when the boss told her that she had to be a floater for a few hours on Tuesday - and today...and she couldn't be found anywhere...well, she was eventually found today hanging out in the walk-in fridge chewing on ice.

(On Tuesday, she was trying to hide in the old bakery area).

I'm not the only one who is just fed up with her - everyone is..even the customers (she is very slow).

And all of this is rather tragic, as she was pretty upbeat when I first started. She is the one who trained me. Back then, she did do a lilttle. Now, besides cashiering, she does nothing much...but eat and doze off.

I am so sick of her. We all are.



20:32 Sep 30 2011

I don't blame you....I'm reading about this woman and i'm just rolling my eyes and sighing at her laziness. Ugh!

She needs to go. She simply can't work this type of job.


Well, fuck a duck!

05:36 Sep 29 2011
Times Read: 1,126

It's hot. My stomach hurts.



15:02 Sep 29 2011

Sorry about the heat and your stomach, but a duck? Really? lmao!


Cool beans!

03:54 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 1,140

Inched up to another level:

Welcome Isis101

Your Status:

Great Sire

Your Level:


Pages Viewed:


Time Spent:

82.75 days

You have completed

5% of the next level.



04:36 Sep 28 2011


05:34 Sep 28 2011

You go girl!!!! Funny how we get excited over leveling. It is killing me that I am so close to High Sire I can taste it!!



05:41 Sep 26 2011
Times Read: 1,163

I made 3 new friends here today. I should come out of lurking more often - lol!

And I must say - these newfound friends are all intelligent and just fabulous!




Help, please!

04:46 Sep 26 2011
Times Read: 1,168

As I am a computard, I need help. One of my cats just ran across my keyboard, and now my page is HUGE! What do I do to get it back to normal?



04:51 Sep 26 2011

Try control and the minus sign. Hold down control, and tap the minus sign in the number row. Does that work?

05:41 Sep 26 2011

Thanks! It worked!

08:08 Sep 26 2011

I hate when that happens. ._.


Almost done...

00:50 Sep 25 2011
Times Read: 1,211

...doing chores after returning home. After the laundry - which I'm doing now - I'm free!

Tomorrow, I'll go through my pharmacy books to refresh my memory, as I may be getting an externship soon at Walgreens - yipee!

But for now - I'll hang out on VR and maybe write a little well into the night. Free time away from stress for awhile is bliss.

Well - I could think of other blissful things I'd like to be doing, but I can't really write about them here...you know - TOS and all.



01:10 Sep 25 2011

Good luck on the Walgreen's thing....things are looking up for ya!

15:43 Sep 25 2011

Good luck! I hope it all works out darling :)

02:22 Sep 26 2011

Sweeeet! :P


BRB - I hope.

19:46 Sep 24 2011
Times Read: 1,222

I'm suppose to do stuff with my sis today - if she doesn't flake. So, I need to go and get dressed.

Which is just as well, as two crack hos are arguing outside of my bedroom window. And it's not even noon yet. Good grief.



19:50 Sep 24 2011

Surfing VR naked? You are cool. ;)

22:52 Sep 24 2011

... And ... Why were you not on camera, Missy?

00:21 Sep 25 2011


I said that I needed to get dressed...not that I was naked - lol!

(ie put on better clothes, comb hair, and put on a lil' makeup...jeesh)


Heat - please just go away already!

18:49 Sep 24 2011
Times Read: 1,225

We were suppose to have 3- 4 days of really hot weather. NOT! We had over a week of this shit. I'm dyin' over here!



15:44 Sep 25 2011

You are lucky! I would exchange that for the summer of rain we had in Ireland!


03:25 Sep 24 2011
Times Read: 1,234

My sis from San Bernadino came up with her oldest son this past Wednesday...and this time, they actually stopped by before going home - lol!

With our mom in tow, we had dinner this evening at a local TGIF. Mom was actually pretty fun, like she used to be, and not being a old harridan.

My sis - who is usually a cheapskate - paid! Miracle of miracles...!

I ate chicken fingers with fries, and I hope that it doesn't have me bowed over in pain later on.




Hard macaroons aren't so bad.

03:34 Sep 22 2011
Times Read: 1,253

I brought some macaroons home a few days ago...forgot about them until now. They were no longer soft - they were actually quite hard. But you know what? They still were tasty. Lol!



03:47 Sep 22 2011

Those are the coconut things, right? Yum!

