xRosex's Journal

xRosex's Journal


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16 entries this month

22:22 Jul 31 2013
Times Read: 470

I made a new friend at the library. They said they didn't know much about ukes but they'd help me if we ever meet up. In the mean time, I've been trying to play creep. My cats don't like it. lol I scare them by playing whenever they go near the AC. It's the coolest!

I'm finally wearing the new earrings also. I love them so much.

I ate really well today. Fried eggplant sandwich with chips, salad, corn, rice and beans, a banana, a corn muffin and other stuff. Then we got free ice cream. xD And coffee with cookies. I'm gonna explode. I have the best luck with food.



00:32 Aug 01 2013

I thought of you today when I was looking up a guitar tab, I found ukelele chords for Avenged Sevenfold lol


19:51 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 478

Woo! I was having so much fun last night, strumming along on my little Uke. :) I still need to learn. I'm about to print out a chord guide and only one music sheet. I want to learn a song. >_> (Creep) Haha

What made me want a Uke in the first place? Many reasons. Like Amanda fuckin' Palmer! Yay! She made it look so easy in her songs. And Garfunkel and Oates (the comedy duo). I want to be as funny as those guys one day. :P If I ever write anything.

I think I have raw talent. I just wish I knew what I was doing. Also wish I had internet. I can't play in the library.

I have almost the rest of the week off, anyway. Boo. So, I'll make some time for it. It's my first instrument. When I was in the 3rd grade I tried a clarinet but that didn't last long at all. It was only because the school made me do it. I hated it. I don't want to blow anything. Would totally be a lipstick killer, man. I did at one point either want to try the drums or strings but people never believed I was any good at it so I stuck to art all my life.

I'm 22 and I feel this need, this want, to learn and I'm not as afraid. I suppose I might have hidden away from new things for too long. It's time to explore. :)



20:05 Jul 29 2013

I love that song. So easy to play on Uke!

Simple four chord progression. The Uke is so fun to play because it's easy. Once you get the hang of it you can play the chords to any song.

Good luck!

23:45 Jul 29 2013

It's wholly yours. :)

I find it's best to start out by plucking the strings for different sounds. Getting to know what it sounds like where. Play little ditties you made up. It's fun. ;D


19:31 Jul 28 2013
Times Read: 497

He gave me 3 presents. I had an odd feeling, I don't know why, but it was this feeling that he'd buy me a ring. xD He did. LOL Beautiful steel ring too. Thing is, it didn't fit. haha Seems as if nothing fits me these days. Everything slips off. I've got teeny-tiny hands. We agreed that I'd put it on a chain and wear it. Was a wolf. :)

He also got me beautiful earrings with blue stones and a spike in the back. I adore them and at the same time, I'm scared to wear them. I'd hate myself if I lost one. I plan to wear it next time we go out. :D

Last gift was a T-shirt, which is also too big for me. lol Looks like a lot of fun. It's some sort of shirt where you can tap on it and play the drums. I made so many jokes like how, now I can molest myself. xD

We ate tons, and had the best cake ever. Butter cream frosting with cannoli cream on the inside and nuts on the outside and omg, I could just eat the whole thing. I wish I could. My darn smaller belly won't let me. >:[

We went to the village after and chilled at Washington Square Park. Cause I was broke, lol.

I was sorta pissed that I didn't get my pay yet. I assume it'll take another week. Ugh. These work weeks eat up my time. The New Yorker in me goes nuts with counting the hours.

I got my uke today. I hope to try playing at home. It's rainy out.



19:36 Jul 28 2013

Ukelele! Yay! And that cake sounds delicious!

19:45 Jul 28 2013

Awww, glad you had a wonderful day :)

22:42 Jul 28 2013

aw yay rose! you deserve it :D


00:33 Jul 24 2013
Times Read: 504

Things are slowly getting better. Even when I fuck up. God damn, please don't let me fuck up again.

I've learned so much with working on real people. And I'm not afraid, which is the oddest thing. o.o I used to. Now it's like, everyone asks if I'm a nurse or something, lol. I so ain't. I'm below you cool dudes. :P




20:26 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 521

Nice hot day. Just the way I love it. >:)

Just finished my temp job. About to do more next week.

With so many days off now, I wish I could get a second job. God knows I need the money for all the backed up bills. xD

Although I may be an HHA, I don't have my HHA papers, so I can't apply for more jobs as such till 6 months from now. Which I'd love to do.

Now to end the day doing chores. How exciting. Not. >.>

Yo quiero cerveza.



01:08 Jul 20 2013

Rose, you and your beer! haha


22:57 Jul 17 2013
Times Read: 529

I love my job. :)

Why didn't I do this sooner?!? D: Lol

I can't wait till next week so I can do more.

Also, I can't wait till I can afford internet again. xD I really want to update my art projects.




20:08 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 539

Hell yeah. I got free cake from somewhere on my way home. >.> Awesome day. :D And doughnuts too. >:D

Oh, today was my first day of work as an HHA. It was more than easy but on the other hand, not enough hours yet. I can't wait till I really start next week.