04:31 Sep 22 2011

I hate when that happens. A few seconds in the microwave...LOL

05:35 Sep 22 2011

Macaroons are super easy to make. ;)


I am a wierdo magnet.

03:17 Sep 22 2011
Times Read: 1,260

Creepy wierdos are everywhere at anytime...however, they seem to come out in droves when it's hot, at night, and at night during the full moon.

And no one race/ethnicity has dibs on the looniness...there is cuckoo for cocoa puffs among them all.

I seem to attract them to no end. I'm sure I'm not the only woman who has this problem. In any case, I'm sick of it. I laugh about the encounters once I escape and am in the safe confines of my home, but still...yuck. Why can't I attract a nice, NORMAL guy? Well - normal for me anyway?

Cases in point:

* two days ago, while on my way home, I go to the train station. While I'm at the street level elevator, a guy just bounds up out of nowhere, rubbing his chest (wtf)? In a growl, he tells me that he likes what he sees, and proceeds to babble out his phone number. I just nod and say okay. While I'm in the elevator, he's scratching his ass while saying "You know you want to call me!" (Not likely, Mr. Scabbie Ass).

* Yesterday, I'm on the train home. I'm sitting across from an obvious homeless guy, who is sleeping. Well - other women are sitting across from him too. Why he decides to wake up, pick up a piece of baloney from the floor, take a bite, then offer me some is beyond me. I declined, yet he kept shaking this piece of dirty baloney at me, smiling. He didn't offer any of the other women his new-found meat...

* This evening, I'm walking - almost home - when a guy drives up. (I should have had on my iPod, and pretended not to hear or see him)...Anyway, this dude is trying to rap to me, while traffic is piling up behind him - so not cool. He states that he just moved to the area - when I ask him where he hailed from, he said Union City (it's the town next to mine...lol). he said that he was lonely and just wanted to make a friend...Whatever, dude. I lied; I told him I had a man in Iraq, and that he'd be coming home soon. Dude didn't care. He still wanted a number, blah blah blah. As people were getting fed up with him stopping the flow of traffic, I told him that I'd see him around sometime, and I'd take him out for coffee. He finally left...in his big white serial killer van.



03:32 Sep 22 2011

"Why can't I attract a nice, NORMAL guy? Well - normal for me anyway?"

The first clue; Look where you live. :P

(No offense).

03:36 Sep 22 2011

Hey - there are normal guys all over here...I just can't seem to get one - lol!

03:50 Sep 24 2011

I am so sorry but I had to laugh.

Reason being is that is so like something that would happen to me!



More hot weather...again.

03:01 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 1,288

We're to expect about 3 days of really hot weather...I hate hot weather. If it's over 75 degrees, it's too hot for me. I like cool, overcast weather. Fog? Bring it!

Well...it's almost 7pm, and it's 91 degrees. Just shoot me already.



04:10 Sep 20 2011

I'm with you sugar- I HATE hot weather- which really explains why I lived in California, Las Vegas, and Florida. Stupidity, I suppose, for love of a man for sure. Now I live in Canada, and guess what???

They have summer too.....it only lasts for about a month (when it really gets hot) but still.....I moved up here to get AWAY from the heat...

18:59 Sep 21 2011

It's gross here too in the desert. Everyday has been about 95 degrees. Summer just won't let go.

20:09 Sep 21 2011

Damn and in September...eeek.

22:56 Sep 21 2011

I ask for Spring, Fall and winter. You can keep Summer.


His words could be lyrics...

07:08 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 1,307

I used to date a girl -

Looked a lot like you.

I liked her.

She was hopeless -

Stealing pills...

I had to leave her.

I don't dwell on her -

But she was hot.

All we did was speed, and fuck

For three weeks straight.

Um...I'm sorry that I look like someone who caused you distress, mi amigo. She sounds horrible.



21:07 Sep 19 2011




04:31 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 1,319

Some of the 'art' in the database...I can't stop laughing at how bad most of it is...LMAO!

(And it's just too much to even begin rating).



04:34 Sep 19 2011

Obviously you haven't gotten to the poetry yet. ;P

05:01 Sep 19 2011

I have to agree with Bones...

I thought the Art was bad, then I got to the poerty...

I wanted to cry.

But I will say this- Some of the Members Pages make me wish there was a malfunction on VR where those just so happened to be "accidentally" deleted, if you get my jiff.


21:06 Sep 19 2011

Oooooh that's where I should put my crappy art lol.

*makes a mental note* :P


What to do when taking BART.

03:09 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 1,326

So, I'm checking out another site I use to frequent a lot, and reading a thread about our local train system made me realize why I hung out there so much...

First, real advice to go by:

- Eric L When using the escalator, always stand on the right if you're not walking up the stairs.

-Always give up seats by the door for the disabled, elderly, or pregnant ladies.

-Always wait for passengers to disembark before boarding.

-When occupying open seats, please please occupy the inside rather than aisle seats. You have no idea how much this shit annoys me.

-Before entering the turnstiles, always have your ticket out and ready.

-Do not have cell phone coversation while riding. No one wants to hear your conversations, nor does anyone give a damn.

And...everything else:

- Mike Z Bathe first, Turn off your ipod speaker, don't have loud and long cell phone calls, do not play any music except through headphones, and when spoken to by anyone with a gun or a taser, do exactly what they say

- Ali O 1-if you aren't walking up the escalator stay on the right side

2 don't bring large amounts weed unless it is in a smell proof tupperware

3- ignore the freaky homeless beggars

4 one bottle of booze is fine or in your case one large water bottle :)

- Janice G when you're waiting for the train don't stand too close to the tracks or a crazy person could push you on to them

- Ryan M don't sniff the cushion seats, don't make eye contact with anybody, and if the cops tell you to chill the fuck out I suggest you chill the fuck out.

You stick with that, and everything else is cream cheese

- Mel P 1. Bring hand sanitizer

2. Bring cash in all denominations

3. Sit facing the direction you're traveling

4. Take a doot before you go, the train sometimes gets stuck

5. Don't make eye contact with the crazies

- Luis M Don't spit sunflower seed shells all over the place, please

- Brad R well hopefully you're not black because then you'll have some serious issues with the racist bart police.

as a white guy bart lets me get away with all sorts of shit. i smoke joints inside the stations and one time some chick gave me an OTPHJ while we were riding one of the trains

- Ali O (again) 5-do not eat your whole goddamn lunch on the train

6-iron your dollars

7 your messenger bag does not need its own seat

- Nate R I've been commuting to work on BART for five years now. Bring iPod and crank music or at least pretend to listen to music so weirdos and beggars will leave you alone. If the train isn't seriously crowded, grab an aisle seat. People are less likely to want to sit next to you if they have to crawl over you to sit next to the window. Be on the lookout for the legless guy in the wheel chair begging for change - the smell is hard to describe.

- Angela M Don't stop and look around like a newborn meerkat when you arrive at the top or bottom of a packed escalator during commute hours.

OH MY GOD. Some dipshit did this yesterday and I was stuck behind him and he made me miss my train because there was no room to get around him. This needs to be one of the Ten Commandments of BART.

After three years of doing this day in and day out, I've obviously become a bitter old cow when it comes to BART etiquette.

- Darin E Wear rain gear. You do not want a single part of your skin to come into contact with those fecal & MRSA covered seats.

- Daniel H you're not allowed under any circumstances to jack off on the BART. Even if you get a corner seat

- David P If you have to jizz on the seat, clean it up dammit!!



05:07 Sep 19 2011

That should also include the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority) cause by the gods, that fits it so well!


09:08 Sep 19 2011

That's disgusting and hilarious all at the same time.



05:54 Sep 18 2011
Times Read: 1,384

So...I keep seeing kismets that say 'Aracon - rest in peace' and the like. My first reaction was - 'How sad'

Then I saw other kismets, journal entries, and comments and came to the conclusion that she really isn't dead, and that this has happened before. Which then made me ask 'Why pretend to be dead? When it really happens later on, no one will believe you or care...'

I'm also thinking 'Damn, woman - you must be a goddamn cat! How many lives do you have left?



06:01 Sep 18 2011

LMMFAO @ your last comment.

This is why I adore you, Isis. ♥

06:05 Sep 18 2011

Well - I'm not on here enough to know about a lot of stuff that goes on here...I'm in my coven, my coven master's cam, or writing in my journal. Sure - I still make a few new friends a week, but I'm still ignorant on a lot of what goes on here...maybe that is a good thing!

06:06 Sep 18 2011

she was online on the 15th of september and posted in her coven so... anyhow I agree; how many lives you got? could you spare a few for me?

06:09 Sep 18 2011

Heh, I know. Yet, you still manage to keep me on my toes with your wit. I do, however, need to go and um, post in your coven soon. I have been negligent. I am almost scared to see some of the comments left in there by the "men".


You get what I'm saying, right?