20:32 Jul 16 2013

Today was never destined to go wrong, well, not when doughnuts are involved.

21:19 Jul 16 2013

Woot woot donuts!!!

01:59 Jul 17 2013

I am so happy that it's work you're confident with. :D


21:11 Jul 15 2013
Times Read: 555

An update- I passed my finals with 100%. Finished it in 5 minutes, seriously. All 86 questions. Got the highest score. Had a good Friday. :)

I start work tomorrow, temporary, BUT, I will *Hopefully* keep the job I get next week. Lots of travel time and, well, time wise, you may not see much of me.

We didn't see Cheap Trick last Friday. We went there, but it was pouring with rain for too long and the BF wanted to go home before he got sick. :( I feel really bad. I also feel bad because I drank. And he doesn't drink. I don't drink either but... What can I say, one thing lead to another, I end up crashing parties and it was a nice cold drink. ._. This is the 4th weekend I've gotten drunk. xP Study hard on the week, party hard for the weekend. lol This is a phase, I assure you. (Next week is Lynyrd Skynyrd, but believe it or not, I'm not much of a fan so I dunno if I wanna go.)

My life is falling apart and getting back together at the same time. I can't get into details. I might lose a lot and at the same time, I have a job! Woohoo!

My teacher loved me so much. She made sure I got a good case. She kept telling me how much she wanted me to become a nurse. So what do you think... Should I? I seem to really enjoy this work so far. I'm scared about college. I will be paying for an education and I'd hate to fail. Failing is one of my biggest fears, but I'll never know unless I try. Maybe I can save up for it and start college next year. Me, a nurse? Hmmm.

Some of my fellow students wanted to thank me for helping them over the past 3 weeks. I got a good breakfast. xD Coffee, cake, chips. I bet I gained weight from all this partying and fun filled breakfasts. xD

It's so strange though, how people can be so nice when life is so hard. And for once, I don't feel guilty for accepting this unconditional love. I am grateful for it. I don't feel like I owe anyone anything, I feel like now is my time to accept open hands and that I've had enough suffering. I'm ready to step up and fix my life, even if it takes help from random kind strangers. The power of people is amazing and I hope to one day build up on that.



00:49 Jul 16 2013

You rock hun. Well done .. x

02:10 Jul 16 2013

You'd make a great nurse!

04:28 Jul 16 2013

YAY! Awesome work :D

Nursing is a job where there will always be openings. Do it, especially if you like it. Yes it will cost, but it will give you long term security.

Besides you'll rock it to the bank :)

And help people to boot! Win-win!

05:17 Jul 16 2013

Good for you! Yeah!

18:30 Jul 16 2013

Congrats Rose!!! I'm so proud of you, look at you go :D So happy for you that things are working out at this end. Nursing takes a certain kind of person, you are that kind of person :)

21:18 Jul 16 2013

You are amazing. Don't ever forget that;) xoxo


19:59 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 566

today went very well. Got there an hour early and took care pf people. Tomorrow are my finals.

I don't know if I'll enjoy myself over the weekend. Something's come up. /:



21:33 Jul 11 2013

Forget the weekend and nail those finals. Good luck with it all.


21:51 Jul 09 2013
Times Read: 585

My new friends are so sweet. But nothing fills the hole in my heart like this place. I hate such short library time. :(



05:20 Jul 10 2013

I go to message you two, three times a day but I dunno what to say. I'll think of something and then it's a small message and I wish I could write more. D:

I am gonna send you a huge 10,000 word message one day. You'll see. ;P

21:22 Jul 10 2013

I dare you. Lol


21:42 Jul 09 2013
Times Read: 586

3 days left. Day off tomorrow. Nursing home on Thursday and final test on Friday. Friday I'm going to see Cheap Trick, live for free. And Monday we start job stuff. Getting it organized to which cases I take on and all that crap.

I hope I get a job from them right away. I really need it.

I've been thinking about that last entry. What if... I don't get any bod mods and save up for a Ukulele? >_>

I don't know how to play anything musical but for some reason it's been bugging me. I want to play. I want to play it in the streets! And I have no idea how! Haha...

If anyone has any helpful videos, post them here, please. lol



14:06 Jul 10 2013

Get a ukulele! No idea how to play, but I'm sure YouTube is a wealth of information.


21:23 Jul 07 2013
Times Read: 603

Hmm. My birthday is almost here. I can't believe time flies so fast. I doubt anyone will care. I'm pretty much used to mine being horrible. But... I do want to invite someone for once. We'll see how that goes.

Mostly I want to buy myself something. It's been almost a year since I got any bod mods. I'd love a few more holes in my head. I need that like I need a hole in the head, yes plz. LOL But the family wants cake. We'll see what I can afford by then.

Then there's something I also want, that no amount of money could buy. Hmmm. That's for me to know, so hmmm. :P



21:35 Jul 07 2013

Happy Birth Day.

03:48 Jul 08 2013



What mods do you want? o:

18:22 Jul 08 2013

It's a tentacle isn't it.