Last time I was in there... I was speechless. That's a hard thing to do to me, too!


06:14 Sep 18 2011

The account may be dead, but not necessarily the owner of the account. It's well known (as she's been known to brag about them) that she has multiple (Lifetime/Sire) accounts.

21:04 Sep 18 2011

Ya know...

I'm just gonna say this.

I didn't know her and if she has passed on then im very sorry to hear that. However, her cousin's member page says that she passed at almost 5am today. I saw kismets saying 'RIP Aracon' as of 2 days ago. Also...one of my coven mates checked her profile and it says there was a login at 11:30am today. Somebody also told me that she did this dying thing before too.

I'm speechless. This whole dying and coming back to life on VR seems to be the latest rage. It's sick. It's flat out sick if a person pretends to die and come back to life. Screwing with people like that means that somebody has serious mental/emotional problems...and they need help for it.

Also...people in serious mourning just get back online and resume VR time like nothing has happened? WTF is that about. When my father passed away I couldn't even bring myself to answer my phone for 4 months....nm getting online. That took me almost two years. Sitting at the PC was the last thing on my mind.

01:27 Sep 19 2011

I predict a whole raft of supporters will now journal about "how dare you make fun of a dead person" or something like that.


For me...

05:42 Sep 18 2011
Times Read: 1,385

...gummy bears is the new crack.



19:46 Sep 19 2011

Just don't let the yellow ones swim in your coffee. The red taste better in the coffee "hot tub".



02:25 Sep 17 2011
Times Read: 1,403

I deserve a kick in the ass. As I was having withdrawals, I just ate a whole bag of Haribo gummy bears. It will hit me like a tsunami in about an hour or two. Not too bright...



04:40 Sep 17 2011

Sounds like the kind of stuff I do...LOL Spring semester I was on a binge with queso dip and chips! I was soooo bad!


Kudos to E.

18:33 Sep 16 2011
Times Read: 1,411

We have one student worker who I think is a gem...nevermind that there is a slight language barrier. None of us can get her name right, so we all call her E, and she is fine with that.

She is an older Chinese woman, and she works her lil' ass off - we never have to ask her to do stuff - she just does it. She even comes up to you to take over whatever you're doing, which is unneccesary - lol!

A lot of the student workers are a lazy bunch - and they're more than half E's age. (We do get a few good young ones though). I have no idea what E's in school for, but when I have time, I'll try to take some time to find out and get to know her.




This Week...a relatively normal one.

06:34 Sep 16 2011
Times Read: 1,424

* Yesterday was very busy - with a delegation of recruiters from HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities). They had tables set up for each of the schools, which was cool. And a table of - Marines! We had to feed this army before the doors re-opened for the flood of students. Boy, can they eat!

* I bought a novel for $10.00 from a self-published local writer/student. I really couldn't afford to throw away $10.00 like that, and I don't give a shit about the story of a rap star. I'm more interested in checking out the dude's writing style...basically, I'd like to compare his writing to mine, just to see if I don't totally suck. In any case, I'll keep on writing anyway - lol!

* One of the new culinary teachers - there are 4 of them - is a very cute guy. When I first saw him though, I thought that he was a student - lol!

* A student had the nerve to ask me how old I was...WTF? After getting over my initial shock, I decided to answer him. When I told him my age, he gasped and said - " I thought you were around 35!" My response was "You get a goddamn gold star, kid!"

* What a lazy trifflin' bitch! Today, I load up two baskets of cutlery to give out with customer food purchases. I go away for a minute to make my customary mint tea with lemon, only to come back and find one of the baskets missing. I look over at Big Momma at her station, and she's got 4 - 5 baskets! I ask her "Did you just take away a basket from my station?" She gave me a little guilty smile and said "Yeah - I did." I responded with "Well - can I have it back please?" The bitch is so lazy that she couldn't bother with walking ten feet to a box of cutlery, to fill up her own goddamn baskets...Lord, keep me from stabbing her, please.





05:40 Sep 16 2011
Times Read: 1,425



Fake gummies suck.

02:29 Sep 14 2011
Times Read: 1,446

You know...if they ain't Haribo gummy bears, they shouldn't be eaten.



21:56 Sep 15 2011

Damn right.

22:41 Sep 15 2011

Lol I am drooling at the thought of those ! Did u try the sherbet ones yet! Emmy grins drowning in drool!

06:43 Sep 16 2011

Now I wish I had them! D:


03:23 Sep 13 2011
Times Read: 1,456

You know what's tacky? Having chipped nail polish. Time to remove it and maybe do another color...



04:20 Sep 13 2011

That drives me bonkers!!! Ack!

21:55 Sep 15 2011

If I was closer I'd give you a manicure and pedicure. My mom and sister are professionals...it kinda rubbed off on me lol. :P


An example of why I like to hang out in Moonie's cam.

05:20 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 1,471

A small excerpt

(This is actually rather tame compared to other conversations):

Bones: when I let it grow out, it's usually short

GinOkami: i have gray hair in my beard i look like an evil warlock or something

Bones: Brown

Bones: I was blonde until about the age of 3

Isis101: ha ha - I had red hair until i was 5 -6

Bones: I was fulla shit by then

Isis101: still fulla shit now

MooniePie: And it's still the same now.. hehe


Isis101:Moonie is a fish...no - a mermaid

MooniePie: But I do not smell fishy

MooniePie: Just FYI

GinOkami: lol

Isis101: lol

Isis101: thank God for that

Isis101: and Summer's Eve


Bones: the yellow brick road leads to San Fransisco

MooniePie: Or Key West

Isis101: Oh - here we go again.

LadyKrystalynDarkstar: or parts of Downtown San Diego

Bones: that too

Isis101: So Bones - you just be a good boy and follow that yellow brick road here...and i will personally escort you to the Stud.

Isis101: New meat like you would be a hit.

Bones: we'll make a stop along the way at a nice posh hotel

Isis101: I could pimp you out and make some serious cach...

Isis101: cash

Bones: I don't care much for cali

Isis101: Who asked you what you cared for?

MooniePie: Ohhh snap

Isis101: Follow that yellow brickroad, dammit!

LadyKrystalynDarkstar: California is my home state San Diego is my home town.

LadyKrystalynDarkstar: my yellow brick road leads home

Isis101: See - another cool Californian!

MooniePie: I have never been to Cali.

Bones: you ain't missin much

One day it'll drop off into the Pacific

Isis101: It is sooo easy to diss a state when you are about 3,00 miles away

Isis101: 3,000

Bones: I've been there

LadyKrystalynDarkstar: what's better about Maine than California

Bones: fewer people

Bones: for one

Isis101: Let me guess...someone took you to the Eagle - a hardcore gay club -and you ran out screaming?

Bones: lol

Bones: no

Isis101: I guess i'd feel the same way. Poor boy

Bones: never been to a gay club

Isis101: Suuuurrrreeee

MooniePie: Gay clubs are fun lol

Isis101: Well, consider your time here with me as your pimp as an intrduction then

Isis101: And gay clubs are fun

Bones: they don't let you bring guns in them , do they?

Isis101: And I'm rockin' out to Moonie's music

Isis101: Only LUV guns

LadyKrystalynDarkstar: they loaded with different kinda bullet

Bones: I'd cut someone

GinOkami: im rockin out to within temptation and rammstein

Isis101: there ya' go, LKD! lol

Isis101: The cutting would be a big hit...you probably don't want to do that either

Bones: I doubt they'd come anywhere near me

Isis101: I disagree





03:28 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 1,477



..LOS ANGELES (AP) — Andy Whitfield, the 39-year-old star of the cable series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand," has died.

Manager Sam Maydew says Whitfield died Sunday of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Sydney, Australia.

Whitfield's wife Vashti in a statement called her husband a "beautiful young warrior" who died on a "sunny Sydney morning" in the "arms of his loving wife."

Whitfield — who was born in Wales and lived in Australia — was a virtual unknown when he was cast as the title hero in "Spartacus," a hit original series for the Starz network that made waves with its graphic violence and sexuality.

Whitfield was preparing for the second season when he was diagnosed 18 months ago.

In January the network announced that another Australian actor, Liam McIntyre, would take over the role.



04:19 Sep 12 2011


21:42 Sep 13 2011

I saw the first season, awesome show. This is sad :(


02:43 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 1,478

I just rated a ton of stuff in the database (clothing).

Some of the gowns are absolutely stunning!



22:42 Sep 15 2011

Mmm indeed :)


The 10th Anniversary.

19:49 Sep 11 2011
Times Read: 1,483

So - it's been ten whole years since the terrorist attack here. To me, it seems only a few years ago, but that is probably due to the fact that I'm getting old, and the years fly by.

I watched CNN and one of my local news channels this morning for the memorial services. While I was almost brought to tears several times, I lost it when I saw a segment on the young children who lost parents to the attacks.