21:30 Jul 08 2013

Haha! For srs, I went to a Japanese store 2 days ago and they sold a tentacle there. xD I don't eat seafood but it was like, "OOoooo! TENTACLE! :D"

I want a nose ring so bad. D: But... I'm nervous about it because I might not be able to have it with my job. Also, I'm poor as fuck and might stay poor as fuck for my birthday, so... I might settle for cake and make everyone else happy. Maybe it's better if I hold off to waiting for the hoildays to treat myself to bod mods.

04:37 Jul 10 2013

Happy belated! :)


20:51 Jul 07 2013
Times Read: 608

More than a few people have asked if I was someone else when chilling outside. Heh. Shit man, I'm not "Star" or "Jessica", or any other name, I'm Rose. The Artist Rose! The one and only.

Life has been weird. I can't talk about it. >.>

Let's just call it a "phase". Yeah, that's it, a phase. >.>

Oh! Another update on myself- One week left! :)

We have to travel to a nursing home for part of it and I don't know when that will be. We'll have details on where to go by Monday. I just hope I don't get grouped in with the people I hate.

Not going to give details on how it goes though, cause I don't breach privacy like that. Not cool, yo'.




15:31 Jul 06 2013
Times Read: 624

The bullying never stops. Every day it's the same thing and the teacher hates it. But it's all good. I know I'm a better person and that I only have one week left. My final is next week and then we have to go over real skills, not just text books.

I've made a few friends. :) I sort of tutor them so that they do better and in return they end up getting me breakfast. xD Such nice people.

The 4th of July passed. I ended up sleeping all day. No library was open. And meh, I know I'm over it but there's someone I miss dearly so I've never been one to celebrate.

The day before that I had fun and the day after, which was yesterday, we traveled to a party and well, I had fun there as well. We ended up getting home so late that we said fuck it, we should go back out and wait till the library opened. I slept on a park bench. lol



19:47 Jul 06 2013

I honestly think they're jealous. Not only because you're more composed than them, but because... well. You're smart, well-educated and good lookin' (;3).

They're more than likely more than a little intimidated by you. We fear what we don't understand, and sometimes that fear turns into hate.

01:52 Jul 07 2013

What Katie said!


21:46 Jul 02 2013
Times Read: 649

The most hilarious thing happened today.

My bully was back. After the tests, she started with her ghetto friends on how bad I 'smelled'. Which is pretty much a false statement. It was a ruse to project prejudice against me. I take over two showers a day, use deorderent and you get the idea, typical hygiene. They hate me for a few reasons, one being that I'm one of the brightest people in class. Always getting high scores and they also don't like some races. Including the teacher, who is Russian and has an accent. A teacher who can read better than they can pronounce or spell words.

Yes I had become the teacher's pet and she's defended me. :) Lol

That's the story behind today, now for me to finish it:

The bully asks if she can speak to me outside. I, knowing what it was about, say "no". (My train of thought being- 1. Never let a bully have control over you. They have no authority to make you do anything you don't want to do. 2. Never let yourself become hurt in a situation where you could become cornered and alone with the person. That is when they'd have a chance to really pick a fight, which is unwanted on my part.)

By saying no, I went on with my school work, keeping my nose in my books. The bully then exploded about how bad I smelled. Although I remained calm, I felt a panic attack arise. I have got to work on my stage fright. Heh. She made a scene. I flashed a smile, viewing her white pants and said, "You've got something on you." (BHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!)

She became so embarrassed and frustrated that she walked out talking about me and left to go home. The ghetto group of friends explaining that it's all my fault for outing her about her period. Really? Pray tell, how I could do such a thing? I am not mother nature, I am not God, nor am I a creature of supernatural abilities. I am just a Jewish girl of many mixed races, enjoying her classes. BUT I didn't fight it, or explained such, I just smiled the rest of the time spent there. Besides, the bully was most likely smelling herself till she went mad.



21:54 Jul 02 2013


22:48 Jul 02 2013

HA. Payback is a bitch; and she has worse coming to her, I'm sure.

15:40 Jul 03 2013


23:37 Jul 03 2013



21:54 Jul 01 2013
Times Read: 657

My weekend was nice. I saw the fireworks, went to the village last Saturday. Ate a lot of junk. Oh yeah, really happy girl.

Today classes went better. Mostly because my bully was absent, along with another bully. I can't help it if I look Jewish when I have my 'professional look'. (Meaning no tattoos/piercings, red lipstick, normal glasses... you get the picture.) The sad part is that it's a highly Jewish neighborhood. lol The people they're working for are Jewish. xD Oh well! That's irony for you! I just put up with it for 2 more weeks and then I'll be ready to work. :)

It's also funny to hide my tattoo. It's the exact size of a band-aid on my neck. In a cute way, it's hiding something bloody, haha.



02:20 Jul 02 2013

Ummm aren't you Jewish? So what if you look Jewish, especially if you are...that's like making fun of a black person for being black.

Oh wait, there are those people. They're called idiots ;)

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