One boy of about twelve years of age was in tears as he talked about not remembering his father...all he had were stories from his family and some pictures. Another one - a sixteen year-old girl - stated that when her friends bitch about their dads, she had to remind them that they should appreciate the fact that their dads were around; she wished that she had hers to keep her in line. Their stories and their tears made me cry.




04:07 Sep 11 2011
Times Read: 1,494

Finally...it's cooled down a bit.



15:36 Sep 11 2011

Sure did...

15:45 Sep 11 2011

Here too. :)



23:40 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 1,507

I think that overall, animals behave better than people. It's wierd how when someone commits a horrible act, they are referred to as an 'animal'...animals don't run around scamming old people of their life savings, torturing and killing others, or polluting the planet.



23:46 Sep 10 2011

worst is we idolized the murderers and criminals but we forget the victims... We glorify the monsters and bury the innocents... The day we give attention to the victim instead of the monsters, that day the monsters will be affraid, because they will have no one giving them any power anymore.


Past 10 on the Creep-o-meter.

00:39 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 1,519

I wore my jeans today. With a form-fitting yet almost fully-covered top. Got several compliments on the outfit, with 'You're losing weight!' which was nice. I even got a compliment from that asshole, Chef D (yuck). He was being especially friendly while oogling my boobs and my ass. I almost felt like barfing.



07:18 Sep 10 2011

And you didnt post a pic...so wrong! {:D



00:28 Sep 09 2011
Times Read: 1,542

What's been going on with work...yadda yadda yadda:

* Last week, a guy comes in with a full blown hissy fit because we didn't have a full service of food available after 1 pm, with the exception of the grill, which re-opens at 2:30 pm. He demanded to see 'who was in charge' and was generally being an asshole to everyone. When I tried to explain to him that this college cafeteria was not like the others in the district, as it was soley based on the culinary dept and its carriculum, he didn't care. He wanted what he wanted immediately...the fat fuck.

Now - you know what was wierd? A few days later this same guy comes in, and went to everyone to apologize for his previous behavior...!!! He stated that while he was under stress with a relative in the hospital, money concerns, etc, he had no excuse for his appalling manners. He was especially apologetic to me.

Now - that was different!

* As I'm the main person who takes the money to the cashier's office, I like to take the money in different ways. Sometimes I'm rolling a cart topped with empty boxes; using various totes and backpacks; and sometimes my purse. I mix it up a bit. I don't want anyone to see me doing a routine thing, and knock me in the head, you know? So, yesterday, I'm on my way to the cashier's office, using my purse. I get stopped by a few chatty students who recognize me. It's great to be liked, but I had to cut the convos short, since I had over $5,000.00 in my bag...jeesh!

* The asshole fire alarm went off on Tuesday...right in the middle of the busy crowded lunch rush. The law requires that we get everyone out of the building ASAP...so, we had to let around 30 - 40 people go with FREE food in their hands! Talk about a loss of money! And to top it off - it was a fucking drill - not a real fire threat! My bosses were pissed. They are suppose to talk to someone to see why they decided to do a drill at that inoportuned time...duh!



01:06 Sep 09 2011

People should not excuse their poor behavior by blaming it on their stressful lives. It's absurd.

I'm sorry he was a douchebag to you, despite his apology.

17:48 Sep 09 2011

I'm sorry that asshole was so assy to you. :(

18:08 Sep 09 2011

He apologized, that's what matters. We all have bad days.



23:02 Sep 08 2011
Times Read: 1,545

Welcome Isis101

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Great Sire

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81.06 days

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21% of the next level.

Yah! I got my mark back! Thanks, Moonie!

(Our coven mistress had too many marked, so she stripped all marks for awhile, to figure out who should get them, as she could only do a few)...




03:38 Sep 07 2011
Times Read: 1,557

Um...so yeah...If you don't pay your bills, shit gets turned off.



18:21 Sep 07 2011

God...that's the WORST feeling in the world too...



Priest of the Month.

05:43 Sep 01 2011
Times Read: 1,476

September 2011


This particular one had to remove his robe, loosen his collar, and relax a bit.



09:03 Sep 01 2011

Phew...well...so did I...kinda hawt...I think I need to say a prayer.

15:28 Sep 01 2011

Omg where do you find these?

22:16 Sep 02 2011

Mmm... have mercy. ;)

06:43 Sep 16 2011

Where do I find them? It's a Vatican secret...if I told you, I'd have to kill you.

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